
Red-Eyes B. Dragon combo: deck recipe

why has no one combined blue-eyes with red-eyes yet? i built a deck around it and its pretty decent currently at plat 2 , plus its pretty fun to play as you almost always have the advantage and i rarely brick , thanks to insight and card of stone
somone help james he can't rank up
No reason to make a hybrid deck when they're better off just being separate decks
Judging by your cards, you could have reached KoG a long time ago. You are wasting actual potential with the deck by making this freaking hybrid.
<< Anonymous
I have all that cards and I haven't even stepped up to Legend rank. what's wrong with me?


Comments (updated every hour)

Never mind just tested it out myself and it is after the attack reduction.
I feel sorry for people who didn't log in during this collab's period, because this wil...
Finally, Spectre is coming to DL
I wish they release the Sky Striker art version of this card in DL...
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