
King of Game decks [July 2018]

update 04/08/2018
Season Duration July 1 - Aug 6

Due to the WCS, the end of the dates for the season 30 of Ranked Duels will be changed from Jul 31 to Aug 6

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To share your deck on this page, you will send GameA:

  • your IGN (In-game name)
  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach KOG
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  • a small note to show how you use it/how it works in the meta (optional)

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Number of users per deck

Cyber Stein OTK3
Dino Paleozoic1
Dragon Beatdown1
Flying Fish1
Fur Hires83
Gladiator Beast1
Hazy Flame3
HERO [Cyber Style]2
Laval Stall1
Masked HERO18
Mecha Phantom Beast1
Noble Knight4
Ojama Stall1
Sea Stealth Attack2
Silent Crystal3
Silent Spellbook9


Amazoness KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Submitted
BlasterParasite InfectionJuly 2
ZaneParasite InfectionJuly 2
乃尺卂ᐯ丂Parasite InfectionJuly 8
CarloEndless Trap HellJuly 12
magiEndless Trap HellJuly 12
BroimattiParasite InfectionJuly 12
a_ndra12Endless Trap HellJuly 13
ValcixParasite InfectionJuly 15
Intercept0rEndless Trap HellJuly 17
YangElonMaskReinforcementJuly 17
everHoly GuardJuly 17
ODAYxParasite InfectionJuly 19
VegaTheWhiteEndless Trap HellJuly 20
ActarusEndless Trap HellJuly 21
RevsHoly GuardJuly 26
XianTheGreatEndless Trap HellJuly 26
OCD_8Endless Trap HellJuly 27
Satsujin888Holy GuardJuly 28
Gundariparasite InfectionJuly 28
ChriskhaosParasite InfectionJuly 28
EM1 OpaChain ReactionJuly 30
mexx‘ :XHoly GuardAug 1
crowEndless Trap HellAug 2
MutGritAug 2
JeditachiEndless Trap HellAug 3
LoboNeg94 Deck 1Parasite InfectionAug 3
IshiRyokuHoly GuardAug 3
KaizerJhayEndless Trap HellAug 4
SeanMasterzParasite InfectionAug 4
yugiHoly GuardAug 5

♦ Kyunbio:
I need to note that I would definitely replace a few chalice with Canadia or Floodgate . With Fur Hire swarming the ladder it's definitely important to use counter measure such Chalice, Canadia and Floodgate . Also I highly recommend playing only 1 jade whistle . 2 makes it too bricky and will most likely decrease your win rate.

♦ Zane:

  • I play Super Rush for mask heroes because you know they play trunade and its annoying when they kill you with 5K attack fusion monster.
  • Chalice, Canadia and Floodgates for fur hire counter and lava golem to clear the board.
  • Parasite Infection Skill - turn spellbooks into insect type.

♦ LoboNeg94:
I started combining this deck with a different version of amazoness cards instead of golden apples and direct attackers, but I only included swordswomen and princesses in order to play them with onslaught and one willpower. Then, boom!, goes the Golem, which is really unexpected. I find it really consistent with parasite infestation and a whistle to have an extra monster to tribute for your Golem, deal 1000 of effect damage and force a dead draw. Of course, include defensive cards to neutralize attacks and monster effects.

Lava Golem is still really competitive. I was so disappointed that many good Golem players forgot about its power once massivemorph was limited. It is still very competitive if you know how to play it!


Anti-Meta KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Submitted
essbieDraw Sense: EARTHJuly 13
NichijouDraw Sense: EARTHJuly 15
spielementalLP Boost α July 17
GriffithEDBREndless Trap HellJuly 18
kurac u ustaEndless Trap HellJuly 26
TGtwisterMind ScanJuly 27

♦ essbie:
With meta full of swarming beaters and warrior beaters like destiny heroes, beat fur hires, amazoness princess... the best offense now is defense using Cipher Soldier + spikeshield combo ! Just make sure you have ready chalice when defending from Amazoness Swords Woman for easy win!
On the other hand you can go offense by making your enemy's creatures to defense mode via Canadia, Sphere Kuriboh then add Spikeshieldso your Amazoness Swords Woman can bring serious damage!


Archfiend KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Submitted
AlfieSwitcherooJuly 19

♦ Alfie:
This is one of the cheapest Archfiend Decks that are KOG worthy, People are putting things like Gold Sarc and DDR playing balance, this is simply not necessary, the deck bricks and is inconsistent, you've got to learn to play with these bricks, I couldn't get out of Plat 1 when I first used it because I was bricking and not making the right plays, learn how you can link your cards and help unbrick, the biggest brick is not getting Call, Emporer it's usually easy to mill or draw, no Call limits the deck a lot, so use card effects like Cavalry and Empress to permanently bring Emporer onto the field without Call.

Cyber Stein OTK

Cyber Stein OTK KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Submitted
RCF・2ndRunLife Cost 0July 14
ZanketsuLife Cost 0July 16
UNKNOWNLife Cost 0July 22

Dino Paleozoic

Dino Paleozoic KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Submitted
JOJODino KingdomJuly 25

The main focus of the deck is to summon strong monsters and set heavy backrow to beat down your opponent while shutting down their plays. What makes this build in particular work well is the addition of amulet of ambition which helps the deck get over any issues it previously had.

Tips: Amulet of Ambitions gets over all high attack/defense monsters in the current meta including : Wiz, Dyna, Silent Magician, Silent Magician lv 8, Anki, Trinity, Lady Brilliant Diamond. Keep in mind that you can equip it to Canadia to get over any of those monsters. The deck does lack backrow removal so remember to take it slow and bait any potential threatening spells/traps or simply add cyclones or your preferred backrow removal card.

Fur Hires made up 70% of my opponents which the deck counters very well, going first I can just shut them down from playing and going second I can get over all their monster except for Dyna,which I could easily get over white any of my spells and trap, and Wiz, which I have to bait into attack mode or destroy with salamandra or amulet of ambition. Masked hero's are only able to beat the deck if they have start with a trunade or open up with 2 mask changes so they are not something to worry about. Amazoness is the hardest match-up which you have to plan carefully, WoD is the your counter against them which is countered by Amazoness Swords Woman and that makes this match-up especially tough. Another notable match-up is spellbooks which lose due to the heavy amount of backrow (traps) and the fact that most silent magicians are 2000-2500 atk which I could easily get over.

Dragon Beatdown

Dragon Beatdown KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Submitted
RodarkBalanceJuly 29

Flying Fish

Flying Fish KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Submitted
alfilunaMythic DepthsJuly 15

Fur Hire

Fur Hire KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Submitted
perryBeatdownJuly 1
migoBeatdownJuly 2
Actnshj200BeatdownJuly 3
HagoromoBeatdownJuly 3
BlueMinotaurBeatdownJuly 3
GilgameshBeatdownJuly 4
YataLockBeatdownJuly 5
LuxunBeatdownJuly 6
BrandonBeatdownJuly 7
KortezzyBeatdownJuly 7
McBobXBeatdownJuly 8
EC| CloudThe Ties that BindsJuly 9
Bauer JanBeatdownJuly 10
KerthorokBeatdownJuly 10
RikiBeatdownJuly 10
chemicalistBeatdownJuly 10
^v^Bird^v^BeatdownJuly 10
Black♡BulletBeatdownJuly 10
NickAdmsBeatdownJuly 11
RegretBeatdownJuly 11
HeartfiliaBeatdownJuly 11
¥.Perata™BeatdownJuly 12
WatneyBeatdownJuly 13
DeltaBeatdownJuly 14
Chaidir ISBeatdownJuly 14
RCF • DiededBeatdownJuly 14
Dantheman833BeatdownJuly 15
Bakura90BeatdownJuly 16
Chris.pBeatdownJuly 16
Pduque13BeatdownJuly 17
MuhmannBeatdownJuly 17
PorTuCulitoBeatdownJuly 17
iBakuraBeatdownJuly 17
StuBeatdownJuly 18
ATEMBeatdownJuly 18
TengoBeatdownJuly 18
Iliyan98BeatdownJuly 19
ViolatorKushBeatdownJuly 20
cilith911BeatdownJuly 20
MrOliveBeatdownJuly 22
popie195BeatdownJuly 22
ZannBeatdownJuly 23
TonyBeatdownJuly 23
MINDCRUSHBeatdownJuly 24
EguasSioBeatdownJuly 24
capipeligroBeatdownJuly 24
BiggyBigFootBeatdownJuly 24
DR.MıkBeatdownJuly 24
Rand Al-ThorBeatdownJuly 25
SeriousManBeatdownJuly 26
沙穀栗子BeatdownJuly 26
CyeeBeatdownJuly 27
caiofabbBeatdownJuly 27
ChrisbanlisBeatdownJuly 28
kikealucardBeatdownJuly 28
Flash KOBeatdownJuly 29
BycellBeatdownJuly 29
makerwulfBeatdownJuly 30
RickyBeatdownJuly 30
KlysmannBeatdownJuly 30
CalamityGritJuly 30
JORGE VBeatdownJuly 31
emaraquinoBeatdownAug 1
MatthewBeatdownAug 1
MigaraxBeatdownAug 1
BlackOni51Psychic OnslaughtAug 1
HectorBeatdownAug 1
CwC/天皇BeatdownAug 1
DredanorBeatdownAug 1
JerkySalamaBeatdownAug 2
YrilosBeatdownAug 2
RedBeatdownAug 3
KyunbioBeatdownAug 3
ZanemutobeatdownAug 3
GiantCaliberBeatdownAug 3
HuyVanBeatdownAug 4
AlyssBeatdownAug 4
nokhangjonBeatdownAug 4
DrinyBeatdownAug 4
ArazielzBeatdownAug 5
nemfefBeatdownAug 6

♦ ViolatorKush:
So I added Alector, Sovereign of Birds, I would use him mostly to shut down wiz when I set up for a combo play to end the game. He really came in clutch for me when using my traps or spell card vs mirror matches.

♦ Hagoromo:
I played Trunade because of many decks wich uses lot of trap and spells to stop fur hire combos. Enemy is very important, specially for mirror matches. Beat is the most important monster in this deck, it’s a +1 and can search for any other fur hire so 3 copies of him it’s a must for me.

♦ Actnshj200:
It works mainly like any other fur heir deck. Buts its super consistent in where i only play one wiz due to needing to use it once throughout the deck since this deck is meant to be consistent and very fast.
I have 3 donpa for the mirror match and getting rid of problematic face up cards ie wiz, dyna, anki, or amazoness onslaught. Added chalice to stop princess, spellbook magician, or other fur hire decks.

♦ YataLock:
This deck has insane OTK potential. Hey, Trunade! is essential in this deck, and I found The Big Cattle Drive to be useful when running 3 copies of strategist. Wiz is easily the best card in the deck, I wouldn't run this with any less than 2, 3 is preferred. Beatdown skill is obvious, works well against mirror matches and you will usually have a level 6 or higher on the field to activate it. Definitely a tier 1 deck, welcome to the furry meta.

♦ Heartfilia:

  • I bring jinzo to counter amazoness user that full trap.
  • and 2 sphere kuriboh help me a lot when met Anki & Silent Magician Lv 8 since econ useless on Silent Magician.
  • 1 Wiz Fur Hire, because 2/3 make me always brick/bad draw.

♦ capipeligro:

  • With the meta full of Amazones, D. Heros, Fur Hire and the new Anti meta, all kind of spell/trap removal works really well.
  • I found "beatdown" skill the best for this deck
  • Hino Kagu Tsuchi + Hey Trunade! is the combo againts anti meta decks as it place de gam the game in a "top deck" situation if hino hits them

♦ Luxun:
Sphere kuriboh is the key, specially in mirror matches because it allows you to just pass your turn when you start so your opponent thinks you bricked and usually uses dyna instead of wiz, big mistake, since he is easier to deal with considering he will be in def next turn. Hey trunade is also a must against the full trap amazoness which has lost a lot of consistency due to nerf on restart so there's a high chance they won't have princess and onslaught on their first turn. Even if they do, after he chains onslaught, use Donpa to get rid of it or wiz to negate the effect of special summoning and you could have a beautiful otk or almost otk. Econ is also something amazoness has lost but fur hire has so it helps a lot like it always did.


Geargia KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Submitted
bfuss5BalanceJuly 1
LianyuBalanceJuly 15
FuyukazeBalanceJuly 20
Yami LeonBalanceJuly 27
YugimanzBalanceJuly 30
JimbobBalanceAug 3
GibeMyGemsBalanceAug 4

♦ bfuss5:
Chalice, Paleozoic, and trap hole is for furries, spellbook, masked heros etc. Also side note you can't trap hole masked heros in damage step so watch for that.


Gem-Knight KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Submitted
CurraheeDestiny DrawJuly 29

Gladiator Beast

Gladiator Beast KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Submitted
HepoBalanceJuly 29

♦ Hepo:
This deck is aimed to counter Fur Hire decks but is quite versitile. Running 3x chalice and 2x floodgate means you'll usually draw into at least one counter. Throw in the skill Balance and you won't brick.


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Why not D R A G U N I T Y
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
soon brother
Reporting spellbook players for slow play, is it fun to make your opponent wait 1 hour on your turn? Hell no.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Apparently there's someone who lacks the brain cell to understand what spellbook does
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You have to be trolling, please tell me that you're just trolling
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You’re clearly a silver player beacuse you can’t look past attack points
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
His deck must be a 30 card unga bunga with equip spells that boost attack
Annnnnd..Fur Hire deck is to be nerfd soon xD
But I'm not sure if the nerf is going to be enough to enjoy dueling in meta =/
Reach first time legend rank in my first season of ranked duels
<< Anonymous
Anonymous No. 2 Reply
With what deck?
Also, only 67 wins is pretty nice.
You should've put in more effort and go for KoG though.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I used hero deck to platinum than use fur and amazoness to legend rank with decent winning rate
<< Anonymous
Anonymous No. 2 Reply
So, just another meta hype groupie.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If you're aiming for higher, wish you good luck.
If you're trying to have fun, you're not gonna enjoy the lader above legend.
Any ways congrats on your first try.
Two of the “Silent Spellbooks” decks don’t have a SINGLE spellbook card in it.. Jesus gamea get your 🔥 together..
Updated agost
Anonymous No. 2
Special respect to the heroes who KoG-ed with Sylvan, SSA and Mecha decks.
Also, "Laval Stall deck" with 0 Laval cards? WTF?
<< Anonymous
makrov krauz Reply
I didn't used sylvans that much when they were tier 1, last season I KOGed with ancient gears( hardest kog ) but I didn't share the deck, top 300 group c wcs with antimeta (anti trap wild heart with last gamble), I know it's not a big achievement but my goal is to have fun + I plyed 60 matchs only, I'm F2P so I don't have variable decks to shift with meta change and I misplay like crazy.
<< Anonymous(Yang)
makrov krauz Reply
I'm not really that skilled to be honest but thank you anyway, I play ranked to be better at the game since I don't have a chance to play tcg.
<< Anonymous(makrov krauz)
BlueMinotaur Reply
Good job! Fellow F2P here and was able to enjoy reasonable variety so far as I am quite frugal with my gems. Konami has started to cut down some free gems though, so not sure if I will be able to keep up in the near future. Time will tell I guess.
<< Anonymous(BlueMinotaur)
makrov krauz Reply
it all depends on 5d world, new stages + new characters = more gems, u should be good till the end of this year
I love the first antimeta deck on this list
Furs everywhere!
There is no point in saving the rainforest with many furs around!
<< Anonymous
Yang Reply
Aliens are still good(in theory and experimentations), don't be down about it...Fur Hires are the main thing that Aliens exceptionally hate though..
<< Anonymous(Yang)
Yang Reply
Fur Hires can't handle Alien's consistent field control if the opening was done decently to stop Fur Hires. Key cards are Alien Kid, Canadia, Floodgate Trap, Forbidden Chalice, and Wall of Disruption. Telepath is vital to search and destroy Mayhem fur Hire. Dyna is the worst threat Aliens can face for obvious reasons, but overall in theory and experiments, the Archetype's good.
<< Anonymous(Yang)
Yang Reply
Alien players should also focus on activating more than one tech card per turn if Wiz is on the field, baiting him is a great option since its only once per tun for his spell negating effect
<< Anonymous(Yang)
Anonymous Reply
Wiz is a she, though
Just got KoG in under 3hrs with Amazoness, starting from Legend 1, lost 2 duels to Fur Hire, 1 to Hazy OTK, and 1 to Fish. Worst matchup was probably the mirror match...aside from Fur Hire of course.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Saladfingers Reply
I didn't mean for it to come off like that, but I guess I can't argue with it sounding arrogant. :v sorry
<< Anonymous(Saladfingers)
The real Valencia Reply
That wasn't me. I'm not a jerk who tries to give out "advice" like this. And I don't even post about the game on here and pvp since I'm not KOG.
<< Anonymous(The real Valencia)
Valencia Reply
Hi there! As you might notice, people don't actually care that much about these kind of explanations! I don't see the point of going into greater lengths to prove yourself as innocent when there's no actual harm done. It's not even a pro bono. Just chill! :D
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Valencia Reply
Well, after seeing this... There is really is no point to go on about "the real me". Anyone can choose to use a name and it's not like I own it. So, yeah...sorry.
I reach KOG once using this deck
Such misplaced pride. 83 Fur Hire. Hmmm a monkey banging on a keyboard would match anyone using them in skill. Nerfed to hell or add better archetypes solves this.
<< Anonymous(Mastika)
Saladfingers Reply
Barely level 30 chars? You've still got a horde of gems waiting for you...I don't understand what "2-mnts players" means...
<< Anonymous(Duelist)
Saladfingers Reply
Misplaced is not the same as exaggerated. As I said before, I would find it reasonable for a newcomer to play Fur Hire as the alternative is quite expensive and resource-exhausting, I find it quite unforgivable for a Fur Hire player to be an already accomplished player just playing the most OP deck available for easy wins. Those players are making the game stale, not the newcomers.
<< Anonymous(Saladfingers)
Duelist Reply
It's naive to think old players won' play the most OP deck. OP deck will make the game stale, not new-comers or old players. Even the most brilliant or genius old player would never beat Furs with Kaibaman deck, except with some incredible luck.

Like wtf, you can't blame the game become stale to players, they just use what give them highest chances of winning.
<< Anonymous(Mastika)
Anonymous Reply
This game powercreep level is insane.

If you already max level/max stage, the only way to keep with the newest and the most powerful decks is to spend some money.

Or you can abandon old account, create new account, farming gems and buy latest pack.

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
> Go to the latest comments

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