
How to beat/farm Jack Atlas Lvl 40

Duel Links tips to defeat Jack Atlas Lvl 40, decks to farm Jack Atlas Lvl 40, and rewards.
update 15/04/2019

Labyrinth Builder Farm

Example Deck [Credits to dgamelinks]

AnteatereatingantGravekeeper's VassalPlanet PathfinderPlanet PathfinderPlanet PathfinderZombie World
Magic PlanterUnion AttackUnion AttackShield & SwordSecret Pass to the TreasuresGood Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingCurse of the CircleCurse of the CircleCurse of the CircleThe Emperor's Holiday
The Emperor's HolidayThe Emperor's Holiday----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Labyrinth Builder
Shuffle 2 cards from your hand into the Deck to create "Labyrinth Wall" on your side of the field. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Paradox Brothers
Paradox Brothers


  • The goal with this deck is to prevent Jack from Synchro Summoning Red Dragon Archfiend so that he will have nothing to get rid of your Labyrinth Wall.
  • Use Planet Pathfinder to search out Zombie World.
  • Zombie World will stop Jack from Special Summoning Wandering King Wildwind.
  • Use Curse of the Circle on any of Jack's Tuners immediately when they are summoned.
  • Emperor's Holiday will negate the effect of Synchro Boost so that Jack cannot Synchro Summon with his level-4 monsters.
  • If you have extra Emperor's Holiday on the field, you can use Magic Planter to send one to the graveyard and draw 2 cards.
  • Use Good Goblin Housekeeping to draw into your deck.
  • On your final turn, first activate Shield and Sword and change Labyrinth Wall to attack position. And then, Special Summon Anteatereatingant by sending Zombie Word and The Emperor's Holiday to the graveyard.
  • Normal Summon Gravekeeper's Vassal and use 2 Union Attacks and 1 Secret Pass to the Treasure on him.

Amazoness Ra Farm

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaAmazoness PrincessAmazoness PrincessAmazoness QueenAmazoness Swords WomanAmazoness Swords Woman
Amazoness Swords WomanGolden LadybugGolden LadybugGolden LadybugArrivalrivalsDraining Shield
Draining ShieldDraining ShieldWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionAmazoness WillpowerAmazoness Onslaught
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin----


  • Heal every turn with Golden Ladybug.
  • You need Amazoness Queen with Amazoness Onslaught on the field to stall.
  • Summon Amazoness Princess, she will quicken your setup by searching out Amazoness Queen and Amazoness Onslaught.
  • It is best to only have 1 Amazoness Queen and no other monsters on the field for most of the duel.
  • Do not put your monsters in defense position so that they are not destroyed by Red Dragon Archfiend's effect.
  • Use Draining Shield and Enchanted Javelin to heal when your opponent attacks.
  • Use Wall of Disruption to make your opponent's monster's attack 0stats insignificant.
  • During your final turn, summon another Amazoness monster and use Amazoness Willpower to revive an Amazoness monster. During the final battle phase use Arrivalrivals to summon The Winged Dragon of Ra.

Unhappy Ra Farm

Score7000 - 8000
SkillLP Boost α / No Skill Neccessary
Essential cards

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlGolden LadybugGolden Ladybug
Crystal SeerCrystal SeerCrystal SeerRai-MeiRai-MeiRai-Mei
Solemn WishesSolemn WishesDraining ShieldDraining ShieldDraining ShieldSpirit Barrier
Spirit BarrierSpirit Barrier----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
LP Boost α
Increases starting Life Points by 1000.


  • Stall with Unhappy Girl and Spirit Barrier.
  • Heal every turn with Golden Ladybug and Solemn Wishes.
  • Even if you do not have Spirit Barrier Jack will not attack Unhappy Girl unless he can defeat you that turn.
  • Use Draining Shield to heal when your opponent attacks.
  • Search Unhappy Girl with Rai-Mei.
  • Crytal Seer can be used to pick up necessary cards from the top of your deck.

Element Unite Farm

SkillElements Unite!
Essential cards

Example Deck

Thunder DragonThunder DragonThunder DragonGravekeeper's VassalFusion Sword Murasame BladeFusion Sword Murasame Blade
Fusion Sword Murasame BladeLightning BladeLightning BladeLightning BladeUnion AttackUnion Attack
Shard of GreedSecret Pass to the TreasuresGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed--------

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Elements Unite!
You will start the duel with 500 Life Points and your starting hand will be 1 card, which is "Gate Guardian". In addition, you will start the Duel with Suijin, Kazejin, and Sanga of the Thunder on the side of your field. Their effects are negated and they cannot attack as long as they are face-up on the field.
Paradox Brothers
Paradox Brothers


  • Summon Gate Guardian Immediately at the start of the duel with your skill.
  • Discard Thunder Dragon to search out 2 other copies to thin your deck.
  • Draw into your deck with Shard of Greed, Jar of Greed, and Good Goblin Housekeeping.
  • You need to equip Gate Guardian to at least go over 4500 attack so that he will be stronger than any of Jack's monsters. (Red Dragon Archfiend w/ 3 Synchro Booster)

Cloudian Ra Farm

Essential cards

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of HeavenCloudian - CirrostratusCloudian - Cirrostratus
Cloudian - CirrostratusGolden LadybugGolden LadybugGolden LadybugCloudian - TurbulenceCloudian - Turbulence
Cloudian - TurbulenceThe Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the SkyShooting Star Bow - CealGood Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin Housekeeping----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand. Your first Draw will be skipped if you use this Skill.
Akiza Izinski
Akiza Izinski


  • Your stall setup would be The Sanctuary in the Sky and at least 1 Cloudian monster on the field.
  • Search out The Sanctuary in the Sky with Zeradias Herald of Heaven.
  • Heal every turn with Golden Ladybug in your hand.
  • Use Good Goblin Housekeeping to draw into your deck.
  • Keep summoning Cloudian monsters to fill your field.
  • During your final turn, summon The Winged Dragon of Ra and give him your LP to use as stats.
  • Equip The Winged Dragon of Ra with Shooting Star Bow - Ceal so he can attack directly.

Yubel Union Farm

Example Deck

Montage DragonYubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - Terror IncarnateYubelYubelYubel
SanganSanganSanganFire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar Yaksha
Gravekeeper's VassalPlanet PathfinderUnion AttackUnion AttackFire King IslandFire King Island
Fire King IslandSecret Pass to the Treasures--------

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand. Your first Draw will be skipped if you use this Skill.
Akiza Izinski
Akiza Izinski
My Name is Yubel
Once per turn, shuffle "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" or "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare" from your hand into deck, and add 1 "Yubel" from your deck to your hand.


  • Destroy Yubel in your hand to special summon Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare from your deck.
  • Search out Yubel with Sangan.
  • Use Fire King Island or Fire King Avatar Yaksha to destroy Yubel in your hand.
  • Search out Fire King Island with Planet Pathfinder.
  • You can destroy Fire King Avatar Yaksha in your hand with Fire King Island to search another copy of Fire King Avatar Yaksha to thin your deck.

Jack Atlas' Lvl 40 Decklist

Jack Atlas Lvl 40 Drop Rewards


Hot New Top
Cerberus farm should farm him ez as long as you don't try attacking 🔥 archfiend
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^ this.
Easy 8000 points per battle. I use Shooting star Bow - Ceal spellcard to attack directly.
Get your first Cerberus to 3000 atk quickly to avoid his synchro summon.
No new comment eh? Its all prom the prev jack atlas event
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nvm, its stupid comment from me.
And surprisingly, after i comment this, some new comment appear below it.
What amaze me, those comment wont appear even after i hit refresh button. They appear after i comment something stupid
8000~10000 Points with Dark Paladin:

3x Dark Magician
3x Buster Blader
3x King of the Swamp
2x Blue Dragon Summoner
2x Polymerization
1x Emblem of Dragon Destroyer
1x Fusion Reserve
1x Gravekeeper's Vassal
1x Secret Pass to the Treasures
3x Union Attack

3x Dark Paladin
1x Dark Flare Knight
1x Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman

You only need to negate the Syncrho Boost (That he has 3x in LV40) so his dragon is smaller than your Dark Paladin.
Maybe also negate Red Dragon Vase, so he does not deck out faster than you.

No Anti-Magic Arrows needed, since he has no traps against final attack.

This deck works for me against LV30, LV40 & LV50.
<< Anonymous(SengirPaladin)
SengirPaladin Reply
And here you have my results
<< Anonymous(SengirPaladin)
Rasm Reply
is there a skill for this deck? also any other cards you can use besides fusion reserve?
Aromage Ra farm also works too.
Just use a standard Six Samurais deck, replace 3 Dual Wields by 3 Power of the Guardians, add one or two Mage Power and you're done. 10K ATK by the end of the duel. 8000K points with the bonus. Your 100 bucks worthed it !
I farmed too much Jack And 0 Strong Wild Dragon... drop is awful like always
Even you obtain more gold than EX jewelsffarming this boy XDDDD
Thanks Konami to give us Gold... 🔥ing 🔥.
<< Anonymous(BaamBaam)
Anonymous Reply
nice photoshop lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Can't accept reality? You anonymous people always say photoshop when people are just being lucky. I think you got 🔥 drops that's why you're salty asf.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous.)
BaamBaam Reply
Yeah, Anonymous are funny lol

So, let my give you some tips. When we have a character event going on, you must farm him successfully the first two days, that way you get pretty much every reward real quick. It’s hard to get SR/UR rewards the next days, but the drop rate increases during the last day of the event. Nevertheless, win every single duel.
<< Anonymous(TEZ)
Anonymous Reply
Not a single one for me either.
Been playing since release and this event has the 🔥est drop rate ever (for me at least).
finally all stuff completed ;)
<< Anonymous
Another Anon Reply
Me too, finally got 3º copy of Strong Wind Dragon.
Now rest of this event before KC Cup.
Here’s my deck to farm Jack. It gets 10k points lol

So Jack can’t do 🔥 when Gate Guardian is out on the field. 100% winrate I guess (give me my credits if you post it)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
by the time you get a prismatic one from the current Kuriboh event, Jack would have left already lol
<< Anonymous
RR Reply
Yeah, but we got like 6 tickets from the Kuriboh already. You use it and just destroy archfiend on your turn. The effect dmg only bonus won't go away b/c it's on defense.
<< Anonymous(RR)
RR Reply
Anyway, I only put 1 defensive card. 2 econs, 3 canadias, etc is unnecessary. Only 1 is needed. We just got the DD Capsule into the card trader so I glossied a set of these cards and you can search any card you want. I personally have that adhesive hole card as prismatic so I am using it to halve Archfiend dragon's ATK and whenever I use it, Jack can't even summon because of its negative effect.
<< Anonymous(BaamBaam)
Anonymous Reply
I wonder how do you guys get so many R jewels ;A;
Over 30 duels for this...
Ojama deck work well for me at least...
Strong Wind Dragon drop rate is increased after Konami add Turbo Duel
<< Anonymous
Another Anonymous Reply
It's a question? Answer: No
It's an afirmation? Same answer: No

If you got it, good for you, since event beginning, i got 1 copy of Strong Wind Dragon. Dragon

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