
King of Game decks [Oct 2019]

Duel Links King of Games decks, how to reach King of Games, tips for being a King of Games duelist.
update 01/11/2019
Season 45 DurationOctober 1 - November 1

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Amano-Iwato Control5
Ancient Gear10
Blue-Eyes Cosmo11
Buster Blader DNA Surgery2
Cyber Angel3
Cyberdark Desperado3
Cyberdark Neos2
Dark Magician5
Dino Subterror1
Flower Cardian3
FL Darklord2
Fortune Lady6
Fur Hire1
Gren Maju Da Stromberg4
Invoker Elementsabers2
Invoker Magician6
Invoked Neos11
Lava Golem Stall2
Magician Girl3
Masked HERO6
Masked Swordsman1
Neos Fusion5
Red-Eyes Fusion1
Red-Eyes HERO Parshath1
Red Lotus Synchro1
Silent Elementsaber1
Silent Neos Fusion1
Silent Parshath1
Six Samurai17
Thunder Dragon1
Yubel Nephthys1


ultra mega

IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
ultra megaBeatdownOct 25

Amano-Iwato Control


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
IIINCDuel, standby!Oct 3

A comment from IIINC:

I made this budget version to incorporate more cards from tickets. Use Fusilier Dragon with World Clash Legacy to get a 2800 (and not 1400) attack point difference from your opponent’s monster. World Clash Legacy’s damage step intervention is still relevant - especially true when facing newer archetypes like Gravekeepers and Aleister Neos.

Never use World Clash Legacy with Amano or its effect will return Amano back to the hand. With this deck, it also “pays to syncopate.” This means that you are better off setting that Rebirth of Parshath (or other negate card) and ending the turn rather than getting caught while launching an all out attack while your opponent has backrow.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
Pduque13Duel, standby!Oct 9

A comment from Pduque13:

This Deck has powerful negation effects, specially against monster effects. Forbidden Chalice is a key card in this deck because it can make a normal summoned Barbaros/Fusilier reach a +3000 attack or make Amano stay on field if you summoned it after your first turn. It can also negate your opponent's monsters passive effects that Amano doesn't negate, what is very useful against Buster Blader decks. But since it isn't a powerful defensive battle card, i run only 2x of them.

This deck doesn't run a lot of monsters. Due to this, Rebirth of Parshath is necessary not only to negate more effects but also to summon a big beater to your field, so you need to run another counter traps to give this deck consistency, since have a set Rebirth without having a counter trap on the hand is useless. Ultimate Providence is also a very strategic card in this deck because it can negate any card, but remember it is a very occasional card, so use it wisely. Although counter traps aren't very popular or OP in Duel links, they have the advantage of being speed level 3, what makes their effects deniable only by another counter traps!

It took me about 20 duels to go from Legend rank to KOG, and after i started using more counter trap cards after reaching Legend Rank 2, it took only 12 duels to reach KOG. People call Amano deck an anti-meta deck, but with meta fully based on monster effects, i see it as a pure meta deck.


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Bak2ForniteDuel, standby!Oct 11

A comment from Bak2Fornite:

I didnt want to invest in 3x Eatos so I improvised with Fusilier, works well with clash. Concentrating current works for both protecting your amano and doing piercing with parshath.


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Vastar25Duel, standby!Oct 11

Other KOG Players

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pormfpormfpormfDuel, standby!Oct 14

Ancient Gear


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zMutMiddle Age MechsOct 4

A comment from zmut:

Note: Ancient Gear Reborn can save you from lose after they destroy your Ancient Gear Monsters, especially Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon. Special Summon your AG Wyvern from GY to take an Ancient Gear card (Fortress or AG Reactor Dragon) on Opponent's turn or Special Summon AG Reactor Dragon to block your enemies attack (you can summon at opponent's End Step).


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emaraquinoMiddle Age MechsOct 15


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HappyBoyMiddle Age MechsOct 17


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mstongeMiddle Age MechsOct 17


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YubelMiddle Age MechsOct 19

A comment from Yubel:

I used Twister to destroy Fortress or Geartown, more effective then double cyclone because of some deck didn't use back row.

Use ur WLC or Enemy Controller carefully
If u duel with Desperado, try to summon your Reactor Dragon when fortress just activated, so u save from Desperado skill


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BicboiMiddle Age MechsOct 20

A comment from Bicboi:

Okay so if you want to just run over decks as soon as possible, this deck is for you!
3x Ancient Gears Reactor. Because of more smash, the better. Run two if you want but 3 is guaranteed more smashing.

  • 3x Ancient Wyvern: Standard Searcher. If you played this deck, you know :3

  • 1x Sazank: For the opponents that have the bigger stick monster (more than 3300 ATK), just remove it without triggering its effects. Guaranteed, one of the best removal monsters of the game.

  • Spells: Your standard 3x Geartown, spell destruction, etc. I run 2x Fortress because the protection is pretty dank and you more than likely will break your own fortress.

  • 3x Rebirth Of Parshath: you want to negate stuff like red eyes fusion, neos fusion, chaos form, etc. and almost instantly win the game because of your opponent all in turn 2? This is an ez 3 of. Consistency goes up with the other counter traps. Parshath monster it summons is pretty dank too.

  • 1x Overwhelm: because of your ability and if you don't have any spell destruction for your stuff.

  • 1x Ultimate Providence: the classic allrounder negate.


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AcydchaosThe Tie that BindsOct 23

A comment from Acydchaos:

Note: I used this deck from Legend 2 to KoG because of all the various decks you can face in Legend. Double Cyclone allows summoning Dragon while destroying a set card. This deck is fast, defensive, and can counter most tier 0 decks.

The chazz

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The chazzMiddle Age MechsOct 23


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
DrustanMiddle Age MechsOct 28

A comment from Drustan:

very straightforward run to KOG, including an 11 consecutive win streak in Legend. ECO, TTH and Canadia are key tech to get past darklords, desperados and 6sam. Obviously opposition is much weaker at end of month.

Other KOG Players

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DuterteMiddle Age MechsOct 29

Blue-Eyes Cosmo

riccardo r

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riccardo rBeatdownOct 6


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
DoppelgangerAlternative EvolutionOct 8

A comment from Doppelganger:

Blue Eyes is still competitive now with Kaiba's New Skill Alternative Evolution.

Blue-Eyes Alternative Dragon can destroy Despacito Barrel Dragon, Subterror, and some other cards that would trigger its effect if attacked.

Layla can destroy back row as well as mining Legendary Stone/Blue Eyes for Silver Sky or become Cosmo Brain's Tribute for summoning Blue Eyes.

The Synchros are also helpful depending on what you're against.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
GoodGuyVehaAlternative EvolutionOct 10

A comment from GoodGuyVeha:

I reach my first KOG with this Blue Eyes deck and since this is a F2P deck, it takes time to push the rank. I add 2x Legacy Clash in order to deal with Quintet Magician and other high atk monsters and to save my Blue Eyes from being destroyed or the spell itself. I only run one Stone of ancient because I only have 1 copy of it which means that I need to use Dawn knight to send it to the grave or occasionally send Stone of legends.

The strategy if I go first,i would just set Dawn knight, counter gate, the stones or just gamble my luck. Snipe hunter is the mvp card to deal with Buster Blader deck but only if Buster's users didnt set DNA surgery in the first turn.



Hot New Top
Lazy 🔥s when are you gonna update the list?? It's already 11th
<< Anonymous
Kyoko Reply
This is KOG October dude, not this month.
Check KOG November.
I like how this website is SO DEAD that only the ow ner of the domain posts
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Then who are you? :p
You're also posting here, you idiot :p
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
me too ;)
Stardust dragon =best synchro monster ever?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
At least in the TCG, Black Rose was better and way more popular.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Samurai Destroyer and Armades are better.

Honestly even in the show, the moment Shooting Star Dragon shows up, 95% of Stardust's appearance since then only amounts to a short cameo before it gets used to synchro climb into Shooting Star.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And yeah, Black Rose Dragon is better too.

Heck, Ancient Fairy Dragon last year becomes so powerful, she has to get banned. Forbidden.
Cosmic Cyclone > Night Beam
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Debatable, both have an equal amount of pros and cons.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it depends on your board situation.
In this game you need 3$ to get OPTIONAL card that are not actually needed.

Try other card games, you'll need hundreds of dollars.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I guess that's why those companies paid trolls to do the dirty job
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
what card specifically?
The game of "Komoney" is less expensive than Magic the Gathering and Hearhtstone
<< Anonymous
Kaiba Reply
Oh snap
Silent swordsman + Elementsabers are dope
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think so
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
strange combination, but it works
Tulza Zorl
Darklords tier 1 after the ban list.
Just like Six Sams, they will have the same fate.

Probably tiered during 1 year. What a great deck.
Quintet Magician is so powerful but honestly, I just defeated chaos max with just Mahad.

Post script:
PogChamp !
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
F2P never died
7 Gravekeeper decks posted in a dead website that almost no one visits. Damn, F2P never left this game, I guess plenty of people KOG'd with that deck.
<< Anonymous(F2P never died)
Anonymous Reply
Gravekeeper + grass is greener is also a thing
This website is dead.
Visit reddit
Magician girls = tiered

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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