
Paradox Roaming Event | How to Farm Paradox Lvl40 & Lvl30 [July 2022]

Duel Links Paradox Roaming Event, rewards, how to defeat Paradox, best decks to farm Paradox.
update 25/07/2022

Duelist & Duration

Event Duration: 20 July 2022 - 29 July 2022

Exclusive Rewards

You can get cards after the duel, by completing missions, or Paradox also drops after the duel.

Megamorph [UR]

Equip Spell
Paradox Roaming Event [UR]
While your LP is lower than your opponent's, the equipped monster's ATK becomes double its original ATK. While your LP is higher, the equipped monster's ATK becomes half its original ATK.

Revenge Rally [SR]

Revenge Rally
Revenge Rally
Normal Trap
Paradox Roaming Event [SR]
Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; equip this card to that target. It gains 500 ATK/DEF. If this card is sent to the GY because the equipped monster has left the field: Draw 1 card, or if you activated this card this turn, draw 2 cards then discard 1 card, instead. You can only use this effect of "Revenge Rally" once per turn.

Fiendish Portrait [UR]

Fiendish Portrait
Fiendish Portrait
Normal Trap
Paradox Roaming Event [UR]
Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; Special Summon 1 monster with that name from your Deck or Extra Deck, but shuffle it into the Deck during the End Phase of the next turn, also you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Deck or Extra Deck for the rest of this turn after this card resolves. You can only activate 1 "Fiendish Portrait" per turn.

Loud Cloud the Storm Serpent [SR]

Loud Cloud the Storm Serpent
Loud Cloud the Storm Serpent
WATER Reptile ★6
ATK 0 / DEF 2000
Paradox Roaming Event [SR]
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 FIRE and 1 WIND monster from your GY. You can only use each of the following effects of "Loud Cloud the Storm Serpent" once per turn.

● You can banish 1 FIRE monster from your GY, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; destroy that monster, and if you do, this card gains ATK equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK.
● You can banish 1 WIND monster from your GY, then target 1 card in your opponent's Spell & Trap Zone; destroy it.

Drop Rewards

Paradox Lvl 30 Decklist

I Will Eliminate You All / Lvl 30

Best Unhappy Ra Decks to Farm Paradox Lvl30

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlGolden LadybugGolden Ladybug
Golden LadybugRai-MeiRai-MeiRai-MeiShooting Star Bow - CealCounter Gate
Counter GateSolemn WishesSpirit BarrierSpirit BarrierSpirit BarrierGood Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin Housekeeping----


The setup board will be The Unhappy Girl with Spirit Barrier on your field and Golden Ladybug or Solemn Wishes for LP Gaining. If you didn't manage to get Unhappy Girl in your starting hand, you can use Rai-Mei effect for searching out Unhappy Girl when she is destroyed by battle.

Counter Gate not only act as attack blocker to prevent being OTKed but give you extra 1 draw for searching out Core Card as soon as possible.

After accumulate more than 10,000++ Life Points, summon Winged Dragon Ra by tributing those Unhappy Girl and deal over 10,000 Battle Damage by directing attack with equipping Shooting Star Bow - Ceal.

Best Cloudian Ra Decks to Farm Paradox Lvl30

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of HeavenCloudian - CirrostratusCloudian - Cirrostratus
Cloudian - CirrostratusCloudian - Acid CloudCloudian - Acid CloudCloudian - AltusCloudian - AltusCloudian - Altus
Golden LadybugShooting Star Bow - CealThe Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the SkyDivine Punishment
Divine PunishmentDivine Punishment----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Fairys Smile
If you normal draw a Fairy-Type monster card during the Draw Phase, the card is shown to the opponent and you recover 1000 Life Points.


This is a pretty inexpensive deck to build, but somewhat slow to use. The combination of Cloudians and Sanctuary in the Sky / Spirit Barrier lets you stall a duel pretty easily as long as they don't have any backrow removal.

  • Your stall setup should consist of at least one Cloudian monster and The Sanctuary in the Sky.
  • The Sanctuary in the Sky can be search with Zeradias.
  • Heal every turn with Golden Ladybug. Fairy's Smile Skill also helps you gain LP while you draw a Fairy-Type monsters.
  • Have at least three Cloudians onboard before your final turn.
  • On your final turn, summon The Winged Dragon of Ra and give it your accumulated LP. Equip Ra with Shooting Star Bow - Ceal so it can attack directly.

Noted that You can replace Shooting Star Bow - Ceal with any other card that can help you deal damage. Piercing cards like Fairy Meteor Crush or Big Bang Shot are possible options. Alternatively, you can use monster removal cards like Lightning Vortex too.

Paradox Lvl 40 Decklist

Darkness from the Dimensional Fissure / Lvl 40

Best Unhappy Ra Deck to Farm Paradox Lvl 40

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlGolden LadybugGolden Ladybug
Golden LadybugRai-MeiRai-MeiRai-MeiShooting Star Bow - CealCounter Gate
Counter GateSolemn WishesSpirit BarrierSpirit BarrierSpirit BarrierGood Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin Housekeeping----


The setup board will be The Unhappy Girl with Spirit Barrier on your field and Golden Ladybug or Solemn Wishes for LP Gaining. If you didn't manage to get Unhappy Girl in your starting hand, you can use Rai-Mei effect for searching out Unhappy Girl when she is destroyed by battle.

Counter Gate not only act as attack blocker to prevent being OTKed but give you extra 1 draw for searching out Core Card as soon as possible.

After accumulate more than 10,000++ Life Points, summon Winged Dragon Ra by tributing those Unhappy Girl and deal over 10,000 Battle Damage by directing attack with equipping Shooting Star Bow - Ceal.

Best Magician Girls Deck to Farm Paradox Lvl40

Example Deck

Chocolate Magician GirlChocolate Magician GirlBerry Magician GirlBerry Magician GirlBerry Magician GirlFortune Fairy Chee
Fortune Fairy CheeFortune Fairy CheeApple Magician GirlApple Magician GirlGravekeepers VassalKiwi Magician Girl
Lemon Magician GirlUnion AttackUnion AttackWonder WandWonder WandWonder Wand
Magicalized FusionSecret Pass to the Treasures---Quintet Magician


  • Your goal is to thin your deck as quickly as possible. The Magician Girls are good at this with their various draw and search effects.
  • Chocolate and Lemon lets you thin your deck while also loading your graveyard. Berry lets you search from your deck twice.
  • Alongside the Magician Girls, Fortune Fairy Chee is also a good draw engine. You can trigger Chee's effect when you draw her with Chocolate's effect. And for any Spellcaster deck, Wonder Wand is a good draw card.
  • On your final turn, use Magicalized Fusion to make Quintet Magician and equip him with Wonder Want. Summon Gravekeeper's Vassal and use 2 Union Attacks and Secret Pass to the Treasure on him.

Best Yubel Montage Deck to Farm Paradox Lvl40

Example Deck

Yubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - Terror IncarnateYubelYubelYubel
Montage DragonWitch of the Black ForestWitch of the Black ForestWitch of the Black ForestSanganFire King Avatar Yaksha
Fire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar YakshaFire King IslandFire King IslandFire King IslandShiens Spy
Jar of GreedJar of Greed--------

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
My Name is Yubel
Once per turn, shuffle "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" or "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare" from your hand into deck, and add 1 "Yubel" from your deck to your hand.


The standard Yubel farm deck still works pretty easily here. Though, it can be a problem if you aren't able to do the proper setup early in the duel since Paradox can quickly summon her Malefic monsters.

Use Fire King Island to destroy the level 10 Yubel to summon Terror Incarnate so you can stall the duel.

Normal summon Witch of the Black Forest and Sangan so that they get destroyed by Terror Incarnate, then search each other so you can thin the deck faster. You can also use their effect to search out Yubel from your Deck in the early game for setup.

End the duel by activating another Fire King Island so Terror Incarnate gets destroyed and special summon The Ultimate Nightmare. Special summon Montage Dragon with any leftover Yubel cards from hand, then Shien's Spy the Montage Dragon so you can attack it with Ultimate Nightmare.

Just go with Yubel's "My Name is Yubel" skill for a consistency boost, and Jar of Greed act as extra Draw Engine for thinning your Deck.


Konami is so 🔥ing stupid. They coded this guy into the wrong world!

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Have you even seen the Bonds Beyond Time movie? This is exactly what happens, Paradox goes into different time periods to steal duel monsters from some of the characters in the respective series in GX case Rainbow Dragon and Cyber End Dragon. Since this is the 2nd roaming event for paradox, I believe he'll appear in DM world for his final roaming event and be unlockable.
They really need to shorten the amount of days these roaming events happen and/or make them spawn less. There’s really no reason for this endless spawning on a day like today after all campaigns, events and stuff that were going on when it started are all over. There was a maintenance, even. This is too much torture.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You don't have to fight them every time they spawn. Just start ignoring them when you have 3 copies of every card already.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
As said. Also, they give a lot of exp points for levelling up characters plus some random gems.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah… I have OCD when he shows up. It sucks.
but you get f'd by the reverse trap whit this deck
<< Anonymous
yamer0 Reply
..yep.. i've been doing good this past day with magician deck and then today everytime i duel him he always have the ¨Reverse Trap¨ set..

I see no reason (for now) to bother farming him.

I'm 4 duels away from the new UR, got 2 copies of Malefic Force, and if I really cared for Malefics, I'd dip into that box...
<< Anonymous(LeodredAQW)
Anonymous Reply
Dont do things that you will certainly regret. Stay away from this box.
Pretty sure they hired a 10 years old kid to make paradox decks.
whats the rewards? support of gate guardian?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wrong Paradox
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Right Paradox
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Adiaphorous Paradox
Roaming duelist? Ez skip
Parawho? Double skip
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
1. Yes.
2. It's -Dox, as in plural form of dog.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No, it's parachute
so? where are the cards? can someone please fill the page with useful info?
Considering Sean Schemmel did not reprise his role as Bronk, I will be curious to see if Paradox also got recast. :/
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
He got indeed recasted. Guess those leaks of Sean left their mark. Enough for Konami not wanting anything to do with him annymore, at least.
They should just use his abridged VA. “Ha haha ha haha haha ha haha haha haha”.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nah, I though Sean did a great job as always
Damn, pretty sure this will be the first time Paradox makes an appeareance in any YGO game ever.
Well we do still have a few of his cards left that's not in DL I guess this makes sense.

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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