
Dark Magician deck [Before Sept 2019]

Duel Links Dark Magician deck, Dark Magician deck in the meta, Arkana deck, how to build Dark Magician deck.
update 28/09/2019


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Example Deck

Synchro Version

Night's End SorcererMagician's RodMagician's RodMagician's RodDark MagicianDark Magician
Dark MagicianDark Magic AttackThe Eye of TimaeusThe Eye of TimaeusThe Eye of TimaeusWorld Legacy Clash
World Legacy ClashWorld Legacy ClashMagician NavigationMagician NavigationMagician NavigationDrowning Mirror Force
Drowning Mirror ForceChampion's Vigilance--------
Amulet DragonDark PaladinDark PaladinArmades, Keeper of BoundariesGiganticastleVermillion Dragon Mech

The Eye of Timaeus Version

Night's End SorcererMagician's RodMagician's RodMagician's RodDark MagicianDark Magician
Dark MagicianDark Magic AttackThe Eye of TimaeusThe Eye of TimaeusThe Eye of TimaeusWorld Legacy Clash
World Legacy ClashWorld Legacy ClashMagician NavigationMagician NavigationMagician NavigationTreacherous Trap Hole
Treacherous Trap HoleChampion's Vigilance--------
Dark PaladinDark PaladinDark PaladinAmulet DragonAmulet DragonDark Flare Knight
[Skill] descriptionUser
A Trick Up the Sleeve
Your starting hand will include 1 Lvl 7or higher DARK spellcaster-type monster, randomly selected from your deck. This skill will not activate if your DECK does not include 1 Lvl 7 DARK spellcaster-type monsters.

Silent Magician Version

Silent Magician LV8Silent MagicianSilent MagicianSilent MagicianLegion the Fiend JesterLegion the Fiend Jester
Legion the Fiend JesterMagician's RodMagician's RodMagician's RodDark MagicianDark Magician
Dark MagicianDark Magic AttackMagician NavigationMagician NavigationMagician NavigationTreacherous Trap Hole
Treacherous Trap HoleChampion's Vigilance--------
[Skill] descriptionUser
Light and Dark
Choose 1 of the following: -Return 1 DARK monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 LIGHT monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. -Return 1 LIGHT monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 DARK monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. This Skill can only be used once per turn, and twice per Duel.
Umbra & Lumis
Umbra & Lumis

How to Use

Normal Summon Magician’s Rod

When it’s Normal Summoned, Magician’s Rod allows you to add from your Deck to your hand a Spell/Trap Card that specifically lists the card “Dark Magician” in its text. You can use Magician’s Rod’s effect to search Dark Magic Attack and Magician’s Navigation. You cannot search The Eye of Timaeus via Magician's Rod's effect.

Activate Magician's Navigation

Magician's Navigation allows you to Special Summon a Dark Magician from your hand and a Level 7 or lower DARK Spellcaster-Type monster from your Deck. You can use Magician's Navigation to Special Summon Night's End Sorcerer and banish up to two cards from your opponent's Graveyard.

Use Night's End Sorcerer's effect to banish cards like The White Stone of Ancients, Subterror Behemoth Umastryx, Subterror Nemesis Warrior, Bacon Saver, Diamond Core of Koa'ki Meiru and Neos Fusion to prevent your opponent from activating their effects.

You can banish Magician’s Navigation from your Graveyard to target a face-up Spell/Trap Card your opponent controls and negate its effects until the end of the turn. If your opponent activates Neos Fusion, Red-Eyes Fusion or even Drowning Mirror Force, you can just banish Magician’s Navigation from your Graveyard and target that card to negate it. Keep in mind that you can only activate this effect of Magician’s Navigation if you control a Dark Magician and you can’t do it during the same turn the Trap Card was sent to the Graveyard.

Activate The Eye of Timaeus

The Eye of Timaeus allows you to Fusion Summon Dark Paladin, Amulet Dragon or Dark Flare Knight using only a Dark Magician you control as Fusion Material. You cannot search The Eye of Timaeus via Magician’s Rod’s effect, so there’s no way to add it to your hand.

Dark Paladin

Dark Paladin allows you to negate the activation of a Spell Card by discarding a card. You can use this effect of Dark Paladin how many times you want during the same turn, which will definitely come in handy seeing how popular Neos Fusion and Red-Eyes Fusion are.

Amulet Dragon

If Amulet Dragon is Special Summoned, you can target any number of Spell Cards in any Graveyard, banish them, and if you do, Amulet Dragon gains 100 ATK for each card banished by this effect.

Again, being able to banish cards like Neos Fusion before your opponent gets the chance to activate its effect is extremely relevant and the ATK gained via this effect is definitely not negligible.

If Amulet Dragon is destroyed by battle or card effect, you can target a Spellcaster-Type monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon it. Unlike Dark Paladin, Amulet Dragon doesn’t have any kind of protection, but the floating effect does increase its value, giving you a safer option to go into.

Dark Flare Knight

You take no Battle Damage from battles involving Dark Flare Knight and that’s the only reason why this card arguably deserves a spot in your Extra Deck. You could also play Mirage Knight, but that might weigh down the deck.

Legion the Fiend Jester

If Legion the Fiend Jester is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can add a Spellcaster-Type Normal Monster from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.

You can Tribute Legion the Fiend Jester to Special Summon Silent Magician, add Dark Magician to your hand and then activate Magician’s Navigation during your opponent’s turn or just Tribute it via Enemy Controller to take control of an opponent’s monster while also adding a copy of the Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monster to your hand.

Silent Magician

You can Special Summon Silent Magician by Tributing a Spellcaster-Type monster you control. If you want to avoid having your Legion the Fiend Jester destroyed or banished by your opponent before you are able to Tribute it, you can just Set it. Unless your opponent has the Toggle Button set to ON, they won’t be able to respond to your monster being Set and you will be able to Special Summon Silent Magician successfully.

Silent Magician is able to, once per turn, negate the activation of a Spell Card. Since, after being negated, the card is simply sent to the Graveyard without being destroyed, you can safely use this effect on Geartown or Ancient Gear Fortress to prevent your opponent from Summoning an Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon.

While its original ATK and DEF are definitely on the low side, thanks to its effect, Silent Magician can quickly become a pretty big threat, gaining 500 ATK for each card in your hand. If Silent Magician is destroyed by battle or card effect, you can Special Summon a Silent Magician LV8, a monster with 3500 ATK that’s also immune to the effects of your opponent’s Spell Cards, from your hand or Deck.

Additional Notes


[Skill] descriptionUser
A Trick Up the Sleeve
Your starting hand will include 1 Lvl 7or higher DARK spellcaster-type monster, randomly selected from your deck. This skill will not activate if your DECK does not include 1 Lvl 7 DARK spellcaster-type monsters.

If you don't have a Dark Magician in your hand, you cannot activate Magician's Navigation, which is undoubtedly the best card in the entire deck. Thanks to this Skill, you will always have a Dark Magician in your opening hand.

[Skill] descriptionUser
Light and Dark
Choose 1 of the following: -Return 1 DARK monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 LIGHT monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. -Return 1 LIGHT monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 DARK monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. This Skill can only be used once per turn, and twice per Duel.
Umbra & Lumis
Umbra & Lumis

This Skill allows you to add Silent Magician to your hand by shuffling a copy of Legion the Fiend Jester back into the Deck and vice versa.


  • Your opponent can negate Magician’s Navigation with Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En or prevent you from activating its effect from the Graveyard via Sealed Tombs.
  • Not being able to use Magician’s Navigation’s effect from the Graveyard the turn it was sent there is a pretty notable problem and the fact that the effect only works against Spell/Trap Cards, which are definitely not the only threats you will have to face, is also an issue.
  • Thousand Knives can be used to remove monsters from the board, but protection from destruction by card effect is quite common: the deck might actually struggle to deal with Blue-Eyes if The Eye of Timaeus is not available and, even then, Snipe Hunter could still be used to get rid of Dark Paladin.


Hot New Top
Delg The Drak Monarck is much better than Night's End Sorcerer's

thank me latter guys
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The two are completely different, why are you comparing them
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I don't think playing a tuner is a great idea.

Beatdown + drowning mirrorforce is awesome
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If they chain after summoning Monarch you will miss the timing
Edward W.
I kog'd this morning with this deck + Destiny Draw
<< Anonymous(Edward W.)
Silent Reply
I can kog with beaver warrior and using no skill at the last day of month
<< Anonymous(Edward W.)
Anonymous Reply
Maybe he just played one day. He never said he was trying hard or something like that
<< Anonymous(Silent)
Anonymous Reply
i can do better. i can kog with celtic guardian on the last day (JK)
<< Anonymous(Silent)
Anonymous Reply
Go for KoG with Mushroom Man!
Deck is way better with no Timaeus and 2x Dark Illusion. Beatdown mandatory.
<< Anonymous
Silent Reply
Deck is better with no timaeus no dark illusion.. trick up the sleeve multiple knives 3x drowning clash viggliance tuner
Dkayed reached Kog with this deck while playing Beatdown, no trick up the sleeve or master of magicians. That was quite funny
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I kog'd with this deck as well and it was really easy. I just played World Legacy Clash instead of drowning.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Beatdown > Balance
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I noticed how Fusion Recovery is always being played, it adds great consistency.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Makes totally sense.
Beatdown > Balance
<< Anonymous
slasher00x Reply
a trick up the sleeve>>>>>>>>>>>>beatdown
This deck reached the 2nd place in the last meta weekly. Crazy, it's really good.
<< Anonymous(Hmm)
Anonymous Reply
Beatdown seems to be the best skill for this deck.
<< Anonymous
Silent Reply
Not anymore desparado will 🔥 the beatdown dark magician deck
<< Anonymous(Silent)
Anonymous Reply
de spa cyka
Really should be playing DM decks with Yami field skill guys. I hit KOG with this 1 adjustment and draw power traps
Dark Magician expert
skill: balance (use Yugi ofc)

2x Dwarf Star Dragon Planeter
3x Magician's Rod
3x Dark Magician

3x Magician's Navigation
3x optional traps

1x Illusion Magic
1x Dark Magic Attack
1x Dark Magic Expanded
3x optional spells

optional traps: Drowning Mirror Force, Champion Vigilance, Treacherous Trap Hole, Wall of Disruption, Bad Aim, Rising Energy, Mirror Wall

ex. 1x CV, 1x TTH, 1x Rising Energy (discard "dead" cards like 2nd Navigation and then you can use its effect turn later/TTH/Illusion etc.

optional spells: Enemy Controller, Thousand Knives, The Eye of Timaeus, The Claw of Hermos (works with Planeter cuz dragon so you can use dragon sword or magic hammer with spellcaster), Gravity Lash

ex. 1x Claw, 1x Lash, another Dark Magic Expanded

play around optional cards. Just do not use DM deck without Magic Illusion, these decks posted are 🔥ing terrible and NOT tier 3 at all. 3x Timaeus, 3x World Legacy Clash?? wtf are you smoking? These decks are a brick city, terrible decks.
<< Anonymous(Dark Magician expert)
Silent Reply
The beatdown version with magician of dark illusion is better.. and trick up the sleeve also better than balance
Magical dimension will make this deck fun to play and more competitive
Arr Arr Arr
Use Balance (skill) version, more consistent and that way you can also play as Yugi:

3x Magician's Rod
3x Dark Magician
3x Magician Navigation
4x traps of choice (I am testing 2x Mirror Wall and 2x Rising Force, yes, RF cuz you have a lot of draw power recovery, you want to get copies of Magician Navigation in the graveyard for its 2nd effect, and you can boost your Dark Magician for exact 4k attack power)
2x World Legacy Clash
2x Dark Magic Expanded
1x Dark Magic Attack
1x Illusion Magic
1x The Claw of Hermos OR The Eye of Timaeus (w/e you prefer, I prefer Claw so I can use Time Magic Hammer to counter set monsters, bigger att monsters that can't be destroyed, Yubel etc.)

Use this version.
<< Anonymous(Arr Arr Arr)
Silent Reply
Mine is mon- 3xrod/dm spell-2xknive,1xdma,1xillusion magic ,1xclaw,2xeye,1x expand trap-3x drowning,3xnavi.. for balance works well against rer eyes neos meta
<< Anonymous(Arr Arr Arr)
Anonymous Reply
What card is rising force? I can’t find it in the catalog
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They somehow screwed up Rising Energy's name.
<< Anonymous(Arr Arr Arr)
Anonymous Reply
BEATDOWN ver is better to over come. As much fun as trying to play a DM deck as yugi. It's not worth, there are a better skill.
Someone feels inadequate in front of dark magician or something.
NEW META !!! :Pog:
<< Anonymous
Silent Reply
Yeah at the end of season when all top players are sitting in kog try using it when next season begins.. deck can't deal going 2nd against subterrors/six sams and blue eyes still has a better chance winning against dm

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Comments (updated every hour)

045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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