
How to beat/farm Kalin Kessler

Duel Links tips to defeat Kalin Kessler Lvl 40, decks to farm Kalin Kessler Lvl 40, and rewards.
update 16/10/2019

Six Samurai

Example Deck

Legendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - KizanThe Six Samurai - ZanjiLegendary Six Samurai - EnishiSecret Six Samurai - Kizaru
Secret Six Samurai - FumaSecret Six Samurai - FumaSecret Six Samurai - FumaLegendary Secret of the Six SamuraiLegendary Secret of the Six SamuraiSix Samurai United
Six Samurai UnitedShien's DojoThe Claw of HermosThe Claw of HermosThe Claw of HermosPower of the Guardians
Power of the GuardiansPower of the Guardians----
Rocket Hermos CannonRocket Hermos CannonRocket Hermos CannonLegendary Six Samurai - Shi EnLegendary Six Samurai - Shi EnLegendary Six Samurai - Shi En

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
This turn, the Atk of all Level 5 or higher face-up monsters on your field increases by the number of monsters of Level 5 or higher on your field times 300.
Vellian Crowler
Vellian Crowler

Drill Barnacle

Standard Version

Iron Blacksmith KotetsuIron Blacksmith KotetsuDrill BarnacleDrill BarnacleDrill BarnacleCrystal Seer
Crystal SeerThe Fang of CritiasThe Fang of CritiasThe Fang of CritiasPower of the GuardiansPower of the Guardians
Power of the GuardiansWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionTyrant WingTyrant WingTyrant Wing
Jar of GreedJar of Greed-Tyrant Burst DragonTyrant Burst DragonTyrant Burst Dragon

Lvl 500 or above Version

Note: This Deck is used to deal with Kalin Kessler Lvl 500 or above

Iron Blacksmith KotetsuIron Blacksmith KotetsuDrill BarnacleDrill BarnacleDrill BarnacleDe-Spell
De-SpellThe Fang of CritiasThe Fang of CritiasThe Fang of CritiasPower of the GuardiansPower of the Guardians
Power of the GuardiansWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionTyrant WingTyrant WingTyrant Wing
Jar of GreedJar of Greed-Tyrant Burst DragonTyrant Burst DragonTyrant Burst Dragon

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
LP Boost α
Increases starting Life Points by 1000.
Jack Atlas
Jack Atlas

Karakuri Synchro

Example Deck [Credits to ジャックジャック @JackJack_DL]

Karakuri Muso mdl 818 "Haipa"Karakuri Muso mdl 818 "Haipa"Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 "Ninishi"Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 "Ninishi"Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 "Ninishi"Karakuri Watchdog mdl 313 "Saizan"
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 "Nisamu"Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 "Nisamu"Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 "Nisamu"Karakuri Ninja mdl 7749 "Nanashick"Karakuri Cash CacheKarakuri Cash Cache
Karakuri Cash CacheIron CallIron CallIron CallKarakuri AnatomyKarakuri Gold Dust
Karakuri Gold DustKarakuri Gold Dust----
Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei"Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei"Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei"Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido"Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido"Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido"

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
This turn, the Atk of all Level 5 or higher face-up monsters on your field increases by the number of monsters of Level 5 or higher on your field times 300.
Vellian Crowler
Vellian Crowler

Power Tool Dragon Decklist

SkillLabyrinth Builder
Essential cards
(Box reset)
Visions of IceVisions of Ice

Standard Version

Infernity BeetleInfernity BeetleInfernity BeetleMagna DragoMagna DragoMagna Drago
Jurrac GallimJurrac GallimJurrac GallimGalaxy SerpentAxe of DespairBig Bang Shot
Mage PowerMage PowerMage PowerFairy Meteor CrushFairy Meteor CrushTwin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce
Twin Swords of Flashing Light - TryceTwin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce---Power Tool Dragon

Budget Version

Infernity BeetleInfernity BeetleInfernity BeetleMagna DragoMagna DragoMagna Drago
Jurrac GallimJurrac GallimJurrac GallimGalaxy SerpentMage PowerPower of the Guardians
Power of the GuardiansPower of the GuardiansFairy Meteor CrushFairy Meteor CrushFairy Meteor CrushTwin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce
Twin Swords of Flashing Light - TryceTwin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce---Power Tool Dragon

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Labyrinth Builder
Shuffle 2 cards from your hand into the Deck to create "Labyrinth Wall" on your side of the field. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Paradox Brothers
Paradox Brothers

Red Dragon Archfiend Decklist

SkillMark of the Dragon - Wings
Essential cards
(Box reset)
 Primal BurstPrimal Burst
Secrets of the AncientsSecrets of the Ancients

Example Deck

Toon Cyber DragonThe TrickyThe TrickyThe TrickyEarth Armor NinjaEarth Armor Ninja
Earth Armor NinjaDelta FlyerDelta FlyerDelta FlyerTrident WarriorTrident Warrior
Trident WarriorDark ResonatorFlare ResonatorBattle TunedBattle TunedKing's Consonance
King's ConsonanceKing's Consonance----
Red Dragon ArchfiendRed Dragon ArchfiendStardust DragonStardust DragonBlack Rose DragonBlack Rose Dragon

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Mark of the Dragon - Wings
At the beginning of the Duel, add 2 "Dark Resonator" to your deck and 1 "Red Dragon Archfiend" to your Extra deck.
Jack Atlas
Jack Atlas


  • Usually you pass the first turn if you go first. This is so you can Special Summon Toon Cyber Dragon and Earth Armor Ninja.
  • The first Synchro you make should be a level-8 monster using Toon Cyber Dragon/Earth Armor Ninja and a level-3 Tuner as materials.
  • You can make your second Synchro monster with The Tricky and a level-3 Tuner to make a level-8. Or you can use Trident Warrior with a level-3 Tuner to make a level-7. Trident Warrior with Delta Fly can make level-8.
  • Flare Resonator boosts the attack of the Synchro monster you make with him as material.
  • Battle Tuned lets you banish a Tuner from the graveyard and boost your monster's attack. Use this on a Signer Dragon to triple the damage.
  • King's Consonance is good against Kalin's Infernity Archer, basically negating the attack and giving you a free Synchro monster.

Sylvan Synchro Decklist

SkillWhat Grows in the Graveyard
Essential cards
(Box reset)
Rampage of the ForestRampage of the Forest
Blazing RoseBlazing Rose

Example Deck

Sylvan KomushroomoSylvan KomushroomoSylvan KomushroomoSylvan HermitreeSylvan HermitreeWorld Carrotweight Champion
World Carrotweight ChampionWorld Carrotweight ChampionSylvan MarshalleafSylvan MarshalleafNaturia RosewhipNaturia Rosewhip
Naturia RosewhipSylvan GuardioakSylvan GuardioakSylvan GuardioakSporeSpore
Fairy Meteor CrushFairy Meteor Crush----
Vermillion Dragon MechVermillion Dragon MechRed Dragon ArchfiendBlack Rose DragonBlack Rose DragonArmades, Keeper of Boundaries

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
What Grows in the Graveyard
Begin the Duel with 1 "Dark Verger" in your Graveyard.
Akiza Izinski
Akiza Izinski


  • Sylvan monsters let you setup your plays by putting monsters in your graveyard. Particularly setting Sylvan Komushroomo is a good first turn move because he can excavate 5 cards from your deck.
  • You want to get Spore and World Carrotweight Champion in your graveyard so they can be Special Summoned.
  • Use Spore with World Carrotweight Champion or Naturia Rosewhip with Sylvan Komushroomo to make a level-5 Synchro monster.
  • Naturia Rosewhip and World Carrotweight Champion will be used to make a level-7 Synchro monster. You can also use Sylvan Guardioak with Spore.
  • Making a level-8 Synchro monster can be done with Sylvan Marshalleaf, Dark Verger, and Naturia Rosewhip. You can use Naturia Rosewhip with a level-5 Synchro monster, or Spore with a level-7 Synchro monster.
  • Fairy Meteor Crush lets your Synchro monsters do piercing damage letting you maximize damage. Big Bang Shot can also be used, and also give an attack boost.
  • Vermillion Mech Dragon is only worth making when using Sylvan Hermitree and Spore as materials.

Kalin Kessler's Decklists


Hot New Top
Any ideas for a deck that could get the 30000 damage in one duel?
Or is perchance it allowed to be through multiple duels just on the same spawn?
<< Anonymous(Pikachew)
Cas Reply
Mate you rock your deck works like a charm! awesome job
<< Anonymous(Pikachew)
Anonymous Reply
yeah mate thanks for suggesting. i believe the black rose piercing is the best for those who can afford subterror with no box reset. finally completing the event with that deck with power tool dragon as support.

for duels with less than 30k LP left i used the labyrinth wall power tool dragon with 3 power of the guardian, 3 meteor crush and 3 tryce. much more consistent and faster.
<< Anonymous
Pikachew Reply
I changed the direct damage for more consistency and up to 150k damage (70-80k avg):

Skill: Balance
3x Drill Barnacle
3x Big Eye
2x Raging Flame Sprite
3x The Fang of Critias
3x Power of the Guardians
3x Tyrant Wing
3x Jar of Greed

Big Eye is nice because it lets you see the top 5 cards and rearrange. Using Jar of Greed after lets you get 2 critical cards for the first damage turn.
<< Anonymous(Pikachew)
Kagura Reply
1x tiki curse plus 6x lvl 4 trap cards??
How to farm him at Gate
Normal Duel: 500k-800k
Turbo Duel: 1000k-1,400k
<< Anonymous(Mr.Cheap)
Anonymous Reply
How are you doing 500k with those random cards?
<< Anonymous
Sigma Reply
I don't see it doing anywhere over 100k. I think the person added an extra 0 and emphasized its crappiness.
<< Anonymous(Sigma)
Anonymous Reply
Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword.

Although I still can't see it doing that much damage.
<< Anonymous
Doubt intensifying Reply
Very doubted how these cards make huge damage
Drop rate for those 2 new SR cards are so low. So far i only got 1 copy dropped from raid, and already at 15mil event points.
Is it only me or everybody experience the same thing?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, funny how after we talk here, I finally got an Archfiend's Call from treasure box XD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
congratz for those already got 3 copies each. now we can keep assisting to get more gems, i guess. im still keeping my vestiges and beacon for level 500 and 1000 as obviously those are way harder
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I experienced low drop rates for the new SRs during the first two days, but its been better today. 28 million points now, mostly from auto duel assists and turbo duels. Only used 2 beacons so far. I'm only still in it for the insane amount of R jewels for card upgrades at normal card trader.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yeah by today most ppl should got 3 copies each of new cards.

still havent use any vestiges/beacon as lvl500 only appears once so far for me and i manage to beat it with turbo duel crow powertool balance as i stated above. 200k + damage as i got luck no earthbound. 3k vestiges now
And What Monsters in the extra Player
My own version of the drill barnacle deck.
It goes with the skill: Balance.
Super based, it never fails.

You can replace those 2 copies of Wall of Disruption with these cards if you don't have them:

- Curse of Anubis
- Windostorm of Etaqua.
- (Maybe) 2 copies of Legacy of Yata Garatsu could help as well. (Extra drawing power)

That's all.
100% win rate, you'll only lose if Kalin has more than 150 000 HP, but hey, this deck is super easy to build.
<< Anonymous(UK_Guy)
Anonymous Reply
Pyramid of light deck?

Farming Kallin any level and guaranteed you can defeat him by yourself.
<< Anonymous
Jess Reply
Thank you so much
I just realized that Kalin doesn’t hide behind defense position monsters anymore, or at least not as much as he did last time. Guess I can take the piercing spells out of my farm deck now.
<< Anonymous
Ohgurnam Reply
Really? He still does that with me... always swarm his own monster zone in literally every turn, he only put his Archer in ATK position. Thanks to Drill Barnacle deck
<< Anonymous(Ohgurnam)
Anonymous Reply
It depends on the level. Once you start facing him at higher levels, he started putting his monsters in defense.
I;m using dragunity deck...working pretty well,You can do 5k-10k...dmg in 1 turn easily
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
5k-10k per turn isn't that much
With the best draw (Fang of Critias + Tyrant wing to make Tyrant burst dragon, 2 Power of Guardians and Raging Flame Sprite) at the beginning, you'll be able to inflict 248 K damage maximum (after 5 turns). To go above this, you have to be a lucky person and draw the second an third RFS.

With bad hand, you must draw.
Good Goblin Housekeeping is the best choice.
I tried with 2 copies of Dark Worl Dealings but it's a little dangerous because for one card you want (if you're lucky), you pay 2 cards.
I prefer Jar of Greed that give you +1 next turn.

I don't use traps to protect myself, perhaps with high level immortal it's preferable.
Then replace the jar by Canadia (my preference because you can activate easyly) or Wall of Disruption.

Good game.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No image then :
3 Raging Flame Sprite
3 Fang of Critias
3 Tyrant Wing
3 Power of Guardians
3 Goblin of Housekeeping
3 Jar of Greed
1 Dark World Dealings (not essential)
1 Mage Power (not essential)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No skill required? Any character will do?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What is raging flame spirit? How the hell do you get 248K!? My highest is like 20K using this deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No skill necessary. But you can use draw fire to be sure obtain Raging fire sprite after turn 1.
RFS is a monster like Bernacle but is fire. Use "search" and you can see it.
For the 248k max, it's arithmetic. With Tyrant Burst Dragon on RFS, you can attack 3 times. Each time you direct attack, RFS gain 1000 and 2 PoG gain 1000. You can make 15 attacks from the beginning to the end (3×5 turns).

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
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