
How to beat/farm Evolved Hassleberry Lvl 40

Duel Links Evolved Hassleberry Lvl 40, decks to farm Evolved Hassleberry.
update 02/09/2020

Gravekeeper Union Farm

Example Deck

Gravekeepers SpyGravekeepers SpyGravekeepers RecruiterGravekeepers RecruiterGravekeepers RecruiterGravekeepers Nobleman
Gravekeepers NoblemanGravekeepers NoblemanGravekeepers VassalUnion AttackUnion AttackWonder Wand
Wonder WandWonder WandMagicalized Duston MopMagicalized Duston MopSecret Pass to the TreasuresGood Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin Housekeeping--Quintet MagicianGravekeepers Supernaturalist

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
LP Boost α
Increases starting Life Points by 1000.

Aromage Ra Farm

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaAromage CanangaAromage CanangaAromage JasmineAromage JasmineAromage Jasmine
Aromaseraphy AngelicaAromage MarjoramAromage RosemaryAromage RosemaryAromage RosemaryAroma Gardening
Aroma GardeningAroma GardeningAroma GardenAroma GardenFairy Meteor CrushBlessed Winds
Blessed WindsBlessed Winds----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
LP Boost α
Increases starting Life Points by 1000.


  • Aromage decks are good at gaining LP, take advantage of this for your stalling and powering up The Winged Dragon of Ra.
  • Aroma Gardening gains you a lot of LP whenever you summon an Aromage for the first time during the turn. This combos well with Blessed Wind's third effect, giving you free field presence.
  • Aroma Gardening's second effect is good at the start of the duel when you are likely to lose LP because you don't have your stall setup.
  • Aroma Garden is good for triggering your monsters' effects, increasing your LP, and giving your monsters a semi-permanent stat boost.
  • Your stall setup should include Aroma Garden, Rosemary, and Blessed Winds. Aroma Garden provides Rosemary with an ATK boost putting her above most of Tyranno's monsters. In case Tyranno summons his bigger monsters, you can activate Blessed Winds' first or second effect to gain LP. This triggers Rosemary's effect to change the big dinosaurs' battle position.
  • Aromage Jasmine is a good monster to keep on the field for draw power. She also gives you more field swarming ability.
  • Angelica and Marjoram should be kept in your hand and only used to prevent losing while building your setup. After building your setup you can discard Angelica anytime to heal a ton of LP.
  • On the final turn, summon The Winged Dragon of Ra and give him your accumulated LP. Equip him with Fairy Meteor Crush to deal piercing damage.

Magician Girl Farm

Example Deck

Chocolate Magician GirlChocolate Magician GirlBerry Magician GirlBerry Magician GirlBerry Magician GirlFortune Fairy Chee
Fortune Fairy CheeFortune Fairy CheeGravekeepers VassalLemon Magician GirlLemon Magician GirlLemon Magician Girl
Union AttackUnion AttackWonder WandWonder WandWonder WandMagicalized Fusion
Magicalized FusionSecret Pass to the Treasures--Quintet MagicianQuintet Magician
[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand. Your first Draw will be skipped if you use this Skill.


  • The goal is to draw really quick and swarming the field with Spellcasters. While doing this your graveyard will passively be setup by Chocolate and Lemon's effect cost and by Tyranno's attacks.
  • Berry searches a Magician Girl upon summon, and Special Summons from the deck without cost. Chocolate cycles a Spellcaster out of your hand. Lemon Special Summons a Spellcaster from the deck. All of these effects help thin your deck.
  • Top decking Chee instantly lets you Special Summon her and activate her draw effect. This provides easy deck cycling while giving you a monster to catch an attack.
  • Equip Wonder Wand to a Spellcaster and use its effect to draw. This lets you dig for Magicalized Fusion. The best monster to use for this is Chee.
  • A Chee drawn in your starting hand is useless so use it as discard cost for Chocolate.
  • At any point, if you have enough graveyard setup, you can summon Quintet Magician which Tyranno has no way of dealing with. Summon a second Quintet Magician when you can, but preferably keep it for the final turn.
  • On your final turn Normal Summon Gravekeeper's Vassal and use 2 Union Attacks and Secret Pass to the Treasure on him.

Lunalight Farm

Example Deck

Lunalight Yellow MartenLunalight Yellow MartenLunalight Yellow MartenGravekeepers VassalLunalight Emerald BirdLunalight Emerald Bird
Lunalight Emerald BirdLunalight Crimson FoxLunalight Crimson FoxLunalight White RabbitUnion AttackUnion Attack
Union AttackLunalight FusionLunalight FusionLunalight FusionSecret Pass to the TreasuresLunalight Reincarnation Dance
Lunalight Reincarnation DanceLunalight Reincarnation Dance----
Lunalight Sabre DancerLunalight Sabre DancerLunalight Cat DancerLunalight Cat DancerLunalight Cat Dancer-


  • Fusion Summon Lunalight Sabre Dancer and use it high ATK to stall. Tyranno's highest ATK monster has 3300 ATK, which is below the 3600 ATK Lunalight Sabre Dancer usually has.
  • Emerald Bird is the best at searching your Fusion Spell. Discard Yellow Marten with this effect to get another search.
  • Thin your deck with Lunalight Reincarnation Dance.
  • You should have 2 Sabre Dancers before your final turn.
  • On your final turn summon Gravekeeper's Vassal and use 2 Union Attacks and Secret Pass to the Treasure on him.

Yubel Montage Farm

Example Deck

Yubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - Terror IncarnateYubelYubel
Montage DragonSanganSanganSanganFire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar Yaksha
Fire King Avatar YakshaDisciple of NephthysDisciple of NephthysDisciple of NephthysDefender of NephthysDefender of Nephthys
Exile of the WickedShiens Spy--------

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
My Name is Yubel
Once per turn, shuffle "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" or "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare" from your hand into deck, and add 1 "Yubel" from your deck to your hand.


  • Search Yubel with your skill.
  • Destroy Yubel in your hand using a Nephthys monster or Fire King Avatar Yaksha's effect to Special Summon Yubel - Terror Incarnate from your deck.
  • Sangan can search Yubel or a Nephthys monster to destroy Yubel, whichever you don't have at the moment.
  • Keep a Disciple of Nephthys in your hand for your last turn combo.
  • Summon Disciple of Nephthys and give it to your opponent with Shien's Spy.
  • Special Summon Montage Dragon by discarding 3 Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare.

Cloudian Ra Farm

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of HeavenCloudian - Acid CloudCloudian - Acid Cloud
Cloudian - AltusCloudian - AltusCloudian - AltusCloudian - CirrostratusCloudian - CirrostratusCloudian - Cirrostratus
Golden LadybugThe Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the SkyDivine PunishmentDivine Punishment
Divine PunishmentSolemn Wishes----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Fairy's Smile
If you normal draw a Fairy-Type monster card during the Draw Phase, the card is shown to the opponent and you recover 1000 Life Points.
Jesse Anderson
Jesse Anderson


  • Gain LP every turn with Golden Ladybug and Solemn Wishes.
  • Stall with any attack position Cloudian monster and The Sanctuary in the Sky.
  • Search Sanctuary in the Sky with Zeradias the Herald of Heaven, even if you already control a Field Spell, to thin your deck.
  • Divine Punishment is used to negate Super Conductor Tyranno's burn and Evolsaur Diplo's removal.
  • On your final turn, summon The Winged Dragon of Ra and give him your accumulated LP.

Evolved Hassleberry Lvl 40 Decklist

Evolution Complete: Lvl 40

Evolved Hassleberry Drop Reward


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Hassle-berry needs to go extinct.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just Evolsaur Diplo should. Tyranno is fun.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Overtex Qoatlus needs to go extinct too alongside Diplo.

Let me activate my Spell in peace, dammit
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^This! I agree!
I have used the Aromage deck several and this deck is really bad.
It requires a perfect starting hand to manage the opposing field.
In 90% of cases, at the end of the second round, he has already on the ground Ultimate Tyranno and Super Conductor Tyranno.
I use Yubel deck, much easier and faster to use.
<< Anonymous(Nephalès)
Anonymous Reply
Really??? You use fairy meteor crush?? Where you live? In 2002?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Fairy Meteor Crush is good for farming, dumbo.

A lot of the time, the enemy AI will Set their monster to prevent us from doing damage.
whats the point of the event?completed gx world rewards are tr a s h.xp s h it.u can skill farm maybe but most likely dont need i t plus you have to wait every time sh i t event with karly at the gate those who unlocked it its useless for them but with those "rewards" its useless anyway
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You see it as trash, I see it as great for fun Evol deck.

and characters at the gate is for those who missed their unlock event, it's not for guys like you and me to begin with, who unlock them during the event
I used the Cloudian Ra deck, I can vouch that while it does take time, but it is indeed effective.

However, I also run 1 less Zeradias, replacing it with a Cloudian Squall. Occasionally being able to actually use the Cloudian monsters' effect more than once is a nice bonus. I feel that 2 Zeradias and 3 Sanctuary is enough anyway.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
For the Yubel deck, instead of giving your opponent Disciple, give Montage Dragon, then destroy your Incarnate with Exile and attack Montage with Ultimate Nightmare. This way you get effect damage only bonus as well.
<< Anonymous(Diana)
Anonymous Reply
Cute idea.
That Westlo and Diplo combo is just too annoying.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Best budget deck for farming
You can use any magic card
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not interested in farming the worst looking character in the game. I'm here to beat him with my strongest deck!
I just use D/D/D 6000-7000 in 2-4 turns. You don't get the full stuff but it's fasta an easy.
<< Anonymous(Dr.Agon)
Luffy D. Agizal Reply
deck list?
Instead of Evo Diversity or Evo Force, Konami give us garbage Evo Price as UR
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Evo-Force and Evo-Diversity are box material. Konami won't give them for free
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Komoney will put them in main box as UR.
<< Anonymous
Candend Reply
Congrats, bro! You are wrong. Evo diversity is not from any box. It's from the same event
Lunalight is unusable, unless there some way we can use three Semi-limited cards in the same deck.
Don't have to farm, just beat him repeatedly with your strongest deck and you will get 3 copies of all reward cards. The drop rate is quite high for roaming event.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
For you, maybe. Not everyone has the same luck. I still only have 1 Evo-Price.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Same I only got the new evoltile but no evo-price. UR card drop rate from roaming duelists seems low to me
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The drop rate is RNG ...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I agree very much on this. Using GK Vassal wastes, Union Attack and Secret Pass wastes too much time. You are going to burn out from boredom.

Me: I ended his life always by 4th turn or 5th turn. Got "Quick Victory" and "No Damage" reward, plus Glossy card award, Synchro, Special Summon, 3000 / 5000+ damage award, enough to get his drops.
What are those random drops? Gren Maju and Gear Golem the Moving Fortress? Are they running out of cards?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, I don't get it either.

Gren Maju at least has some kind of synergy in Tyranno Infinity deck, but as far as I know Gear Golem has nothing to do with Hassleberry at all.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
He does have a bit of a "future" theme to his Deck. As part of that, he did use the Machine-Type Dyna Base/Dyna Tank.

They probably could have given him a more fitting card, but honestly, I do view Gear Golem as more fitting than Lei Lei.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Reeeeeeally obscure reference, but in one episode of the anime Hassleberry beats some no name that uses Gear Golem. So, I guess that´s the link.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Every event they will give you 2 NEW cards previous unreleased. You get Evo-Price & Evoltile Elginero for this event.

Algami Event - Buster Gundil the Cubic Behemoth & Tlakalel, His Malevolent Majesty
Blair Event - Lumina, Twilightsworn Shaman & Twilight Cloth
DD Castle - Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World & Chaos Betrayer

The rest are all repeated cards, Komoney will not give you 10 new event cards.

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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