
How to beat/farm Aigami (DSOD)

Duel Links tips to defeat Aigami (DSOD), decks to farm Aigami (DSOD), and rewards.
update 14/01/2021

Updated Information

  • Critias Farm Decklist Updated.

999999999++ ATK Farm Decklist

Mind Augus Farm

Example Deck

Evigishki Mind AugusEvigishki Mind AugusNeo-Spacian Aqua DolphinBlue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White Dragon
Dark MagicianMillennium ShieldGishki AquamirrorCreature SeizureShard of GreedShard of Greed
Space GiftSpace GiftSpace GiftWhite Elephants GiftWhite Elephants GiftWhite Elephants Gift
NEXGood Goblin Housekeeping---Neo-Spacian Marine Dolphin
[Skill] descriptionUser
Peak Performance
Begins Duel with the Field Spell "Mountain" activated.
Seto Kaiba
Seto Kaiba

Video Links From R.Y


  • Summon your Blue-Eyes White Dragon or Dark Magician to beatdown Aigami. You can later use them with White Elephant's Gift to cycle through your deck.
  • Summon Millennium Shield in defense position.
  • Keep thinning your deck with Shard of Greed, White Elephant's Gift, and Good Goblin Housekeeping. On your final turn, after you summon Aqua Dolphin or Marine Dolphin you can start using Space Gift but keep at least one copy in your hand. You can return a Space Gift to the bottom of your deck with Good Goblin Housekeeping.
  • On your final turn, put Millennium Shield in attack position and give him to Aigami with Creature Swap. Summon Aqua Dophin and use NEX to make Marine Dolphin.
  • For your loop, Ritual Summon Mind Augus using another Mind Augus as tribute. Then use her effect to return a Space Gift to your deck. Use Gishki Aquamirror's effect to return itself to the deck and return the Mind Augus in your graveyard to your hand. Activate Space Gift to draw the other Space Gift and Gishki Aquamirror in your deck, then repeat the loop.
  • Doing the loop accumulates willpower to multiply your monsters' ATK.
  • Space Gift can draw 2 cards because Marine Dolphin has two names.
  • When you have enough ATK, attack into the Millennium Shield you gave Aigami.

Gemini Swordsman Farm

Example Deck

Gravekeepers SpyGravekeepers SpyChemicritter Oxy OxChemicritter Oxy OxGravekeepers GuardHieratic Dragon of Gebeb
Gravekeepers NoblemanGravekeepers NoblemanGravekeepers NoblemanHieratic Seal of the Dragon KingThe Little Swordsman of AileCreature Seizure
PolymerizationShard of GreedShard of GreedWonder WandWonder WandWonder Wand
Good Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin Housekeeping---Superalloy Beast Raptinus
[Skill] descriptionUser
Power of Dark
Begins Duel with the Field Spell "Yami" activated.
Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi


  • Thin your deck with the Shard of Greed and the Gravekeeper draw engine. Gravekeeper’s Spy and Gravekeeper’s Nobleman Special Summon Gravekeepers which you can equip with Wonder Wand to draw 2 cards.
  • Good Goblin Housekeeping should return Gebeb and Little Swordsman back to the deck, prioritizing Little Swordsman.
  • On your final turn, you must have Oxy Ox, Seal of the Dragon King, and Polymerization on hand. They will be used to make Raptinus. You can use up your normal summon for the Gravekeeper draw engine if you don’t have them yet.
  • After getting the necessary fusion resources use the EX Raid Skill to summon Gebeb and Little Swordsman from your deck. If Gebeb is stuck in your hand, summon Seal of the Dragon King and tribute him to Special Summon Gebeb.
  • Little Swordsman’s effect boosts his ATK by tributing Gebeb. Gebeb Special Summons Seal of the Dragon King who will tribute himself to revive Gebeb. Gebeb and Seal of the Dragon King can alternately Special Summon each other. Raptinus is important to making Seal of the Dragon King’s effect active. This will be your main loop.
  • The loop lets Little Swordsman gain ATK while also fueling your EX skill. Everytime you get 1000% spend it on multiplying your monsters’ ATK. - After accumulating enough ATK, revive Seal of the Dragon King one last time in attack position and give him to Aigami with Creature Swap. Use Little Swordsman to attack into Seal of the Dragon King.

Goka Farm

Example Deck

Goka, the Pyre of MaliceGravekeepers SpyGravekeepers SpyGravekeepers SpyChemicritter Oxy OxHieratic Dragon of Gebeb
Gravekeepers NoblemanGravekeepers NoblemanGravekeepers NoblemanHieratic Seal of the Dragon KingShooting Star Bow - CealPolymerization
Shard of GreedShard of GreedWonder WandWonder WandWonder WandDNA Transplant
Good Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin Housekeeping---Superalloy Beast Raptinus
[Skill] descriptionUser
Power of Dark
Begins Duel with the Field Spell "Yami" activated.
Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi


  • Uses a similar Gravekeeper draw engine and Raptinus-Hieratic loop to the deck above. Use this deck if you don’t have access to Little Swordsman.
  • Little Swordsman is replaced by Goka and DNA Transplant so this deck requires a bit more setup. DNA Transplant turns Gebeb into a FIRE attribute monster so it can be tributed for Goka.
  • After accumulating enough ATK equip Goka with Shooting Star Bow - Ceal and attack directly. The 1000 ATK debuff is negligible.

Grandmaster Farm

Example Deck

Slifer the Sky DragonGrandmaster of the Six SamuraiThe Six Samurai - YarizaBlue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White Dragon
Dark MagicianDark MagicianDark MagicianDark World DealingsDark World DealingsDark World Dealings
Tribute to The DoomedTemple of the KingsSwing of MemoriesWhite Elephants GiftWhite Elephants GiftWhite Elephants Gift
Acidic DownpourGive and Take----
[Skill] descriptionUser
Destiny Draw
Can be used when your Life Points decrease by 2000. In the Draw Phase, instead of conducting your normal draw, draw a card of your choice. This Skill can only be used one per Duel.
Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi


  • Dimension Summon your Normal monsters to beatdown Aigami and gain willpower. Early in the duel you can use the EX Raid Skill to summon them from your deck.
  • Cycle through your deck with Dark World Dealings and White Elephant's Gift.
  • It is important you get Slifer in your graveyard before your final turn. Discard him with Dark World Dealings or Tribute to the Doomed. Or play him from your deck with the EX Raid Skill.
  • Keep at least one Blue-Eyes White Dragon or Dark Magician on the field before your final turn.
  • On your final turn Normal Summon Yariza first. Activate Temple of the Kings then activate Give and Take to give Slifer to your opponent. And then activate Acidic Downpour to complete your loop setup.
  • Special Summon Grandmaster from your hand which will immediately be destroyed by Slifer's effect. This also triggers Grandmaster's effect letting you add him to the hand. Keep Special Summoning Grandmaster to gain willpower and multiply your monsters' ATK.
  • After accumulating enough ATK use Yariza to destroy Slifer and attack directly with your Normal monster.

~ Lvl 2000

Critias Auto Duel Farm

Example Deck [Credits to THE ROCK]

Note: You can special Summon Obelisk the Tormentor as Beater by using Willpower Point. But keep in mind that it will sent to the Graveyard at the end of the turn.

Obelisk the TormentorPalladium Oracle MahadDragon Spirit of WhiteDragon Spirit of WhiteBlue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White Dragon
Blue-Eyes White DragonDark MagicianDark MagicianDark MagicianThe Fang of CritiasThe Fang of Critias
The Fang of CritiasPower of the GuardiansPower of the GuardiansTyrant WingTyrant WingTyrant Wing
Jar of GreedJar of Greed-Tyrant Burst DragonTyrant Burst DragonTyrant Burst Dragon
[Skill] descriptionUser
Heavy Starter
If your Deck has 3 or more Level 5 or higher monsters with different names, you will have improved chance of having a Level 5 or higher monster in your starting hand.

Video Links


  • Functions like a high-level beatdown deck taking advantage of Dimension Duel Rules.
  • Normal Summon your Dark Magician and Blue-Eyes monsters to use as beaters. Mahad is especially good because it Special Summons itself upon being top decked, resulting in more damage potential.
  • Summon Tyrant Burst Dragon with Fang of Critias and Tyrant Wing. Equip Tyrant Burst Dragon to Blue-Eyes or Dark Magician so it can attack 3 times.
  • Spend all your points multiplying Blue-Eyes or Dark Magician's ATK. You can accumulate points until you have 1000 to do this twice in one turn.

~ Lvl 1000

Winged Dragon of Ra Farm

Example Deck [Credit to YamiNoGame]

The Winged Dragon of RaThe Winged Dragon of RaSubterror Behemoth UmastryxSubterror Behemoth UmastryxSubterror Behemoth StygokrakenSubterror Behemoth Stygokraken
Subterror Behemoth StygokrakenSubterror Behemoth StalagmoSubterror Behemoth StalagmoSubterror Behemoth StalagmoSubterror Behemoth PhospheroglacierSubterror Nemesis Warrior
Subterror Nemesis WarriorSubterror Nemesis WarriorConcentrating CurrentConcentrating CurrentThe Claw of HermosSubterror Final Battle
Subterror Final BattleSubterror Final Battle--Rocket Hermos CannonRocket Hermos Cannon

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Power of the Tributed
When you successfully Tributed Summon "The Winged Dragon of Ra", its ATK will become the sum of the ATK of the Tributed Monsters, and its DEF will become the sum of the Tributed Monsters.
Yami Marik
Yami Marik

Notes From YamiNoGame

The strategy is to thin your deck using the effect of Subterror Behemoth Stalagmo and Subterror Behemoth Phospheroglacier. Keep in your hand a copy of Subterror Nemesis Warrior and set 2 Subterror final battle, using the last one's effect to flip and set your monster on your opponent's turn. On your final turn, activate 2 Subterror final battle to boost the ATK of 2 subterrors, then tribute summon Ra and activate its effect. Use 2 Concentrating Current, use the skill twice to multiply its ATK, then use Claw of Hermos and equip Rocket Hermos Cannon to RA, then Attack.

Cristias Farm

Example Deck [Credit to Toni]

Example Deck

Blue-Eyes Alternative White DragonDragon Spirit of WhiteDragon Spirit of WhiteDragon Spirit of WhiteBlue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White Dragon
Blue-Eyes White DragonThe Melody of Awakening DragonBingo Machine, Go!!!Bingo Machine, Go!!!Bingo Machine, Go!!!The Fang of Critias
The Fang of CritiasThe Fang of CritiasPower of the GuardiansPower of the GuardiansPower of the GuardiansTyrant Wing
Tyrant WingTyrant Wing-Tyrant Burst DragonTyrant Burst DragonTyrant Burst Dragon

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Heavy Starter
If your Deck has 3 or more Level 5 or higher monsters with different names, you will have improved chance of having a Level 5 or higher monster in your starting hand.

~ Lvl 800

High-Level Monster Beat

Example Deck

Blue-Eyes Solid DragonBlue-Eyes Solid DragonBlue-Eyes Solid DragonPalladium Oracle MahadPalladium Oracle MahadPalladium Oracle Mahad
Blue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White DragonDark MagicianDark MagicianDark Magician
Big Bang ShotBig Bang ShotTwin Swords of Flashing Light - TryceTwin Swords of Flashing Light - TryceTwin Swords of Flashing Light - TrycePower of the Guardians
Power of the GuardiansPower of the Guardians----

Set Skill


Hot New Top
yu yo friendship farm?
There's no point in doing this 999999999 damage crap because you won't be getting 999999999 points.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
more over its not worth using any of these decks cos its too expensive.just use the one on duel links or similar.put in dm and blue eyes monsters too next to obelisk
Whew! Grandmaster Sp summon 90 times.
any good auto duel farm deck for this event?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Obelisk can't be equipped but swap him with a second Pallad or even a single Ancient Rules and the deck is magical
Subterror is really not a good deck at all XD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
For farming? It’s been working every time for me
Thanks you gi oh duel links for both event agami event and yugi Moto event in may and sep best both event
You can use too "Vampire-Ra" with Power of the Tributed and vampire monsters to gain LP.
sorry for this but obilisk cnt be equipped with anything read the card effect use another god card
Sorry for being dumb but how am I supposed to make the mind augus deck work?
<< Anonymous
WoodFrJared Reply
Hi, sorry for late reply. I have save a Duel Replay for Augus Deck and put it on the page. You can try to view and understand the combo for that :)
<< WoodFrJared
Anonymous Reply
Please provide us with link to the replay. I find it difficult to use it too
<< Anonymous
WoodFrJared Reply
Ah the Links Replay has been put on the page.You can try to view and understand the combo for that :)
<< WoodFrJared
Anonymous Reply
I do press duel replay, but it just restart the game app. Prompts a message about log in and bonuses and then the app goes to duel world. I can't see the replay
5 rainbow boxes, nice rewards :) thx
a deck i made while trying out ideas, i don't have 3 of one type of dragon so i used what i had

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