
How to beat/farm Fantastic Pegasus Lvl 30 (Roaming Event)

Duel Links Fantastic Pegasus Lvl 30, decks to farm Fantastic Pegasus.
update 13/09/2019

Six Samurai Farm

Example Deck [Credits to YamiNoGame]

Elder of the Six SamuraiElder of the Six SamuraiElder of the Six SamuraiGravekeeper's VassalKagemusha of the Six SamuraiKagemusha of the Six Samurai
Kagemusha of the Six SamuraiSix Samurai UnitedSix Samurai UnitedSix Samurai UnitedUnion AttackUnion Attack
Shard of GreedShard of GreedAsceticism of the Six SamuraiAsceticism of the Six SamuraiAsceticism of the Six SamuraiSecret Pass to the Treasures
Legacy of Yata-GarasuJar of Greed-Legendary Six Samurai - Shi EnLegendary Six Samurai - Shi EnLegendary Six Samurai - Shi En

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Draw Sense: Earth
Can be used each time your Life Points decrase by 1500. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random EARTH attribute monster.
Joey Wheeler
Joey Wheeler

Notes from YamiNoGame

It's a Six Samurai deck with Draw Sense: Earth, used to draw a Six Samurai monster. With this deck you can Special Summon an Elder of the Six Samurai and Normal Summon Kagemusha of the Six Samurai, then Synchro Summon Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En to negate Pegasus' spells. Otherwise you can normal summon a Six Samurai and Special Summon another one with Asceticism of the Six Samurai, then you can Synchro Summon Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En.

Keep destroying enemy monsters to avoid that Pegasus summons Toon Dark Magician and Toon Ancient Gear Golem. You should have 2 Shi-En on the board before the last turn. On the last turn normal summon Gravekeeper's Vassal, use Secret Pass To The Treasures, Two Union Attack, then direct attack with Gravekeeper's Vassal. The average score is about 7000-8000 (I score 8000 and above due to glossy and prismatic cards).

Hazy Flame

SkillAroma Strategy
Essential cards

Example Deck

DynatheriumDynatheriumDynatheriumHazy Flame SphynxHazy Flame SphynxHazy Flame Sphynx
Hazy Flame CerbereusHazy Flame CerbereusHazy Flame CerbereusSoul ExchangeMausoleum of the EmperorMausoleum of the Emperor
Enemy ControllerEnemy ControllerSwamp MirrorerSwamp MirrorerSwamp MirrorerBeast Rising
Beast RisingBeast Rising----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Aroma Strategy
You can see the card at the top of your deck even before drawing it.
Mai Valentine
Mai Valentine

Paleozoic Farm

Version 1

This deck credits to YamiNoGame

Gravekeeper's VassalWetlandsUnion AttackUnion AttackSecret Pass to the TreasuresPaleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic PikaiaPaleozoic PikaiaPaleozoic PikaiaSpirit Barrier
Spirit BarrierSpirit BarrierAstral BarrierAstral BarrierAstral BarrierPaleozoic Marrella
Paleozoic MarrellaPaleozoic Marrella----

Version 2

This deck credits to [DLPH]BL☆CK

Gravekeeper's VassalWetlandsUnion AttackUnion AttackSecret Pass to the TreasuresPaleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic CanadiaLegacy of Yata-GarasuLegacy of Yata-GarasuPaleozoic PikaiaPaleozoic PikaiaPaleozoic Pikaia
Spirit BarrierSpirit BarrierSpirit BarrierAstral BarrierAstral BarrierPaleozoic Marrella
Paleozoic MarrellaPaleozoic Marrella----
[Skill] descriptionUser
Duel, standby!
Each player's starting hand increases by 1 card. You cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards or monster effects on your first turn.
Tea Gardner
Tea Gardner

Notes from YamiNoGame

This deck is quick and quite easy to use: use Paleozoic Marrella and Paleozoic Pikaia to thin your deck (discard Paleozoic Canadia from the deck, then a copy of Astral/Spirit Barrier if you have one copy of them in your hand or field) in order to draw Astral Barrier and Spirit Barrier.

Set them and chain your traps with Paleozoic cards in your GY: you should have 2 Paleozoic on the field, then deflect the opponent's attacks from your monsters to your LP, activating the effect of Astral Barrier (the damage will be zero due to Spirit Barrier). Active the field spell Wetlands as soon as possible so your Paleozoics will gain ATK and Pegasus will move his monsters to the defense position: from this moment you won't be bored by the activation request of Astral Barrier.

On the last turn, normal summon Gravekeeper's Vassal, use Secret Pass to the Treasure and 2 Union Attack on it, then attack directly with Gravekeeper's Vassal.

Dark Paladin Farm

Example Deck

King of the SwampKing of the SwampBuster BladerBuster BladerBuster BladerBeastking of the Swamps
Beastking of the SwampsBeastking of the SwampsGravekeeper's VassalDark MagicianDark MagicianDark Magician
Union AttackUnion AttackPolymerizationPolymerizationPolymerizationEmblem of Dragon Destroyer
Secret Pass to the TreasuresFusion Reserve--Dark PaladinDark Flare Knight

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Fusion Time!
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1500. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, Polymerization spell card, from outside of your Deck, is added to your hand.
Jaden Yuki
Jaden Yuki
Master of Fusion
Can be used each time your Life Points decrase by 1800. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, one Polymerization Spell Card, from outside of your Deck, is added to your hand.
Aster Phoenix
Aster Phoenix
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. Return 1 card from your hand to your Deck and draw a random Warrior-Type monster.
Joey Wheeler
Joey Wheeler

Fantastic Pegasus' Lvl 30 Decklist


Not gonna farm lvl 30, i'll just autoduel this one since I prefer to farm lvl 40 instead.
<< Anonymous(Hmm)
Anonymous Reply
And unfortunately the one that spawn in your dm world is lv30 only.
This happen to me several times.
You cant just waste it, unless you are a very active player.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Keep in mind the level of event duelists is influenced by your DM stage level. (You're more likely to get Level 40 the higher it is.)
<< Anonymous(DLPH)
Nephalès Reply
Good deck for 7k score :)
<< Anonymous(DLPH)
Dantagnam Reply
This deck works greatly against the lvl 40, but I struggle against Barrell Dragon, any tips?
<< Anonymous(Dantagnam)
Anonymous Reply
make sure he only has one monster on the field
<< Anonymous(DLPH)
Anonymous Reply
I think this deck can be useful in different farm events, not just with pegasus.
Not even treated as cyber dragon give us a real one!
Paleo is not good vs LV30 because of Toon Barrel Dragon ;-)
<< Anonymous(Nephalès)
Anonymous Reply
Just use six samurai super easy against lv30
This Aromage Ra deck works with the Balance skill! The spells/traps either flip his Spellcasters/Warriors face-down, or negate his Relinquished/MER.
🔥 YOU , retxedwind !


<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply

I think he means the young guy from Malta.
What a hater.
I think konami should add more "toon spell cards" than monsters, because it just copying the exist monster
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why does he drop cards you can already farm from his normal version at the gate? Wasted slots. Nobody complains because we get cyber wannabe dragon but even toon elf is his freakin lv45 reward wtf?!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Elf lvl 45, but only 1
I will not complaining because there is only 1 card new for every roaming event, thank they add gemini elf and not somethinf else
Fantastic Pegasus farm lvl40
2 renunciado posiblemente 3
2 ritual de ilusion oscura posiblemente 3
1 ritual de ilusion oscura (juego rapido)
1 mundo toon
la trampa toon que deja que ataque a pegasus directamente
1 toon dragon barrer

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Never change, Brandon. Never change. You are the most weird bot here. I appreciate your existence
Did you fall for a crypto scam and are looking for a way to cope with? Look no further! I have th...
Sounds as legit as the shady @@@ dealer I see sometimes after nightfall in the park V
You must have added monster(s) other than "Performapal" monsters, "Magician" ...
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