
How to beat/farm Vellian Crowler Lvl 40 (Gate)

Decks to defeat Vellian Crowler, Farming Vellian Crowler, How to Get High Score.
update 18/09/2018
Vellian Crowler pages

Vellian Lvl 40
Vellian Lvl 40

Vellian Crowler is now available at the Gate! Collect Green Gate Keys to duel against him.

His deck is same to one he used at the unlock event

Yubel Union Farm

Example deck

YubelYubelYubelYubel - Terror IncarnateSanganSangan
SanganFire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar YakshaPlanet PathfinderGravekeeper's Vassal
The CalculatorUnion AttackUnion AttackFire King IslandFire King IslandFire King Island
Double SummonAnti-Magic Arrows--------

Amazoness (7,000 - 8,000)

Amazoness PrincessAmazoness PrincessAmazoness PrincessAmazoness QueenAmazoness SageAmazoness Sage
Amazoness SageSanga of the ThunderAmazoness FighterAmazoness FighterGravekeeper's VassalAnti-Magic Arrows
Union AttackUnion AttackDownbeatDownbeatDownbeatSecret Pass to the Treasures
Amazoness OnslaughtSpirit Barrier----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand.
Bandit Keith
Bandit Keith


  • Use Anti-Magic Arrows during your final battle phase to prevent Vellian from using Zero Gravity.

Click below for more details

Medusa Control

Essential cards

Example Deck

Mystical Beast of SerketGuardian StatueGuardian StatueMedusa WormMedusa WormMedusa Worm
Gravekeeper's VassalPlanet PathfinderPlanet PathfinderAnti-Magic ArrowsUnion AttackUnion Attack
Temple of the KingsSystem DownArray of Revealing LightArray of Revealing LightArray of Revealing LightAcid Rain
Acid RainAcid Rain---Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon


  • Always declare Machine-type with Array of Revealing Light so that Vellian's monsters cannot attack the turn they are summoned.
  • Since Vellian's monsters cannot attack immediately, Guardian Statue and Medusa Worm will allow you to control the board by removing your opponent's monsters from the field when they are flipped.
  • Remember to always use their effects to flip them back face-down for reuse next turn.
  • Only have 2 Guardian Statue/Medusa Worm on the field at most. Reserve one of your monster zones for Gravekeeper's Vassal.
  • Sometimes Vellian will have more monsters than you can remove with your Guardian Statues and Medusa Worms, in this situation use Acidic Downpour or System Down to remove all Machine-type monsters from the field.
  • Before your final turn, make sure you either normal summon Gravekeeper's Vassal or tribute summon Mystical Beast of Serket while Temple of the Kings is on your field.
  • Send Mystical Beast of Serket and Temple of the Kings to the graveyard to special summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
  • Remember to use Anti-Magic Arrows during your final battle phase to avoid Vellian's Zero Gravity.

Elements Unite!

SkillElements Unite!

Example deck

Gravekeeper's VassalGravekeeper's RecruiterGravekeeper's RecruiterGravekeeper's RecruiterWonder WandWonder Wand
Wonder WandSupremacy BerrySupremacy BerrySupremacy BerryUnion AttackUnion Attack
Shard of GreedShard of GreedAnti-Magic ArrowsDian Keto the Cure MasterHorn of the UnicornHorn of the Unicorn
Horn of the UnicornSecret Pass to the Treasures----


  • Immediately Summon Gate Guardian by tributing the monsters you get from Elements Unite. Gete Guardian should be in DEF position first unless Crowler will attack you with his monster equipping Ancient Gear Tank.
  • The next thing you need now is to activate at least 1 healing card so that Crowler does not burn you to death with Ancient Gear Tank. Once you regain enough LP, it's better to switch the position of Gate Guardian to ATK.
  • Lastly, you need to equip Gate Guardian with at least 2 Horn of Unicorn so that Crowler cant overpower your monster, both in attack and defense position.
  • After that its now only a matter of getting to zero cards quicker. Use Shard of Greed for extra draw power. The combo of Gravekeeper's Recruiter and Wonder Wand to get 3 cards out of your deck. It is best to search out another Gravekeeper's Recruiter if possible to reuse the combo.
  • Remember to use Anti-Magic Arrows at the start of your final battle phase.

Lvl 40 Vellian Crowler's deck

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Other GX Duelists Lvl 40


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ol good cronos, funny teacher
spent 6k keys and only got 1 ancient gear golem...
I have spent about 5k green gate keys with no Ancient Gear Workshop dropped. Is it bugged or just a really long streak of bad luck. For reference I have farmed him successfully for 8k or more assessment points about 85% of the matches.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Komoney know what you're trying to get. So they rigged the drop or pack.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
that's funny, i remember those early days i do not have good cards so cant consistently get even 5k DA, but total i got 6 workshops. the one that refuse to drop is gear engineer for me even till now.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Same here, AG Workshop is the only one that I don't have, so of course it never dropped. I ends up just getting one via event SR ticket.
on Ra farm deck. wat alt for sangan. i dont hv even one
you noob
this card is quite annoying and very disturbing when farming
<< Anonymous(you noob)
Anonymous Reply
Even more annoying part is that Crowler runs 2 copies of this.....
Anyone can share your deck to farm Dr. Clowler?? thaks alot
If anyone is wondering whether 'Elements Unite' is worth using, it sure is! Here is one with which I had 75% success rate yesterday:

1x Gravekeeper's Vassal
1x Antimagic arrows
1x Dian Keto the cure master
2x Union Attack
3x Supremacy Berry
2x Noble Arms - Caliburn
1x Card Advance
1x Pot of Benevolence
1x Secret Pass to the treasures
3x Spikeshield with Chain
3x Jars of greed
1x Windstorm of Etaqua

The key 2 cards you want in your backrow are 1 spikeshield and 1 spikeshield/caliburn. Always start with Guardian in defense and keep him like that until you get your first healing spell. You only need to destroy 2 of his monsters for Benevolence to recycle them, then if you have Spikeshield just switch in defense mode until you have the union combo. Don't forget to activate anti-magic arrows on last turn.

What's crazy is after I beat him 15x with this deck yesterday I didn't receive a SINGLE Gear Knight or Golem. Today after duelling him 5x at level 10, not worrying about max score he finally drops a freaking Gear Knight!
Lord otter
F2p friendly
<< Anonymous(Lord otter)
Anonymous Reply
this has about a 20% win rate for me
<< Anonymous(Lord otter)
Regiultima Reply
Could replace Hey, Trunade with Anti-Magic Arrows for a more F2P friendly version
<< Anonymous(Lord otter)
Lil peep Reply
What’s in the Extra deck
Is Sylvan Ra Consistent?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not very consistent in my experience
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thanks Mate

Will go for Medusa Control then
The Medusa control is surprisingly consistent. I literally never lose against crowler in the gate.
yugi mutou
How i can complete come back victories crowler?
<< Anonymous(yugi mutou)
Anonymous Reply
Take a pvp or beater deck, take some damage (think it's 2000) and then summon your beaters to win
<< Anonymous(yugi mutou)
Anonymous Reply
🔥 him after your LP reach 1000 or less
<< Anonymous(yugi mutou)
Anonymous Reply
All you need is to have lower life points than Corwler the turn before you win(Your Turn, then Crowler, again your turn and win), you can use any card to lower your points, heal Crowler, pay a cost etc.
does the elements unite deck have high chance of winning?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
nope eu deck is terrible, if you draw your healing he'll summon a 3600 atk gear golem and destroy your unbuffed golem, if you get your draw he'll tribute someone with the equip spell and do 600 damage, litterally 5% win rate at best

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