
How to beat/farm Superb Tea Lvl 30

Duel Links how to farm Superb Tea level 30, lvl 30 Superb Tea's deck, decks to beat Super Tea lvl 30.
update 19/07/2018

Element Unite Counter

Example Deck

Thunder DragonThunder DragonThunder DragonGravekeeper's VassalFusion GateUnion Attack
Union AttackShard of GreedShard of GreedShard of GreedSecret Pass to the TreasuresJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of GreedGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingCounter Counter
Counter CounterCounter Counter---Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon
  • This deck can be used to farm against level 30 and 40 pretty easily due to its consistency.
  • You can switch out the Counter Counter for some more draw cards like Crystal Seer to make it faster, but having only 1 deck for both makes it more convenient.
  • At the start of the duel, simply special summon Gate Guardian and keep using draw cards until your last turn.
  • On the last turn, fusion summon Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon and summon Vassal with Secret Pass and double Union Attack for the win.
  • You can change the fusion monster with cards like The Fiend Megacyber or Anteatereatingant but you will get less points.

Other useful cards

Crystal Seer
Crystal Seer
For some draw power, or to waste her Divine Punishment.
The Fiend Megacyber
The Fiend Megacyber
Alternative to Thunder Dragon, but you won't get bonus points for fusion summoning.
Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
If you don't have Secret Pass to the Treasures, you can use this, or Cursed Bamboo Sword.
Instead of Fusion Gate.

Dark Paladin

Example Deck

King of the SwampBlue Dragon SummonerBuster BladerBuster BladerBuster BladerBeastking of the Swamps
Beastking of the SwampsBeastking of the SwampsGravekeeper's VassalDark MagicianDark MagicianDark Magician
Fusion GateUnion AttackUnion AttackPolymerizationPolymerizationPolymerization
Emblem of Dragon DestroyerSecret Pass to the Treasures--Dark PaladinDark Flare Knight
  • Use skills like Restart or Destiny Draw to help draw your fusion cards.
  • Once you fusion summon Dark Paladin, you will want to prepare some throwable cards so you can negate her Court of Justice 3 times. This will prevent her from summoning Wingweaver, which will be boosted by Freya's effect making it 3150 attack.
  • You might need to keep destroying her monsters so Tea doesn't tribute summon Wingweaver, unless you are sure that Tea doesn't have any Freya on the field, or in her deck.
  • Continue until your last turn where you will need to fusion summon another monster and normal summon Vassal with Secret Pass, and double Union Attack for the win.

Dino Counter

Black BrachiosBlack BrachiosBlack BrachiosDark DriceratopsGravekeeper's VassalSabersaurus
SabersaurusSabersaurusUnion AttackUnion AttackSecret Pass to the TreasuresGood Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingJar of GreedJar of GreedJar of GreedCounter Counter
Counter CounterCounter Counter----
  • This Dino deck is also a deck that can be used for both level 30 and 40. This is because of how easy it is to get above 2000 attack.
  • You will have to switch Counter Counter for cards like Super Rush Headlong, Tribute to The Doomed or any other card effect that can remove Wingweaver from the field.
  • Check the level 40 farm page for more details on how to use this deck.


Mythical Beast CerberusRiryokuShard of GreedShard of GreedTwisterTwister
Shooting Star Bow - CealBook of Secret ArtsBook of Secret ArtsStop DefenseAbyssal DesignatorAbyssal Designator
Murmur of the ForestBlue MedicineMooyan CurryMooyan CurryYamiEnchanted Javelin
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin--------
  • If you want a cheap deck to farm level 30, then you can use a Cerberus deck.
  • A standard Cerberus deck can already handle level 30, but you will want to increase its attack to more than 3000 as soon as you can so that Wingweaver will not be able to get over it.
  • Bring equip cards like One-Shot Wand to increase it fast, or plenty of Super Rush Headlong as protection.

LV 30 Superb Tea's Deck

Airknight ParshathWingweaverFreya, Spirit of VictoryFreya, Spirit of VictoryFreya, Spirit of VictorySkelengel
SkelengelSkelengelGuiding LightGuiding LightHysteric FairyHysteric Fairy
Hysteric FairyCourt of JusticeCourt of JusticeCourt of JusticeThe Sanctuary in the SkyThe Fountain in the Sky
Photon BoosterSilver Bow and Arrow----


farmear a Tea
Tea Farm Level 30

3 Thunder Dragon
1 Gravekeeper's Vassal

1 Union Attack
1 Polymerization
1 Gift of the Martyr
1 Blue Medicine
1 Re-Fusion
1 Secret Pass to the Treasures
1 Shard of Greed
1 The Mask of Remnants
2 Different Dimension Capsule

3 Good Goblin Housekeeping
3 Jar of Greed

1 Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
1 Meteor B. Dragon
1 Red-Eyes Slash Dragon
1 UFOroid Fighter
1 Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply

Character: Paradox Brothers
Skill: Elements Unite!

Consistent farm deck for Superb Tea Level 30 that uses only 1 Union Attack.
Farmeo a tea UR SR
Ra-Kiseitai-GLadybug-Cosmic Compass LP Boost deck works for Level 30 Téa!

Just switch out 1x Anti-Magic Arrows for 1x Storm to destroy The Sanctuary in the Sky and you're good to go.

Can even be used with Yami Yugi's Destiny Draw skill to get the 3-win logo reward!

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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