
How to beat/farm Ishizu Lvl 40 [ Jun 03 Updated ]

This page notes level 40 Ishizu's deck, characteristics, and tips for defeating her.
update 04/06/2018
Ishizu Ishtar pages


Farm Lvl 40


Sea Stealth Attack

Essential cards

Example Deck

Citadel WhaleWarrior of AtlantisWarrior of AtlantisGravekeeper's VassalMecha Sea Dragon PlesionMecha Sea Dragon Plesion
Mecha Sea Dragon PlesionTerrorking SalmonTerrorking SalmonTerrorking SalmonA Legendary OceanA Legendary Ocean
A Legendary OceanUnion AttackUnion AttackMurmur of the ForestSecret Pass to the TreasuresSea Stealth Attack
Sea Stealth AttackSea Stealth Attack----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand.
Vellian Crowler
Vellian Crowler


  • The goal is to setup a field with A Legendary Ocean, Sea Stealth Attack, and 2 Level 5 or higher WATER monsters.
  • Restart to get a better hand. It would be best to Restart to try getting Sea Stealth Attack since it cannot be searched.
  • Use Warrior of Atlantis to search A Legendary Ocean.
  • You can special summon Citadel Whale with his own effect to search out Sea Stealth Attack from your deck.
  • After you completed your setup Ishizu will not attack you even with her protected Gravekeeper's Visionary.
  • Do not attack Gravekeeper's Recruiter or Ishizu might deck out quicker. Do not attack face-down cards because they might be Gravekeeper's Recruiter.
  • If Ishizu reduces your attack with Gravekeeper's Oracle, you can banish those monsters during your turn with Sea Stealth Attack to return them to their original attack.
  • Use Murmur of the Forest to flip Gravekeeper's Priestess face-down and/or return Necrovalley to the hand, so that your Gravekeeper's Vassal does not go over the limit of Secret Pass.

Guardian Control

Example deck

Mystical Beast of SerketGuardian StatueGuardian StatueGuardian StatueMedusa WormMedusa Worm
Medusa WormGravekeeper's VassalAnti-Magic ArrowsDouble SummonUnion AttackUnion Attack
Temple of the KingsArray of Revealing LightArray of Revealing LightArray of Revealing LightCurse of AnubisA Feint Plan
A Feint PlanA Feint Plan---Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand.
Vellian Crowler
Vellian Crowler


  • Always try to start with at least 1 Array of Revealing Light and 1 Guardian Statue/Medusa Worm in your hand.
  • With Array of Revealing Light always declare Spellcaster-type.
  • The main idea is that Ishizu cannot attack with her Spellcaster-type monsters the turn she summons them. You will then use Guardian Statue/Medusa Worm to remove them from the field during your turn, and then flip your monster face-down again for reuse. Make sure you clear Ishizu's field every turn.
  • It is best to use Guardian Statue on Gravekeeper's Recruiter so that Ishizu Does not deck out first.
  • Use A Feint Plan, Windstorm of Etaqua, and Curse of Anubis to stall with your set monster.
  • It is best to always have 2 Flip monsters on the field.
  • On your final turn, flip any Guardian Statue/Medusa Worm you have and clear Ishizu's field. Acvtivate Temple of the Kings then tribute into Mythical Beast Serket.
  • With Temple of the King's effect, send it and Serket to the graveyard to special summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
  • Use Double Summon to summon Gravekeeper's Vassal.
  • Remember to use Anti-Magic Arrows during your final Battle Phase.

The Unhappy Girl deck (Union Attack)

Obtainable score6000-7000
Essential skillHoly Guard
Essential cards

Example deck

Mystical Beast of SerketGravekeeper's VassalThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlRai-Mei
Rai-MeiRai-MeiMurmur of the ForestUnion AttackUnion AttackTemple of the Kings
Secret Pass to the TreasuresReady for InterceptingReady for InterceptingReady for InterceptingWindstorm of EtaquaEnchanted Javelin
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin------Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon


  • Never allow Ishizu declare an attack with Gravekeeper's Assailant on The Unhappy Girl.
  • If you put prefer winning legitimately to getting high score, replace Union Attack combo with other methods such as Riryoku to win.
  • Rai-Mei's effect may not work due to the effect of Necrovalley.

Level 40 Ishizu's Deck

Annoying cards

CardEffect Summary
Gravekeeper's Oracle
Gravekeeper's Oracle
  • Can be summoned by tributing 1 "Gravekeeper's" monster.
  • A player can use 1 or some of the following effects: boosts ATK of this card, destroys set monsters, and decreases ATK/DEF of monsters the opponent controls by 2000.
  • Boosts ATK/DEF of "Grevekeeper's" monster by 500.
  • Many of "Greavekeeper's" monsters' effects can be used while this card is being activated.
Rite of Spirit
Rite of Spirit
  • Special summons a "Gravekeeper's" monster from the graveyard without cost.


Cards Ishizu Ishtar Lvl 40 drops


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What's her Ace?
<< Anonymous
Valencia Reply
Blast Held by a Tribute
I use this deck, the key is to play Zombie World as soon as possible. This keeps her from Tribute Summoning Oracle, and the other two. Then Just destroy Necrovalley when it shows up, and try to floodgate Shaman and Visionary. If you have the "Posthumous Army" Skill, I'd replace planet pathfinder, Zombie world, and a twister/typhoon with 3 Field Barriers. I'd say this works about 70%, but maybe I've just been lucky.
<< Anonymous(Frenchfry_Guy)
Frenchfry_Guy Reply
Also Note, None of the Monsters other than REZD really matter; just use whatever strong Zombies you got.
<< Anonymous(Frenchfry_Guy)
Niggagagagigo Reply
Finally useful farming post on this page, thanks french guy.
<< Anonymous(Frenchfry_Guy)
Mah Boi Reply
Posthumous Army wouldn't work as it lasts for only 2 turns.
Anyway, using Zombie World to lockdown Ishizu is a great idea.
<< Anonymous(Mah Boi)
Frenchfry_Guy Reply
My bad, I meant "Dawn of the Brains," I guess; the skill that starts the match with Zombie World.
I've been trying to use a combination of Victory Viper XX03 + Gravity Blaster + Pulse Mines but the results have been half and half.
*Fidht to lvl10*
Drops a SR card

Are u right Ishizu??
<< Anonymous(MyoD)
Anonymous Reply
So, after GX update, all LD's lvl 10 can drop sr/ur cards, just as lvl 40, take a look. (Dunno about skills drops though)
<< Anonymous
obrang Reply
actually, whichever you choose LV 10-40 the main rewards are the same but LV 40 is special due to she/ he only drops her/ his signature cards and in LV 10 is more difficult to obtain due to easy to beat. You can check while you tap/ click the LD's reward
You can use the D-Hero Plasma deck for her. Basically the same deck, you just need to suck up one of her 1500 Atk monsters (Assailant or Spear Soldier) or above and she usually can't get over that. The only problem is her field spell. I use Murmur of the Forest to flip one of her monsters face-down and return it to her hand. Otherwise you won't be able to summon Desert Twister (you can use Mega Cyber but that might mess with the Reinforcement skill) and/or need an alternative way to attack her directly/do enough piercing.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Screenshot of what I use.
(Draining Sh7eld because it's prismatic, not necessary and I unfortunately only have two Troop Dragons, hence i pack only two)
Gift exchange method not work by the way I am using 2.3.1v

Finally I got my second Chief, Regulation of Tribe is the best deck to farm her
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wtf deck of that
This deck is trash and it does not work
How can I get Gravekeeper's Servants?

a high win rate farming deck

A 90% win rate farming deck

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