
Dried Winds | Deck and Rulings

This page notes details of Dried Winds (Trap Card/Continuous) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 24/03/2020

Dried Winds

Dried Winds
TypeTrap Card
Card Effect TypeTrigger-like Effect / Quick-like Effect / Condition
Supports ArchetypesAroma


If you gain LP: Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; destroy it. If you control an "Aroma" monster and your LP is at least 3000 higher than your opponent's: You can pay LP equal to the difference; destroy face-up monsters your opponent controls whose combined ATK is less than or equal to the LP you paid to activate this effect. You can only use each effect of "Dried Winds" once per turn.

How to Get

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Card trader--







Aromage Synchro Deck



Monster/Spell/Trap categoriesDestroys your opponent's face-up Monster Cards
LPPays Life Points for cost


Why Dried Winds doesn't work with Fairy's Smile skill?

Is there a difference between gain and recover LP?
<< Anonymous(DarkTama)
Anonymous Reply
No, but there is a difference between gain LP through skills and gain LP through cards.
Why this thing can destroy my Metaphys Tyrant Dragon even though I already summoned him with his effect, it's should be immune to any traps right?
Unpopular card but I always defeat Lunalight Sabre Dancer and win the game with this card.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Rose archer is actually a really good idea. I think I might want to try it with a non-synchro version even though I said I didn't want to at first. Sometimes it does feel like I get humid when I don't want it. So maybe I should try cutting one out. Thanks for the advice.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah humid is actually good early, but when you start to set-up your board it start to become useless just clogging your field. if you start to maintain 1 or two jasmine on the game you'll more likely draw the cards you need to not really much help for humid to stay on the field since you're drawing cards in either players turn in addition to your normal draw.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
One thing you can do with it if dried winds is out and you have no other way to recover lp during the middle of their turn is pay 1000 to make your lp lower then immediately use the recovery effect and then dried winds to destroy a monster. The duels can get long. I added rose archer to make the deck 21 so I could still have synchro. Idk I saw other 21 card aromage decks. So far it is okay.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah that's why I said its humid winds is good early game. But when you start to establish a good board it starts to become a dead card. Once you get 1000 or more LP above your opponent humid wind dies.
Haha i will Play it with "Childs Play!" your Opponent summons a Monster? Destroy it XD
<< Anonymous(Lol)
Anonymous Reply
how does it severely backfire?
Dried Winds only destroy your opponent's face up monster and not your own monster
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Because once you flip Dried Winds face-up, each turn you'll always be forced to destroy first monster your opponent summons. Your opponent will be able to bait this effect easily leaving you defenseless for the rest of the turn. To use Dried Winds effectively you must be able to control when to trigger it.
<< Anonymous
EDIT: Reply
"each turn you'll always be forced to destroy first monster your opponent summons"
I assumed that your opponent's field is empty, but the point still is that it will always trigger with the first summon each turn.
<< Anonymous(EDIT:)
Anonymous Reply
It depends on which deck your opponent is playing.
This combo only works well against non swarming decks
op card
Oh and yeah this is technically generic.

Darklords having more than Desire for spot removal, but now Spell Speed 2?
Spellbooks teching Spell Absorption so Fate doesn't have to "carry" as much?
Vampire comeback attempt (probably not)?
Parasite decks trying out something new to be even more annoying?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nothing better to do than trash talk? This originally followed thoughts about the card in relation to Aromage, but that post vanished (probably too long).

This was an "afterthought" kind of post. As in, just throwing ideas for the heck of it. Not saying "yes do this". Question marks denote that you morons.
<< Anonymous
yea nice guuys gimmmy sum flame war flame war is coool i luv flamware
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The first reply is right adding this to any of those decks is a waste of time just play literally any generic destruction spell/trap way less set up same results. That being said the Darklord idea isn’t bad but that’s only if there trap card wasn’t limited to 1
Was very much needed for Aromas.

Sure, you had some SS2 options to disrupt plays before, but for archetype cards that would amount to a position change or like a niche continuous trap reset/un-equipping.
And between mediocre traps (Absorbing Life), a gimmicky handtrap (Angelica), and Child's Play (mandatory, so can be played around) it was debatable even trying to build with that in mind.

Now with even more Winds (Humid & Blessed), Aroma got a huge power spike. It's not gonna help against something like the Dark Magician match-up, but this does make me less worried about the Gladiator Beast one as I wasn't sure what I was gonna do against them post-new support. And this eases up some others as well, like making topdeck Shiranui Squire into Sage less annoying.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I usually play everything with heavy traps lol (like floodgate, fiendish chain, drowning, canadia) and rose archer.
This is actually a very nice card. The first effect is generic and can be used by any deck that has LP gain cards, while the second destruction effect, while needing "Aroma" monster, does not target and can destroy multiple monsters.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
cyber stein

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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