
Fire Fist Hazy: deck recipe

Duel Links Hazy Flame, Fire Fist, Fire Formation deck, how to use, and tips.
update 19/03/2018


Combining Hazy Flame with Fire Formation/Fist cards, it allows you to summon high level monsters much faster, as well as being able to swarm the field with 3 monsters pretty quickly. Together with the "Beatdown!" skill, you can get over most monsters your opponent controls.

Sample deck

Goka, the Pyre of MaliceGoka, the Pyre of MaliceBerlineth the Firestorm VassalBerlineth the Firestorm VassalHazy Flame PerytonHazy Flame Sphynx
Hazy Flame SphynxHazy Flame SphynxBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - CoyoteBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - CoyoteBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - RavenBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - Raven
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - RavenHazy Flame CerbereusHazy Flame CerbereusFire Formation - GyokkouFire Formation - GyokkouAnti-Magic Arrows
Fire Formation - TensuFire Formation - Tensu

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Boosts the ATK of face-up attack position monsters you control by 300 per level 5 or more monsters you control. You can only use the skill once per turn.

Seto Kaiba

How to use


Sphynx is definitely the main core of the deck. It helps with special summoning monsters each turn while also being untargetable. Without using Aroma Strategy, you can't get a guaranteed special summon from its effect. But since this deck has a lot of monsters, you'll have a pretty good chance of getting it right by calling a monster. It's often a risk worth taking since being able to special summon a high level monster increases all monsters you control by 300 because of Beatdown.

Starting with Raven

If you ever get Raven in your hand, you'll always want to summon/set this card first. It's a good card to set if you ever get first turn without revealing your deck, and it will still activate as long as it gets sent to the graveyard. If you get second turn and you want to go aggressive, summon it face-up if you think your opponent has Floodgate Trap Hole, but if you think it's Enemy Controller then set it before using Fire Formation - Tensu to tribute summon into your high level monsters.

It's often better to get Gyokkou from your deck, and then use it right away before you summon anything so your opponent can't chain it to your actions. Getting Tensu can be better if your hands are filled with monsters you can't summon right away. At least this way you can hope to get Raven so you can tribute summon immediately.

Special summon options

You can special summon Goka by destroying another FIRE monster that you have on the field. This works well with Raven and Cerberus because of their effects, allowing you for more follow up plays later. It's better to summon Goka when you only have 1 or 2 monster on the field that you want to destroy, but it's always better to get Peryton out so you can summon 2 monsters from your deck right away. With 2 high level monsters on the field, it's already a +600 attack to each monster from Beatdown. If you summon at least 1 Sphynx, you can then use its effect to maybe summon a third monster for that +900 boost.

Other useful cards

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swallow
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swallow
A good substitute if you don't have Berlineth since this card is also untargetable by your opponent.
Soul Exchange
Soul Exchange
Good for getting rid of your opponent's high attack or troublesome monster.

King of Games [Mar 2018]


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King of Games [Apr 2018]


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Hot New Top
This deck is awesome
Why book of fate can banish hazy flame monsters?
<< Anonymous(akubane)
Incredible.. fate is realy OP! Thanks man
<< Anonymous(akubane)
Anonymous No. 2 Reply
It shouldn't work, as it says "banish 1 card your opponent controls". Every card like that requires targetting because how else does DL know which card you want to banish if there are 2 or more cards on your opponent's field?
<< Anonymous(Anonymous No. 2)
Xenon Reply
You choose them from all available ones.
<< Anonymous(akubane)
Anonymous Reply
Silent swordsman effect stated it can't be affected by opp spell. So shouldn't it not work?
This is so outdated
Sorry a question did they soffer amazoness assalt?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
they do.
I would strongly advise to put at least 1 hazy glory in the deck, easily searchable by Cerberus, it somewhat helps not having unsummonable monsters in hand
<< Anonymous
MrStache Reply
Thats what the tensu is for my friend
Whats the wind monster called
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I cant find it
<< Anonymous
Heya Reply
Dynatherium? ^^
Is essential to have Berlineth in this deck? I can't have it, as the Sel Box. 1 is not available anymore
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Replace with ebola, another coyote, manticore, or another peryton
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not really there are a lot of alternatives the UR ticket prize Dyno something *I'm no good with name* thats an alternative, Earth Armor Ninja is also an alternative, Coyote is also good in conjunction with raven off course.
<< Anonymous
Dark Rater Reply
"Not good with name" is fatal, dude.
Fire fist hazy = t2, hazy with beast rising = t3/4 fix your website
<< Anonymous(As)
Anonymous Reply
The list also needs to be updated, Goka isn't run at all and a few Dynatherium is core to the deck.
Valkyrion counter this deck so hard, i use a variant of this one, but everytime i duel to a valkyrion deck, i lose, no matter what you do, valkyrion in impenetrable
<< Anonymous
anonymous Reply
Not to mention i lose so badly againts someone with 3 glow moss. Everytime i try to attack them, they make me draw a card. And its almost guaranteed it is a monster. End the battle phase..
I have only one fire formation-gyokkou, any free to play replacement for the second one?
<< Anonymous(Baller)
Anonymous Reply
It shouldn’t be too hard to get second and third ones as it is an 80 pack box. It just takes time. In the mean time I suppose you could try more anti magic arrows
<< Anonymous(Baller)
Anonymous Reply
Anti magic arrow, Mausoleum of the emperor, Hey Trunade, another Tensu if you still have room, xin zen hu...
That one dude using trap monsters instead of the Fire Fist spells... interesting.
I've been lv20 since day 1. However, there are so many hacks and mods running in this game.

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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