
Tech New Meta

update 12/07/2018


This is taking into consideration the recent banlist that was announced. This is adjusted for what the new meta is predicted to be and what decks will become more prevalent.

Tribute to the Doomed

A great card to help deal with monsters you normally might have trouble with. It's discard effect can also be beneficial depending on the deck you tech it into.


Noble Knight
Noble Knight
This can help you destroy their monsters if they are equipped with Noble Arms of Destiny to get rid of their Noble Knight Drystan or Noble Knight Medraut. This can also get rid of them out right.
You can take out their geargia monster turn two making it very hard to for them to come back unless they have a powerful rebirth. This also can be used in general to take out Geargiattacker or Geargianchor to prevent further destruction.
This is great for getting rid of Amazoness Queen to stop her from preventing destruction by battle. It also helps when you need to take out another monster to stop them from banishing yours.

Treacherous Trap Hole

This cards hits decks that like to summon a lot of monsters hard. You can use this to destroy your opponents monsters and break their board.


If your opponent gets two monsters on board you can easily take them out and cripple their plays. If they lose Bujin Yamato they lose their main playmaker.
Noble Knight
Noble Knight
This can destroy their Noble Knight Medraut and Noble Knight Drystan when they try to get off the combo leaving them with no monsters.
This can counters Ties of the Brethren and take out their playmakers.
Amazoness likes to try and get out a lot of monsters out at once. They don't have a lot to protect against card effects so you easily disrupt their plays.
Masked HERO
Masked HERO
You can use this to take out Destiny HERO - Drilldark and the monsters they special summon. You can also use this to take out Masked HERO Anki. This disrupts their play to get another Mask Change by destroying their Masked HERO Anki and another one of your opponents monsters or the one you would've lost anyway.

Forbidden Chalice

A versatial card due to it's ability to negate monster effects. Since it can modify attack, it is able to be activated even in the damage step. This can help with face down monsters by negating their effects so they can't activate when you attack into them.


This can negate Bujin Yamato's effect stopping them from getting a bujin in the graveyard. This helps stall until next turn so they won't be able to disrupt your plays with their bujin cards. This makes it much easier to deal with Bujin Yamato and take out their main playmaker.
Archfiend Emperor
Archfiend Emperor
This card is great for negating the effect of Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror to destroy a card. If They special summoned Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror than it will gain back it's attack but it will still be destroyed during the end phase. He can still attack over one of your monsters but it won't be able to destroy your backrow.
Noble Knight
Noble Knight
This can stop the noble knight combo to get out Noble Knight Drystan. It can also stop Noble Knight Drystan's effect.
This stops all the geargia monsters' effects. This denies them their plays for that turn. This can keep your backrow or your monsters safe depending on which monster you negate.
This can stop Amazoness Princess' search effect denying the backbone of the deck Amazoness Onslaught. This can also counter Amazoness Queen's effect of battle protection to get rid of her.
Masked HERO
Masked HERO
This can stop Destiny HERO - Drilldark's effect for the special summon. It can also stop Masked HERO Anki's Search effect to deny them another Mask Change.
This can stop Spellbook Magician of Prophecy's search effect stopping them from making their plays with Spellbook of Fate.

Ultimate Providence

This card is great for decks who don't mind discarding. It can negate any card effect and destroy it for the cost of discarding a card of the same type. This would mean if you negated a monster effect you would need to discard an effect monster card.


This can negate Bujin Yamato's effect and destroy it. This takes out their main playmaker and leaves them open if they don't have another monster. This can also be used to stop their effects in the graveyard. This can stop their Bujingi Quilin from destroying one of your cards.
Archfiend Emperor
Archfiend Emperor
You can negate and destroy their Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror. If they don't have a way to
revive it can take some time to recover. You can also negate Archfiend Empress' protection effect and destroy it leaving them without it's protection.
Noble Knight
Noble Knight
This negates and destroys their Noble Knight Medraut or Noble Knight Drystan completely stopping them in their tracks.
This stops all geargia monsters effects protecting your monsters and backrow. This also destroys their monster leaving them open if they don't have another one.
This can negate Amazoness Princess's search effect and destroy her to your opponent open for next turn if they have no other monsters. This also stop them from searching Amazoness Onslaught, the backbone of their deck.
Masked HERO
Masked HERO
This can negate Destiny HERO - Drilldark's special summon and destroy it so they can't use Mask Change. This also stops Masked HERO Anki's effect to search and destroys it stopping their plays.
This stops Spellbook Magician of Prophecy's effect and destroys it stopping their plays if they can't get the cards they need. This also stops their bigger monsters from special summoning. If you have spells in hand you can negate any of their spellbook cards. This stops searches or banishing one of your cards.

Enemy Controller

Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller

It's been a staple card for a long time due to it's versatility. It can simply be used to stop a monster's attack by changing them into defense position. It allows you to take an opponent's monster by tribute one of yours. This can open them up to go for the OTK. It is also a very easy to access card for newer players. You can acquire it from Seto Kaiba as a drop, Ranked SR tickets, or through the bingo event. This card has been put on the semi-limited list. This may clash with decks who already have semi-limited cards since they can only have two cards from the list.


This can stop amazoness from banishing one of your monsters by stopping their attack.
Masked HERO
Masked HERO
This can help stop Masked HERO Anki's attack if they don't have another Mask Change. This also stops them from getting another Mask Change to accomplish their combo. This will leave Masked HERO Anki in defense with only 1400 defense making it easy to attack over.

Cosmic Cyclone

This card is great at taking out backrow. It is a quick play spell meaning you can activate it at any point excluding the damage step. This means if you set it you can take out an opponent's set card during their end phase stopping them from chaining it.


They run a decent amount of backrow but what they do can turn the tide. You can hit one of their back row that might have stopped your attack from going through. This helps attack over Bujin Yamato their main playmaker.
Archfiend Emperor
Archfiend Emperor
One of the hardest thing to deal with is their ability to special summon
through Call of the Archfiend. This stops them from bringing back their high attack monsters from the graveyard.
Noble Knight
Noble Knight
One of the problems playing against noble knights is that they can bring back their equip cards from the graveyard. Cosmic Cyclone banishes them so they can't come back.
Geargias are very back row heavy using them to defend their monsters. If you can hit one of them you can possibly attack over their monsters. This leaves them without many options for next turn.
The backbone of the whole deck is Amazoness Onslaught so taking it out can mean an easy victory if they can't get to another. If they haven't activated their Amazoness Onslaught you can attack into one of their monsters and banish it when they activate it. This helps flush it out since most amazoness decks have a good bit of back row.
Masked HERO
Masked HERO
This card is great in general of taking out spells and traps. This can take out a Mask Change either forcing them to chain or let it get destroyed. This can give you the advantage if you have a way to deal with Masked HERO Anki.
Fire Fist Hazy
Fire Fist Hazy
They can pin down your backrow with Fire Formation - Gyokkou stopping you from possibly turning the tide in your favor. Cosmic Cyclone can take out their Fire Formation - Gyokkou allowing you to use that card they pinned.

Hey Trunade!

This card can return any set spell or traps to the hand. This card really shines on turn two when you have no cards on the field an your opponent has set back row. This is because you don't have to worry about them chaining it and destroying your monsters or back row.


This is great to use so you won't have to worry about backrow from stopping you destroying Bujin Yamato their main playmaker.
Geargia are very reliant on their backrow to protect their monsters but if you Hey, Trunade! aside from Pulse Mines they can't really stop you.
This card returns any set backrow to the hand. While it may not destroy them it can help break throught the board. It can help keep your plays going without the fear of back row disruption. Amazoness relies a lot on traps meaning they have to stay set till the next turn. They can flip it up to keep it from being stalled but should your deck have a way to destroy it you can easily take out possibly their only Amazoness Onslaught they have at the moment.

Floodgate Traphole

This card is great at stopping your opponent's monsters from using effects that don't activate upon summoning. It leaves them stuck in face down defense position until you destroy it or they tribute it off. If you hit the right card you can stop your opponent's plays right in their tracks.


This can be used to stop Bujin Yamato from activating it's effect. This stops their plays to dump monsters in the graveyard to use their effects. If they can't get to another Bujin Yamato soon enough you can easily win.
Archfiend Emperor
Archfiend Emperor
This can stop Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror from destroying your cards and leave it stuck in
face down defense position with only 2000 defense. This lets you have more time to deal with it. You can also hit Archfiend Empress to stop it from using it's protection effect.
Noble Knight
Noble Knight
This can stop Medraut from special summoning Noble Knight Drystan. This also stops them from equiping it with any equip cards. This stops their plays dead in the tracks. You can easily attack over their monster next turn, since they don't have a lot of defense. They won't be able to protect it since they use their equip cards for protection. You can also hit Noble Knight Drystan stopping it from destroying one of your cards and leaving them with no way to protect it either.
This can stop their main playmakers leaving them in a vulnerable position since they all have low defense. This stops them from using their flip effects to destroy your cards.
The backbone of the whole deck is Amazoness Onslaught so taking it out can mean an easy victory if they can't get to another. If they haven't activated their Amazoness Onslaught you can attack into one of their monsters and banish it when they activate it. This helps flush it out since most amazoness decks have a good bit of back row.
Masked HERO
Masked HERO
This is good to use on Masked HERO Anki to stop them from attacking and getting off the combo. If they don't have another Mask Change they have no way to continue their plays. This also makes Masked HERO Anki easy to attack over since it only has 1400 defense.
Fire Fist Hazy
Fire Fist Hazy
This can be used on Hazy monsters since it doesn't target. You can use this on Hazy Flame Sphynx or Hazy Flame Peryton to prevent their effects from going off. These are their main playmakers, so if they can't use their effects they won't be able to advance their plays. It leaves them vulnerable for you to attack over next turn stopping them from using it as tribute fodder their next turn.


Ironically we're too stupid and 🔥 so gameA need to make this.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
nah, only you not me. LMFAO
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
99% people on this site are dumb complainer
Well timed Floodgate, Treacherous and Chalice are hard counters to furries. Using Sphere Kuribo also helps gainst Trunade being used on both Furries and Anki decks as it screws a lot of enemy OTKs.
<< Anonymous(LULO)
Anonymous Reply
All countered by wiz and trunade.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sphere Kuriboh isn't. Most of the time you just gotta survive that turn.
This page should be updated by adding Fur Hire counter cards which are Chalice, Floodgate, Canadia
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Fur hires has no real counters.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
fur needs understanding more than cards to be destroyed ... aromage can give them a hard time with the right compination and attack targeting
<< Anonymous
Andrecito Reply
Yeah, half the time it's about leaving their monsters on the field so they can't activate any effects - until you're ready for the KO. In saying that, the aforementioned cards are ideal to prevent special summons in the first place.
tfw u floodgate the furfags and win#jizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
tfw you stop their combo for 1 (one) turn and win
Where's Canadia
The most important card of them all is your credit card
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Agree. A high available credit balance definitely counters a lot of the meta. I remember losing a past KOG promotion match against a complete Dark World deck the same night the box was released.
Memory loss can be a floodgate substitution, plus you can activate it on monsters that have already been summoned

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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