This event sucked. The AI is ridiculously stupid. Not only does he clog up the trap zone with worthless cards like graceful dice, he also tributes 2 of my 2200 ATK zombie monster for his stupid red-eyes. We could've won if he didn't but then Yami summoned valkyrion and now, with his crappy traps I was stuck with a red-eyes. Only thing I could do was use Kumasi which allowed us 1 turn but then he uses Time Wizard, calls it wrong, and kills us.
If you guys complain about AI, why don't you be ashamed that you are the exact equivalent of AI in duel links compared to your peers at school or work?Every time I see how some people get low scores on exams and even now at work when I see ppl doing so poorly at their jobs,I think about you idiots and how low of an IQ y'all have.Seriously? you complain about AI and IRL, you are exactly like them!