
How to beat/farm Zane Lvl40 (Unlock Event)

Duel Links tips to defeat Zane Lvl 40, decks to farm Zane Lvl 40, and rewards.
update 20/10/2018

Ra Cloudian

The Winged Dragon of RaZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of HeavenCloudian - Acid CloudCloudian - Acid CloudCloudian - Cirrostratus
Cloudian - CirrostratusGolden LadybugGolden LadybugGolden LadybugCloudian - TurbulenceCloudian - Turbulence
Cloudian - TurbulenceThe Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the SkySolemn WishesSpirit Barrier
Spirit BarrierSpirit Barrier----

Amazoness Ra

The Winged Dragon of RaAmazoness PrincessAmazoness PrincessAmazoness QueenAmazoness Swords WomanAmazoness Swords Woman
Amazoness FighterAmazoness FighterAmazoness FighterGolden LadybugGolden LadybugGolden Ladybug
DownbeatDownbeatDownbeatAmazoness WillpowerAmazoness OnslaughtSpirit Barrier
Spirit BarrierSpirit Barrier----

Set Skills

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand. Your first Draw will be skipped if you use this Skill.
Yugi Muto
Yugi Muto
[Skill] descriptionUser
Draw Sense: Earth
Can be used each time your Life Points decrase by 1500. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random EARTH attribute monster.
Rex Raptor
Rex Raptor


  • Use Draw Sense: Earth to draw into an Amazoness monster. (Hopefully Amazoness Princess)
  • You can use donwbeat to tribute Amazoness Fighter or Swordswoman and special summon Amazoness Princess too.
  • When Amazoness Princess is summoned, use her effect to search out Amazoness Onslaught, and attack into anything to search out Amazoness Queen from your deck.
  • You can stall for awhile with Amazoness Onslaught and any Amazoness monster on the field. However with Amazoness Queen and Amazoness Onslaught, you can stall indefinitely.
  • You can keep your monsters in defense position so that Zane will have attack position monsters during your final turn.
  • Spirit Barrier allows you to attack for removal with Amazoness Onslaught without recieving battle damage. this also prevents you from dying to Cyberdark Edge's direct attack and Cyberdark Horn's piercing damage.
  • Activate Golden Ladybug's effect everytime. By the final turn you should have enough LP for The Winged Dragon of Ra to gain 10k+ attack.

Ra Farm

SkillNo Skill Neccessary
Essential cards
The Winged Dragon of RaThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlGolden LadybugGolden Ladybug
Golden LadybugRai-MeiRai-MeiRai-MeiLegacy of Yata-GarasuLegacy of Yata-Garasu
Legacy of Yata-GarasuSolemn WishesSolemn WishesSpirit BarrierSpirit BarrierJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed--------

Beast-Rising Beatdown

SkillNo Skill Necessary
Essential cards
DynatheriumDynatheriumDynatheriumFlame TigerFlame TigerVoltic Kong
Voltic KongVoltic KongVorse RaiderVorse RaiderMad Dog of DarknessMad Dog of Darkness
Mad Dog of DarknessHorn of the UnicornBeast RisingBeast RisingBeast RisingGood Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin Housekeeping--------


  • Use Beast Rising to boost your monsters to incredibly high attack stats.
  • Normal summon a monster and then special summon Dynatherium and feed then feed him into the other monster.
  • You can set Flame Tiger to stall an attack and then special summon him during your next turn, then feed him into another monster.
  • Feed all your monsters to 1 monster only.
  • Take note that Beast Rising will only count the original attack of the monster, so feeding boosted monster A to another monster B would only give the original attack of monster A as boost. The correct way would be to feed non-boosted monster B to boosted monster A.
  • Horn of Unicorn gives you a temporary boost until you get Beast Rising.
  • Use Good Goblin Housekeeping to draw into your deck.
  • Attack into any monster Zane controls.
  • During your final turn, deal a final blow with the highest atk of your monsters after you attack all the monsters Zane controls.

Unhappy Union

Mystical Beast of SerketGravekeeper's VassalThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlRai-Mei
Rai-MeiRai-MeiShard of GreedDouble SummonUnion AttackUnion Attack
Temple of the KingsMagical MalletMagical MalletMagical MalletSecret Pass to the TreasuresSpirit Barrier
Spirit BarrierSpirit Barrier------Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand. Your first Draw will be skipped if you use this Skill.
Yugi Muto
Yugi Muto
[Skill] descriptionUser
Destiny Draw
Can be used when your Life Points decrease by 2000. In the Draw Phase, instead of conducting your normal draw, draw a card of your choice. This Skill can only be used one per Duel.
Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi


  • This deck can also be used to farm Zane Lvl 50
  • Use your skill Restart/Destiny Draw to get Unhappy Girl or Rai-mei.
  • Raimei searches for Unhappy Girl.
  • It is best to have 2 Unhappy Girls on the field.
  • Use Spirit Barrier so that you do not die from battle damage.
  • Use Magical Mallet to return cards from your hand to deck and draw new cards.
  • During your final turn, activate Temple of the Kings then tribute summon Mythical Beast Serket. Use Temple of the King's effect to special summon a powerful monster from your extra deck.
  • Use double summon to summon Gravekeeper's Vassal during your final turn.
  • A possible alternative build is that you use the skill Holy Guard and replace Spirit Barrier with draw cards.

Speed Farm With Gate Key

Morphtronic Speed Farm

Score4000 - 5000
SkillNo Skill Neccessary / Draw Sense: Light
Essential cards

This deck is created by RYU@"龍の髭団"団長

Morphtronic VideonMorphtronic VideonMorphtronic VideonMaha VailoMaha VailoMaha Vailo
Bashing ShieldBashing ShieldBashing ShieldAxe of DespairAxe of DespairAxe of Despair
Mage PowerMage PowerMage PowerBack-Up RiderBack-Up RiderMask of Brutality
Mask of BrutalityMask of Brutality--------

Zane Truesdale's Lvl 40 deck

Lvl 40 Zane's Rewards


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Farm Zane!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Zane doesn't activate Power Wall when the amount of cards left in his deck is not enough to reduce the damage to 0.

By the time you are ready to attack with Ra, he most likely will have only around 6-7 cards left in his deck, and with 13k+ ATK Ra and only 4000 or less LP, there's no way activating Power Wall would serve any use.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well, it's not that it's not enough to reduce the damage to 0, but rather, the damage will be so big he would lose via deck out anyway on his next turn. So he just won't activate it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*forgot to add, the amount of damage would require him to mill all those 7 cards left, hence why he won't activate Power Wall.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I've done like 10 7k-8 farms not a SINGLE SR/UR wtf always gold or a trash rare. How is this even possbiel??
Borring ( -_-)zzZz
Lovely Aster
Never getting claws or underground duels anymore, and now this "missed timing" crap with Ra's effect that just HAPPENED to start during this event now. Cyber dark hell is what this turned into.
<< Anonymous(Lovely Aster)
Anonymous Reply
lol missing 23 comments
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Poor gate now we won’t be able to tell if he’s 🔥 or not the proof is gone
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I have the scrnsht don't worry
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's just your everyday Gamea deleting 90% of the comments
why zane is so fu**ing slow like a spellbook player?? and why his drops is rigged? 0 new cards from his drops till now farm is 8K points btw
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm beginning to hate that field spell card of him.. the moment it appears on the field partnered with that 🔥ed monster he pulls off from the field only to get it back one more time, and this happens while my deck still has 10 or more cards.. which means 8-9 turns of never-ending slowpokery

there's one time I got 🔥 of it I surrendered the 🔥
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yes that happened to me as well I got impatient so I just surrendered lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Its so annoying that i added 1 copy despell to destoy inferno as soon as possible.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
He will switch out his cyberdarks just because he can.
Ez and Free.
100% win rate so far.
<< Anonymous
exploder dragon Reply
it dosent work exploder dragon destroy the cloudian monster
<< Anonymous(exploder dragon)
Anonymous Reply
I already done it multiple times and the result his exploder didn't attack.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
u can get killed if zane's got 2 edges at first
zane event sucks
Is this my life right now?? I have been farming zane over 100 duels and I just need 2 more claws FFS.
If I want to put together the Beast Rising deck, what are viable replacements for Dynatherium? He's the only card in the deck I don't have any copies of.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nah, been playing for about three weeks. I'm just a bit of a whale.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol even if you are a whale that's a bad choice to make. Why spend in a deck that's been nerfed into oblivion.

Unhappy girl maybe in a box too old for you but cloudian is a very good substitute. Those in UA box if not mistaken. Combine them with sanctuary field spell = better unhappy.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Cause I didn't know better. I took advantage of the recent deals to make several purchases from each box, then expanded on the ones that seemed fun.

I was looking at Cloudians, but I have no way to get Zeradius and I'm not sure who to replace him with.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can get sanctuary with ranked ticket. Yeah too bad zeradias only comes from tea event. Lesser replacement: planet pathfinder, owl of luck.

Now I get you. Seems like farming is an issue for you. Do your best and hope you get all Zane rewards. Cyberdark is working great. With inferno field spell (if released), it is meta material.
Emster Erick
This deck got me all his cards pretty easily.
<< Anonymous(Emster Erick)
Anonymous Reply
Is Reinforcements the only option? Because if you use Restart you won't draw a card
just give me the 🔥ing cyber darkness dragon alredy, you prick

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Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
Gem 117
Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
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