
How to beat/farm Blair Flannigan Lvl 40 [Unlock Event]

Duel Links Blair Flannigan Lvl 40 [Unlock Event], decks to farm Blair Flannigan Lvl 40 [Unlock Event].
update 18/05/2020

D/D/D Farm

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaD/D Swirl SlimeD/D Swirl SlimeD/D Swirl SlimeD/D/D Dragon King PendragonD/D/D Dragon King Pendragon
D/D/D Dragon King PendragonD/D NighthowlD/D NighthowlD/D NighthowlDark Contract with the GateDark Contract with the Gate
Dark Contract with the GateDark Contract with the Swamp KingDark Contract with the Swamp KingDark Contract with the Swamp KingShooting Star Bow - CealDark Contract with the Witch
Dark Contract with the WitchDark Contract with the Witch-D/D/D Dragonbane King BeowulfD/D/D Oracle King d ArcD/D/D Oracle King d Arc
[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand. Your first Draw will be skipped if you use this Skill.

Plasma Union Farm

Example Deck

Destiny HERO - PlasmaDarkflare DragonWinged KuribohWinged KuribohWinged KuribohKuriboh
KuribohGravekeepers VassalCosmic CompassCosmic CompassCosmic CompassThe Flute of Summoning Kuriboh
The Flute of Summoning KuribohThe Flute of Summoning KuribohUnion AttackUnion AttackCards from the SkyCards from the Sky
Cards from the SkySecret Pass to the Treasures----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Bring It!
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1000. Return 1 card from your hand to the Deck; then, add 1 Level 8 Dark Warrior-Type monster from your deck.
Aster Phoenix
Aster Phoenix


  • Looking at Blair's deck, the cards she has that could possibly disrupt your farm strategy are all monster cards. This makes Destiny HERO = Plasma's mass negation very effective. And after stealing any of Blair's monster's, except Ryko or Maiden, makes him strong enough to not be run over by Blair's monsters.
  • Stall with Kuriboh and Winged Kuriboh. Search then with Flute of Summoning Kuriboh.
  • When Blair has 2 or more monsters, summon Cosmic Compass and Special Summon 2 tokens. Use them all as tribute for Destiny HERO - Plasma.
  • With Plasma on the field you have no use for the stall cards. Search Winged Kuriboh to your hand with Flute of Summoning Kuriboh and use it as cost for Cards from the Sky.
  • On your final turn, banish Winged Kuriboh and Kuriboh in your graveyard to Special Summon Darkflare Dragon.
  • Normal Summon Gravekeeper's Vassal and use 2 Union Attacks and Secret Pass to the Treasures on him.

Aromage Farm

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaAromage CanangaAromage JasmineAromage JasmineAromaseraphy AngelicaAromage Bergamot
Aromage MarjoramAromage RosemaryAromage RosemaryAromage RosemaryAroma GardeningAroma Gardening
Aroma GardeningAroma GardenAroma GardenLight-Imprisoning MirrorDried WindsDried Winds
Blessed WindsBlessed WindsBlessed Winds---
Samurai DestroyerArchfiends CallArchfiends CallAromaseraphy RosemaryAromaseraphy RosemaryMist Bird Clausolas
[Skill] descriptionUser
LP Boost α
Increases starting Life Points by 1000.
Jack Atlas
Jack Atlas


  • Play this like how you would a regular Aromage deck but be careful not to defeat Blair with your Aromages. Watch out for Bergamot's pierce effect.
  • Light-Imprisoning Mirror completely shuts down Blair's deck. It prevents her from milling through her deck with Lightsworns, prevents removal effects by Celestia and Lyla, and stops Maiden in Love from spreading counters.
  • Aromage decks are naturally good at gaining LP with their Spell/Trap cards. Aromaseraphy Angelica gains you a lot of LP when you target a boosted Bergamot.
  • Dried Winds and attacking into Blair's monsters can help slow down her milling before you get Light-Imprisoning Mirror.
  • You must have 3 monsters on the field before your final turn.
  • On your final turn, summon The Winged Dragon of Ra and give him your accumulated LP.

Lunalight Farm

Example Deck

Lunalight Yellow MartenLunalight Yellow MartenLunalight Purple ButterflyGravekeepers VassalLunalight Emerald BirdLunalight Emerald Bird
Lunalight Emerald BirdLunalight Crimson FoxLunalight Crimson FoxLunalight Crimson FoxLunalight White RabbitUnion Attack
Union AttackPolymerizationLunalight FusionLunalight FusionLunalight FusionStop Defense
Lunalight Reincarnation DanceLunalight Reincarnation Dance-Lunalight Sabre DancerLunalight Sabre DancerLunalight Cat Dancer
[Skill] descriptionUser
Master of Fusion
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1000. Return 1 card from your hand to your Deck and add 1 "Polymerization" to your hand from outside of your Deck. This Skill can only be used twice per Duel.
Aster Phoenix
Aster Phoenix


  • Fusion Summon Lunalight Sabre Dancer and use it high ATK to stall.
  • Emerald Bird is the best at searching your Fusion Spell. Discard Yellow Marten with this effect to get another search.
  • Crimson Fox can be banished to protect against Blair's targeting removal. (Celestia and Ryko)
  • White Rabbit and Yellow Marten's revival effects make them great fusion material.
  • Thin your deck with Lunalight Reincarnation Dance.
  • You should have 2 Sabre Dancers before your final turn.
  • As a backup plan in case your Lunalight Sabre Dancer is destroyed, Fusion Summon Lunalight Cat Dancer during your final turn and boost her attack by banishing Lunalight Sabre Dancer in your graveyard.
  • Normal Summon Gravekeeper's Vassal and use 2 Union Attack on him. and change one of Blair's weakest monsters to attack position with Stop Defense.

Magician Girl Farm

Standard Version

Chocolate Magician GirlChocolate Magician GirlChocolate Magician GirlBerry Magician GirlBerry Magician GirlBerry Magician Girl
Fortune Fairy CheeFortune Fairy CheeFortune Fairy CheeGravekeepers VassalLemon Magician GirlLemon Magician Girl
Lemon Magician GirlFuture FusionUnion AttackWonder WandWonder WandWonder Wand
Magicalized FusionSecret Pass to the Treasures--Quintet MagicianQuintet Magician
[Skill] descriptionUser
Draw Sense: Earth
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1500. During your Draw Phase, instead of conducting your normal draw, draw a random EARTH-attribute monster.
Joey Wheeler
Joey Wheeler

Budget Version

Fortune Lady DarkFortune Lady DarkBerry Magician GirlBerry Magician GirlFortune Fairy CheeFortune Fairy Chee
Fortune Fairy CheeApple Magician GirlApple Magician GirlApple Magician GirlGravekeepers VassalLemon Magician Girl
Lemon Magician GirlUnion AttackWonder WandWonder WandWonder WandMagicalized Fusion
Magicalized FusionSecret Pass to the Treasures--Quintet MagicianQuintet Magician
[Skill] descriptionUser
Draw Sense: Fire
Can be used each time your Life Points decrase by 1500. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random Fire attribute monster.
Yami Marik
Yami Marik


  • This deck uses the draw power of Fortune Fairy Chee, and the search power of Magician Girls to get to your key cards quicker than Blair can deck out.
  • When Magician Girls are attacked, you can Special Summon Fortune Fairy Chee to draw a card and stall.
  • Chocolate cycles your deck, Berry can pull a minimum of 2 Magician Girls out of your deck, Lemon searches a Magician Girl from your deck, and Apple lets you continue stalling by retrieving Magician Girls from your graveyard.
  • Equip Wonder Wand to any of your monsters and send it to the graveyard to draw 2 cards. Best used on Fortune Fairy Chee because she is does not do anything staying on the field.
  • On the final turn, your graveyard should have enough Spellcasters to make 2 Quintet Magicians using Magicalized Fusion.
  • Normal Summon Gravekeeper's Vassal and use Union Attack and Secret Pass to the Treasures on him.

Superheavy Samurai Synchro Farm

Standard Version

Obelisk the TormentorSuperheavy Samurai WagonSuperheavy Samurai WagonSuperheavy Samurai SoulpiercerSuperheavy Samurai SoulpiercerSuperheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker
Superheavy Samurai SoulpeacemakerSuperheavy Samurai SoulpeacemakerSuperheavy Samurai Big WarajiSuperheavy Samurai Big WarajiSuperheavy Samurai Big WarajiSuperheavy Samurai Gigagloves
Superheavy Samurai GigaglovesSuperheavy Samurai Soulshield WallSuperheavy Samurai Soulshield WallSuperheavy Samurai TrumpeterSuperheavy Samurai TrumpeterSuperheavy Samurai Fist
UnityLight-Imprisoning Mirror----
Superheavy Samurai Stealth NinjaSuperheavy Samurai Stealth NinjaSuperheavy Samurai Stealth NinjaSuperheavy Samurai Swordmaster MusashiSuperheavy Samurai Swordmaster MusashiSuperheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Titan Showdown
Whichever player has double or more LP than the other takes double battle damage.
Rex Raptor
Rex Raptor

Video (1.5x Speed)


  • Light-Imprisoning Mirror completely shuts down Blair's deck. It prevents her from milling through her deck with Lightsworns, prevents removal effects by Celestia and Lyla, and stops Maiden in Love from spreading counters.
  • Let Blair hit you once so your LP is lower than hers, preparing your skill.
  • After that Synchro Summon any Superheavy Samurai monster in defense position to stall.
  • Thin your deck with Wagon, Soulpiercer, and Soulpeacemaker.
  • Flutist protects against Celestia and Ryko before you get Light-Imprisoning Mirror.
  • Use Gigagloves to arrange the top of your deck so you get Obelisk the Tormentor earlier.
  • Immediately summon Obelisk the Tormentor as soon as you get him so you will still have enough turns to make Superheavy Samurai Stealth Ninja.
  • Make Stealth Ninja by Special Summoning Big Waraji and pairing him with a level-2 Tuner, usually a Special Summoned Trumpeter.
  • Use Unity on your Stealth Ninja and equip it with Soulshield to boost its defense. Attack directly, and with Titan Showdown active, you should reach 9999+ damage.

Yubel Montage Farm

Example Deck

Yubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - Terror IncarnateYubel - Terror IncarnateYubel - Terror Incarnate
YubelYubelMontage DragonFire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar Yaksha
Planet PathfinderPlanet PathfinderFire King IslandFire King IslandFire King IslandShard of Greed
Shien's SpyLight-Imprisoning Mirror--------

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
My Name is Yubel
Once per turn, shuffle "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" or "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare" from your hand into deck, and add 1 "Yubel" from your deck to your hand.


  • Search Yubel with your skill.
  • Use one Planet Pathfinder to search Fire King Island. Keep the other Planet Pathfinder in your hand.
  • Destroy Yubel in your hand with Fire King Island or Fire King Avatar Yaksha to Special Summon Yubel - Terror Incarnate from your deck.
  • Yubel - Terror Incarnate constantly destroying her monsters slows down her milling.
  • Light-Imprisoning Mirror completely shuts down Blair's deck. It prevents her from milling through her deck with Lightsworns, prevents removal effects by Celestia and Lyla, and stops Maiden in Love from spreading counters.
  • Keep 3 Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare in your hand.
  • You can set Shien's Spy if your hand gets full.
  • On the final turn, Normal Summon Planet Pathfinder and give it to your opponent with Shien's Spy.
  • Special Summon Montage Dragon by discarding 3 Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare and attack into Planet Pathfinder.

Cloudian Ra Farm

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of HeavenCloudian - AltusCloudian - Altus
Cloudian - AltusCloudian - CirrostratusCloudian - CirrostratusCloudian - CirrostratusGolden LadybugThe Sanctuary in the Sky
The Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the SkyDivine PunishmentDivine PunishmentDivine PunishmentLight-Imprisoning Mirror
Jar of GreedJar of Greed----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Fairy's Smile
If you normal draw a Fairy-Type monster card during the Draw Phase, the card is shown to the opponent and you recover 1000 Life Points.
Jesse Anderson
Jesse Anderson


  • Gain LP every turn with Golden Ladybug. This deck can work even when using only one Golden Ladybug because with Light-Imprisoning Mirror prevents Blair from running through her 30 card deck, giving you lots of turns to accumulate LP. You can run more Golden Ladybug by replacing Jar of Greed.
  • Stall with any attack position Cloudian monster and The Sanctuary in the Sky.
  • Search Sanctuary in the Sky with Zeradias the Herald of Heaven, even if you already control a Field Spell, to thin your deck.
  • Light-Imprisoning Mirror completely shuts down Blair's deck. It prevents her from milling through her deck with Lightsworns, prevents removal effects by Celestia and Lyla, and stops Maiden in Love from spreading counters.
  • Divine Punishment is used to negate Blair's removal effects while you don't control Light-Imprisoning Mirror. After getting Light-Imprisoning Mirror, Divine Punishment should be used to negate Spell/Traps that mill her deck like Solar Recharge, Charge of the Light Brigade, and Glorious Illusion.
  • On your final turn, summon The Winged Dragon of Ra and give him your accumulated LP.

Blair Flannigan Lvl 40 Decklist

Blair Flannigan Drop Rewards


Hot New Top
Card replacement for light imprisoning mirror?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
A simple beat stick deck with DNA transplant and shadow imprisoning mirror
King oracle + ra = 9k+
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Oracle D'Arc makes the Contracts increase your LP instead of damaging your LP
<< Anonymous(D•man)
Anonymous Reply
deck please...
<< Anonymous(D•man)
Anonymous Reply
poor blair lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
For f2p farming
1 x Winged Dragon of Ra
1 x D/D Slime
2 x D/D Night Howl
3 x D/D/D Dragon King Pendragon
1 x D/D Vice Typhon
2 x D/D Berfamut
1 x Dark Contract With the Swamp King
1 x Dark Contract With the Gate
2 x Dark Contract With the Witch
2 x Polymerization
Extra deck:
2 x D/D/D Oracle King D'arc
1 x D/D/D Dragonbane King Beowulf
Now thats just the minimum add whatever support cards you have
What kind of imb&cile gives lightsworn to a event character?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
To those who don' have light imprisoning rhis is the deck.
Winged Dragon RA Farm Deck Works too

Last turn:

Assessment Score:

Drop Rates:

Event Score:


If you don't know how to use deck watch the video:
<< Anonymous(Nice(six))
Anonymous Reply
very slow deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Does this deck work anymore? also I need decent deck to complete Blair Event fast.
Can anyone please make a video or suggest how to farm Blair using lunalights. I am not able to deal with Ryko(as it do not target) and Gragonith as its attack become huge to defeat my SaberDancer
Someone please suggest how can Blair be farmed using Lunalight deck mentioned above
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lunalight Sabre Dancer
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
worked great got 2 sabre dancer out and got pathetic 4000 points. realy helpful and indepth explenation you got there /s
How to Farming Blair Flannigan's Lv 40 with Magician Girl Yugioh Duel Link
The Aroma deck doesn't need Dried Winds, it's useless.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Haha he wasted his gems.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What gems?
just use yubel plus montage dragon with leadgermain spell card. easy and good to go
Note that Yubel + Montage does have the unfortunate requirement of requiring Blair not fill her board.

Turns out if you're particularly unlucky, she'll fill her board with Summoners and mill her entire deck.

I wasted 3000 points because I had to attack into her Summoner with my Montage Dragon.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
man, i just experienced this today.
all my farm today resulting in her milling her deck dry. so, i guess its not about unlucky or not, but more to yubel montage not a valid farm anymore i guess.
do you have any budget deck to farm her to replace montage yubel?
montage yubel is always my fav when i can farm with it. it just need little to no alteration at all. thats why i like it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What are you talking about? Incarnate clears her field every turn...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well if you draw into light imprisoning mirror early she won't be able to deck out fire kings island first effect sangan and planet pathfinder will help thinning your deck faster so that you can draw into light imprisoning mirror
Wouldn't 3 copies of DNA surgery be a better choice to affect her deck? I'm using the montage deck, but she runs out of cards before I do.
<< Anonymous(StillDeckingOut)
Anonymous Reply
You mean running Buster Blader fusion to negate their milling effect?

Yes, that can work.

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