
How to beat/farm Rex Raptor Lvl 40

This page notes level 40 Rex Raptor's deck, characteristics, and tips for defeating him.
update 15/02/2019

Updated Information

  • Amazoness Ra Farm decklist Updated

Sylvan Ra (7,000 - 8,000)

Example Deck

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Power of the Tributed
When you sucessfully Tributed Summon "The Winged of Ra", its ATK will becomes the sum of the ATK of the Tirbuted Monsters, and its DEF will becomes the sum of the Tributed Monsters.
Yami Marik
Yami Marik

Amazoness (7,000 - 8,000)

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand. Your first Draw will be skipped if you use this Skill.
Yugi Muto
Yugi Muto

Tethys deck (7,000 - 8,000+)

Skill -
Essential cards
(Box reset)
No box reset needed

Example deck

Tethys, Goddess of LightTethys, Goddess of LightHarvest Angel of WisdomHarvest Angel of WisdomHarvest Angel of WisdomElement Valkyrie
Element ValkyrieElement ValkyrieGravekeeper's VassalHysteric FairyHysteric FairyHysteric Fairy
Union AttackUnion AttackReloadReloadTransmodifyTransmodify
TransmodifySecret Pass to the Treasures----

Elements Unite! (8,000 +)

Rex's best monster is the Bracchio-raidus which can easily be overwhelmed by Gate Guardian. For more details about the deck, click the link below!

skillElements Unite!
Essential cards
ExpenseVery low
Box resetNone

Example deck

The Unhappy Girl deck

Obtainable score7,000 - 8,000
Popular skillHoly Guard
Essential cards

Example deck

Mystical Beast of SerketGravekeeper's VassalThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlRai-Mei
Rai-MeiRai-MeiSkelengelSkelengelSkelengelUnion Attack
Temple of the KingsSecret Pass to the TreasuresWindstorm of EtaquaSpell ReclamationSpell ReclamationEnchanted Javelin
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin------Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon


Summon Unhappy Girl when you have her in your hand, otherwise use the other cards to help with the draws. Set an enchanted javelin to raise your LP by setting a monster to bait an attack. Get BEUD before the last turn and summon vassal on the last turn to perform the union attack combo.

Example deck (No Union Attack)

Cú Chulainn the AwakenedThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlSkelengelSkelengel
SkelengelRai-MeiRai-MeiRai-MeiBlue-Eyes White DragonRiryoku
Shard of GreedRitual WeaponEmblem of the AwakeningSecret Pass to the TreasuresWindstorm of EtaquaEnchanted Javelin
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin----

If you don't have a union attack, simply use Cu Chulainn instead. It works similarly to the method above but Cu Chulainn can only get more than 5000 damage bonus. Use unhappy girl to stall, summon BEWD before last turn and ritual summon Cu using BEWD. Then use secret pass on Cu before buffing his attack.

Cerberus deck

Obtainable score6,000 - 7,000
Popular skill
Essential cardsMythical Beast Cerberus

Example deck

Mythical Beast CerberusRiryokuShard of GreedShard of GreedSupremacy BerryTwister
Shooting Star Bow - CealMurmur of the ForestWastelandBook of Secret ArtsBook of Secret ArtsStop Defense
Abyssal DesignatorAbyssal DesignatorTimidityBlue MedicineWindstorm of EtaquaEnchanted Javelin
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin--------


  • Use skill like Sorcery Conduit or Draw Sense: Low Level to get Cerberus into your hand by getting attacked.
  • Summon Cerberus and start using spells to increase your attack. Don't attack until you are left with 0 cards in your deck and make sure to keep a copy of Stop Defense or Shooting Star Bow - Ceal.
  • On the last turn, either use stop defense on an enemy and Riryoku or equip Cerberus with the Ceal bow if you have 11,000 attack to deal the finishing blow.

Level 40 Rex's Deck

Rex Raptor deck is very easy to counter, making it almost all farming decks to have a high consistency win rate. Rex Raptor doesn't use any annoying card to hinder farming decks like Elements Unite! , The Unhappy Girl, and even Mythical Beast Cerberus.


Cards Rex Raptor Lvl 40 drops


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Nathan Reply
Do you got a super cheap deck list?
Unhappy girl doesn't work all the time because Rex's order to charge can destroy BEUD
Could we farm Rex using kaibamam blue eyes deck?
Similar to kaiba farming?
hello anyone , have you ever lost a card? Because my card is missing, fushion gate and kaibaman.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hello, man. Maybe you have sold them, didn't you?
Unlucky at All
Good drop from Rex lvl30!
who tf rated those cards? Did they even read the card text?!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's just for skill farming
this deck with almost all duels
Oh my, elements unite deck is a 100% farming deck for level 40, because he'll never get 3800+ atk with his deck, you will always win except you do imbecile things haha

Thx GameA
<< Anonymous(Noobs)
Noobs Reply
My deck, get around 8-9k for yamyug, tea, Rex, weevil, odion
I don't see why all these Cerberus users use 1x! I fight him using Cerberus/Vassal, + Destiny Draw. I know DD is inconsistent, but I don't have DS:Light. Anyway, I recommend trying 2x Cerberus + Union Attack + Vassal + Secret Pass to Treasures (thank god it is back now). I get 8000 DA at least 50% of the time. (If you're wondering, Rex kills me before I can use DD about 2% of the time.)
This deck is also viable against Yugi(if you have DS light), Weevil, Mako and Odion.
thi is how i beat Rex Raptor Lv 40 with this deck and Draw sence: Low-level
I'm sorry, but the Cerberus deck is not doable for Level 30 Rex. He kills me before I can get the skill the come out. How exactly is he farmable? Sorry...not buying it.

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