
Set Card List: Neo-Impact

This page shows the list of all cards players can get from the third pack, Neo-Impact with their rarity.
update 28/02/2017
Available card boxes
The Ultimate RisingAge of DiscoveryNeo-ImpactFlame of the TyrantValkyries Rage
Wonders of the SkyChaotic ComplianceLand of the TitansCrimson KingdomDawn of Destiny
Electric OverloadEchoes of SilenceServants of KingsGalactic Origin
Blades of Spirit Primal BurstSelection Box Vol. 01Resonance of ContrastAbyss Encounter
Rampage of the ForestValiant SoulsVisions of IceSelection Box Vol. 01 MiniCrusaders Battleground
Clash of WingsBurning NovaEmpire of ScarletGaia GenesisStardust Acceleration
Power of BraveryBlackstorm RisingSecrets of the AncientsSelection Box Vol. 02Revolution Beginning
Tornado of PhantomsAbsolute InfernoDimension of the WizardsWarriors UniteLords of Shining
Blazing RoseGuardians of RockCybernetic RebellionCurse of DreadValhalla Calling
Dark DimensionSpirit of the BeastAerial AssaultSoul of ResurrectionFuture Horizon


Rating (Versatility)
7.5 (Mid High)
Strengthened decks
  • Ritual Decks
  • Farming Decks
  • Standard Beatdown
  • Fusion decks

Neo-Impact is the third booster pack in Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links. It was released on December 28th, 2016.
Reroll tier list

Who should roll the pack?

Notable Cards

[UR] Senju of the Thousand Hands

ATK 1400/DEF 1000
When this card is Normal or Flip Summoned: You can add 1 Ritual Monster from your Deck to your hand.

If you're planning to build Relinquished deck, 3 copies of it is a must. Any ritual deck fits this card.

[UR] Double Coston

ATK 1700/DEF 1650
This card can be treated as 2 Tributes for the Tribute Summon of a DARK monster.

A great addition to any DARK based decks, can easy summon cards such as, Invader of Darkness and even Dark Magician.

Mirror Wall

TRAP card
Each of your opponent's monsters that conducted an attack while this card was face-up on the field has its ATK halved as long as this card remains on the field. During each of your Standby Phases, pay 2000 LP or destroy this card.

One of the most versatile trap card that can fits to any kind of deck, its effect is really hard to counter.

[N] Rai-Mei

When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can add 1 Level 2 or lower LIGHT monster from your Deck to your hand.



Senju of the Thousand Hands
Senju of the Thousand Hands
This card will activate immediately after you summon it to search for a ritual monster card.

Dark Magician Combo

Double Coston
Double Coston
You can use this card as 2 tribute to easy summon any high starred Dark monsters.

The Unhappy Girl (Farming)

Search for any 1-2 starred LIGHT monster from your deck after it was destroyed.

Harpies Hunting Ground

Mirror Wall
Mirror Wall
This card can defend any monster, either faced down or faced up.

Card lists

UR cards

SR cards

R cards

Monster cards

Spell Cards

Trap Cards

Card Lists

Booster Packs

Available card boxes
The Ultimate RisingAge of DiscoveryNeo-ImpactFlame of the TyrantValkyries Rage
Wonders of the SkyChaotic ComplianceLand of the TitansCrimson KingdomDawn of Destiny
Electric OverloadEchoes of SilenceServants of KingsGalactic Origin
Blades of Spirit Primal BurstResonance of ContrastAbyss EncounterRampage of the Forest
Valiant SoulsVisions of IceCrusaders BattlegroundClash of WingsBurning Nova
Empire of ScarletGaia GenesisStardust AccelerationPower of BraveryBlackstorm Rising
Secrets of the AncientsRevolution BeginningTornado of PhantomsAbsolute InfernoDimension of the Wizards
Warriors UniteLords of ShiningBlazing RoseGuardians of RockCybernetic Rebellion
Curse of DreadValhalla CallingDark DimensionSpirit of the BeastAerial Assault
Soul of ResurrectionFuture HorizonMasters of ShadowJudgement ForceFortress of Gears
Truth UniverseFlames of the HeartWitchs SorceryChronicle of GloryInfernity Destruction
Arena of SanctuaryShining HopeVoltage of the MetalShark FangRage of Volcano
Infinite RayPhotons of GalaxyAntinomic TheorySign of HarpiesEternal Stream
The King of VermillionDarkness GimmickArts of AtlantisPendulum GenesisIdea of Armageddon
Chaotic SoldiersForce of InfinityFantastic ArcPhantom of RebellionMaximum Gustav
Heart of XyzShining SunriseStars of SynchroLink RevolutionStage of Trickstar
Braver VictoryArms of GiantFuture CircuitLord of Borrel

Card Trader & PvP Tickets

Card TraderRanked Rewards

Card Trader

Ranked Rewards

Selection Box

Selection Boxes
Selection Box Vol. 01Selection Box Vol. 01 MiniSelection Box Vol.01 Super MiniSelection Box Vol. 02Selection Box Vol. 02 Mini
Selection Box Vol. 03Selection Box Vol.03 MiniSelection Box Vol.04Selection Box Vol.04 MiniSelection Box Vol.05
Selection Box Vol.06

Special Packs

Special Pack
Special Pack Vol. 01Special Pack Vol. 02Special Pack Vol. 03Special Pack Vol. 04Special Pack Vol. 05

Structure Decks

Structure decks
Sorcerers AllianceDragonic ForceHero RisingLegendary WarriorsDestiny Rulers
Dragonic KnightsSpellbound SilenceSynchro ConnectionThe White Dragon of LegendSwordbound Silence
Ancient Gear AwakeningNeos FusionReturn of the Red-EyesFull Metal DesperadoMaster of Chaos
Kings ResonanceDragunity OverdriveGladiators StormHERO GenerationReturn of the Fire Kings
Gagaga XyzTales of the Noble KnightsBlue-Eyes EvolutionStardust NexusRise of Gaia
Evil DominationMagicians ArcD/D/D ApocalypseCyber Style ExtremeSword of Paladin
Tellarknight AdventBrave HopeRuddy Rose BurningCyberse CodeThousand Illusion
Imperial Joker


Hot New Top
I only have 2 ultra rares from this set but they are Half Shut & Mirror wall, should I reset the box considering I have 1 in 8 of getting a Senju?

WHY?! I open that pack only bcs I want Mirror wall and Twin-Headed........................................................ I leave XD
117 to go and the only ur left is senju ...
The only u.r. i wanted 3 of ...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I have 3 senju, 2 ganlordof, 2 black pendant, plus one of each UR, without count tons of SR, so after reset, the thing was, I spent 80% or more the gems I got since I started to play this game, trying to get a MW, was so frustrating to get, that many times I reseted the box when mad... But finally got one, now I need ideas about decks, because basically all my cards are from this pack
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
try cyber angels since u have 3 senju just farm alexis get 1 sonic bird and youre good to go
50 pack left, 0 mirror wall... continue opening until get mirror wall or change to dawn of destiny ?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
same-.- I have like 35 packs left and no mirror wall
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Be patient. I got my first MR 3 days ago.
You should open these 35 packs. Mabey if you are lucky you will get it soon.
still no mirror wall -_-
Almost got all URs even b4 hitting the first 100 packs (MW was the last)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Is it worth it to go after them or should i restart ?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
those 2 cards left don't have much use. restart is better option.
I feel like dropping this picture here. Only issue with it is, I didnt get the one card I was after, Mirror Wall. 2k gems saved up and all. It was cool to see this many UR in 10 packs, though.
Just leaving this here
i have one mirror wall , should i go for 2 ?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
you'll be fine with just 1. i only have 1 and never felt getting another was worth it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thank you very much, but since I am a f2p player, I do not find any interest to invest in new packs, because a limited number of good cards you can have it never makes the difference, that is why I decided To have another copies of this cards, because it makes the difference in any decks especially the current decks (hammer shark, harpie, ...).what do you think about?sorry for my bd engl i'am egyp
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I am also a f2p player, I just don't think the other cards in Neo Impact are good enough to warrant going through the Box again. Basically the only good cards in Neo Impact are Mirror Wall and Senju, and Hammer Shark is just fine with only 1 Mirror Wall in my experience. It's pretty easy to replace in most decks with other similar cards like Metalmorph, Super Rush Headlong, Windstorm, etc.
<< Anonymous
Yeet Reply
I'm probs ages late but f2p player here too running 3 mw and I gotta agree its an amazing card but lately its 100% predictable and ez to counter so quick play spells like headlong r do much better. Still I wouldn't trade my mw for anything else, just live pairing em with 7tools or CV to negate whatever they do lmao its my personal stress reliever
Unlucky at All
Am I unlucky that much? ;(
I just want another Mirror Wall! It is painful to spend a lot of gems for nothing!

(No money purchase, only gems from leveling characters up)
<< Anonymous(Unlucky at All)
Realm Reply
I wont spend all my gems for mirror wall now, its power is dismissing over time.
When is this pack leaving? Wanna get my 2nd mirror wall before it's too late
<< Anonymous(Andlu)
Anonymous Reply
Is it possible to remove this deck. There is to many good cards to remove. Namely mirror wall, Kaiser and coston, paladin of white dragon, beans man, magicians circle. It would dumb to remove it. Ultimate rising had to go unfortunately either that or ban kuriboh and order to charge cuz they're way to op
<< Anonymous(Andlu)
Andlu Reply
That makes no sense dude. Beans can be easily swapped out kaiser and coston aren't 100% good either, paladin of white dragon is meh, magicians circle is okay-ish
This will be the next going rare package
<< Anonymous(Andlu)
Anonymous Reply
They will remove this pack soon to force f2p player to spend money in order to catch up
<< Anonymous(Andlu)
Realm Reply
Yeah, remove mirror wall and add mirror force instead.

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Card box

Available card boxes
The Ultimate RisingAge of DiscoveryNeo-ImpactFlame of the TyrantValkyries Rage
Wonders of the SkyChaotic ComplianceLand of the TitansCrimson KingdomDawn of Destiny
Electric OverloadEchoes of SilenceServants of KingsGalactic Origin
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Warriors UniteLords of ShiningBlazing RoseGuardians of RockCybernetic Rebellion
Curse of DreadValhalla CallingDark DimensionSpirit of the BeastAerial Assault
Soul of ResurrectionFuture HorizonMasters of ShadowJudgement ForceFortress of Gears
Truth UniverseFlames of the HeartWitchs SorceryChronicle of GloryInfernity Destruction
Arena of SanctuaryShining HopeVoltage of the MetalShark FangRage of Volcano
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The King of VermillionDarkness GimmickArts of AtlantisPendulum GenesisIdea of Armageddon
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Selection Box

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Selection Box Vol.06

Special Packs

Special Pack
Special Pack Vol. 01Special Pack Vol. 02Special Pack Vol. 03Special Pack Vol. 04Special Pack Vol. 05

Structure decks

Structure decks
Sorcerers AllianceDragonic ForceHero RisingLegendary WarriorsDestiny Rulers
Dragonic KnightsSpellbound SilenceSynchro ConnectionThe White Dragon of LegendSwordbound Silence
Ancient Gear AwakeningNeos FusionReturn of the Red-EyesFull Metal DesperadoMaster of Chaos
Kings ResonanceDragunity OverdriveGladiators StormHERO GenerationReturn of the Fire Kings
Gagaga XyzTales of the Noble KnightsBlue-Eyes EvolutionStardust NexusRise of Gaia
Evil DominationMagicians ArcD/D/D ApocalypseCyber Style ExtremeSword of Paladin
Tellarknight AdventBrave HopeRuddy Rose BurningCyberse CodeThousand Illusion
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