Season 48 Duration | January 1 - February 1 |
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Subject (Title) | KOG deck |
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Want to share your deck to help other playes? Send us an e-mail at with the image of your deck and proof of reaching KoG along with how it works! The title of your email must be KOG deck.
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Deck | Count |
Agents | 1 |
Ancient Gear | 4 |
Blackwing Synchro | 7 |
Blue-Eyes Cosmo | 2 |
Crystron | 1 |
Cyber Dragon | 6 |
Cyberdark Neos | 1 |
Darklord | 8 |
Dark Magician | 7 |
Desperado | 2 |
Dino Synchro | 1 |
Dragunity Synchro | 3 |
Fortune Lady Synchro | 1 |
Gravekeeper | 2 |
Gren Maju Da Stromberg | 1 |
Invoked Elementsaber | 5 |
Invoked Magician Girl | 1 |
Masked HERO | 3 |
Neos Fusion | 1 |
RDA/Assault Mode | 1 |
Ritual Beast | 3 |
Shiranui Synchro | 19 |
Silent Spellbook | 1 |
Six Samurai Synchro | 3 |
Subterror | 1 |
Superheavy Samurai Synchro | 3 |
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
CL Trader | Destiny Draw | Jan 25 |
A comment from CL Trader:
The most important combo of this deck is Sanctuary in the sky plus The Agent of Entropy. There are essentially 6 Sanctuary cards in this deck...The agent will fill your graveyard with light fairies for your boss monster Master Hyperion while also baiting your opponent to use their back row on it when it is summoned. Once they’ve done that you can summon your Hyperion and take our their monster plus remaining back row usually putting you in a position to OTK.
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
jtmonay | Middle Age Mechs | Jan 15 |
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
T-Virus | Middle Age Mechs | Jan 16 |
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
Acydchaos | The Tie that Binds | Jan 25 |
A comment from :
I used the same deck as last months but I played it very differently: due to the new meta, my two traps were not here to protect myself but were used as decoys for cards like Dark Magician Circle or Cosmic Cyclone. Moreover, I tended to set more S&T cards to make my opponent destroy them to then activated the effects from the graveyard (Fortress and Galactic Cyclone). Breaker the Magical Warrior is much more useful than last month, so are the karakuri cards. The cards fasten this deck so much, I would not have made KoG without them !
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
Drustan | Middle Age Mechs | Jan 31 |
A comment from Drustan:
Got to KOG within the last 30min of the season! Pulse mine is a good counter vs shiranui. AG also doing well vs Dark Magician decks thanks to the backrow removal.
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
Agrobiano | Destiny Draw | Jan 9 |
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
DominusBJ | Sealed Tombs | Jan 12 |
A comment from DominusBJ:
I actually used a modified Harpie's Hunting Ground version of this deck to climb all the way to Legend 5, but I kept getting stopped by Dark Lords. This caused me to switch skills to Sealed Tombs which dealt better against Dark Lords, Shiranui, and Invoked Decks.
This deck won me KOG. Herald of the Abyss is an underrated excellent tech card that deals with Cocytus and other pesky boss monsters and has won me countless duels. Blackwing Breeze is a great substitute for Gale the Whirlwind since I only had 1 copy.
Hey, Trunade is invaluable against a board full of the back row and was more effective than running 2 cosmic cyclones. Steam the Cloak has won me some duels with his summoning from the graveyard, creating some tricky game-winning plays. When going second, this deck was nearly a guaranteed win.
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
Bakuroso | Level Reduction | Jan 20 |
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
LaplaceXZ | Draw Sense: High-Level | Jan 24 |
A comment from LaplaceXZ:
Still managed to reach KOG with Blackwings despite the rise of Grass Shiranui and DM deck.
I'm using Draw Sense: High-Level skill for 2 reasons, because I want to consistently grab Simoon whenever I need it and also I'd like to role-play Crow with Blackwing deck.
I'm running 2 Ghibli last season, but this time I replaced it with 2 Sphere Kuribohs, likewise as a safety net to trigger skill and also to protect your board. It also can catch the opponent off guard, giving me chance to counterattack on the following turn.
1 Harmattan to extend combos as usual.
Got my 3rd Black Whirlwind from the recent dream ticket and it boosted the consistency significantly.
I replaced 1 copy of Kris with Zephyrus to have more options when searching using Whirlwind. It also helps swarm the board and lets you dodge the 1k damage from Simoon's effect to keep Whirlwind available and allow Gale's effect to be reuse.
1 Blackbird Close can also catch opponents off guard. always play it from hand, refrain from setting it if possible.
This deck plays without face down, making opponents think that either I bricked or played full offense Blackwing deck. Those handy hand traps are safe from most deck that can clear backrow or nuke the field.
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
BlueDelta | Harpies' Hunting Ground | Jan 24 |
A comment from BlueDelta:
Harpies’s Hunting Ground allows for more search options when Normal Summoning using Black Whirlwind. Triple Simoon the Poison Wind and Black Whirlwind are essential to set up your inital play. If you are going first and are not expecting an OTK on the opponent’s turn you might want to hold of from going all out on Synchros and just Normal Summon Kris the Crack of Dawn or set a tuner.
If you start with Simoon the Poison Wind and Black Whirlwind you can get off 4 searches in one turn, which easily allows to plan ahead for a follow up play. Your first Synchro monster should always be Assault Blackwing Raikiri the Rain Shower to clear the board. Assault Blackwing Chidori the Rain Sprinkling is a strong beater and can resurrect the former upon destruction, but its second effect is nothing to be relied upon, as it requires you to rely on your opponent’s actions. Blackwing Tamer – Obsidian Hawk Joe can bring back both Raikiri and Chidori and allows you to fill up the board with up to 3 Synchro monsters.
Black-Winged Dragon’s main purpose ist provide you with a free Special Summon upon the usage of Blackbird Close, which makes up for its cost. This way, you disrupt the opponent’s play while keeping up board presence.
Vermillion Dragon Mech enables some additional card destruction and is a versatile Level 9 Synchro monster. It is worth nothing that Oroshi the Squall’s effect can be used on your own monsters to turn around the situation. If the enemy is going to use a card effect to switch Raikiri into face down defense position summon your second Synchro monster with Oroshi and flip up Raikiri.
Note: I just got my hands on Blackwings and i am still in the process of optimizing them. Switching one or two Kris with Bora the spear sounds like a good idea. Also, feel free to change up the Extra Deck.
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
YezuKira | Sealed Tombs | Jan 28 |
A comment from YezuKira:
This is my version of Blackwing Deck. Some players use 2 Cosmic Cyclone. I‘ve used 1 And 1 Night Shot to prevent “magicians Navigations” and other traps In response.
The best offense and defense Of this Deck is the Poison Wind and Hawk Joe... if you start the Duel. No matter what monster your opponent attacks, in your move, you will able to: summon Raikiri and destroy 2 cards or make a finalizer attack
Delta Crow saves me more time than I can count.
Sealed Tombs saves the duel when you are in Legend Rank 5 and have to win five times without losing.
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
クリティウス_10 | Harpies' Hunting Ground | Jan 30 |
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
Solace | Destiny Draw | Jan 18 |
A comment from Solace:
It took me quite some time, but after a lot of tweaking, tempering, tuning and testing. I proudly present my self-made non-meta blue eyes white dragon deck.
This deck mainly focuses on disrupting your opponent plays using counter traps and then swarming the field with big beater monsters, while dealing with their back row at the same time(Rebirth of Parshath+Ancient Stone of Legend into Avenging Knight of Parshath and Dragon Spirit of White).
It is quiet lethal and effective since most meta decks requires grave and field set ups(it doesn't trigger their effects since you return them back into the deck). We put three copies of dawn knight for consistency. It works as a medium or substitute for white stone of legend in case you can't draw it early on. Then three copies of Divine Providence to enhance the effectiveness of Parshath counter trap.
What's more, you can also combo it with white stone of legends on hand. Destiny draw is your preferred skill of choice, it helps a lot when you are bricking, make crucial plays or finish an opponent of(You can easily trigger this skill, because rebirth of Parshath requires you to pay 1000 life points each use).
♦ Other Information:
Most Effective Main Combo:
2x Rebirth of Parshath(Set), One other counter trap(Hand), White stone of legend(Hand) or Dawn Knight(Set).
♦ Tips:
If you can't finish your opponent off in one turn and they have no field or back row protection. I recommend you synchro summon Azure Silver Eyes Dragon. It gives you a freebie monster reborn later on for your Spirit of White(back row removal) or Blue Eyes(Beater).
Always set your Dawn Knight to lure your opponent into attacking it. Keep it facedown until you draw White Stone of Legend. Then synchro it into Armades(swarms into Dragon of Spirit of White or Blue Eyes at the end phase).
♦ Notes:
Always keep in mind how many Blue Eyes you have in hand or your grave. The main weakness of this deck is that you only have three tuners. Only use Dawn Knight skill of putting white stone of legend into the grave if you got field space to summon blue eyes.
Your chance of beating meta decks is roughly only fifty percent, it largely depends if you got your counter traps early on. If not, just hope that you survive the early rounds till you trigger your destiny draw skill.
♦ Credits:
I wanna say thank you on Everyone who is supporting me. I hope this gives you an Idea how I get KoG despite the new powerful meta cards added in the game. Let's all keep climbing up the ladder, let's get our game on! ^-^
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
RobertX7 | Alternative Evolution | Jan 24 |
A comment from RobertX7:
Basically, what you do is outsourcing your opponent and get into OTK whenever possible, many deck such as lava golem Odion or labyrinth brother rely on their trap to stop attack or stall for a turn, by negating them, you can get a clear direct attack and easily otk them, also to caught a lot of opponent off guard such as Darklord, negating their Ixtab will make them go -2 while discarding a stone will make you card neutral or even get a free blue eyes on board, all card in the deck is pretty self explanatory.
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
fanel | Mythic Depths | Jan 17 |
A comment from fanel:
This deck is really powerful for 2 reasons : sea stealth attack and crystron quarionganrdax.The targeting protection from citadel whale is the cerry on top.
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
Mika | Cyber Style | Jan 8 |
IGN | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
Sloncho | Cyber Style | Jan 20 |
A comment from Sloncho:
Inexpensive, fast. Not a big brain deck, but deals with most decks pretty well.
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