Season Duration | July 1 - Aug 6 |
Due to the WCS, the end of the dates for the season 30 of Ranked Duels will be changed from Jul 31 to Aug 6
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Subject (Title) | KOG deck |
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Want to share your deck to help other playes? Send us an e-mail at with the image of your deck and proof of reaching KoG along with how it works! The title of your email must be KOG deck.
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Deck | Count |
Amazoness | 27 |
Anti-Meta | 6 |
Archfiend | 1 |
Cyber Stein OTK | 3 |
Dino Paleozoic | 1 |
Dragon Beatdown | 1 |
Flying Fish | 1 |
Fur Hires | 83 |
Geargia | 7 |
Gem-Knight | 1 |
Gladiator Beast | 1 |
Hazy Flame | 3 |
HERO [Cyber Style] | 2 |
Laval Stall | 1 |
Lightsworn | 1 |
Masked HERO | 18 |
Mecha Phantom Beast | 1 |
Noble Knight | 4 |
Ojama Stall | 1 |
Psychic | 1 |
Sea Stealth Attack | 2 |
Silent Crystal | 3 |
Silent Spellbook | 9 | Spellbook | 4 |
Sylvan | 1 |
Amazoness KOG Players | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
Blaster | Parasite Infection | July 2 |
Zane | Parasite Infection | July 2 |
乃尺卂ᐯ丂 | Parasite Infection | July 8 |
Carlo | Endless Trap Hell | July 12 |
magi | Endless Trap Hell | July 12 |
Broimatti | Parasite Infection | July 12 |
a_ndra12 | Endless Trap Hell | July 13 |
Valcix | Parasite Infection | July 15 |
Intercept0r | Endless Trap Hell | July 17 |
YangElonMask | Reinforcement | July 17 |
ever | Holy Guard | July 17 |
ODAYx | Parasite Infection | July 19 |
VegaTheWhite | Endless Trap Hell | July 20 |
Actarus | Endless Trap Hell | July 21 |
Revs | Holy Guard | July 26 |
XianTheGreat | Endless Trap Hell | July 26 |
OCD_8 | Endless Trap Hell | July 27 |
Satsujin888 | Holy Guard | July 28 |
Gundari | parasite Infection | July 28 |
Chriskhaos | Parasite Infection | July 28 |
EM1 Opa | Chain Reaction | July 30 |
mexx‘ :X | Holy Guard | Aug 1 |
crow | Endless Trap Hell | Aug 2 |
Mut | Grit | Aug 2 |
Jeditachi | Endless Trap Hell | Aug 3 |
LoboNeg94 Deck 1 | Parasite Infection | Aug 3 |
IshiRyoku | Holy Guard | Aug 3 |
KaizerJhay | Endless Trap Hell | Aug 4 |
SeanMasterz | Parasite Infection | Aug 4 |
yugi | Holy Guard | Aug 5 |
♦ Kyunbio:
I need to note that I would definitely replace a few chalice with Canadia or Floodgate . With Fur Hire swarming the ladder it's definitely important to use counter measure such Chalice, Canadia and Floodgate . Also I highly recommend playing only 1 jade whistle . 2 makes it too bricky and will most likely decrease your win rate.
♦ Zane:
♦ LoboNeg94:
I started combining this deck with a different version of amazoness cards instead of golden apples and direct attackers, but I only included swordswomen and princesses in order to play them with onslaught and one willpower. Then, boom!, goes the Golem, which is really unexpected. I find it really consistent with parasite infestation and a whistle to have an extra monster to tribute for your Golem, deal 1000 of effect damage and force a dead draw. Of course, include defensive cards to neutralize attacks and monster effects.
Lava Golem is still really competitive. I was so disappointed that many good Golem players forgot about its power once massivemorph was limited. It is still very competitive if you know how to play it!
Anti-Meta KOG Players | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
essbie | Draw Sense: EARTH | July 13 |
Nichijou | Draw Sense: EARTH | July 15 |
spielemental | LP Boost α | July 17 |
GriffithEDBR | Endless Trap Hell | July 18 |
kurac u usta | Endless Trap Hell | July 26 |
TGtwister | Mind Scan | July 27 |
♦ essbie:
With meta full of swarming beaters and warrior beaters like destiny heroes, beat fur hires, amazoness princess... the best offense now is defense using Cipher Soldier + spikeshield combo ! Just make sure you have ready chalice when defending from Amazoness Swords Woman for easy win!
On the other hand you can go offense by making your enemy's creatures to defense mode via Canadia, Sphere Kuriboh then add Spikeshieldso your Amazoness Swords Woman can bring serious damage!
Archfiend KOG Players | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
Alfie | Switcheroo | July 19 |
♦ Alfie:
This is one of the cheapest Archfiend Decks that are KOG worthy, People are putting things like Gold Sarc and DDR playing balance, this is simply not necessary, the deck bricks and is inconsistent, you've got to learn to play with these bricks, I couldn't get out of Plat 1 when I first used it because I was bricking and not making the right plays, learn how you can link your cards and help unbrick, the biggest brick is not getting Call, Emporer it's usually easy to mill or draw, no Call limits the deck a lot, so use card effects like Cavalry and Empress to permanently bring Emporer onto the field without Call.
Cyber Stein OTK KOG Players | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
RCF・2ndRun | Life Cost 0 | July 14 |
Zanketsu | Life Cost 0 | July 16 |
UNKNOWN | Life Cost 0 | July 22 |
Dino Paleozoic KOG Players | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
JOJO | Dino Kingdom | July 25 |
The main focus of the deck is to summon strong monsters and set heavy backrow to beat down your opponent while shutting down their plays. What makes this build in particular work well is the addition of amulet of ambition which helps the deck get over any issues it previously had.
Tips: Amulet of Ambitions gets over all high attack/defense monsters in the current meta including : Wiz, Dyna, Silent Magician, Silent Magician lv 8, Anki, Trinity, Lady Brilliant Diamond. Keep in mind that you can equip it to Canadia to get over any of those monsters. The deck does lack backrow removal so remember to take it slow and bait any potential threatening spells/traps or simply add cyclones or your preferred backrow removal card.
Fur Hires made up 70% of my opponents which the deck counters very well, going first I can just shut them down from playing and going second I can get over all their monster except for Dyna,which I could easily get over white any of my spells and trap, and Wiz, which I have to bait into attack mode or destroy with salamandra or amulet of ambition. Masked hero's are only able to beat the deck if they have start with a trunade or open up with 2 mask changes so they are not something to worry about. Amazoness is the hardest match-up which you have to plan carefully, WoD is the your counter against them which is countered by Amazoness Swords Woman and that makes this match-up especially tough. Another notable match-up is spellbooks which lose due to the heavy amount of backrow (traps) and the fact that most silent magicians are 2000-2500 atk which I could easily get over.
Dragon Beatdown KOG Players | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
Rodark | Balance | July 29 |
Flying Fish KOG Players | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
alfiluna | Mythic Depths | July 15 |
Fur Hire KOG Players | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
perry | Beatdown | July 1 |
migo | Beatdown | July 2 |
Actnshj200 | Beatdown | July 3 |
Hagoromo | Beatdown | July 3 |
BlueMinotaur | Beatdown | July 3 |
Gilgamesh | Beatdown | July 4 |
YataLock | Beatdown | July 5 |
Luxun | Beatdown | July 6 |
Brandon | Beatdown | July 7 |
Kortezzy | Beatdown | July 7 |
McBobX | Beatdown | July 8 |
EC| Cloud | The Ties that Binds | July 9 |
Bauer Jan | Beatdown | July 10 |
Kerthorok | Beatdown | July 10 |
Riki | Beatdown | July 10 |
chemicalist | Beatdown | July 10 |
^v^Bird^v^ | Beatdown | July 10 |
Black♡Bullet | Beatdown | July 10 |
NickAdms | Beatdown | July 11 |
Regret | Beatdown | July 11 |
Heartfilia | Beatdown | July 11 |
¥.Perata™ | Beatdown | July 12 |
Watney | Beatdown | July 13 |
Delta | Beatdown | July 14 |
Chaidir IS | Beatdown | July 14 |
RCF • Dieded | Beatdown | July 14 |
Dantheman833 | Beatdown | July 15 |
Bakura90 | Beatdown | July 16 |
Chris.p | Beatdown | July 16 |
Pduque13 | Beatdown | July 17 |
Muhmann | Beatdown | July 17 |
PorTuCulito | Beatdown | July 17 |
iBakura | Beatdown | July 17 |
Stu | Beatdown | July 18 |
ATEM | Beatdown | July 18 |
Tengo | Beatdown | July 18 |
Iliyan98 | Beatdown | July 19 |
ViolatorKush | Beatdown | July 20 |
cilith911 | Beatdown | July 20 |
MrOlive | Beatdown | July 22 |
popie195 | Beatdown | July 22 |
Zann | Beatdown | July 23 |
Tony | Beatdown | July 23 |
MINDCRUSH | Beatdown | July 24 |
EguasSio | Beatdown | July 24 |
capipeligro | Beatdown | July 24 |
BiggyBigFoot | Beatdown | July 24 |
DR.Mık | Beatdown | July 24 |
Rand Al-Thor | Beatdown | July 25 |
SeriousMan | Beatdown | July 26 |
沙穀栗子 | Beatdown | July 26 |
Cyee | Beatdown | July 27 |
caiofabb | Beatdown | July 27 |
Chrisbanlis | Beatdown | July 28 |
kikealucard | Beatdown | July 28 |
Flash KO | Beatdown | July 29 |
Bycell | Beatdown | July 29 |
makerwulf | Beatdown | July 30 |
Ricky | Beatdown | July 30 |
Klysmann | Beatdown | July 30 |
Calamity | Grit | July 30 |
JORGE V | Beatdown | July 31 |
emaraquino | Beatdown | Aug 1 |
Matthew | Beatdown | Aug 1 |
Migarax | Beatdown | Aug 1 |
BlackOni51 | Psychic Onslaught | Aug 1 |
Hector | Beatdown | Aug 1 |
CwC/天皇 | Beatdown | Aug 1 |
Dredanor | Beatdown | Aug 1 |
JerkySalama | Beatdown | Aug 2 |
Yrilos | Beatdown | Aug 2 |
Red | Beatdown | Aug 3 |
Kyunbio | Beatdown | Aug 3 |
Zanemuto | beatdown | Aug 3 |
GiantCaliber | Beatdown | Aug 3 |
HuyVan | Beatdown | Aug 4 |
Alyss | Beatdown | Aug 4 |
nokhangjon | Beatdown | Aug 4 |
Driny | Beatdown | Aug 4 |
Arazielz | Beatdown | Aug 5 |
nemfef | Beatdown | Aug 6 |
♦ ViolatorKush:
So I added Alector, Sovereign of Birds, I would use him mostly to shut down wiz when I set up for a combo play to end the game. He really came in clutch for me when using my traps or spell card vs mirror matches.
♦ Hagoromo:
I played Trunade because of many decks wich uses lot of trap and spells to stop fur hire combos. Enemy is very important, specially for mirror matches. Beat is the most important monster in this deck, it’s a +1 and can search for any other fur hire so 3 copies of him it’s a must for me.
♦ Actnshj200:
It works mainly like any other fur heir deck. Buts its super consistent in where i only play one wiz due to needing to use it once throughout the deck since this deck is meant to be consistent and very fast.
I have 3 donpa for the mirror match and getting rid of problematic face up cards ie wiz, dyna, anki, or amazoness onslaught. Added chalice to stop princess, spellbook magician, or other fur hire decks.
♦ YataLock:
This deck has insane OTK potential. Hey, Trunade! is essential in this deck, and I found The Big Cattle Drive to be useful when running 3 copies of strategist. Wiz is easily the best card in the deck, I wouldn't run this with any less than 2, 3 is preferred. Beatdown skill is obvious, works well against mirror matches and you will usually have a level 6 or higher on the field to activate it. Definitely a tier 1 deck, welcome to the furry meta.
♦ Heartfilia:
♦ capipeligro:
♦ Luxun:
Sphere kuriboh is the key, specially in mirror matches because it allows you to just pass your turn when you start so your opponent thinks you bricked and usually uses dyna instead of wiz, big mistake, since he is easier to deal with considering he will be in def next turn. Hey trunade is also a must against the full trap amazoness which has lost a lot of consistency due to nerf on restart so there's a high chance they won't have princess and onslaught on their first turn. Even if they do, after he chains onslaught, use Donpa to get rid of it or wiz to negate the effect of special summoning and you could have a beautiful otk or almost otk. Econ is also something amazoness has lost but fur hire has so it helps a lot like it always did.
Geargia KOG Players | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
bfuss5 | Balance | July 1 |
Lianyu | Balance | July 15 |
Fuyukaze | Balance | July 20 |
Yami Leon | Balance | July 27 |
Yugimanz | Balance | July 30 |
Jimbob | Balance | Aug 3 |
GibeMyGems | Balance | Aug 4 |
♦ bfuss5:
Chalice, Paleozoic, and trap hole is for furries, spellbook, masked heros etc. Also side note you can't trap hole masked heros in damage step so watch for that.
Gem-Knight KOG Players | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
Currahee | Destiny Draw | July 29 |
Gladiator Beast KOG Players | Set Skill | Date Submitted |
Hepo | Balance | July 29 |
♦ Hepo:
This deck is aimed to counter Fur Hire decks but is quite versitile. Running 3x chalice and 2x floodgate means you'll usually draw into at least one counter. Throw in the skill Balance and you won't brick.
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