
King of Game decks [May 2018]

Duel Links King of Games decks, the top meta of Duel Links in May 2018.
update 21/05/2018
Season Duration May 1 - May 31

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  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach KOG
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Number of users per deck

Alien & Alien Ananta4
Amazoness Burn1
Armed Dragon1
Chain Reaction Raider1
Crystal Beast1
Cyber Angel Saffira7
Cyber Stein4
Dark World1
Destiny Slash1
Dinosaur Control2
Extra Extra Stall1
Fire Fist Hazy4
Fish OTK1
Flying Fish1
Grassed Dragon1
Gusto Hunter1
Hazy Flame3
Hunters OTK1
Lava Golem7
Masked HERO33
Noble Knight4
Sea Stealth Attack3
Silent Swordsman OTK1
Snipe Volcanic1

Alien & Alien Ananta

Alien & Alien Ananta KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Summitted
Redragon91RestartMay 10
BaroneRestartMay 14
MumfordplanRestartMay 15
MateuszRestartMay 21

♦ Mumfordplan:

  • 2 cyclone against amazoness or ssa deck, the same for super rush, 2 e-con against sylvan and spellbook.


Amazoness KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Summitted
LuxunRestartMay 3
ZaneHoly GuardMay 3
ECI CloudHoly GuardMay 7
Get MoneyHoly GuardMay 8
ACTARUSRestartMay 9
LesugaBalanceMay 9
플레이어말살의금지카드RestartMay 9
Kika1203RestartMay 10
RanKudo1RestartMay 11
Neia4WaifuRestartMay 11
Chaidir ISRestartMay 11
AndalRestartMay 12
AmandaRestartMay 12
Intercept0rHoly GuardMay 12
PharaohRestartMay 13
ShizukasamaBalanceMay 14
CurraheeRestartMay 14
DeadfreakRestartMay 17
OksygeniumHoly GuardMay 17
SwordmasterRestartMay 18
RazaelriezenHoly GuardMay 18
ButteredTatoRestartMay 18
Jonathan191RestartMay 18
onepunchmanRestartMay 18
VintageDev95RestartMay 19
D-D-D-D-DuelHoly GuardMay 20
iKev_123RestartMay 20
rYLbLdHoly GuardMay 21
PESTERestartMay 21
Poniel666RestartMay 21
ZeroXHoly GuardMay 22
eyepatchRestartMay 23
Kira YoshikaRestartMay 23
[M1] OpaHoly GuardMay 23
HelxabeGritMay 23
spinzakuBalanceMay 24
BexHoly GuardMay 25
LucasSKKHoly GuardMay 25
Zé JuanRestartMay 25
Shade2002RestartMay 25
DS•T|t4n™➛RestartMay 25
NathanD62Holy GuardMay 26
custavo-cdaBalanceMay 27
Giv TristanBalanceMay 27
FlockRestartMay 27
Wired GuyRestartMay 27
DemolitoreRestartMay 28
alsky85RestartMay 27
RaveneuRestartMay 28
allen14RestartMay 29
Player1BalanceMay 29
PainRestartMay 31
yugidce112RestartMay 31

♦ Andal:

  • Chaos hunter is a nice card that stops opposing Amazoness players for a while. Amazoness Scouts is my answer to Sea Stealth Attack decks.

♦ Zane:

  • I run amazoness trap instead of rebirth because princess can search for it and it can special summon Queen in grave.
  • Witch Raider is a tech card for back row explosion.

♦ iKev_123:
The deck idea was from Dkayed, however he played 3 Lava Golem, and I found that too bricky so I put in a Witch Raider. This deck has so many answers against the Meta, only problem is (of course) Sylvans if you get unlucky with the lottery.

♦ Get Money:
I ran only one Onslaught to make room for more quick spells that could respond to decks like Mask Change and Sylvans. If Onslaught was destroyed - the versatility of Rush and ECon were usually enough to keep me in.

♦ ZeroX:

  • My secret of the amazoness - amazoness shamanism (Since with this we can make several combos with the effects of the baby tiger or the princess).
  • The baby tiger is a strong point because with the ability (Holy Guard) and the queen in the field, we can remove monsters from the field easily.

♦ Lesuga:

  • One copy of Amazoness fighting spirit is added to allow active battling without losing life points/losing your monsters, and removing your opponent’s monsters with Amazoness onslaught’s effect at the same time.
  • Windstorm of etaqua, curse of anubis, and 3 copies of econ help to minimise chances of you losing your monsters/life points

♦ Kika1203:

  • Use the restarting - it is essential to have a princess amazoness in hand and at least another amazoness monster.
  • It is advisable to have the first turn to be able to put the trap amazoness and activate it in the turn of the opponent and be able to attack.
  • Hero vision is very useful for traps and help when you are in trouble.

♦ Deadfreak:

  • Mirror matches: Use super rush headlong as it will activate before onslaught. Use enemy controller on Chaos Hunter to get it on your side of the field and tribute it with princess so it doesn't stop onslaught if they happen to use that and Forbidden Chalice is for Sylvan.
  • Use restart if you don't have onslaught, and try to get out queen asap. It's a pretty easy deck to grasp once you know what you're fighting.

♦ Pharaoh:

  • Restart skill is mandatory, because you need to have princess in your hand, I tried balance and it doesn't work.
  • Tech cards: a cyclone, witch raider and golem. The first to counter SSA decks and the set card in sylvant decks wich is ultimate providence ir divine wrath; witch raider to fight vs milling/burn and decks with backrow; lava golem to counter amazoness and geargias, really useful card in this meta.
  • Important card: super rush headlong for mirror matches.

♦ Luxun:

  • Use Restart - if don't have princess or onslaught in your starting hand.
  • Summon princess as soon as possible, which adds onslaught to hand and use her second effect to special summon either queen or tiger.
  • Chalice is here to deal with sylvan and enemy controller is essential in any deck (in my point of view).
  • Feel free to replace the mirror wall with a third econ.
  • Be careful: if your opponent puts too many strong monsters on the field (like hazy), and you have princess in atk and queen in def, you could lose all your life points.

♦ Oksgenium:

  • Trap based Amazoness deck.
  • Main combo - any amazoness monster + onslaught.
  • The difference beetween other Amaz. decks is that traps are your only backrow, so you can almost always summon Witch Raider. Thats the boss monster you want to play in mirror matches, to get enemy backrow or as end game finisher. Can play 3 copies but its a bit brick risky.
  • Spy is recycler.
  • Tiger to protect Princess.
  • I dont play Queen only because dont have her yet.

♦ Neia4Waifu:
I got to use the Volcanic engine, since it generates +1 that can be used to clean the opponent's field, either to summon monsters like Chaos Hunter, or with Princess, since Blaze Accelerator can be recovered from the cemetery with Volcanic Rocket, or searched from the deck to the hand. On the other hand, Volcanic Shell can be a +2 with Princess, since it is a free cost when it hits the opponent, as well as a deck accelerator ... Reaching a mental pressure that destabilizes the opponent, since there is the possibility of losing a lot of field presence but it ends quickly, as well as the resources invested in establishing it. Chaos Hunter is a very good hand trap for the mirror match, as well as against Spellbooks, SSA, and to a lesser extent Archfiends, and Destiny HERO - Celestial, Cosmic Cyclone, Rose Lover of Sylvan, etc ... As well as a kicker powerful attack. The rest of the deck is the current body of the Amazoness that gives such good results, and that is complemented by the Volcanic engine.

♦ Amanda:

  1. Chaos Hunter is a MUST in this deck. It completely shut downs your opponent and is very easy to special summon! It can also can in handy against rose lovers and spell books. Be careful though, not to be very aggressive because they will probably chalice it. Only attack on an empty board or when you are sure your attack will go through.
  2. Witch Raider is another great 2700 beater that deals with any annoying back row as well.
  3. The Beginning of Heaven and Earth along with 2 Amazoness Willpowers and Swift Gaia. The target of this tech is to thin our deck as fast as possible in order to draw our Chaos Hunter or Witch Raider, then revive princess from the grave using willpower. Even if you open up with Gaia, your are still having a great 2300 beater in your hand, then you tribute the dead trap for Witch Raider. On the other hand if you open up with Heaven and Earth and Willpower you are good to go, not to mention the 1/3 chance to also get Gaia in your hand. It's a win - win situation.
  4. Cosmic Cyclone for back row removal (not destroys onslaught). Double cyclone is an also good alternative, I prefer cosmic though (banish > destroy).

Amazoness Burn

Amazoness Burn KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Submitted
GriffithEDBRParasite InfectionMay 17


Archfiend KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Summitted
alfilunaRestartMay 3
KerthorokRestartMay 12
rorivy15RestartMay 14
MedikandoRestartMay 16
SpicaRestartMay 20
KoolShadesRestartMay 22
Yami DovahRestartMay 31

♦ rorivy15:
Skill is restart to ensure we have a good starting hand. The ideal hand is to have 1 mill card and 1 revival.

♦ alfiluna:

  • skill restart - main goal is to have Archfiend's Emperor ASAP.
  • Invader - To stop quick plays such as (econ, mask change, and others).

Armed Dragon

Armed Dragon KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Submitted
Zanzibar420!Dragonic FusionMay 25


Bujin KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Submitted
SilverchairRestartMay 25
CasceRestartMay 27
^V^Bird^V^RestartMay 27

♦ ^V^Bird^V^:

  • Deck formula is pretty simple, use restart if you don’t have a beast warrior & ties in your hand, get hare in the graveyard as soon as possible. The rest of the beast monsters you can draw and send to graveyard as needed. Lava Golem was only used once in my Legend matches but it’s still a nice throw off for my opponents just in case

♦ Casce:

  • My advice to use this deck is start the game with Yamato or start with Hirume/Mikazuchi and 1 card to discard card form deck, in this way with Yamato there is the possibility of choise the card to discard in the graveyard meanwhile the start with that grass looks greener there is the possibility to have a high number of card in the graveyard, the best start is whit Yamato and that grass looks greener because in this way you have both advantages
  • For me the worst match up is versus deck with high chance of OTK during the first turn and Ciber Angel because versus the effect of Cyber Angel Dakini there is no possibility to activate any effect form graveyard to protect your monster

Chain Reaction Raider

Chain Reaction Raider KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Submitted
MordyMcFlyChain ReactionMay 15

♦ MordyMcFly:

  • This is a cheaper alternative version of Paleos that doesn't use 3 copies of each of the URs.
  • I've found that one Amulet of Ambition is better than multiple copies of Wetlands due to the fact that if they destroy your Wetlands, you don't really have any way to boost your Paleos to a decent attack. Also, AoA can be placed on top of the deck if it gets sent to the graveyard, so it makes it easier to get over your opponents big monsters.
  • As for counters for meta decks, Different Dimension Ground is a fantastic counter to Sylvans and usually ended up with me winning if I pulled it early enough. I'd recommend adding another copy over 1 Marrella.
  • One thing this deck lacks is backrow removal. Which is why Witch Raider is here.
  • Jar activates their effects and you can chain it to most things.
  • WOD was extremely helpful in the case that you don't have anything to boost your Paleos attacks. Something one might consider when experimenting is adding another Wetlands or Amulet. I had those available, but found this to be

Crystal Beast

Crystal Beast KOG PlayersSet SkillDate Submitted
XQlatherXTranscendent CrystalsMay 22


Hot New Top
So next season starting with 5k hp. I guess this will change something
<< Anonymous
Mikey Reply
BS it's not. It's ridiculously OP. One card to trigger and you have to hope you draw big burn or chalice or something of the sort off the start or there's a snowballs chance in hell you make it to the next round. It can be beat, but don't act like someone is just bad because this BS deck is in existence. 90% of KoG runs this deck
<< Anonymous(akubane)
Anonymous Reply
Did not think about that. Sounds OP indeed
<< Anonymous(Mikey)
Anonymous Reply
Of course with a great deck there always a whiney 🔥
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sylvan decks are for people with no skill, they basically have to just set komushroomo and mill cards.... Pathetic
Done for this month. I like to climb ranks, when there a lot of good player around lol
<< Anonymous(Duel)
Juan Morales Reply
I’m on DL: 15 right now but what kind of deck did you used to maxed out and KoG?
Marik shadow game with rock statue so fun or come back right at you with Crystal Beast so funny
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Congratz !!!
Just run Hazy Jesus Christ.If you still complain about Sylvans, you're just bad. Sylvans are a bad match up against Hazy lol.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You shouldn't have to run Hazy to enjoy the game. Lol Obvious Sylvan Player.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it's that simple? Run Hazy? So you can get crushed by every other deck, go use your Sylvan deck with your lame 🔥 vegetable cards like carrots and turnips almost as lame as the old naturia 🔥. Grow a set and use some real monster cards lol
this one looks really nice
<< Anonymous
Dabunga Reply
pay to win, of course it looks nice
<< Anonymous(Dabunga)
Anonymous Reply
Was going to say just buying a structure deck twice is still not enough to be called pay to win.....but then I noticed the triple Anki.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
and the double monarch
Just run Hazy Jesus Christ.If you still complain about Sylvans, you're just bad. Sylvans are a bad match up against Hazy lol.
I keep emailing this page for my KOG Deck and they won’t show my deck on here.
<< Anonymous(Piss)
Anonymous Reply
If it's Sylvan mask hero or amazoness then no room for your deck because because it's too damn mainstream
<< Anonymous
Piss Reply
It’s none of them
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
With these opponents you at least have a chance

Here are at the highest grades an expensive deck that can 🔥 you on the first turn unless you have the Grit skill
Just FARMING some dudes in Ranking Dools xD!
Kicked everyone's butt with my fly8ng fish :D!
<< Anonymous(:D!)
Clueless Reply
Good job, mate!
<< Anonymous(:D!)
PS Reply
One does not simply rank to KOG with Flying Fish xD... GJ!
<< Anonymous(:D!)
Anonymous Reply
Epic! XD!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
can you post the deck
48 amazoness
can archfiend emperror deck compete todays meta cuz feel like they not consistent and bricks i wanted to get my 3rd emperror i dont know if i get it or not.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes they still can. Combine with Chaos Hunter it becomes anti-meta deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it will be better from 1st june as the game will start with 5k life and so you will be able to play both restart and card of the soul. so yeah lots of consistency
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
even the best Archifiend deck bricks sometimes, that's their ONLY weakness mate, u got to deal with that or play something else.
helpppppp !!!
Hello everyone, something terrible happened to me and I would be happy if someone could help me.
I did not have a space on my phone so I deleted a few things (I have galaxy s6) and mistakenly I deleted one of Google's apps and now I can not log in to YUGIOH and I have my duelist ID and my google play remembers all my data. But for some reason the YUGIOH app does not let me in the game and I'm really afraid I will not be able to play agin.
So if anyone has any idea what Supposed to do plesa send me an email (my email thank
<< Anonymous(SGA)
Anonymous Reply
No need to spam this on every page.
<< Anonymous
SGA Reply
Sorry I'm just really nerves
<< Anonymous(SGA)
Anonymous Reply
Can not!!!
You used google translated?
<< Anonymous(SGA)
Anonymous Reply
Dude as long as you have your Konami ID you're safe. Just transfer data or redownload it again and you're good to go.

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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