
Special Duel Event [2019]

update 19/07/2021

Event Details


How to Play

1. Duel in a completely new way!

What is Special Duel ?

Special Duel are Ranked Duels with certain conditions and restrictions to the Skills and Decks that you can use. Your rank placement is registered differently from your regular Ranked Duels placement, although the rankings and number of wins required to be promoted, remain the same. For example, you still need to acquire 4 wins to rank up from Platinum 5 to Legendary 1, and 5 consecutive wins to rank up from Legendary 3 to King of Games. Example scenario, if you are King of Games currently in regular Ranked Duels, you can still collect rank placement rewards from Special Duels since you will be starting the climb from Rookie rank.

2. Duel in Special Duels at the PvP Arena!

This time, the special rule is "Draw on the First Turn!" which players that going first can draw on their first turn!

3. Aim for King of Games!

Rank Up Rewards

Rookie Rank 2Golds x5000
Rookie Rank 3R Jewel x50
Bronze Rank 1Gems x20
Bronze Rank 2Result Booster x3
Bronze Rank 3R Jewel x50
Bronze Rank 4SR Jewel x1
Bronze Rank 5Golds x5000
Silver Rank 1Gems x30
Silver Rank 2EXP Booster x3
Silver Rank 3R Jewel x100
Silver Rank 4Gold x10,000
Silver Rank 5SR Jewel x2
Gold Rank 1Gems x50
Gold Rank 2R Jewel x100
Gold Rank 3Gems x50
Gold Rank 4UR Jewel x1
Gold Rank 5Gold x10,000
King of GamesGems x50

Share your decks!

Email to GameA
Subject (Title)KOG deck (Special Duel)
Body (Text)
  • Your IGN
  • A small note to show how to use your deck or how you reach KOG (if necessary)
Attach Files
  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach KOG
  • a screenshot of KOG proof

Want to share your deck to help other playes? Send us an e-mail at with the image of your deck and proof of reaching KoG along with how it works! The title of your email must be KOG deck (Special Duel).

Required Info/screenshot

To share your deck on this page, you will send GameA:

  • your IGN (In-game name)
  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach KOG
  • a screenshot of KOG proof
  • a small note to show how you use it/how it works in the meta (optional)

Number of users per deck

Dark Magician1
Koa'ki Meiru Neos2
Masked HERO1
Nephthys Yubel1
Red-Eyes Fusion1
Six Samurai1

Dark Magician


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
GarouA Trick up the SleevesJuly 7

A comment from Garou:

  • The Deck revolves around the magician navigation magician.
  • Use the Magicians rod to pick up a magicians navigate or if you already have it in your hand, search for a thousand knifes to destroy an opponent's monster or dark magic attack to destroy their supports.
  • World legacy Helps rid your monsters of effects like tth, in addition to decreasing enemy monster attack.
  • You can use the second effect of the magician rod (sacrifice a Black magician in the field and return the Rod itself to the hand) so you guarantee a thousand knife or dark magician attack to get rid of some problematic card.
    It was reasonably easy to get into the king of games with this deck



IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
PESTEThe Tie that BindsJuly 7

Koa'ki Meiru Neos


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
冰糖2018Miracle DrawJuly 3


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
BroimattiMiracle DrawJuly 6

Masked HERO

Th3King (GOD)

IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
Th3King (GOD)Neo Space!July 5

Nephthys Yubel


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
ManuelMy Name is YubelJuly 8

A comment from Manuel:

Easy climb with it because many players just don't know how to win against Yubel. Dark Magician was the easiest matchup by far.

Red-Eyes Fusion

#Aster Event

IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
#Aster EventGritJuly 8

A comment from #Aster Event:

Just a boring red-eyes deck that I don't even enjoy using. I wanted to use masked heroes with Aster, but Konami ruined that for me. About the only thing I think is kinda cool here is how sphere kuriboh decided a couple games for me. And I like having amazoness queen in here.

Six Samurai


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
LavanNeo Space!July 6

A comment from Lavan:

Notes: Since Jaden only need Elemental Hero Neos, I combine them with my six samurai and the result is not really bad, and not break starting hand. The hardest match I think is minor match, Six samurai



IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
pharmacistMasked TributeJuly 4

A comment from pharmacist:

I used this deck to reach KOG in special duels. Even with 4 additional useless cards the deck is consistent enough to have winning streak ( I won the last 11 games to reach KOG).

The 2 cosmic cyclone were MVP for most matches to deal with cards like DNA surgery and onslaught and final battle. I used Masked beast des gardius in 2 duels ( one of them I BMed my opponent with it).

Legendary Decks Regulation

Yami Yugi

Dark Magician Set

Required Cards
Dark Magician
Dark Magician

Black Luster Soldier Set

Seto Kaiba

Blue-Eyes White Dragon Set

Joey Wheeler


Hot New Top
Anyone else having this? Screen says "You lost - No winner after 4 turns
In the menu I see it as if the game has been canceled, wonder if it's a bug or it was just a cheater.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
pass the salt man
<< Anonymous
Duelingmonkey Reply
Yeah, the dueling gods found Weevil’s degenerate deck a sin, so they cursed him with the L of no return.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
For real, hope every Weevil burn deck loses like this in ranked.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
haha, OP here, forgot that post completely. To be fair, actually my main deck was Amazoness with Tea back then, but got beaten by a Weevil-amazoness for the first time. Wanted to try the version out, went 0/3 and went back to my normal amazoness deck, which is way more fun to play ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is not special duel but special p2w duel because most of the decks that people using is either Neos fusion and red eyes fusion
just do nwith athe cra says
Wow I didn't expect six samurai can hit KoG because that's quite brick but I think I will play it too
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Brick? SixSam?

Are we even on the same universe?
The Aster deck has basically been ruined by this event. I tried it out when I got to gold and have won a few times with it by some miracle, but more than anything one of the f-king plasmas is always in my starting hand or I draw it when I really need something else. I have tried to take advantage of it by adding cards to my deck that have a discard cost like destiny draw, and things like hallowed life barrier or dark core. But of course, THEN I don't get plasma when it is time to use those cards. And when plasma is stuck in your hand, you can't get celestial's effect going to draw more cards. Guess I'll just have to go back to my boring red-eyes deck that I am already very sick of using. Seriously, unless some divine power forces Konami against their will to add d-end dragoon to this game, I never want to see another plasma again. I swear, if they increase the level cap again and this thing is Aster's lv 50 reward, I will say some choice swear words to myself that are inappropriate for this site and punch a pillow a few times.
One of their best events.
EXTRA gems and you only need 3 wins to climb.
paracite paracide
how many wins needed to KoG from gold 5?
<< Anonymous(paracite paracide)
DLPH Reply
3 wins in a row
<< Anonymous(DLPH)
paracite paracide Reply
thank you
<< Anonymous(paracite paracide)
Anonymous Reply
3 wins is piece of cake actually.
<< Anonymous(paracite paracide)
Anonymous Reply
Is this game rigged or what?
I played Subterror deck in this event with 3 or 4 trash cards.
Despite of this, I easily reached the king of games, my hand was always playable.
Now I play in the usual mode with a full powered deck and probably lost 10 games in a row. How is that even possible.
Nerfed deck is more consistent than normal
I actually met some Mask Beast guys lol, those matches were really funny
<< Anonymous
Yugitrollz Reply
Why play a meta deck, when you could just steal your opponents monsters with Masked Beast ftw?
<< Anonymous(Yugitrollz )
Anonymous Reply
I stole a lot. This is the funniest duel I've ever had.
<< Anonymous(RR)
Anonymous Reply
The only thing that hurts Honda's deck is being forced to put Commander and Acrobat Monkey with at least 1 of the Barbarians... they don't work together, all the searching and support cards just barely miss Barbarian #1 for having 1550 atk and not being a normal monster.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, they are quite cool.
Im kog in usual pvp, but in this special duels im stuck in gold2
Jonouchi's so-called "Legend cards" are a bunch of Red Eyes support cards created much later that he never used... a tryhard deck full of them counts as "legend deck" for him yet my Jonouchi deck of Red Eyes, the older related cards he used like RE Metal Dragon and other classic monsters of his such as Garoozis, Time Wizard, Rocket Warrior, etc, doesn't. Why.
I reached the king of games and can not find an opponent anymore, is this normal?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Of course it's normal. You're the king of games. There's no rival for you,,,,,,,,,, ;)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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