
Toon deck (Before 16 Jan)

update 16/01/2019


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Example deck

It's a Toon World Version

Sphere KuribohSphere KuribohToon Dark Magician GirlToon Dark Magician GirlToon Summoned SkullToon Summoned Skull
Toon Summoned SkullToon MermaidToon MermaidToon MermaidPlanet PathfinderPlanet Pathfinder
Toon KingdomToon Table of ContentsEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerToon RollbackMagic Reflector
Magic ReflectorTreacherous Trap Hole--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
It's a Toon World
Begin Duel with the Continuous Spell Toon World activated.
Maximillion Pegasus
Maximillion Pegasus

How to Use

The reason why we use the skill It's a Toon World even though we have Toon Kingdom in the deck is because we want a more consistent OTK. Having Toon World already on the field at the start of the duel means that we require one less card to set-up making the combo more consistent.

The Field Spell

Toon World

Toon Kingdom is essentially the better version of Toon World. With no LP cost, it uses your cards from your deck to activate, banishing them face-down. But with only 1 copy of this card obtainable, getting it in the duel can be a problem, but once you manage to get it, your toon monsters will be invincible. Search out Toon Kingdom with Planet Pathfinder, or Toon Table of Contents.


Toon Kingdom and Toon World are key to your deck's strategy. If they are destroyed your Toon monsters follow them to the graveyard and you will be put in an unfavorable position. To prevent this from happening, protect your Toon World with Magic Reflector which puts a counter on your face-up spell card that blocks it from being destroyed. Although this does not prevent it from being banished by cards like Cosmic Cyclone.

Toon Dark Magician Girl

Toon Dark Magician GirlToon Mermaid

Some Toon monsters can be special summoned making them quicker to get out on the field, the down side is that these monster usually require you to have Toon World on the field before they can be special summoned.

  • Toon Dark Magician Girl is unique among Toon monsters, because she can attack immediately the turn she was special summoned. Although you are required to tribute 1 monster to special summon her.
  • Toon Mermaid can be special summoned, making her good tribute fodder for stronger monsters.

Toon Table of Contents

A powerful search card capable of getting any card with Toon in it's name out of your deck. Use this to search out anything missing from your OTK combo. Search out Toon Dark Magician Girl for your attacker, Toon Mermaid if you need tribute fodder, or Toon Rollback if you need your OTK enabler.

Toon Rollback

This card allows one of your Toon monsters to attack twice. The best target for this card is Toon Dark Magician Girl because she is the only Toon monster that can attack during the turn she is summoned. With a 2000 attack stat, she just enough attack to defeat your opponent with 2 direct attacks. Toon Summoned Skull is the next best option if you do not control a Toon Dark Magician Girl. But keep in mind he cannot attack the turn he is summoned, so do not use Toon Rollback on the same turn you summon him.

Support Cards

Sphere Kuriboh and Enemy Controller are excellent defense options with their own unique traits. You can use Sphere Kuriboh directly from your hand unlike other protection cards that need to be set, making them vulnerable to removal. Enemy Controller can be used to take an opponent's monster if you need to push for more damage during your OTK combo.
Treacherous Trap Hole is a powerful trap card that everyone is using. It is good because by itself is to destroy 2 monsters your opponent controls for no cost. If used at the right time this could completely stop your opponent from doing anything further for that turn.

Useful cards

Set skill

CardRating explanation
Toon World
Toon World
Alternative to Toon Kingdom, but costs 1000 LP to activate.
Toon Summoned Skull
Toon Summoned Skull
The strongest Toon monster you can special summon for one tribute.
Toon Masked Sorcerer
Toon Masked Sorcerer
Toon Masked Sorcerer lets you draw a card everytime he inflicts damage to your opponent.
Very useful Toon support spell. This card is one of the reasons you may use Toon deck.
Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon
Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon
Another toon monster which can be very helpful as beatdown for this deck.
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
A versatile card that fits mostly on all decks, its effect is flexible to any situtation.
Toon Buster Blader
Toon Buster Blader
Although a toon monster this card can be normal summoned even without Toon World on the field.
Toon Rollback
Toon Rollback
Pair this with a Toon Dark Magician Girl, or other 2000+ attack toon monster then you can potentially get an early win.
Crystal Seer
Crystal Seer
Helps with drawing cards. Gives you an option out of the 2 excavated cards.
Soul Exchange
Soul Exchange
Since most Toon monsters cannot attack the turn they are summoned, this card is great for helping you summon high leveled Toon.
Magic Reflector
Magic Reflector
Can be used to protect Toon Kingdom.
Interdimensional Matter Transporter
Interdimensional Matter Transporter
This can be used when your Toon Kingdom is about to get destroyed, saving your selected monster, but it will not be able to attack directly anymore.

Restart version

This variation of toon deck uses Toon Kingdom instead of Toon World. Using the skill "Restart" instead of Pegasus' exclusive skill means that you can use this toon deck using most characters.

Toon Dark Magician GirlToon Summoned SkullToon Summoned SkullToon Summoned SkullToon Masked SorcererToon Mermaid
Toon MermaidToon MermaidAn Owl of LuckPlanet PathfinderPlanet PathfinderToon Kingdom
Soul ExchangeDian Keto the Cure MasterToon Table of ContentsDe-SpellDe-SpellMagic Reflector
Magic ReflectorGravelstorm--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUsers
Can be used after starting hand is distributed. Shuffle all the cards from your hand into the Deck. Then draw the starting hand again.
Check here!


How to use (Restart ver.)

Protect Field Spell

Your toon monsters will be destroyed if your Toon Kingdom/World is destroyed, so you will need to protect it.

  • If you are going against a Harpies' Hunting Ground deck, make sure you don't use Toon Kingdom right away without protection without Magic Reflector.
  • De-Spell is also good for destroying your opponent's HHG before you activate your Toon Kingdom.
  • Gravelstorm can be used to return your Toon Kingdom back to your hand. If it doesn't get destroyed, your toon monsters won't get destroyed, but using Toon Kingdom again will cost another 3 cards from your deck.

Tribute Summoning

  • Toon Mermaid can be special summoned once you have Toon Kingdom/World active. This can lead to a tribute summon to get your stronger monsters right away.
  • Since toon monsters can't attack the turn they are summon, Soul Exchange is a really good card to use. Using it early instead of for taking down your opponent's stronger is still fine. This is because your toon monsters can't be destroyed by battle, or card effects.


Toon Dark Magician Girl and Toon Summoned Skull are both 1 tribute monsters, and you don't need to use toon monsters to tribute summon, but they both need Toon Kingdom/World to be active on the field.

  • Toon Dark Magician Girl can attack directly right after it's special summoned, unless you summoned using Soul Exchange.
  • Toon Summoned Skull has high attack, but its problem has always been its low defense. Using Toon Kingdom, your Toon Summoned Skull will not get destroyed as easily, but each attempt to attack will cost 500 LP.


Hot New Top
how do u get 2 Toon Dark Magician Girl
<< Anonymous(Tackrad)
Anonymous Reply
A pegasus event that I haven't seen in a while.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Since pegasus is now unlockable don't expect it to come back anytime soon
Magic Reflector in 2018? C'mon bro, today Cosmic Cyclone is everywhere. Toon is trash, but at least don't put unappropriate cards. You better run Crystal Sear instead. Also the 3rd Toon Summoned Skull is unnecessary, you better replace it with Jinzo
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The reason why they're making this deck is because someone made it to kog with toons last month
i love the toons ,,but sadly i have only one toon DMG and table of contents is kinda ...hmm
5x KoG
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
3 toon mermaids are like mandatory in lots of fullon toon decks, as they are amazing tribute fodder and dont require tributes so can just be a free summon
<< Anonymous
Riley Reply
Floodgate trap hole
<< Anonymous(Kalango)
stam Reply
Then, their biggest problem was def position damage. now sylvans are all over the place!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The Toons only get destroyed if Toon Kingdom gets destroyed. Banishing it does nothing to Toons already summoned, to my knowledge.
Give us one more card of
Toon Table of Contents
By leveling up Pegasus
They should make a card pack or even a paid card box containing more toons. Satisfys everyone
YGO player
Hello guys. Does anyone have ideas for a meta toon deck that can win against sylvan or amazoness? Please tell me your ideas, coz i really like toons and my old toon deck can't win against those decks...
<< Anonymous(YGO player)
Toon Reply
Yes i would like too. Anyone has ideas for a new meta toon deck???
Who needs this?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'd love to have one for AG deck.
Toon Deck is really weak right now.
We need more -Toon Table of Contents-
Release a pack with toon cards.

Why Konami doesn’t care about toon cards?
Very nice game pay to win...
ive done all 3 of the Pegasus event but they really should have another one and add more toon cards. They seem to repeat all the other characters but its been a while since we had Pegasus come back.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Because he's been added to the gate (no more gate events) if you're lucky they'll do a super/superb/Roaring/tardy etc. roaming event with horrible drop rates as usual
And this?
<< Anonymous
Bill Clinton Reply
How is someone supposed to make this deck if you cant get toon barrel dragon anymore >:(
<< Anonymous
Jweg Reply
Actually, you can. I got it today from SR ticket trade.

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