
King of Game decks [Mar 2019]

Duel Links King of Games decks, how to reach King of Games, tips for being a King of Games duelist.
update 02/05/2019
Season 38 DurationMarch 1 - April 1

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  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach KOG
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Number of users per deck

Ancient Gear15
Buster Blader DNA Surgery2
Cyber Angel2
Cyber End1
Cyber Stein1
Destiny Board1
Dino Survival's End26
Fairy Tale2
Fur Hire5
Hazy Flame2
Koa'ki Meiru19
Masked HERO11
Mecha Phantom Beast1
Nephthys Ritual1
Nephthys Yubel9
Sea Stealth Attack2
Silent HERO1
Silent Swordsman Amazoness1
Wheeleder Synchro1



IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
SahloupaThe Tie that BindsMarch 24

A comment from Sahloupa:
Reptiles better than Dinosaurs. With the nerf of Koakis and Vampires, Aliens have actually better chances to reach King of Games. This deck can beat every meta game if opened well, and ideally with A Cell + Powerful Rebirth/Brainwashing.

Unfortunately, Aliens don't have a direct way to deal with Yubel, beside having 4 cards: Econ, Powerful Rebirth, Overlord and a monster on the field/grave, and that makes it the worst match up for Aliens. You basically take Yubel Incarnate and tribute it, but if you want, you can tech in SRH or Offerings.

The rest are standard matches, you can win easy, like you can lose easy (that includes Dinos).
Hey Trunade is gone now from top tier decks now which makes it a healthy environment to make your combos and do well.



IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
TurlesParasite InfestationMarch 15

A comment from Turles:

I just copied the deck version you posted to see if it works (it does!) Try to flip Rocket Hand only in dmg step or at the end of the enemy`s turn to avoid canadia. Can have some trouble against dinos if you start second.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
capslockParasite InfestationMarch 17

A comment from capslock:
Amazoness Swordswoman + Rocket Hand combo is great in the current meta versus high attack monsters such as Reacter Dragon and Maximus.Anti-trap decks are somewhat difficult to play against since half of the deck becomes useless.

I won several duels against Buster Blader by
setting a sneaky Swordswoman and ending my turn. It is probably a good idea to make room for two or three copies of floodgate to prevent OTKs. I have seen several people running similar decks with Odion's skills but I think the better option is to play parasites because of the fast paced meta.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
CoffeeverParasite InfestationMarch 18

A comment from offeever:

Parasite Infestation for dinos. Skull Meister is great is this meta. Gravity Lash catches people off guard.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
NEO-ProudParasite InfestationMarch 25

A comment from NEO-Proud:
Set up a field where Amazoness Queen and Sword Woman or Tiger (or both) are key to try to win with this deck thus creating a lockdown so the effects of burn with Lava Golem, Jade Insect Whistle and Sword Woman itself will prevail. The traps will be aid to delay the duel. The Skull Meister really is indispensable for this meta against Yubel, Koa'ki and Ancient Gear.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
VorkhalParasite InfestationMarch 26


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
stegioMind ScanMarch 28

A comment from stegio:

I just copied and changed an older version of Amazoness deck, with the input of skull meister i can easily avoid survival's ends effect and all graveyard effects, also power of guardians equip spell card helped me a lot to defeat tough opponents such as anciet gears and yubel.

Ancient Gear


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
RodarkMiddle Age MechsMarch 3


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
LanaMiddle Age MechsMarch 6


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
DokxaMiddle Age MechsMarch 9

A comment as Dokxa:
Didn't like the hard-disruption back row version with x3 Canadia and x3 floodgates, so decided to tech against bad matchups while running a solid core. I would add a third CC if I had it, it's so versatile and useful here as ECon. Same with Breaker, I really like that thing, but I only have 2, so I teched against the new Dinos and heavy back row decks with XingZhen.

It prevents trap spam if used correctly and adds a new target to be destroyed, protecting your board. Gotta say I won 4 games only via his activation. Using Canadia from graveyard it's really useful too, as it enables a body for Reactor or simply protection.

Anyway, simple deck, simple idea. Get your combo running, think ahead and don't overdo as your resources are limited. Btw, the second fortress was MVP, preventing Reactors to be targeted and adding more consistency against both Dinos and Koaki. Few expect a second fortress as everyone is only playing 1, so they think they are safe once the first is destroyed.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
SpiidoBalanceMarch 10


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
ハイゼンベルク@風見鶏′Middle Age MechsMarch 11


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
Jo_Middle Age MechsMarch 13

A comment from Jo_:

My first king of games. Hands down the best Ancient Gear deck I’ve used that is CONSISTENT. I climbed from gold to KOG in roughly 3 hours. The deck speaks for itself. The goal is to get UAGG out first hand. I was able to get him out first hand 75% of the time. The other 25% Ultimate pound was king. Most people use gear town to special summon AGRD. This deck uses AGRD as back up.

Gear town is mainly if you can’t get UAGG out. Use gear town to summon AGG or Ultimate pound with one tribute. Use gear frame or gear wyvern to get AGG or Ultimate pound in your hand and pulse minds to buy you time to summon AGG or Ultimate pound. Literally, this deck worked wonders. If you need a card you have a way to draw it without waiting. Only one deck was a problem. Well, really only one card - Koa’ki Meiru Ice.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
MingMiddle Age MechsMarch 14

A comment from Ming:
Forbidden Chalice is for Yubel and Amazoness, and Skull Meister is for Dinos.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
KarnageMiddle Age MechsMarch 17

A comment from Karnage:
The most important factor was knowing what time of the day to farm ranked

Bocah Indo

IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
Bocah IndoMiddle Age MechsMarch 17

A comment from Bocah Indo:

Easy Win Streak with this deck. Use skull meister to counter graveyard effect. Use e-con to take enemy monster that have triggered effect if you go 1st or just canadia that monster.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
MoistBreadMiddle Age MechsMarch 18

A comment from MoistBread:

First time KOG. Pretty simple Ancient Gear Deck, main goal is to get Reactor Dragon out and start your combo. I added UAGG as a backup plan in case I somehow couldn’t use Reactor, and a few times (including my last game for KOG) Id just summon UAGG and win easily. With Wyvern and Frame its pretty easy to get the fusion material.

Pulse Mines was the real mvp, in many occasions it saved me from getting otk’ed, giving me enough time to win the duel. Chalice was added because of Yubel. Double cyclone was great for backrow removal while also being able to pop Gear Town or Ancient Gear Fortress.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
T-VirusMiddle Age MechsMarch 15
SithariMiddle Age MechsMarch 16
BotelhoPintoMiddle Age MechsMarch 23
DjaroMiddle Age MechsMarch 29
FerMiddle Age MechsMarch 31


Hot New Top
You can reach KoG and Dlv.MAX with total free or cheapest decks in only 3-6 days account, I will list all decks u can do it:
------------ 100% free decks --------------
------------ cheapest decks -------------
-------Budget version & rogue decks --------
*do reroll for most hard card to obtain what u need 3 copy
*use UR and SR premium ticket for complete set cards
*open box by single punchase option
*some free staple cards: Enemy Controller(SR tickets) Kiteroid(Card Trader) Counter Gate(Kaiba DSOD level reward) Windstorm(Mai Lv25 reward) Anubis Cursed(Odio Lv21 reward)
*selection boxes are the best boxes for reroll
*use skill ticket for unlock which skill u need(unlock the character first)......
check all these Laval KoG decks at page 4.. it is amazing... this prove Laval is meta

Laval + Neos Fusion + King's Consonance = F2P strong version still can hit KoG veyr strong deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
..11 months ago, go buy some glasses
It's weird when ppl say it's easier to climb at the end of the season, well in this season and the last one I climbed to legend 3 on the 1st and 2nd day and didn't play till the last 3 days as I rarely find a time to play, all I faced were full KOGs players with optimal meta decks, yesterday I kogged for the 12th time and all I faced were pre-nerf Koa'ki, optimal AGs, good players with Dinos and some lavals.
My early season KOGs were easier than my last 2 as I faced more Platinum-legend players in legend at the beginning/mid- season than the end!.
<< Anonymous(X3)
Hiccup Reply
they must be talking about silver rank...
<< Anonymous(X3)
Anonymous Reply
On 3/29 almost all of my legend duels were AG, Yubel, and wildheart/tenkabito decks.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
too many yubel decks
<< Anonymous(X3)
Noah D. Reply
For me it is true. I struggle climbing to Legend from Platinum and then climb too easily to KOG...
Let's not complain. The meta is healthy. I just got to KOG with YTdan hazy deck. Minus some cards, but HAZY. Simple just a beatdown deck. Anyone can KOG.
<< Anonymous(Ren)
Anonymous Reply
Exactly, anyone that understands the game and puts a little effort can get to KoG.
<< Anonymous(Ren)
Noah D. Reply
I myself got to KOG using Red-Eyes Buster Deck with Parasite Infestation for the skill. I am a free user and I got most of it by completing all quizzes. It also helps me better counter or play smarter against any deck since I had the idea how their deck works...
Arya Stark
GameA, my skill was balance, not destiny calling...
<< Anonymous(Arya Stark)
WoodFrJared Reply
Fixed :)
<< WoodFrJared
Arya Stark Reply
Oh. I see now. Thank you.
Wow, admin deleted my post about people who cheated on KaibaCorp Bling skill. Are you one of those people? I saw your decklist after the duel and I didn't find any prismatic card, but during the duel you used the skill to grab prismatic Diamond Core, how is it possible?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I dunno why your post gets deleted, but I have a feeling the foils you see in the decklists are based on your own foils instead of the user's.

I started thinking about that when I saw Vagabond using a prismatic Enemy Controller, but when I checked the decklist, there's none. In another time, a decklist has a glossy card when it wasn't glossy in the duel. I do have a glossy version of that card.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I had dueled against KaibaCorp Bling Gem-Knight deck, my opponent used the skill to grab prismatic Grass Looks Greener. When I checked his decklist it was there, and I don't have any prismatic Grass in my collections. As for Koa'ki deck, I have glossy Maximus and Ice but when I saw "the cheater" decklist, all cards are regular. Nothing glossy or prismatic.
When you always brick at rank up KOG

Then loses 3 straight and derank.

Wins 5 to rank up. Yay! Oh what Legend 3? wtf

Loses 3 straight derank.. sigh
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Been there, from almost being KOG to legend 1 xD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I came back from a longish break and had to climb out from rookie.

15 bricks it took me to get from R1 to bronze. Had to switch to Mermails to move, I was using U.A.
Everyone is playing Skull Meister to counter most graveyard decks. Just to tell that in the ladder, you don't need such a tech. You just ruin your deck by doing so.
<< Anonymous
Emperor Reply
But, I'm already KOG and I faced those who used it against. One guy was lucky and was able to drop 3 Skulls to disable my Vampire plays, others just drop one and lose afterwards. I'm the one who posted btw, and my deck is the post ban Vampires
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it's late in the season, most of decks would be able to reach kog by now
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wrong word my freind. You will see Vampires here at the start of the next season.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Most decks need it, stupid.
That "Exodia FTK" it's not FTK, is a normal version
Why is that there's always people play AG in the KOG? Fun decks isn't fun anymore. Okay.. is that it? Okay.

- 3 consecutive Crowlers

me: Yubel *clap clap*
Yubel: Hold my beer.
Phoenixes: rrrrrrrrrrrrrr
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
AG is top tier right now, thanks for updating banlist and nerfing Koa'ki ^^
None of these decks really stand out :/
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I like that monarch deck. Loved monarchs in the TCG.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, a lot of ancient gear going on. Plus some of the old tried and tested decks.

We are getting a new monarch though, one of the better ones too.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wouldn't that means the meta is balanced, though?

As no deck is obviously OP compared to others.
7 masked heroes, that deck is really ever lasting.
<< Anonymous(<Bard>)
Otto Reply
Waste so much money, it's gotta be
<< Anonymous(<Bard>)
Anonymous Reply
And we know we're getting more of them in the future.

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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