
Paleozoic Deck (Before 8 Jan)

Duel Links Paleozoic deck, Paleozoic in the meta, how to use Paleozoic cards.
update 08/01/2019


Introduced in the Valiant Souls box are the Paleozoic cards, which are monster trap cards that play differently than the tiki trap cards. On their own they can be pretty weak, but boost them with Wetlands, and having Vision HERO Witch Raider in the deck can make them very strong.

Note: :To see the latest update of Paleozoic Decklist, please click the link below:

Example Deck

SkillReinforcement / Chain Reaction
Essential cards
(Box reset)
Valiant SoulsValiant Souls
Gaia GenesisGaia Genesis

Reinforcement Version

Vision HERO Witch RaiderVision HERO Witch RaiderMask ChangeMask ChangeMask ChangeDrowning Mirror Force
Drowning Mirror ForcePaleozoic HallucigeniaPaleozoic HallucigeniaPaleozoic HallucigeniaPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic CanadiaWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionPaleozoic PikaiaPaleozoic Pikaia
Stardust Re-SparkStardust Re-Spark----
Masked HERO AnkiMasked HERO AnkiMasked HERO AnkiStardust DragonStardust Dragon-
[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. Return 1 card from your hand to your Deck and draw a random Warrior-Type monster.
Tetsu Trudge
Tetsu Trudge

Chain Reaction Version

Vision HERO Witch RaiderVision HERO Witch RaiderAmulet of AmbitionAmulet of AmbitionWetlandsWetlands
Paleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionPaleozoic Pikaia
Paleozoic PikaiaPaleozoic PikaiaCurse of AnubisHallowed Life BarrierHallowed Life BarrierPaleozoic Marrella
Paleozoic MarrellaPaleozoic Marrella----
[Skill] descriptionUser
Chain Reaction
Can be used each time you activate a Trap card. Decreases your opponent's Life Points by 200.

Restart Version

Vision HERO Witch RaiderAmulet of AmbitionAmulet of AmbitionWetlandsWetlandsWetlands
Paleozoic HallucigeniaPaleozoic HallucigeniaPaleozoic HallucigeniaPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic Canadia
Wall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionPaleozoic PikaiaPaleozoic PikaiaPaleozoic PikaiaJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed----
[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand. Your first Draw will be skipped if you use this Skill.
Akiza Izinski
Akiza Izinski

How to use

Paleozoic trap monsters

The Paleozoic cards are trap cards that can be special summoned as a monster when they are in the graveyard and a trap card is activated. They each have 1 effect when used as a trap, and they all are unaffected by monster effects when they become monster cards, which means that they are not affected by cards like Sphere Kuriboh, or Sylvan monsters. As monster cards, they have low attack, but since they are Aqua level 2 monsters, they can be boosted by using Wetlands to make them have 2400 attack.

Since they are mostly used as high attack easily summonable monsters, the Paleozoic cards can be interchanged with one another. You don't necessarily need to use, or bring 3 Canadia and Hallucigenia in the deck, but adding more copies of Canadia and Hallucigenia can be useful since they are the one that disrupt your opponent's attack. You can switch out the ones you're missing with the other Paleozoic cards like Paleozoic Eldonia, or Paleozoic Leanchoilia, which are just as useful at times.

Clearing back row

You can tribute summon Witch Raider by using your monsters, or your trap card(s), and activate Witch Raider's effect to destroy all spells and traps your opponent controls. This benefits the Paleozoic play style since they need to be in the graveyard to activate their effects anyway, but you won't be able to special summon them this turn due to Witch Raider's effect. Witch Raider is effective against defensive stall decks that relies heavily on their trap effects, and she also destroys field spells to get rid of cards like Temple of the Mind's Eye.

Paleozoic supports

  • Wetlands is a good support card for the Paleozoic monsters since it will make all their attack to 2400, and they aren't even all that difficult to summon.
  • Amulet of Ambition is also quite the amazing support for the Paleozoic monsters since you will often battle monsters that are at least level 4, making them at least 2200 attack, which also scales when you go against a higher level monsters. It also lets you re-use them if they ever get sent to the graveyard.
  • Curse of Anubis can be a good defensive option since you can activate it at the start of your turn to make all your opponent's defense to 0, allowing you to destroy them easily even if you don't have Wetlands active. This also won't affect your Paleozoic monsters since they are treated as normal monsters.

Standard traps

You can put some standard generic backrow protection in the deck. This can give you room for some flexibility in the deck since you can put almost any trap cards to special summon the Paleozoic cards. Wall of Disruption lowers your opponent's monsters so you can survive or attack over them without Wetlands, and Hallowed Life Barrier protects you for a turn while sending a Paleozoic card to the grave. These Trap cards will also be the trigger to special summon your Paleozoic Trap cards as monsters from the graveyard. Jar of Greed is an excellent trigger, because it draws a card when it is activated allowing to gain card advantage when chained with Paleozoic monsters.

Masked HERO Anki

Use can use Masked Change to tribute Masked HERO Witch Raider and special summon Masked HERO Anki and push for extra damage. Masked HERO Anki is good for this because after destroying an opponent's monster he searches another Masked Change, which you can then use to special summon another Masked HERO Anki to attack again.

Stardust Dragon

Stardust Re-Spark can be used to special summon Stadust Dragon in a pinch. when your opponent tries to go for the win with an attack from a special summoned monster, activate Stardust Re-Spark to special summon Stardust Dragon. If you do this and your opponent has no way to deal with Stardust Dragon, you will effectively end their battle phase.

Other useful cards

Reverse Glasses
Reverse Glasses
Only lasts until the end phase, but you can activate this at the start of the turn to special summon and get over your opponent's monsters.
Snipe Hunter
Snipe Hunter
Sends your paleozoic monsters to the grave and destroys your opponent's card(s).
Ultimate Providence
Ultimate Providence
Mostly good for negating traps since most of the cards in the deck are traps, but this can negate crucial cards. Divine Wrath can also be good.
Paleozoic Leanchoilia
Paleozoic Leanchoilia
Returns your banished paleozoic monster traps back to the grave so you can special summon again.
Floodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap Hole
Prevents threatening monsters, and your paleo monsters can often get over them if you have Wetlands active.
Planet Pathfinder
Planet Pathfinder
Since the Paleozoic cards are special summon, you can use your normal summon to help get Wetlands more easily.


Hot New Top
Still waiting on Dinomischus and Karma Cut.

<< Anonymous(Paleos<3)
Candend Reply
Now we have karma cut but no dinomischus so far
Brace yourselves because wetlands is here !
<< Anonymous(OMG)
: ] !!! Reply
I often lose against this deck bcuz of amulet of ambition, I dont think wetlands are so op but... well, sore wa dou kana xd
<< Anonymous(: ] !!!)
thebloob Reply
It didn't make a huge impact as I expected, but Paleozoic + witch rider is actually fun to play xd lol
is this deck doing well with tiki curse ?
<< Anonymous(Playmaker)
Anonymous Reply
Yeah but the effect of tiki curse itself is really strong imo with paleo, like: you activate tiki to summon a paleo then if you attack with paleo you destroy any monster on the ennemy field... idk I will try
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
paleos are not treated as traps when summoned to the field
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
As someone who runs Trap Monsters like Tiki Curse IRL, I have to say that Duel Links isn't suited for a Continuous Trap Monster deck. Not only is there not enough field space necessary for Trap Monster combos, but a lot of key cards (Zoma, Anguish Pattern, Uria, Imperial Custom, etc.) simply aren't available.
<< Anonymous(Playmaker)
KEnzan Reply
Are you the same game as the one who has a YT channel? man, you are really a ``deck maker´´ congratz! u are really creative !
anyway... Paleozoics made it to TOP META WEEKLY AT DLM, and no tiki curse was being played. So I guess it's a nono.
So many times when i activate another Paleozoic like the ones that reduce ATK by half and boost ATK by 500, or when i activate counter-trap cards and some other trap cards, i couldnt summon Paleozoic from the GY.
<< Anonymous(rax)
Anonymous Reply
The 'Once per Chain' condition means that Paleozoic's summoning effects cannot be chained together.

Counter traps have a speed of 3, meaning that they can only be chained to by other counter traps.
The ultimate stall deck.
Is there any good recipe to include d hero plasma as well? After the backrow cleaned up by witch rider, i think witch rider can be tributed for pladma as well.
They need to add Hallucigenia
<< Anonymous
Anonymous No. 2 Reply
Hallucigenia has been added in Stardust Acceleration Box over a month ago...
so what if your opponent doesn't special summon a monster then its just a dead draw with stardust version
<< Anonymous
DrillDude Reply
Yes, situational but you can also use it as tribute to summon Raider.

But if you can activate it, it can give you +1 just by itself.
OMFG it actually made it to kog pretty early !
Any tips
<< Anonymous(Glob )
Glob Reply
My extra deck
<< Anonymous(Glob )
Evil Rick Reply
Get more Wetlands, they're the key card in this deck.
Got kog with this
<< Anonymous
Glob Reply
Can u post your deck if u don't mind?
very fun deck to play.

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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