
Tag Duel Tournament [8 Jan - 18 Jan]

Duel Links tag duel, how to play, decks, and tips.
update 26/10/2021
Date8 Jan 2019 - 18 Jan 2019

Updated Information

  • New Event Mission Updated

Tag Duel Opponent's Decklists

Note: :To see the latest information of Tag Duel Opponent's Decklists, please click the link below:

Event information

Announced at 8 Jan 2019, the Tag Duel Tournament is back again! You can earn tag coins to draw from the lottery which can get Exclusive Reward Cards as last time but this time, you can Tag Duel alongside "Yugioh 5D's" Characters.

How to Play

  • Duel in Duel World and Ranked DUel to obtain Frienship Letters
  • Use Friendship Letters to Tag Duel
  • Obtain Tag Coins by Tag Dueling
  • Save up your Tag Coins to draw from the lottery
  • Obtain Completion Rewards by winning Tag Duels


Difficulty levels

  • You can now choose the difficulty of your opponent's team before Tag Dueling them.
  • If you win the Tag Duel at a higher difficulty, you will receive a bonus on your Duel Assessment.

Tag partners can be controlled

  • You can now manually control your tag partner for tournaments you have won.
  • Manual control can be turned on and off from your partner's Deck screen.

Free lottery

Once a day you can draw from the lottery 10 times for free.

Tournament selection screen

You can select which tournament to enter from the "Change Cup" button in the upper-left corner of the event page.

Friendship Letters

  • You need Friendship Letters to enter in the Tag Duel Tournament
  • Friendship Letters can be obtained by Dueling in Duel World or Ranked Duel

Event Missions

Stardust Cup SleevesSuccessfully perform 3 Synchro Summons in Tag Duels.
Stardust Cup Game MatSuccessfully perform 6 Synchro Summons in Tag Duels.
Neos Cup SleevesSuccessfully perform 3 Fusion Summons in Tag Duels.
Neos Cup Game MatSuccessfully perform 6 Fusion Summons in Tag Duels.
DM Cup SleevesSuccessfully perform 3 Tribute Summons in Tag Duels.
DM Cup Game MatSuccessfully perform 6 Tribute Summons in Tag Duels.

Dark Magician Cup

The Dark Magician Cup has been unlocked after 10 Jan 2018 13:00 if you have complete the Neos Cup.

Duel Challengers

There is a chance that Challengers will appear after a Tag Duel. If you duel against Challengers, you will have high coin multiplier than usual to obtain alot of Lottery Coins.

Note: Dueling against Challengers doesn't require Friendship Letters.


Stardust Cup: Yusei Fudo

[Skill] descriptionUser
Stardust Advent
If your team has less than equal to 2000 Life Points, play 1 "Stardust Dragon" at your partner, Yusei Fudo's turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Yusei Fudo
Yusei Fudo

Neos Cup: Jaden Yuki

[Skill] descriptionUser
Battle Fusion!
If your team has less than equal to 3000 Life Points, play 1 "Battle Fusion" from outside of the Deck at the beginning of your partner, Jaden Yuki's turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Jaden Yuki
Jaden Yuki

Dark Magician Cup: Yami Yugi

[Skill] descriptionUser
Dark Magician the Dragon Knight Advent
If your team has less than equal to 2000 Life Points, play 1 "Dark Magician the Dragon Knight" at the beginning of your partner, Yami Yugi's turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi


  • There is a chance that Challengers will appear after a Tag Duel.
  • Duels against Challengers will have a higher coin multiplier than usual, making it a prime opportunity to obtain lots of Tag Coins.
  • Challengers will disappear after a set period of time, so make sure not to miss the opportunity.
  • Duels against Challengers does not require Friendship Letters.


Icon Rewards

Stardust Cup IconEarn by Completing Stardust Cup 3 Times
Neos Cup IconEarn by Completing Neos Cup 3 Times
DM Cup IconEarn by Completing DM Cup 3 Times

Tag Coins

  • You can obtain Tag Coins by Tag Dueling. Tag Coins can be used at the lottery to obtain cards and items.
  • The higher your Duel Assessment score, the more Tag Coins you get.
  • In addition, your Tag Coin Multiplier will increase at higher difficulties.
  • Players recieve 1 Tag Coin per 100 Duel Assessment score (max. 80)

New Rewards

Other Rewards

Notable Cards

Starlight Road [UR]

Starlight Road
Starlight Road
Normal Trap
Tag Duel Tournament [UR]
When a card or effect is activated that would destroy 2 or more cards you control: Negate the effect, and if you do, destroy that card, then you can Special Summon 1 "Stardust Dragon" from your Extra Deck.

Prime Material Dragon [UR]

Prime Material Dragon
Prime Material Dragon
LIGHT Dragon ★6
ATK 2400 / DEF 2000
Tag Duel Event [UR]
Any effect that would inflict damage to a player increases their Life Points by the same amount, instead. During either player's turn, when a card or effect is activated that would destroy a monster(s) on the field: You can send 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it.

Comrade Swordsman of Landstar [SR]

Comrade Swordsman of Landstar
Comrade Swordsman of Landstar
EARTH Warrior ★3
ATK 500 / DEF 1200
Tag Duel Tournament [SR]
All Warrior-Type monsters you control gain 400 ATK.

Chaos Goddess [SR]

Chaos Goddess
Chaos Goddess
LIGHT Fairy ★8
ATK 2500 / DEF 1800
Tag Duel Tournament [SR] [SR]
1 LIGHT Tuner + 2 or more non-Tuner DARK monsters
Once per turn, you can send 1 LIGHT monster from your hand to the Graveyard to select 1 Level 5 or higher DARK monster in your Graveyard. Special Summon that monster. It cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster.

Elemental HERO Shining Flare Wingman [SR]

Elemental HERO Shining Flare Wingman
Elemental HERO Shining Flare Wingman
LIGHT Warrior ★8
ATK 2500 / DEF 2100
Tag Duel Event [SR]
"Elemental HERO Flame Wingman" + "Elemental HERO Sparkman"Must be Fusion Summoned and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card gains 300 ATK for each "Elemental HERO" card in your Graveyard. When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster in the Graveyard.

Evilswarm O'lantern [SR]

Evilswarm Olantern
Evilswarm Olantern
DARK Pyro ★4
ATK 1650 / DEF 1250
Tag Duel Event [SR]
You can Tribute this card, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; destroy that target.

Completion Rewards: Stardust Cup

Round One

Round 1Gems x20
Round 2Extra Card x3
Round 3KageningenKageningen
Semi-FinalGems x20
FinalTrust GuardianTrust Guardian

Round Two

Round 1Gems x30
Round 2SR Jewel x1
Round 3Gems x30
Semi-FinalGems x30

Round Three

Round 1Gems x30
Round 2Gold x3000
Round 3SearchlightmanSearchlightman
Semi-FinalGems x30
FinalEvilswarm O'lanternEvilswarm O'lantern

Completion Rewards: Neos Cup


Hot New Top
Just went through Master for the first time and fell in the last match against the Yugis. We had victory on a silver platter. They had a Dark Magician on the field and we had 2 lvl 4 monsters. I activated an Enemy Controller to switch it to Defense when he attacked. We also had another Enemy Controller on the field. Our turn comes up and it's AI Kaiba. Leaves monsters on defense mode instead of E-con take to win match, and we go on to lose from there after Yugi summoned his Silent Magician next turn. Bummer dude. :/
set down kaibaman or paladin white dragon ritual spell for kaiba to use
Wasn't gonna complain about tag duels until Kaiba used my Econ to switch lava golem to attack mode this ai needs work fer sure
<< Anonymous(Heel_jmil)
Anonymous Reply
Yeah cuz the opponent is not as dumb as our partner, I wonder if Konami did this just to troll us -.-
Arkana Lv50
<< Anonymous
Arkana Lv50 Reply
Just a normal Warrior Deck (Vorse Raider, Dark Knight etc.) with lots of Trap Cards such as (Windstorm, Anubis, Wall of Disruption, Mirror Wall etc.
<< Anonymous(Arkana Lv50)
Anonymous Reply
Use that as a deck and see if you can win a game
<< Anonymous
Arkana Lv50 Reply
Your luck will come.

Look what I got xD
<< Anonymous
Arkana Lv50 Reply
I used that deck on Vagabond and could almost beat him xD
What did they change on the Joey/Mai team?
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
SmartASS Reply
They only changed mai's deck. I'm guessing they removed amazoness village from her deck.
<< Anonymous(SmartASS )
Anonymous Reply
chill dumbass he just asking
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
Amazon village still in her deck.
DAMN! I won more than 3 times in master difficulty with 999+ letters left, and now konami wants to make it easier and give out bonus letters?! Guess I would just set it to auto duel then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You must be 12 years old
<< Anonymous
maini Reply
I masterd master difficulty more than 5 times and have still over 999 keys lol. Auto Duel till Semi-Final is normal ..^^
<< Anonymous(maini)
Anonymous Reply
Ladies and gentle men I present to you the 12 year olds who wants to show off because they have no friends to show off to
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
O Master, you are so clever, so beautiful, so powerful. I fall in love just by reading your words
Mokuba long-finger
So pegasus and Salmon Jacket have 2550 life points left, wih a relinquished in defence position (zero attack and defense).

Kaiba summons blue eyes and uses enemy controller to switch relinquished into attack mode. I think "ok he'll attack and we'll win". Then I hear his stupid brock voice say "I end my turn".

Pegasus takes blue eyes and attacks us directly, winning. -_-
<< Anonymous(Mokuba long-finger)
Anonymous Reply
Did he use paladin of white dragon ritual? If so that's why he didn't attack. But I know the feeling, I've experienced some dumb moves from Kaiba, when Joey attacked he didn't activate my Wall of Disruption, he uses enemy controller for the dumbest moves ever, I don't understand the reason for it as the opponent's AI is always a pain in the ass.
<< Anonymous(Mokuba long-finger)
Dier Reply
my Tips

: Always Set "Cost Down" for Kaiba summon his Blue Eyes in Turn 2.. :)
<< Anonymous(Mokuba long-finger)
Anonymous Reply
Funny thing, I had similar match where I didn't auto duel and was one attack away from my blue eyes to win the duel. So I had luster dragon and blue eyes in the field and kaibaman in my hand. I was like AI should be smart to not summon kaibaman so *turns on auto-duel*. *summons kaibaman, and attacks face down defense position monster with it*. * takes loads of damage and looses. Me: "Never again..
You would think that as much trouble this event put a lot of people through the main reward would be
"Obelisk The Tormentor"
But no the third time u pass master rank is just another unity I have almost 3 of each the cards from the lottery along with a prismatic evilswarm. Was really wasnting obelisk though
AI is ridiculous. I had match won, and my partner leaves my 800 monster in attack position, and the opponents hit if for a 2000 loss. Next match, my AI partner hits his relinquished with Blue Eyes. We take massive damage and now he is going to steal the dragon. Another loss, back to start. OMG
I just had it on auto-duel because I couldn't stand the A.I and it won multiple times for me
This event sucked. The AI is ridiculously stupid. Not only does he clog up the trap zone with worthless cards like graceful dice, he also tributes 2 of my 2200 ATK zombie monster for his stupid red-eyes. We could've won if he didn't but then Yami summoned valkyrion and now, with his crappy traps I was stuck with a red-eyes. Only thing I could do was use Kumasi which allowed us 1 turn but then he uses Time Wizard, calls it wrong, and kills us.
<< Anonymous(y'all are no better!)
Anonymous Reply
I don't know about you but I can play this game and maintain a 3.9 GPA in my university's honors program. Maybe think before you speak next time...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You must be asian like me, for american it's a different story cus they can't do stuff at once
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nope, Portuguese-American.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
LOL for asian anonymous.

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