
King of Game decks [August 2019]

Duel Links King of Games decks, how to reach King of Games, tips for being a King of Games duelist.
update 27/08/2019
Season 43 DurationAugust 1 - August 27

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  • A small note to show how to use your deck or how you reach KOG (if necessary)
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  • a screenshot of KOG proof

Want to share your deck to help other playes? Send us an e-mail at with the image of your deck and proof of reaching KoG along with how it works! The title of your email must be KOG deck.

Required Info/screenshot

To share your deck on this page, you will send GameA:

  • your IGN (In-game name)
  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach KOG
  • a screenshot of KOG proof
  • a small note to show how you use it/how it works in the meta (optional)

Number of users per deck

Alien Neos1
Ancient Gear5
Blue-Eyes Cosmo3
Cyber Angel1
Cyberdark Desperado4
Cyberdark Neos Fusion1
Dark Magician1
Fabled Synchro1
Fur Hire1
Magnet Warrior1
Masked HERO1
Nephthys Yubel1
Silent Swordsman1
Six Samurai8
The Hanged Man1
Vylon Control1

Alien Neos


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
JaszaBeatdownAug 13

A comment from Jasza:

How to use :

  • play patient - dont attack if you dont have otk chance or you would not clear the enymy board
  • use Synchro Alien to destroy backrow or monsters in main pahse - good against Desperado in combo with econtake
  • cosmic cyclone against treacherus trap (blue eyes), dual style or ancient gears
  • Neos for Stall if you start first
  • easy otk deck with neos spam, G'hollar, Overlord and Dog. Remember to first special summons Aliens! Then summon Neos.
  • beatdown is best for this deck (Brave Neos, G'hollar, Overlord)

I playd with AG deck - no KoG this season, this deck is much better against modern meta. I rised KOG from L1 with 2 losses.



IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
A-Weave.Labyrinth BuilderAug 22

A comment from A-Weave.:

I wanted to show that Amazon’s are not dead, they just need some extra help up. This deck is incredibly flexible due to the skill and deep sea diva’s ability. Quariongabdrax won many games for me, because most matchups were neos desperado dragon, some six sams and AG. However some players scooped because they couldn’t get around onslaught or wall of d sealed the game. Canadia’s and floodgate to stall and a cyclone because almost all decks have treach. Only thing I would change is play 3 divas but I don’t have a third. Luckily I didn’t play any metaphys I don’t know how that would do. And AG was a 50/50 depending if you can get princess or diva in your opening hand. Crushed six sam’s except one cuz he had double dual wield, but other than that this deck can beat any deck!

Ancient Gear


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
[DS]SogekingMiddle Age MechsAug 8


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
T-VirusMiddle Age MechsAug 10


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
SlaytanicGeoMiddle Age MechsAug 20

A comment from SlaytanicGeo:

I used a pretty standard Ancient Gears deck utilizing Crowler's Middle Age Mechs skill. Added Magical Hats and it came in clutch on numerous occasions during my climb! Great against Six Samurais and other current meta decks. Mirror match against Ancient Gears my only issue! Fun to play and a pretty high success once I hit Legend rank!


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
D.WMiddle Age MechsAug 22


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
MingMiddle Age MechsAug 22


YT L Games

IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
YT L GamesGuardian CallAug 11

A comment from YT L Games:

So where do I even begin for this today.. well I would First say I think many thought I was playing Subterror Labrinth Wall etc but nope! So many easy games One Solemn. Abyss was really used, as it doesn’t target I was able to swiftly remove Slash Dragon and/or high threats.

Your life points will be on the edge so do play safe and think things through, don’t worry about your timer just think of the scenario you are in and if it’s “good/wise” to make a play do so. This deck requires patience! I went to legend 1 and 3 back and forth with this due to not drawing a Wildheart or Shien. You could replace One Solemn for another Abyss.

Blue-Eyes Cosmo


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
a_ndra12BeatdownAug 7

A comment from a_ndra12:

Keep sending the white stone to the graveyard to summon BEWD/White Dragon next turn. You can use Snipe Hunter, dawn knight or synchro summon white stone with level 4, 7 and 8 monsters. Against Six Sam, keep watching your opponent's back row, don't summon multiple monsters if they just have one samurai and face-down trap.

Vermillion and snipe hunter help so much to wipe out the field. Keeper of the shrine prevents your opponent to attack directly. You can tribute it to summon White Dragon to banish a back row. This deck has many combos to be played depending on what deck you faced. Kuriboh is important to help you survive.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
JoaquinBeatdownAug 25

Other KOG Players

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ChampionDMagBeatdownAug 26



IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
Nathan88_GRBeatdownAug 24

A comment from Nathan88_GR:

My first K.O.G.!!! I use 2 copies of all Crystron monsters on Main Deck (except the lv1). I didn't use the lv 2 turtle, because i found it useless.This way i found the deck to be more consistent compared to other builds.

I usually never summon the big finishers (Quariongandrax,BRD) early on.I usually summon Ametrix or Inzektron on turn 2(if i start first) and i adjust depending the situation on the following turn. There are so many combos and variations.

Combo example:
You have Ametrix on field, Rosenix or Smiger in hand, Sulfefnir in GY.
Discard Rosenix or Smiger for Sulfefnir, pop Ametrix, Ametrix Summons the dropped monster,dropped monster destroys Sulfefnir to summon a tuner and Sulfefnir also summons a tuner.

Smiger+Rion+Rion= Quariongandrax
Rosenix+Rion+Citree= Quariongandrax

i also found the Crystron trap's second effect very useful in combination with Rosenix's token. I adjust the level of the token and i play from my hand the right tuner and i either summon the dolphin or BRD.

Most difficult matchups were Subterrors (if they open with their trap) and Red Eyes (if they start with many Equip Spells).

I hope Konami brings more synchro support like F.A. Dawn Dragster, Destructor Samurai etc.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
JamCamSilent as WATERAug 27

A comment from JamCam:

How to use: Quarion is your baby and a life saver in this meta. You really need to have a good set up your first turn. Best would be having a Citree/Smiger out on the field and a Sulf/Rion in the grave. Dolphin best against Magnets, Redb, and basically those who can't bring back to hand or banish. Silent as Water synergizes well with Crystrons and ensures an OTK with Quarion and one other Crystron out.

Cyber Angel


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
JethLevel DuplicationAug 2

Cyberdark Desperado


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冰糖2018SwitcherooAug 13


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
Y.LIViSwitcherooAug 16


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
EchoSwitcherooAug 20

A comment from Echo:

For me this deck is very cool cuz you don't brick often and even when I bricked I could do something and sometimes win too

For me Leng ling is necessary :
It saves me very often from the death and derank in legend and against mirror match it?s very powerful! (Save me twice against Vendread perfect combo too ) Without I would be stuck in legend xd

The skilled helps but you can switch it by draw sense spell trap (but remove a TTH) or sealed tombs cuz the consistency is good even without skill!

Other KOG Players

IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
DCKSwitcherooAug 13

Cyberdark Neos Fusion


Hot New Top
I'm impressed by Flower Cardians, they are really good and can counter the meta
Vendread > Desperado / Ancient Gears

F2P NEVER left this game
<< Anonymous(F2P)
Anonymous Reply
This game is powercreep fiesta.
Even 2 month old cards already barely work against new decks
So Vendread is the new cheap top tier deck? Then it's time to overwrite data in my 2nd Konamai ID. No need to spend money if you have 2 Konami IDs : one as main account and one as renewable account
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
omg nobody cares
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I don’t understand what you do with the two account xd
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i have like 10 accts.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You must suck so bad if you have that many lmao
I keep climbing with Grass is Greener + spellbooks.

Totally F2P
<< Anonymous(Norien)
Anonymous Reply
But Silent Spellbook isn’t F2P...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
grass version not silent
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
grass is F2P
Six Sams Kog post-nerf

No nerf can 🔥 Six-Sam!!! Just got KoG with this Decklist. Extra-Deck as usual, 2 Shien, 1 armades, for the rest take what u like!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Metaphys laughs at this
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And everyone laughs at Metaphys.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
and despacito neos laughs at everything
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Metaphys isn't that much of a problem
Jeff A.
If Vendreads can win against ancient gear, desperado and neos fusion.

They are pretty much top tier. You only need 2 copies of revendread slayer to make the best version, that's F2P
<< Anonymous(Jeff A.)
Anonymous Reply
I think they are here to stay
<< Anonymous(Jeff A.)
vendreads op Reply
I think vendreads will be tiered for the next 3-4 months
<< Anonymous(Jeff A.)
Anonymous Reply
The best version needs 3 copies of Origin, which means you still have to open the box 3 times
<< Anonymous(Jeff A.)
Anonymous Reply
I keep schooling desperado with Vendreads
I have say this again Gamea. Delete off upload file on comment section. Yugioh is a children card game. Poor quality p0rn shouldn't be allowed in the internet.
<< Anonymous(Konekbauh)
Konekbauh Reply
Noice. Good job Gamea.
<< Anonymous(Konekbauh)
Anonymous Reply
I think inputs can be a good thing I think we could use a report button and if enough adds to have programmers ban ip addresses and be paid
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
"If people want to share their decks they could either write a deck list or use an external host and post the link."
Then those spammers will also be able to upload their pron images and post the link.
<< Anonymous(Konekbauh)
Anonymous Reply
Totally agreed.
That bunch of mf's
Anyone still play fur hire competitively????
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I´ve faced a couple of those in Ranked. Unfortunately, they face quite a stiff competition. AG, Neos, Red-Eyes, Desperado... Many meta decks nowadays can keep them in check easily. The new Barbaros card from the last minibox could give them a new edge, though.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I reached Legend 3 right now using fur hires + neos fusion. It's a whole lotta luck tho cause you basically want to otk in the first 2 turns. My best hand is usually opening with beat + neos fusion + recon. Beat -> recon -> search for dyna -> pop backrow or facedown -> dyna -> neos fusion trade out beat for Brave Neos -> swing ftw.
Totally wreck by treacherous trap hole, dual wield and drowning
There needs to be a filter on this site.
Subterrors Arise
GameA, you mentioned that your Tier List is based on the KOG submissions. Shouldn't you be updating it now? Based on what I see, there are only 4 Desperados; while there are 7 Triamids and 6 Subterrors. (Six Samurais excluded because of mid-season nerf)
<< Anonymous(Subterrors Arise)
Subterrors FTW Reply
TBF, Subs can counter most of the metas. BEWD, Desperado, etc. Banish control is always strong. Subterrors were never nerfed, only those who relied on a Masked Tribute.
<< Anonymous(Subterrors Arise)
Anonymous Reply
It's weird how there aren't more submissions for the other popular decks.

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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