
Toon: deck recipe [Sept 2020]

Duel Links Toon deck, Toon in the meta, how to use Toon cards.
update 09/09/2020

Required Card Boxes

Valiant Souls Valhalla Calling Return of the Red-Eyes

Example Deck

Standard Version

Toon Dark MagicianToon Dark MagicianToon Ancient Gear GolemToon Dark Magician GirlToon Dark Magician GirlToon Dark Magician Girl
The Black Stone of LegendThe Black Stone of LegendRed-Eyes Toon DragonRed-Eyes Toon DragonRed-Eyes Toon DragonStar Blast
Star BlastForbidden LanceForbidden LanceToon KingdomToon Table of ContentsToon Rollback
Paleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic Canadia----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
It's a Toon World
Begin Duel with the Continuous Spell Toon World activated.
Maximillion Pegasus
Maximillion Pegasus

How To Use

The Black Stone of Legend & Red-Eyes Toon Dragon

The Black Stone of Legend
The Black Stone of Legend
DARK Dragon ★1
ATK 0 / DEF 0
Blazing Rose [SR]
You can Tribute this card; Special Summon 1 Level 7 or lower "Red-Eyes" monster from your Deck, except "Red-Eyes B. Chick". If this card is in your Graveyard: You can target 1 Level 7 or lower "Red-Eyes" monster in your Graveyard, except "Red-Eyes B. Chick"; shuffle it into the Deck, and if you do, add this card to your hand. You can only use 1 "The Black Stone of Legend" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

You can Tribute The Black Stone of Legend to Special Summon a Level 7 or lower “Red-Eyes” monster directly from your Deck. Normal Summon The Black Stone of Legend, Tribute it and Special Summon Red-Eyes Toon Dragon. Starting from your next turn, you will be able to add The Black Stone of Legend from the Graveyard back to your hand by shuffling a Level 7 or lower “Red-Eyes” monster in your Graveyard back into your Deck. Basically, even if your Red-Eyes Toon Dragon is destroyed, you can bring it back.

Red-Eyes Toon Dragon
Red-Eyes Toon Dragon
DARK Dragon ★7
ATK 2400 / DEF 2000
Structure Deck: Return of the Red-Eyes [R]
Cannot attack the turn it is Summoned. While you control "Toon World" and your opponent controls no Toon monsters, this card can attack your opponent directly. Once per turn: You can Special Summon 1 Toon monster from your hand, except "Red-Eyes Toon Dragon", ignoring its Summoning conditions.

Once per turn, Red-Eyes Toon Dragon allows you to Special Summon another “Toon” monster from your hand ignoring its Summoning conditions. Use Red-Eyes Toon Dragon’s effect to Special Summon Toon Dark Magician, Toon Dark Magician Girl, or Toon Barrel Dragon.

Toon Monsters

Toon Dark Magician
Toon Dark Magician
DARK Spellcaster ★7
ATK 2500 / DEF 2100
Fantastic Pegasus Roaming Event [UR]
Cannot attack the turn it is Summoned. While you control "Toon World" and your opponent controls no Toon monsters, this card can attack your opponent directly. Once per turn: You can discard 1 "Toon" card or "Manga Ryu-Ran", then activate 1 of these effects;● Special Summon 1 Toon monster from your Deck, except "Toon Dark Magician", ignoring its Summoning conditions.● Add 1 "Toon" Spell/Trap Card from your Deck to your hand.

Once per turn, by discarding a “Toon” card, Toon Dark Magician allows you to Special Summon another “Toon” monster from your Deck or add a “Toon” Spell/Trap Card from your Deck to your hand. Use Toon Dark Magician’s effect to Special Summon Toon Barrel Dragon or to search Toon Kingdom.

Toon Dark Magician Girl
Toon Dark Magician Girl
DARK Spellcaster ★6
ATK 2000 / DEF
2nd Anniversary Campaign [SR]
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing 1 monster, while you control "Toon World". If "Toon World" on the field is destroyed, destroy this card. Can attack your opponent directly, unless they control a Toon monster, in which case this card must target a Toon monster for its attacks. This card gains 300 ATK for every "Dark Magician" or "Magician of Black Chaos" in either player's Graveyard.

While Toon World is on the field, unless your opponent controls a “Toon” monster as well, Toon Dark Magician Girl can attack your opponent directly.

With 2000 ATK, this card only needs two turns to end a duel and, unlike Toon Mermaid and Toon Summoned Skull, it can attack the turn it’s Summoned. Ideally you want to use Relinkuriboh as Tribute to Summon this card, but Paleozoic Canadia is also a good option.

You can use Toon Rollback, which can be searched by Toon Table of Contents, to quickly OTK your opponent with this card.

Toon Ancient Gear Golem
Toon Ancient Gear Golem
EARTH Machine ★8
ATK 3000 / DEF 3000
Duelist Chronicles GX: Society of Light [SR]
Fantastic Pegasus Roaming Event [SR]
Cannot attack the turn it is Summoned. While you control "Toon World" and your opponent controls no Toon monsters, this card can attack your opponent directly. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent. If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate any Spell/Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step.

Star Blast

Star Blast
Star Blast
Normal Spell
Tag Duel Tournament [Aug 2020] [UR]
Pay any number of Life Points in multiples of 500; reduce the Level of 1 monster you control or that is in your hand by 1 for each 500 Life Points you paid, until the End Phase.

Forbidden Lance

Forbidden Lance
Forbidden Lance
Quick Spell
Valhalla Calling [UR]
Target 1 face-up monster on the field; until the end of this turn, that target loses 800 ATK, but is unaffected by the effects of other Spell/Trap Cards.

Toon Kingdom

Toon Kingdom
Toon Kingdom
Field Spell
Maximillion Pegasus Lvl 40 [UR]
When this card is activated: Banish 3 cards from the top of your Deck, face-down. This card's name becomes "Toon World" while in the Field Zone. Your opponent cannot target Toon monsters you control with card effects. If a Toon monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or card effect, you can banish 1 card from the top of your Deck, face-down, for each of those monster(s) instead.

Toon Kingdom will prevent all of your “Toon” monsters from being targeted by your opponent’s card effects and, at the cost of banishing one card from the top of your Deck face-down, it will also prevent them from being destroyed.

If Toon World or Toon Kingdom, which is treated as Toon World while in the Field Spell Zone, is destroyed, your “Toon” monsters will be destroyed as well, but, if your opponent banishes one of those cards instead, nothing will happen to them.

Toon Techs

Toon Table of Contents
Toon Table of Contents
Normal Spell
Maximillion Pegasus Lvl 35 [SR]
Add 1 "Toon" card or "Manga Ryu-Ran" from your Deck to your hand.
Toon Rollback
Toon Rollback
Normal Spell
Maximillion Pegasus Lvl 23 [SR]
Target 1 Toon monster you control; it can make a second attack during each Battle Phase this turn.

Skill Suggestion

[Skill] descriptionUser
It's a Toon World
Begin Duel with the Continuous Spell Toon World activated.
Maximillion Pegasus
Maximillion Pegasus

Without Toon World or Toon Kingdom, your “Toon” monsters will not be able to attack your opponent directly. You can use this Skill to open directly with the Continuous Spell on your side of the field.


Hot New Top
Seto Kaiba
I hate that deck
<< Anonymous(Seto Kaiba)
Toon: deck recipe Reply
I hate you too
If you don't have Toon Barrel Dragon or want to play another big Toon monster instead I would recommend Toon Ancient Gear Golem. I run one myself because 1) I love Ancient Gears and Toons. 2) Its stats are bigger than some popular boss monsters and the effect makes it safe to attack directly without having to worry about DMF or WoD.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Toon Ancient Gear Golem can be Special Summoned unlike its original counterpart. Also, it's less prone to removal than any other Toon. I'm not saying it's an amazing card, but it's far from "never worth playing".
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You’re better off Playing Toon Dark Magician Girl any day over Ancient Gear Golem. Waaaay more consistent OTK enabler
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ya, requires 2 tribute fodder and has to wait a turn to attack, far too slow
<< Anonymous
Somebody Reply
Toon Dark Magician Girl can attack directly, even if toon world is not on the field!
Is this a joke? There's literally only 2 cards you can summon on an opening turn out of the entire deck. This is going to brick 9 🔥ing times out of 10. Who writes this 🔥?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Chill dude you can't even play this anymore, this is one of the many fun litle decks that were created in the one week that Star Blast was unlimited lol
<< Anonymous
N Reply
Nah its fine. I run a variant without the fun spells and replace them with sphere kuribohs. It rarely bricks and it'll either OTK or lose. The trap that stalls for time also can provide a monster for sacrifice.
<< Anonymous(N)
Anonymous Reply
Toons. The reason Dkayed still sees nightmares.
Gotta love this deck
this deck should be updated because star blast is limited to 1!!!
Hey you all
I can't understand why when activated by demise of the land, toon kingdom won't banish the 3 cards... Is that a bug? both cards' texts say "activate"...
<< Anonymous(Mtoutex)
Anonymous Reply
It's a "quiet effect", those can bypass some conditions.
<< Anonymous(Mtoutex)
Anonymous Reply
It's not a bug. Toon Kingdom says "when THIS CARD is activated".

However, when you use Demise of the Land, you activate Toon Kingdom through Demise of the Land. Demise of the Land is the actual activating card here, not Toon Kingdom.

It may be strange, but that's the ruling. It also applies to other field spells that says the same:
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Deadly as f
I never knew this existed.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol I'd be fun to watch a Pegasus x Crowler match in which Pegasus summons this card to mock him for a while
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They did fight and Pegasus did use it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol he looks very funny
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Amazing card
Has anyone noticed
Sooooo in your writeup you mention several times that (eg) ‘with toon world on the field, Toon DMG can attack directly.’ That’s actually not what the card says, it’s only if they have a toon monster that she can’t, same with the other older toon cards (like blue eyes for example)’s just that before they needed toon world on the field to be summoned. Now with red eyes and DM special summoning toons ‘ignoring conditions’ don’t actually need Toon world or Kingdom at all...backrow protection for a blue eyes and grit or something...
<< Anonymous(Has anyone noticed)
ValleCula Reply
Yeah, that's a mistake: I probably got confused with Toon DM, which does require Toon World to be on the field in order to attack the opponent directly. My bad, I'll fix it as soon as I can.
black metal dragon is good tribute fodder for toon dmg (and can then search for insight/spirit)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I don't recommend using that tho because the deck space for toons is too tight to run something like that in place of something like a tech card. You should rely on drawing into those cards (which you will) or other summoning methods.
A geartown version with Toon AGG when?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why would that be a thing? Toon AGG can't be summoned off of the destruction effect.
Brick city?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
broke city
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nope city

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Comments (updated every hour)

My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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