
KC Cup [February 2018]

Duel Links KC Cup February 2018, the meta decks, guide.
update 06/02/2018

Table of contents


1st StageFeb 8 - unknown
2nd Stageunknown

Currently we haven’t received much information yet about the next KC Cup but in this article we are going to assume it will work the same as last time.

Stage 1 of the KC Cup will start on the 8th of February, which last time consisted of 20 Duel Levels (Dlv), which work like the ladder system: you had to go “+3” to advance one level , and going “-3” would result in a demotion. You couldn’t be demoted from rank 5,10,15 and 20 and to rank up from level 19 to 20 you needed a win streak. Last time around, stage 1 gave out a lot of gems which gives you an incentive to get as high as possible.

If you get to Dlv 20 you can participate in stage 2 , which will start on the 16th of February (if you get to Dlv 20 after stage 2 started you can still join in). If you achieved King of Games in January you are qualified to join stage 2 no matter what Dlv you are on the 16th, but if you aren’t Dlv 20 yet and you want to go for it for the gems, you can still do that after stage 2 already started.

In stage 2 you try to get as high as possible on the Global/Regional ranking to receive prismatic UR/SR tickets, Gold and an Icon. If you finish in the top 500 of your Region you will get an invite for the World Championship Qualifiers (which will be held in a few months).

The World Championship Qualifiers will be a PvP event where people who qualified for it will fight for an invite to the World Championship which was held in Japan last year.

For Stage 2 each player will have an individual ranking depending on your Duel Points (DP). Everyone starts with 0 DP at the start (you can go under 0 DP) and you will win about 1000 DP when winning and lose 1000 DP for a loss. However the higher you climb the less DP you gain for a win and the more DP you lose for a loss.

This means you need a consistent and also fast deck to make your climb as efficient as possible. In this article we will list the current best decks (tier list) and which ones are good choices. Or if you won’t play any of these decks you can use this list to know what to expect people will be playing.


Tier 0

Tier 0 decks are decks that completely dominate a meta and you either play the same deck or a deck that completely counters it (but loses to almost any other deck). Currently we have 0 decks in Duel Links that are Tier 0 (which is great, this means the game is rather balanced), Cyber Angels before all the nerfs were tier 0.

Tier 1

These decks are very well rounded. They have ways to deal with almost every deck and have very few weaknesses themselves.

Currently we have 2 decks in Duel Links that correspond to this. “Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon” and “Gladiator Beasts”.

Tier 2

Tier 2 decks have a bit more weaknesses than tier 1 decks but your opponent needs to draw them early on. An example of this is Hazy Flame, one of the best counters to it is Floodgate Trap Hole, which if you don’t draw at the start is a big problem.

The Current tier 2 decks we have are “Hazy Flame” and “Saffira Cyber Angels”

Tier 3

These decks are very strong but have either one big, or a lot of weaknesses. An example of this is Ancient Gears. If they destroy your Ancient Gear Castle early on (with Gladiator Beast Bestiari, Storm, Cosmic Cyclone) you lost a major win condition which could easily result in your loss.

These are the tier 3 decks currently available: “Ancient Gears”, “Dark Worlds”, “Dino Control”, “Snipe Hunter Control”, “ Volcanics Control”, “Endless Trap Hell”

Tier 4

The decks in Tier 4 clearly feel weaker than other decks higher up on the tier list. They can do the same stuff other decks high on the tier list do, but just much slower or less consistent. However when playing ranked they can still be piloted to KoG in the right hands. However since these decks lack consistency when compared to other deck, we will not include them here because there are not good choices for the KC Cup. However to give you an idea of what these decks are, here are some examples: “Gaia Plate Magnet Warriors”, “Six Samurais”, “Dark Magician”, “Phoenix”, …..

Common Decks

Probably the most common decks you’ll face during the KC Cup will be Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon and Saffira Cyber Angels. The reason these are good picks is because they can close out games very fast.

Saffira Cyber Angel

A lot of times Saffira Cyber Angels will either win or lose on turn 2/3 , even if the winrate with this deck is lower than for example Gladiator Beasts, because they can play games much faster they could be the better pick to climb early on (when one win is about the same DP as one loss).

Saffira, Queen of DragonsSaffira, Queen of DragonsSaffira, Queen of DragonsCyber Angel DakiniCyber Angel IdatenCyber Angel Benten
Cyber Angel BentenCyber Angel BentenSenju of the Thousand HandsSenju of the Thousand HandsSenju of the Thousand HandsCyber Petit Angel
Cyber Petit Angel
Hymn of Light
Hymn of Light
Hymn of Light
Machine Angel Ritual
Fairy's BlessingFairy's Blessing--------

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUsers
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck.
Check here!

Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon

Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon is in the highest tier right now and is a solid pick because they can also finish games fast, but even if they do face a harder matchup they can go the control route and still get the win (where Saffira Cyber Angels is not as good when playing a control style).
Because Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon is also less expensive to build it will be more common for that reason.

GozukiGozukiGozukiRed-Eyes WyvernRed-Eyes Zombie DragonRed-Eyes Zombie Dragon
Samurai SkullSamurai SkullBacon SaverRed-Eyes InsightRed-Eyes InsightEnemy Controller
Enemy ControllerSuper Rush HeadlongSuper Rush HeadlongStormStormRed-Eyes Spirit
Red-Eyes SpiritCurse of Anubis--------

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Boosts the ATK of face-up attack position monsters you control by 300 per level 5 or more monsters you control. You can only use the skill once per turn.

Seto Kaiba
Straight to the Grave
Begin Duel with the Field Spell "Wasteland"

The Tie that Binds
Until the end of you turn, the ATK of all face-up monsters on your field increases by the number of monsters on your field times 100. This skill can only be used once per turn.

Yugi Muto

Gladiator Beast

When getting to higher DP, Gladiator Beasts will become much more common because a loss will cost you more DP than a win will get you. Gladiator Beasts are the best pick for consistency because they are so well rounded, they have a way to deal with backrow and monsters, they can also bring out big monsters if needed.

Gladiator Beast LaquariGladiator Beast LaquariGladiator Beast LaquariGladiator Beast BestiariGladiator Beast BestiariGladiator Beast Murmillo
Gladiator Beast MurmilloGladiator Beast DimacariSuper Rush HeadlongSuper Rush HeadlongEnemy ControllerEnemy Controller
Floodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleImpenetrable AttackImpenetrable AttackWall of DisruptionWall of Disruption
Windstorm of EtaquaCurse of Anubis----
Gladiator Beast EssedariiGladiator Beast NerokiusGladiator Beast Heraklinos---

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUsers
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck.
Check here!

Hazy Flame

Next on the list of most common decks will probably be Hazy Flame. There are cheap versions that can be build, they can close out games fast with an early Beast Rising or Beatdown (skill) or they can also play the waiting game if they fear Wall of Disruption/Mirror Wall by waiting until they draw Beast Rising. The version with Aroma Strategy is the most consistent one though as they can play more control oriented with Soul Exchange and other backrow (the versions without Aroma Strategy only run 5-7 backrow to raise the chances of the top card on their deck being a monster).

Flame TigerHazy Flame SphynxHazy Flame SphynxHazy Flame Sphynx
Hazy Flame CerbereusHazy Flame CerbereusHazy Flame CerbereusSoul ExchangeSoul ExchangeSoul Exchange
Super Rush HeadlongSuper Rush Headlong
Super Rush Headlong
Beast Rising
Beast Rising
Beast Rising
Windstorm of EtaquaCurse of Anubis--------

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Aroma Strategy
You can see the card at the top of your deck even before drawing it.


Ancient Gear

From the tier 3 decks we only suspect Ancient Gears and Dino Control will be commonly played. Dark Worlds, Snipe Hunter Control and Volcanics Control are very expensive and Endless Trap Hell is a very slow deck which will only be played by people trying to tilt others and not actually climb.

Ancient Gear GolemAncient Gear GolemSergeant ElectroSergeant ElectroSergeant ElectroAncient Gear Knight
Ancient Gear KnightAncient Gear KnightHeavy Knight of the FlameSphere KuribohSphere KuribohSuper Rush Headlong
Super Rush HeadlongSuper Rush HeadlongFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HolePulse Mines
Windstorm of EtaquaCurse of Anubis----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Middle Age Mechs
Begin Duel with the Continuous Spell "Ancient Gear Castle" activated.


Dino Control

Black BrachiosBlack BrachiosBlack BrachiosSergeant ElectroSergeant ElectroSergeant Electro
HydrogeddonHydrogeddonHydrogeddonFossil DigSuper Rush HeadlongSuper Rush Headlong
Super Rush HeadlongEnemy Controller
Enemy Controller
Anti-Magic Arrows
Anti-Magic ArrowsWall of Disruption
Wall of DisruptionFloodgate Trap Hole--------

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Dinosaur Kingdom
Begin duel with the field spell "Jurassic World" activated.



Hot New Top
5 win streak to hit stage 2 is too much, I'm a busy man and can only hit DLv 19 due to don't have time keep tying to hit DLv 20, just make it 3 win strike will suffice. Not everyone that play this game are lifeless dude without a job.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Have NO good cards/staples*
<< Anonymous(HyperXIII)
Anonymous Reply
Dude, you can't compare DLv.13 with DLv.19, it's a whole different world. I manage to hit DLv. 15 without any lose, but from DLv. 19 the real climbing is begin.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Fact i hit dlv 19 and got 4 in a row and lose so no i gotta do it over
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Actually, if you are at Lv 19 and lose at your promotion match, there is still a chance.

If you win immediately afterwards, your promotion chance is still waiting for you. Really nice, considering that in regular Ranked, losing at the promotion match COMPLETELY erases your streak, forcing you to start the 5 win streak all over again. Wish Ranked would have the same rules as the Cup.
I got made DL 20 with my deck and how do I get to Stage 2?
Deck shared! #DuelLinks
Lol wow Konami, you keep 🔥ing me. First my monsters effects wouldn’t work (and I checked every monster, nothing should have stopped them) then the second game I got the ‘can’t place anything’ glitch.
XD I’m done
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sooooo does Donpa just not work at all.....?
Does anyone know of a good blue eyes deck? I kinda main this one and I would love to bring it far.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Blue-Eyes is GUD...

for farm
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
invest in slash dragon, much better
<< Anonymous
Flinch Reply
3 vanilla 3 alternative 2 dragon spirit of white. 3 stone of ancients 1 stone of legend3 sage with eyes of blue 1 master with eyes of blue ... 3 return of the dragon lords 3 melody of awakening dragon
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lmao @ that "get gud" anon
how to get the tickets and the icon ???? i didn't receive anything
<< Anonymous(Dkayed)
Dkayed Reply
@Anonymous I am NOT a CHEATER 🔥!!!
<< Anonymous(Dkayed)
Anonymous Reply
Yes you are we spy you
<< Anonymous(Dkayed)
Hi Dkayed,

Buy our yugioh packs more and I will consider letting you enter top 500

CEO of Konami
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I did not get any rewards as well, and i actually spent a alot of Time in the kc Cup. I did not reach a high place but it would feel unrewarding... please fix it
Didnt konami promise a free reward for everyone who dueled at least once in the kc cup? Where is it?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It was the daily 55 Gems
Wheres the reward for "PEOPLE WHO DUELED AT LEAST ONCE IN THE KC CUP" konami
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They just got released. At least, I just got them.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Did you need to duel in stage two because i didnt get mine
so u get invited to WC 2018 when place top 500 in ur region?
<< Anonymous
Malefic Reply
At least top 600 region
Anyone else not get their rewards yet?
I still can't redeem my 2ndStage tickets :(
<< Anonymous(Dude)
Anonymous Reply
cant until the investigation into cheating is finished
1st place Global KC Cup February 2018 (DeckMaker) decklist

skill : Restart

2x Gaia Plate
1x Valkyrion
1x Snipe Hunter
1x Beta The Electromagnet Warrior
3x Delta The Magnet Warrior
3x Beta The Magnet Warrior
3x Enemy Controller
2x Storm
3x Powerful Rebirth
1x Wall of Disruption

Commens and feedback


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Comments (updated every hour)

Skill doesn't work. I have the requirements it asks for. Does not add scales like it says
Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
Gem 117
Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
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