
Dried Winds | Deck and Rulings

Unpopular card but I always defeat Lunalight Sabre Dancer and win the game with this card.
Lunalight sabre dancer can't be targeted, so dried winds wouldn't work on it.
<< Anonymous
Unless the second effect doesn't target? Is that what you meant?
<< Anonymous
Yeah the second effect does not target at all, they sometimes rage quit coz maybe they dont expect it. Once Aromage start rolling they are hard to defeat. Also always activate you're traps at your opponents draw phase with all those karakuri trunade!
<< Anonymous
Aromage is easy to use, but hard to master. I once played against someone used the second effect to destroy my Sphinx while I have Fortress on the field. He/she wasted LP for nothing. Then he/she didn't take the chance to destroy my Sphinx while I replaced Fortress to Kingolem.
I would have lost if he/she was a more experienced and skilled Aromage player.
<< Anonymous
Yeah, i'm a returning player with a new account, first I played valkyries coz of how potent they are and also karma cut is in that box since my plan is to get staples first. Then I tried getting Balista at the same time saw "Serenity" somehow manage to get top 8 in MCS in DLM site so decided to give them a try while getting Balista too. So far all gems I spent as F2P are worth it.
<< Anonymous
I had sort of forgotten about the second effect since I almost never use it. I think I used it twice or three times at the most. I'm usually afraid of it. XD
<< Anonymous
I also saw the Serenity deck and decided to try cutting out the 2 solemn scolding for 2 dried winds. But I can't make myself want to get rid of the synchro altogether.
<< Anonymous
The thing to always remember is to get the effects of the traps going as fast as you can before the opponent can do stuff. The other night someone surrendered to me as soon as I played gardening. When I looked at their deck afterwards, it was also aromage. XD
<< Anonymous
Serenity's deck is a full control type I personally cut 1 humid winds for a rose archer. I did not fell too much need of humid because the only useful effect is the search (which is great by the way). I just feel like gardening, blessed and dried on board is the better control set-up. The LP gain from humid is not that great since you want your LP to be higher than you OP all the time.
<< Anonymous
Rose archer is actually a really good idea. I think I might want to try it with a non-synchro version even though I said I didn't want to at first. Sometimes it does feel like I get humid when I don't want it. So maybe I should try cutting one out. Thanks for the advice.
<< Anonymous
Yeah humid is actually good early, but when you start to set-up your board it start to become useless just clogging your field. if you start to maintain 1 or two jasmine on the game you'll more likely draw the cards you need to not really much help for humid to stay on the field since you're drawing cards in either players turn in addition to your normal draw.
<< Anonymous
One thing you can do with it if dried winds is out and you have no other way to recover lp during the middle of their turn is pay 1000 to make your lp lower then immediately use the recovery effect and then dried winds to destroy a monster. The duels can get long. I added rose archer to make the deck 21 so I could still have synchro. Idk I saw other 21 card aromage decks. So far it is okay.
<< Anonymous
Yeah that's why I said its humid winds is good early game. But when you start to establish a good board it starts to become a dead card. Once you get 1000 or more LP above your opponent humid wind dies.


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