
King of Game decks [September 2020]

Duel Links King of Games decks, how to reach King of Games, tips for being a King of Games duelist.
update 01/10/2020
Season 55 DurationSeptember 1 - October 1

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Subject (Title)KOG deck
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  • Your IGN
  • A small note to show how to use your deck or how you reach KOG (if necessary)
Attach Files
  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach KOG
  • a screenshot of KOG proof

Want to share your deck to help other playes? Send us an e-mail at with the image of your deck and proof of reaching KoG along with how it works! The title of your email must be KOG deck.

Required Info/screenshot

To share your deck on this page, you will send GameA:

  • your IGN (In-game name)
  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach KOG
  • a screenshot of KOG proof
  • a small note to show how you use it/how it works in the meta (optional)

Number of users per deck

Blackwing Synchro2
Blue-Eyes Synchro1
Dark Magician2
Dragunity Synchro4
Fortune Lady Synchro1
Gren Maju Da Stromberg1
Invoked Elementsaber1
Invoked Neos1
Karakuri Synchro2
Neos Fusion2
Shiranui Synchro1
Six Samurai Synchro1
Superheavy Samurai Synchro1

Blackwing Synchro


BWhai1994BW hai19942
IGN: hai1994, Skill: Harpies' Hunting Ground, Date Submitted: Sept 13


BWpeaceminus1BW peaceminus12
IGN: peaceminus1, Skill: Peak Performance, Date Submitted: Sept 28

Blue-Eyes Synchro


IGN: Solace, Skill: Switcheroo, Date Submitted: Sept 4



Crystron Nathan88_GR
IGN: Nathan88_GR, Skill: Level Augmentation, Date Submitted: Sept 28

Dark Magician


IGN: KINGPLAYER, Skill: The Tie that Binds, Date Submitted: Sept 3


IGN: YamiNoGame, Skill: Access Denied, Date Submitted: Sept 15



IGN: gengsi777, Skill: Balance, Date Submitted: Sept 10



DesperadoTrapcardDesperado Trapcard2
IGN: Trapcard, Skill: Master of Destiny, Date Submitted: Sept 23

Dragunity Synchro


DragunityKortezzyDragunity Kortezzy2
IGN: Kortezzy, Skill: Switcheroo, Date Submitted: Sept 1


Dragunitydknight178Dragunity dknight1782
IGN: dknight178, Skill: Switcheroo, Date Submitted: Sept 12


Dragunity SynchroIIINCDragunity Synchro IIINC2
IGN: IIINC, Skill: Destiny Draw, Date Submitted: Sept 22


Dragunity SynchroJORGE VDragunity Synchro JORGE V2
IGN: JORGE V, Skill: Switcheroo, Date Submitted: Sept 24

Fortune Lady Synchro

闇Ryu Bakura

Fortune Lady Synchro闇Ryu BakuraFortune Lady Synchro 闇Ryu Bakura2
IGN: 闇Ryu Bakura, Skill: Time Passage, Date Submitted: Sept 29

Gren Maju Da Stromberg

Ahmed Helmy

Gren Maju Da StrombergAhmed Helmy
IGN: Ahmed Helmy, Skill: Shadow Game, Date Submitted: Sept 30



InfernityRikuKingdomInfernity RikuKingdom2
IGN: RikuKingdom, Skill: Infernity Inferno, Date Submitted: Sept 30


InfernityMhdInfernity Mhd2
IGN: Mhd, Skill: Infernity Inferno, Date Submitted: Sept 30

Invoked Elementsaber


Invoked Elementsaberc7ronaldoInvoked Elementsaber c7ronaldo2
IGN: c7ronaldo, Skill: Sorcery Conduit, Date Submitted: Sept 3

Invoked Neos


Invoked NeosakoYugiInvoked Neos akoYugi2
IGN: akoYugi, Skill: Switcheroo, Date Submitted: Sept 30

Karakuri Synchro

LDL Hell

Karakuri SynchroLDL Hell
IGN: LDL Hell, Skill: Firm as the EARTH, Date Submitted: Sept 4


KarakuriRevolverKarakuri Revolver2
IGN: Revolver, Skill: Restart, Date Submitted: Sept 9



LightswornImAGodLightsworn ImAGod2
IGN: ImAGod, Skill: Spell Specialist, Date Submitted: Sept 16

Neos Fusion


Neos Fusion【₩】LucasNeos Fusion 【₩】Lucas2
IGN: 【₩】Lucas, Skill: Neo Space!, Date Submitted: Sept 8

Universe 7

Neos FusionUniverse 7Neos Fusion Universe 72
IGN: Universe 7, Skill: Neo Space!, Date Submitted: Sept 29

Shiranui Synchro


Shiranui SynchroDestinyXSunShiranui Synchro DestinyXSun2
IGN: DestinyXSun, Skill: Level Augmentation, Date Submitted: Sept 30

Six Samurai Synchro


Six SamuraiBorzSix Samurai Borz2
IGN: Borz, Skill: Fields of the Warriors, Date Submitted: Sept 17

Superheavy Samurai Synchro


SuperheavyNoBackrowSuperheavy NoBackrow2
IGN: NoBackrow, Skill: Defense Charge, Date Submitted: Sept 16



IGN: ⒾⒸⒺⒷⒺⒶⓇ, Skill: Balance, Date Submitted: Sept 4


IGN: gAbri6, Skill: Balance, Date Submitted: Sept 6

Dmitri N.

TriamidDmitri N.
IGN: Dmitri N., Skill: Balance, Date Submitted: Sept 18


TriamidHeartfiliaTriamid Heartfilia2
IGN: Heartfilia, Skill: Balance, Date Submitted: Sept 18


IGN: jino, Skill: Balance, Date Submitted: Sept 26


IGN: Glare, Skill: Balance, Date Submitted: Sept 28


IGN: pasq, Skill: Balance, Date Submitted: Sept 30

King of Games Log








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Wow! Didn't expect Triamid can compete in ranked and 7 players reached KoG. Since Sphinx released, it made huge impact. Also Blackwing players cannot bring blackbird close anymore. They might bring Forb. Chalice as a replacement.
<< Anonymous(Candend)
Anonymous Reply
try playing with them and you will see how broken triamid kingolem is
<< Anonymous(Candend)
Anonymous Reply
I even reached kog without sphinx (from legend 1 to kog in 1 day)
Just finished my 6samurai deck in my new account. I'll try to KOG with them. Next Ill be building vendread with Black rose dragon. Gotta have fun playing rogue decks than playing meta vs meta.
OMG that cringe "Dark Signer Solace" is still
What the f u c k is wrong with his brain..
Is he didnt have any shame doing that..
dark signer,super sentai,kamen rider,teletubies..solace..
Lol..he must be F A T,Virgin nerd and having "Peter Pan Syndrom..
His body growing up,but the mind is still 5 years old
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ummm did he touch you when you were sleeping or something?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
As if lol..
Someone who write something so cringey have a d i c k..
He become that delusional because frustated doesnt have a d i c k..
So he became "dark signer" to f u c k himself..
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ya but did he touch you when you where sleeping?
I play WC and hit KOG like 3 weeks ago but too lazy to submit LOL
<< Anonymous
Faruk Aksoy Reply
It is okay. You can try to hit KoG again next month and ....not submit the deck too.
I hope in a new fair ban list soon to never see again something like neos invoker but I'm sure about 2 things in my life:
1. Konami hates hey trunade (so karakuri prepare yourself)
2. Konami really loves invoker

I only hope in Konami's greed to sell the new box!
<< Anonymous(Perry)
Anonymous Reply
3. Konami loves to release bad box with only a few useful cards that probably are SR or UR, in order to drain you the gems obtained throught hard work.
Sep 25 and still no Shiranui
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They Just did not submit, look at DLM site for KOG Shira decks.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm talking about Shiranui in this site, not in DLM.

Why don't they submit here? that's the question
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sorry I thought you just want a proof that shiras are still reaching KOG.
R.I.P. Witch Crafters
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I recently beat Witchcrafters using Triamid deck, within 6 turns.
Was I just lucky?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And what about the invoker? It is almost the anniversary and it never left the tier list or get really nerfed.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The only thing that make Invoker engine annoying is the water fusion Cocytus.
Banned that card, and we are saved.
Purgatrio, and other fusions can be easily beatable/destroyed.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It depends on what deck you are playing. Seing purgatrio being summoned by banishing your solitaire when you dont have another banished zombie or spectral sword you have prepared for next turn is annoying too.
That Dragunity player using all my fav cards, herald and forbidden lance, chalice,
As for triamid it's very annoying to face them and now they got a new crazy card,
I faced DM with access denied its very tough deck
Congrats to the Karakuri player.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well, Karakuri isn't really meta so I think it will be safe from banlist for quite a while.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Meta is not yet updated because the new box just got released. They dont have the strongest effect no and WC is a very hard Match-up for them but when you are drawing have your deck in the 20 card deck format they are very consistent.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
See? I was right. Already tier 2.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Really strong deck. Fast and aggressive. Used it for kccup and KOG got rank up to max in no time
The winstreak losestreak system has to go.if you win 4 lose 1 x 3 go +9 u dont get kog but u go +5 u get kog.for komoney +9 is more than +5
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Everyone who has done math before knows that the number 5 is bigger than 9.

Exceptionally those who were employed by Konami.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So which number is bigger now? 9 or 5? I'm very confused
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
"So which number is bigger now? 9 or 5? I'm very confused"
9 for normal people, 5 for komoney.

But 69 is bigger than both
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's 42 > 69 > 5 > 9, I think
Nice to see triamids and karakuri hitting the game
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No Shiranui yet?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
their backrow got negated or didnt get enough or they got trunaded :D
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
and / or didnt get enough.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
or the Shiranui players have not submitted yet.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
or maybe Shiranui user now sick of using Shiranui already

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You can’t activate it because you have already lost the duel at this point V
966-641-197 p-p-please go easy on m-me bcause I can't play l-like a man.
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