
Maximillion Pegasus

This page notes how to unlock Maximillion Pegasus, his skills, level-up rewards, starter deck, and cards you can get by winning a duel against him.
update 04/04/2022


Unlock Event

Only during the unlock event period, you can unlock Pegasus by earning certain amount of points winning duels against him at the Gate.

Roaming Event


Get "Mind Scan" skill!

Mind Scan lets you see all the face-down cards on your opponent side of the field. You can learn what their plan is and be able to act accordingly when you see traps.

If you use Toon cards

You can get Mimicat, one of the best Toon supports, by leveling Pegasus up to 25. "It's a Toon World" skill, a random drop for Pegasus, is good if you use Toon deck.
→ Toon: deck recipe

About unlock event

Most of toon cards are only obtainable from the Pegasus unlock event. Once you finish the points mileage for the rewards in the event, you can still duel him to earn SR/UR tokens and drop skills.
→ Unlock event details

Pegasus's Skills

Note: More skills are expected! Report Skill name and details by submitting comments or screenshot at the bottom of the page.

Exclusive skills

[Skill] descriptionHow to get
LP Boost α
Increaseases starting Life Points by 1000.
Mind Scan
From the third turn and onward, you can see the opponents card as long as your Life Points are 3000 or Higher.
Master of Rites
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random Ritual monster or spell card.
It's a Toon World
Begin Duel with the Continuous Spell "Toon World" activated.
Can be used if your Life Points drop below 2000. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, a powerful card, from outside of your Deck, is added to your hand. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Extra, Extra
Can be used if your Life Points decrease by 2000. During your Draw Phase, add to your hand 1 copy of the card you drew as your normal draw.

Common skills

Level-up Rewards

What is level rewards?

Level reward is what you can obtain by leveling up characters, including gems, cards, skills, extra deck slots.

Pegasus level rewards list

2Gem x10
3Jigen BakudanJigen Bakudan
4Skill: LP Boost α
5Deck Slot (Pegasus)
6Gem x15
7Rogue DollRogue Doll
8Deck Slot (Pegasus)
9Gem x25
10Manga Ryu-RanManga Ryu-Ran
11Sword of Deep-SeatedSword of Deep-Seated
12Gem x35
13Skill: Mind Scan
14Rogue DollRogue Doll
15Gem x50
16Jar of GreedJar of Greed
17Gem x60
18Toon AlligatorToon Alligator
19Gem x75
20Skill: Master of Rites
21Rogue DollRogue Doll
22Gem x100
23Toon RollbackToon Rollback
24Gem x120
26Gem x150
27Deck Slot (Pegasus)
28Gem x200
29Gem x250
30Gem x300
31Gold x100,000
32Gem x200
33Shine PalaceShine Palace
34Gem x250
35Toon Table of ContentsToon Table of Contents
36UR Jewel x1
37Gem x200
39Gem x250
40Toon KingdomToon Kingdom
41Deck Slot (Pegasus)
42gems x100
43gems x200
44gems x250
45Toon Gemini ElfToon Gemini Elf

Duel reward cards

Whate is reward card?

Reward cards are card that You can get as reward for gaining a victory over legend duelists.

Fantastic Pegasus Roaming Event Drop Rewards

Exclusive Duel Reward cards

Card / [Rarity]Pegasus's
Toon MermaidToon Mermaid [SR]30 or more
Toon WorldToon World [SR]30 or more
Gorgon's EyeGorgon's Eye [SR]30 or more
Toon Masked SorcererToon Masked Sorcerer [SR]30 or more
Card of SanctityCard of Sanctity [SR]30 or more
Dark-Eyes IllusionistDark-Eyes Illusionist [R]All levels
Toon AlligatorToon Alligator [R]All levels
Spell ReproductionSpell Reproduction [R]All levels
House of Adhesive TapeHouse of Adhesive Tape [R]All levels
Mind HaxorzMind Haxorz [R]All levels

Pegasus's starter deck

RelinquishedParrot DragonRed Archery GirlRed Archery GirlRed Archery GirlDark Rabbit
Dark RabbitDark RabbitKiller NeedleKiller NeedleKiller NeedleSupporter in the Shadows
Supporter in the ShadowsSupporter in the ShadowsWattkidWattkidWattkidEyearmor


Description in the game

Maximillion Pegasus is the president of Industrial Illusions and the genius game designer who created Duel Monsters. He uses the power of his Millennium Eye to read his opponent's mind and see the cards in their hand. His Deck focuses on Toon Monsters to toy with his opponent. But when he gets serious, his "Relinquished" has an effect that enables it to absorb his opponent's monsters.


Hot New Top
Fadi hamed
Where is "Toon Dark Magician Girl" card?
Why did you seal it and have difficulty getting it?
<< Anonymous(Fadi hamed)
Anonymous Reply
already obtainable
<< Anonymous(Fadi hamed)
Owen Reply
It can be received by an SR ticket
The Chinese translation of his unlock requirements are wrong... They said i need to use 2 trap cards that involves "counters" in the effect...
(Use 2 Counter Trap Cards 2 times in one Duel against Pegasus) ini gimana, ga paham :((
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
garbage people to be exact
<< Anonymous
well-built0913 Reply
Use Counter Counter if Pegasus is using counter trap card to you. (Kartu counter perangkap paling kuat nih) tapi kalo lu aktifin kartu trap normal ke pegasus jadi bisa 4 kali chain, agak ribet sih tapi itu sekedar saran
<< Anonymous(slfr slckr)
Sinver Reply
<< Anonymous
counter trap 2 kali dalam 1 duel .
bisa pake kartu debunk yg ada di card trader
I've been trying his OTK toon deck for some hours and I gotta say It's surprisingly pretty good !
The creator likes toons
I've never seen this guy become meta lol... hmmm at least not since I joined duel links.
(Besides that lame stall ofc) I think it's time he gets new cards...
fck .. the extra 2x skill makes you "connection failed"
Fabulous Pegasus
(Idea for a new Super LD event)

Millenium-Eyes Restrict
Thousand-Eyes Restrict
Shadow Toon

Millenium-Eyes Illusionist
Toon Barrel Dragon
Toon Dark Magician Girl
Toon Table of Contents

R and N:
Manga Ryu-Ran
Thousand-Eyes Idol
Toon Rollback
<< Anonymous(Fabulous Pegasus)
Anonymous Reply
...That isn't realistic. We're obviously not getting 3 copies of TToC, Rollback or TDMG, Millennium-Eyes Illusionist isn't happening, and I doubt Shadow Toon would either. (Also doubt they'd combine TER stuff and Toon stuff into one event.) There is other acceptable Toon stuff (AGG, Red-Eyes, Mask) anyway.
I've seriously got the worst luck.... Tryina get It's A Toon World
so. except the event ,,is there a way to unlock him fast ?
There is one skill they are missing thats npc only which is "its a toon kingdom" that would've been nice to have

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