
How to beat/farm Yubel Lvl 40

Duel Links tips to defeat Yubel Lvl 40, decks to farm Yubel Lvl 40, and rewards.
update 21/03/2019

Updated Information

  • Wonder Balloon Farm Decklist and Notes Updated

Dark Necrofear Farm

Score7,000- 8,000
Essential cards

Example Deck

This Farm deck is credited to

Dark NecrofearDark NecrofearKuribohKuribohKuribohDoomdog Octhros
Doomdog OcthrosCrass ClownCrass ClownCrass ClownFeral ImpFeral Imp
Feral ImpThree-Headed GeedoGravekeeper's VassalUnion AttackUnion AttackUnion Attack
Secret Pass to the TreasuresHey, Trunade!----
Dark NecrofearDark NecrofearKuribohKuribohKuribohDoomdog Octhros
Doomdog OcthrosCrass ClownCrass ClownCrass ClownFeral ImpFeral Imp
Feral ImpGravekeeper's VassalUnion AttackUnion AttackUnion AttackSecret Pass to the Treasures
Counter CounterCounter Counter----

Wonder Balloon

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaThunder DragonThunder DragonThunder DragonGolden LadybugGolden Ladybug
Golden LadybugSkull-Mark LadybugSkull-Mark LadybugSkull-Mark LadybugSkelengelSkelengel
SkelengelHey, Trunade!Hey, Trunade!Creature SeizureDouble SummonWonder Balloons
Wonder BalloonsWorm Bait----


  • Yubel's only monster with a non-zero attack stat is Mystic Tomato which itself has a very low attack stat. Wonder Balloons with 5 counters can make all of Yubel's monsters 0 attack.
  • Heal every turn with Golden Ladybug in your hand.
  • Thunder Dragon can be discarded to search out 2 more Thunder Dragons. This is a great way thin your deck and add fuel for your Wonder Balloons.
  • Discard Skull- Marked Ladybug for Wonder Balloon's effect to gain LP.
  • Skelengel helps you draw into your deck quicker.
  • During your final turn activate Hey, Trunade!. In response Yubel will activate all her set Limit Reverse which would fill up her monster zone.
  • Summon Golden Ladybug and special summon 2 tokens in attack position by using Worm Bait. Use Creature Seizure to give Yubel one of your tokens.
  • Use Double Summon and summon The Winged Dragon of Ra. Give The Winged Dragon of Ra all but 100 of your LP and attack into the attack position token.

Ra Farm

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaGolden LadybugGolden LadybugGolden LadybugCosmic CompassHey, Trunade!
Creature SeizureDouble SummonFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleDefense Draw
Defense DrawDefense DrawWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionDraining ShieldDraining Shield
Jar of GreedJar of Greed----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
LP Boost α
Increases starting Life Points by 1000.
Zane Truesdale
Zane Truesdale
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand. Your first Draw will be skipped if you use this Skill.
Yugi Muto
Yugi Muto
Duel, standby!
Each player's starting hand increases by 1 card. You cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards or monster effects on your first turn.
Tea Gardner
Tea Gardner


  • You will only need to use your stall traps on Mystic Tomato because every other monster Yubel controls has 0 attack.
  • Do not summon Golden Ladybug, instead keep it in your hand and heal every turn.
  • Defense Draw and Jar of Greed will allow you to draw into your deck quicker. But sometimes you do not want to draw too fast so that you have enough turns to heal with Golden Ladybug.
  • During your final turn activate Hey, Trunade!. In response Yubel will activate all her set Limit Reverse which would fill up her monster zone.
  • Summon Cosmic Compass and special summon 2 tokens in attack position. Use Creature Seizure to give Yubel one of your tokens.
  • Use Double Summon and summon The Winged Dragon of Ra. Give The Winged Dragon of Ra all but 100 of your LP and attack into the attack position token.


Score 7000++
SkillNo Skill Necessary
Essential cards

Example Deck

Gravekeeper's VassalHey, Trunade!WetlandsWetlandsWetlandsUnion Attack
Union AttackSecret Pass to the TreasuresPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic Pikaia
Paleozoic PikaiaPaleozoic PikaiaJar of GreedJar of GreedJar of GreedPaleozoic Marrella
Paleozoic MarrellaPaleozoic Marrella----


  • Use Jar of Greed, Paleozoic Pikaia and Paleozoic Marella to thin your deck.
  • Paleozoic Traps in your graveyard special summon themselves as monsters in response to other Trap cards.
  • Wetlands give your Paleozoic monsters a 1200 attack boost bringing them to 2400 attack.
  • Paleozoic monsters are not affected by Yubel's monster effects.
  • Only have 1 Paleozoic monster for most of the duel to avoid Lava Golem.
  • Use Paleozoic Canadia to stall the game and later to summon another Paleozoic monster.
  • On your final turn activate Hey, Trunade! to return all set Spell/Trap cards to the hand, in response Yubel will activate her Limit Reverse. Because Limit Reverse is a Trap card, this would allow you to special summon your Paleozoic monster from the graveyard.

Roid Union

Example Deck

SubmarineroidSubmarineroidSubmarineroidGravekeeper's VassalCrystal SeerCrystal Seer
Vehicroid Connection ZoneVehicroid Connection ZoneVehicroid Connection ZoneUnion AttackUnion AttackDifferent Dimension Capsule
Secret Pass to the TreasuresAstral Barrier--Super Vehicroid Jumbo DrillSuper Vehicroid Jumbo Drill

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Fusion Reserves - Roids
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. From your Deck, add 1 Fusion Material whose name is specially listed on a "roid" Fusion Monster card in your Extra Deck. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Syrus Truesdale
Syrus Truesdale


  • Stall by having Astral Barrier and Drillroid/Submarineroid on the field. Mystic Tomato cannot attack over them and if a Yubel monster attacks them use Astral Barrier to change it into a direct attack.
  • Do not have more than one monster on the field to avoid Lava Golem.
  • You can then stall by having Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill with defense position on the field. Because he was summoned by Vehicroid Connection Zone, he cannot be destroyed by card effects.
  • Use Crystal Seer, Different Dimension Capsule, and your skill to search out cards needed for the fusion summon.
  • During your final turn summon another Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill. Normal Summon Vassal and use Secret Pass to the Treasures and 2 Union Attack on Vassal.

Yubel Lvl 40 Decklist

Card Rewards


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I don't think I'm the first to try, but as I haven't seen this anywhere else before as a Yubel Farm strategy... (Sorry no pics)

1x Uria, Lord of Searing Flames
1x Gravekeeper's Vassal
2x Union Attack
3x Wonder Wand
1x Secret Pass to the Treasures
3x Swamp Mirror
3x Tiki Soul
3x Embodiment of Apophis
3x Quantum Cat

Extra deck:
at least 1x (Xyz monster, 2 level 4 monsters, ATK over 2200)

- Set as many Trap Monsters as you can.
-> one of the three should be Quantum Cat or Swamp Mirror
- If you draw Wonder Wand, Special Summon 1x Swamp Mirror or Quantum Cat as Spellcaster, and equip + activate Wonder Wand to draw two cards.
-> If your Wonder Wand gets hit by Ultimate Providence while you have two trap monsters, Xyz summon in defense position.
- When Yubel tries to attack you directly with Mystic Tomato, summon up to one (and only one!) trap monster in defense position.
- If you need to discard due to hand limit, discard trap cards first, they will power boost Uria at the end.

Last Turn:
- Activate up to three Trap monsters, Special Summon Uria in Attack position
-> Uria should have 10000 Attack, 10 traps in the GY.
- If you have another trap (ideally either Tiki Soul or Embodiment of Apophis), Special Summon in Attack position.
-> This will boost Gravekeeper's Vassal + Union Attack combo if you only have 9000 Attack on Uria
- Special Summon Gravekeeper's Vassal
- Use both Union Attack on Gravekeeper's Vassal (one of them might get hit by Ultimate Providence, but that's ok)
- Use Secret Pass to the Treasures on Gravekeeper's Vassal
- Use any remaining Wonder Wand on Gravekeeper's Vassal
- Attack with Gravekeeper's Vassal to finish the game
<< Anonymous(hayata-kun)
advice Reply
just play parade traps.

- negate effect monster at hand or field

- your monster unaffected by trap effect

- field spell zombie world

- then set up your board till, summon Ra, 100Lp left end the duel
<< Anonymous(hayata-kun)
hayata-kun Reply
Thanks for the reply.

I just wanted to point out that, unlike most pay-2-play Yubel farm options, it is possible to do with nearly 0 gem investment...which is probably the only benefit in the above idea.

If Ra Farm works, probably would be the best. If character/skill doesn't matter, using Joey's Last Gamble would have the same effect for 8000 rating.
<< Anonymous(hayata-kun)
hayata-kun Reply
Also forgot to point out... you could use Pegasus Mind Scan to remember where Yubel sets Ultimate Providence, then use Uria on the last turn to destroy it. Only 7500 score then, but still workable if farming for effect damage along the way.
Gravekeeper's should work too. because supernaturalist cannot be destroyed by card effects as long as necrovalley on the field. Then Vassal can inflict damage with big bang shot or stop defense because its ATK goes to 1200 due to necrovalley.
So those decks still working on her?
5G > WiFi
The best and cheapest deck to farm Yubel:
Currently using Crystal Beast with Wonder Balloon. 100% win rate so far, 8100 score each time.
<< Anonymous(AetherVoid)
Anonymous Reply
What skill
<< Anonymous(AetherVoid)
Anonymous Reply
Which character and how do you use the deck and what is the skill used?
<< Anonymous(YERMO)
me Reply
nice one, used it, liked it
<< Anonymous
me Reply
throw them away with the ballons
<< Anonymous(YERMO)
Misterhottamale Reply
what is the trap card
<< Anonymous(Misterhottamale)
Anon Reply
Defence draw
I hope this deck help u guys, the posted decks none have this draw power. I usually end the duel before turn 20 utmost maybe turn 22, u can stall with contra des while healing lp, if u get lucky no need to use the bow, and attack the monsters except any yubel.
<< Anonymous(gilver)
Anonymous Reply
Um br :D
The deck i used. Dream card really help to get the sphere guy. Labirynth builder for back up purpose.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I only got 3 Duke shade from drops. I'm surprised you got that many
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Even I wonder the same thing. Drop rate seem really good to me this time compare to the last yubel event. In fact, I having more difficulty to get a bunch of Ex jewels than the rainbow cards.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, rainbow pack rate from this event is definitely much better than some of the previous events.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They cut me off during my last match and I needed 10 ex to get my third ultimate nightmare
Small change to the dark necrofear deck, use power of dark and 1200 def fiends so vassal can reach 100k with only two unions.
I wish ex tokens were easier to get. I got terror incarcerated but still trying to get ultimate nightmare.
It works well with vassal and crystal monsters, but often have to wait until the last cards. Lol !
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Done by vassal and crystal monsters. Good luck... :D
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Doesn't grave squirmer kamikaze and ruin effect damage only bonus? or you just set monsters except mammoth and tortoise?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Usually first I hit Yubel until her life point under 1000, so squirmer cant do kamikaze. Crystal monsters for attacking I use with ATK above mystic tomato, including mammorth too. And for clearing yubel trap cards especially ultimate providence that often destroy sapphire pegasus effect or union attack, I use crystal raigeki because I dont have hey trunade to final attack by vassal.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Finally, before close the event... :D
8k 100% win rate
<< Anonymous(Leo)
RNDA Reply
How to use ?
<< Anonymous(RNDA)
Anonymous Reply
Looks like you draw until you have five dragons in your hand/discard, use Dragonic Fusion to summon Five Headed Dragon, drop Gravekeepr, then win via double Unity and Secret Pass. The Trunade is to stop Ultimate Providence, and the Walls are to stop his only attacking monster.

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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