
Red-Eyes B. Dragon combo: deck recipe

update 05/06/2017


The objective of the deck is to summon Red-Eyes B. Dragon and control the board by Champion's Vigilance. Similar to Kaibaman deck, but with the added support of Red-Eyes Spirit available from Super Joey, this can revive any Red-Eyes monster from the graveyard.

Popular skill
Essential cards
Pack openingCrimson Kingdom(Recommended)

Example decks

Vanguard of the DragonVanguard of the DragonVanguard of the DragonRed-Eyes WyvernRed-Eyes WyvernRed-Eyes Wyvern
Red-Eyes B. DragonRed-Eyes B. DragonRed-Eyes B. DragonRed-Eyes InsightRed-Eyes InsightSuper Rush Headlong
Enemy ControllerEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerChampion's VigilanceWall of DisruptionBirthright
Red-Eyes SpiritRed-Eyes Spirit--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Boosts the ATK of face-up attack position monsters you control by 300 per level 5 or more monsters you control. You can only use the skill once per turn.

Seto Kaiba

How to use

Send REBD to the graveyard

  • Vanguard of the Dragon is a great UR card from the Card Trader. Using the effect of this monster, you can discard REBD from your hand whenever you want, and the monster gains additional 300 ATK.

  • Red-Eyes Insight is amazing in a REBD deck. With just this one card you can start a 3 card combo while also simultaneously milling up to 2 cards from your deck. The usual combo for this card is to send a high-leveled red-eyes monster from deck to graveyard, then add Red-Eyes Spirit to hand.

Special summon REBD

  • If you did not normal summon this turn you can remove Red-Eyes Wyvern in your graveyard from play to special summon another red-eyes monster in your graveyard.
  • If you have Red-Eyes Spirit, you can use it to revive a red-eyes monster for free, safest time to use this is during your opponent's end phase. And this card also combos very well with Red-Eyes Insight.

Control the board

  • Enemy Controller is a very versatile card that is usually used for defense. But can also be used to take your opponent's monster and finish the duel with a direct attack. Or if used properly can counter effects like Relinquished or Gravekeeper's Oracle.
  • Set a Champion's Vigilance once you get Red-Eyes B. Dragon on the field. It negates the activation of any spell/trap effect or a summon of a monster. If you think your opponent has Mirror Wall, you can wait till you get this card.

Other example decks

Fusion-based deck

Red-Eyes B. DragonRed-Eyes B. DragonRed-Eyes B. DragonBlue Dragon SummonerBlue Dragon SummonerBlue Dragon Summoner
Black Dragon's ChickBlack Dragon's ChickMeteor DragonMeteor DragonCrystal SeerCrystal Seer
PolymerizationPolymerizationPolymerizationChampion's VigilanceWall of DisruptionBirthright
Red-Eyes SpiritRed-Eyes Spirit----Meteor B. DragonMeteor B. Dragon

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Last Gamble
Can be used in your Main Phase, starting from the fifth turn. Upon activation, reduces your LP to 100 and discards 2 cards from your hand. You roll a die and draw that number of cards. This skill can only be used once per Duel.



Meteor B. Dragon and B. Skull Dragon are fusion monsters that require REBD as one of the fusion materials.

After fusion summonning those high ATK monsters, special summon REBD used as a fusion material from the graveyard using Red-Eyes Spirit.

No-pack-opening deck

This is another version of Red-Eyes Black Dragon deck. No SR or UR cards from the card boxes.

Vanguard of the DragonVanguard of the DragonVanguard of the DragonBlue Dragon SummonerBlue Dragon SummonerBlue Dragon Summoner
Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes ImpactMeteor Dragon Red-Eyes ImpactRed-Eyes B. DragonRed-Eyes B. DragonRed-Eyes B. DragonCrystal Seer
Crystal SeerChampion's VigilanceChampion's VigilanceChampion's VigilanceRed-Eyes SpiritRed-Eyes Spirit
Red-Eyes SpiritWindstorm of Etaqua--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Boosts the ATK of face-up attack position monsters you control by 300 per level 5 or more monsters you control. You can only use the skill once per turn.


Other useful cards

Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact
Red-Eyes Meteor Dragon
It might be slow to pull the effect of this monster since you'll be needing to tribute summon it and normal summon it the next turn, however, it can be a great help for this deck.
Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord
Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord
Can be special summoned from your hand when you negate a spell or trap card with Champion's Vigilance, giving you additional field presence. Also gains an effect depending on what you negated.
Summoned Skull
Summoned Skull
You can put this together with some meteor dragon to make it more fusion oriented instead.
Blue Dragon Summoner
Blue Dragon Summoner
Searches for Red-Eyes B. Dragon.
The Shallow Grave
The Shallow Grave
Revive one of your monster like Black Dragon's Chick to special summon another 1 Red-Eyes B. Dragon.
Cards of the Red Stone
Cards of the Red Stone
Added draw power and sends Red-Eyes B. Dragon from your hand to the graveyard.
Stamping Destruction
Stamping Destruction
Since the deck consists of mostly Dragon type monster, this card is a great removal for any spell/trap card on your opponent's side of the field, not to mention a 500 effect damage.
Mirror Wall
Mirror Wall
Always good in any deck to either destroy your opponent's monster or survive.
Ultimate Providence
Ultimate Providence
Can be used to negate effects when you still can't use Champion's Vigilance. Also helps send Red-Eyes B. Dragon to the grave if you negate a monster effect.
Divine Wrath
Divine Wrath
Used to negate monster effects and helps send Red-Eyes B. Dragon.
Magic Jammer
Magic Jammer
Used to negate spell cards and helps send Red-Eyes B. Dragon.
B. Skull Dragon
B. Skull Dragon
Easier to obtain compared to Meteor B. Has lower attack but higher defense.


Hot New Top
I have 3 red eyes,1 wavern and 2 red eyes spirit and I have 1 SR ticket, im using a blue eyes deck in ranked, do I use my SR ticket for my second champions V, or my first red eyes insight?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
since currently there is no other way to obtain it* my bad.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
THank you for this, got insight and got my second cv and third Econ from first farm
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You're welcome. Glad to hear it :)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Insight ain't even in the game so that's a wasted SR ticket for me, are they gonna refund us?
Why do they even call these decks red eyes or blue eyes decks. They're all just champions vigilance decks. It's just whatever CV support cards let you ply it the fastest and easiest. The card is so op that if u have 2 set at once it's impossible to lose.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
By that logic, meta decks are all just variants of ECon, Super Rush Headlong, Mirror Wall, OTC, etc. decks; whatever engine lets you "abuse" them most effectively. You have to use these cards in every deck, so referring to any one as a "Champion's Vigilance deck" doesn't really make sense. Well, of course it uses staples, but what engine makes the staples work? That is the question.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
lmao it the cv or red eyes that is dealing damage? Also cv is the most useless πŸ”₯ you can have without a lvl 7 or higher normal monster. Youre logic is some of the dumbest πŸ”₯ ive ever heard lmao
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Is it a requirement to use the wrong version of "your" in a sentence while calling someone dumb?
<< Anonymous
Raveneu Reply
But CV is only useful when you summon your REBD, and the other 12 cards are there to help you summon REBD, not CV. Plus CV is not a monster, so you can destroy as many spell/trap cards you can but you wont win if you dont deal damage
What if there was a skill for red-eyes ?
Ok konami,7 loses in a row with 3 red eyes on my hand.when I activated card of red stone i was like:wtf draw 2 rbd like πŸ”₯
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Do you even have 3 vanguard and 3 wyverns?
<< Anonymous
Red Eyes B. Reply
I reached KOG with my Nephthys deck and only Legend 2 with this deck. I couldn't πŸ”₯ing get out of Legend after Rank 2 for 40 games and kept restarting back to Legend Rank 1. I prefer Nephthys imo.
When I choose my cards from PvP should I get 3 Spirits and 2 Insights or vice versa?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The first one you said.
I don't have a 3rd vigilance or a divine wrath. anyway to improve it?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Deck is: 1x Wyvern 1x REZD 3x REBD 3x insights 2x cards of red stone 1x mirror wall 3x red eyes spirits 2x CV, 3x ultimate providence 1x windstorm
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And currently Plat 5
champion's vigilance can't negate monster effects, who the πŸ”₯ writes this pages?
<< Anonymous
judai Reply
u mom
why has no one combined blue-eyes with red-eyes yet? i built a deck around it and its pretty decent currently at plat 2 , plus its pretty fun to play as you almost always have the advantage and i rarely brick , thanks to insight and card of stone
<< Anonymous(James)
Anonymous Reply
somone help james he can't rank up
<< Anonymous(James)
Anonymous Reply
No reason to make a hybrid deck when they're better off just being separate decks
<< Anonymous(James)
Anonymous Reply
Judging by your cards, you could have reached KoG a long time ago. You are wasting actual potential with the deck by making this freaking hybrid.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I have all that cards and I haven't even stepped up to Legend rank. what's wrong with me?
Can I build this deck with 3 spirits, 2 insights and 1 wyvern ?
<< Anonymous
D Reply
2 insight and 3 is spirits is fine
B red eyes wyvern you need at least 2
<< Anonymous
Jimi Reply
Just use bslance with 5 monsters 3 rebd 1 rezd and 1 wyvern
<< Anonymous(Jimi)
Anonymous Reply
if hes using balance he need 5 level 7 red eyes monsters because you will most likely play3 cards of the red stone and 2 insights
RIP Red Eyes Insight is now available for ranked rewards.
<< Anonymous(Justin)
Anonymous Reply
why rip?
<< Anonymous(Justin)
Inti Reply
That means more people will be playing Red-Eyes.
<< Anonymous(Inti)
Anonymous Reply
not really 90 percent of all duel links players don't have 2 or more wyvern or gozuki for me i have 2 gozuki and 3 wyvern (along with 7 zombie red-eyes...sigh) i only spent 100 bucks so far but even if every one has insights it wont matter the deck is still extremely expensive to make so they gave out insights for p[layers like me who only have 1 insight (now 3) but have the rest of the cards for
<< Anonymous
part 2 Reply
the red eyes deck
Should I get 2 red eyes insight and one red eyes spirit or the other way around?
<< Anonymous(Jeff )
Red eyes sucks Reply
Maybe none?
<< Anonymous(Jeff )
Anonymous Reply
2 insights are unnecessary if you only have 1 spirit, so take 2 spirits and 1 insight

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