
Rio Kastle Roaming Event | How to Farm Rio Lvl40 & Lvl30

Duel Links Rio Kastle Roaming Event, rewards, how to defeat Rio Kastle, best decks to farm Rio Kastle.
update 23/05/2022

Duelist & Duration

Event Duration: 17 May 2022 - 26 May 2022

Exclusive Rewards

You can get cards after the duel, by completing missions, or Rio also drops after the duel.

Penguin Soldier [UR]

Penguin Soldier
Penguin Soldier
WATER Aqua ★2
ATK 750 / DEF 500
Rio Kastle Roaming Event [UR]
FLIP: You can target up to 2 monsters on the field; return those targets to the hand.

Blizzard Falcon [SR]

Blizzard Falcon
Blizzard Falcon
WATER Winged Beast ★4
ATK 1500 / DEF 1500
Rio Kastle Roaming Event [SR]
If this card's current ATK is higher than its original ATK: You can inflict 750 damage to your opponent. This effect can only be used once while this card is face-up on the field. You can only use the effect of "Blizzard Falcon" once per turn.

Drop Rewards

Rio Lvl 30 Decklist

I Will Freeze You! / Lvl 30

Best Decks to Farm Rio Lvl30

Aromage Ra Farm

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaAromage JasmineAromage JasmineAromage JasmineAromaseraphy AngelicaRose Lover
Aromage MarjoramAromage RosemaryAromage RosemaryAromage RosemaryAroma GardeningAroma Gardening
Aroma GardeningAroma GardenAroma GardenAroma GardenHumid WindsDried Winds
Blessed WindsBlessed WindsBlessed Winds---

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
LP Boost α
Increases starting Life Points by 1000.


  • Aromage decks are good at gaining LP, take advantage of this for your stalling and powering up The Winged Dragon of Ra.

  • Your stall setup should include Aroma Gardening, Rosemary, Dried Winds and Blessed Winds.

  • Aroma Gardening gains you a lot of LP whenever you summon an Aromage monster for the first time during the turn. This combos well with Blessed Wind's third effect, giving you free field presence; and Dries Wind's effect for destroying Ice Beast Zerofyne.

  • Aroma Gardening's second effect is good at the start of the duel when you are likely to lose LP because you don't have your stall setup.

  • Aroma Garden is good for triggering your monsters' effects, increasing your LP, and giving your monsters a semi-permanent stat boost.

  • Aromage Jasmine is a good monster to keep on the field for draw power. She also gives you more field swarming ability.

  • Angelica and Marjoram should be kept in your hand and only used to prevent losing while building your setup. After building your setup you can discard Angelica anytime to heal a ton of LP.

  • On the final turn, summon The Winged Dragon of Ra and give him your accumulated LP. Banish Rose Lover for special summoning Marjoram from your hand. Attack with Marjoram first if there is a monster on Rio's Field, then attack directly with Ra for victory!

Yubel Montage Farm

Example Deck

Yubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - Terror IncarnateYubelYubel
YubelMontage DragonWitch of the Black ForestWitch of the Black ForestWitch of the Black ForestSangan
Fire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar YakshaPlanet PathfinderFire King IslandFire King Island
Fire King IslandShiens Spy--


The standard Yubel farm deck still works pretty easily with Lvl 30 version. Though, it can be a problem if you aren't able to do the proper setup early in the duel since Rio can quickly summon her monsters.

Use Fire King Island to destroy the level 10 Yubel to summon Terror Incarnate so you can stall the duel. But be careful with the Ice Beast Zerofyne since it will negate Terror Incarnate's effect.

Therefore, in this case, you can special summon Terror Incarnate in defense position to prevent Zerofyne use her effect and attacking your Terror Incarnate with massive battle damage. After that, special summon Ultimate Nightmare and revive Terror Incarnate (by destroying another level 10 Yubel) from your Graveyard.

Normal summon Witch of the Black Forest and Sangan so that they get destroyed by Terror Incarnate, then search each other so you can thin the deck faster. You can also use their effect to search out Yubel from your Deck in the early game for setup.

End the duel by activating another Fire King Island so Terror Incarnate gets destroyed and special summon The Ultimate Nightmare. Special summon Montage Dragon with any leftover Yubel cards from hand, then Shien's Spy the Montage Dragon so you can attack it with Ultimate Nightmare.

Attack Charge Skill is basically used for boosting up Montage Dragon's ATK for achieving over 10,000 damage.

Subterror Farm

Example Deck

The deck original idea is from Core.

Subterror Behemoth UmastryxSubterror Behemoth UmastryxSubterror Behemoth UmastryxMahjong Munia MaidensMahjong Munia MaidensMahjong Munia Maidens
Subterror Behemoth UltramafusSubterror Behemoth UltramafusGravekeepers VassalSubterror Nemesis WarriorSubterror Nemesis WarriorSubterror Nemesis Warrior
Union AttackUnion AttackSubterror Final BattleSubterror Final BattleSubterror Final BattleCounter Gate
Counter GateCounter Gate----


  • Counter Gate is used for preventing Direct Attack at the early time and lets you draw those core cards faster.
  • From there you can remove Rio's monsters with Subterror Behemoth Umastryx' effects. This will also preventing Rio summon Ice Beast Zerofyne.
  • Summon Subterror Behemoth monsters by flipping Mahjong Munia Maidens face-down or by the effect of Subterror Nemesis Warrior.
  • Subterror Final Battle can speed up the effects of your Subterror Behemoths by changing their position.
  • Thin your deck with Mahjong Munia Maidens.
  • Keep a monster zone empty for Gravekeeper's Vassal.
  • On your final turn, Flip your monsters face-up and boost their attack with Subterror Final Battle.
  • Normal Summon Gravekeeper's Vassal and use 2 Union Attack and Secret Pass to the Treasures on him.

Rio Lvl 40 Decklist

Frozen World / Lvl 40

Best Decks to Farm Rio Lvl40

Aromage Ra Farm

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaAromage JasmineAromage JasmineAromage JasmineAromaseraphy AngelicaRose Lover
Aromage MarjoramAromage RosemaryAromage RosemaryAromage RosemaryAroma GardeningAroma Gardening
Aroma GardeningAroma GardenAroma GardenAroma GardenDried WindsBlessed Winds
Blessed WindsBlessed Winds----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
LP Boost α
Increases starting Life Points by 1000.


  • Aromage decks are good at gaining LP, take advantage of this for your stalling and powering up The Winged Dragon of Ra.

  • Your stall setup should include Aroma Gardening, Rosemary, Dried Winds and Blessed Winds.

  • Aroma Gardening gains you a lot of LP whenever you summon an Aromage monster for the first time during the turn. This combos well with Blessed Wind's third effect, giving you free field presence; and Dries Wind's effect for destroying Ice Beast Zerofyne.

  • Aroma Gardening's second effect is good at the start of the duel when you are likely to lose LP because you don't have your stall setup.

  • Aroma Garden is good for triggering your monsters' effects, increasing your LP, and giving your monsters a semi-permanent stat boost.

  • Aromage Jasmine is a good monster to keep on the field for draw power. She also gives you more field swarming ability.

  • Angelica and Marjoram should be kept in your hand and only used to prevent losing while building your setup. After building your setup you can discard Angelica anytime to heal a ton of LP.

  • On the final turn, summon The Winged Dragon of Ra and give him your accumulated LP. Banish Rose Lover for special summoning Marjoram from your hand. Attack with Marjoram first if there is a monster on Rio's Field, then attack directly with Ra for victory!

Gaia Farm

Example Deck

Gaia the Fierce Knight OriginGaia the Fierce Knight OriginGaia the Magical KnightGaia the Magical KnightGaia the Magical KnightCurse of Dragonfire
Curse of DragonfireCurse of DragonfireGravekeepers VassalPlanet PathfinderPlanet PathfinderPlanet Pathfinder
Galloping GaiaGalloping GaiaGalloping GaiaUnion AttackSecret Pass to the TreasuresCounter Gate
Counter GateCounter Gate-Gaia the Magical Knight of DragonsGaia the Magical Knight of DragonsGaia the Magical Knight of Dragons


  • Fusion Summon Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons as soon as possible.
  • Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin is used to counter Ice Beast Zerofyne by returning her ATK stats backs to original.
  • Destroy Rio's monster with Magical Knight of Dragons to increase his attack. Then, you can use him to destroy Zerofyne by lowering 2600 ATK.
  • Use Planet Pathfinder to search out Galloping Gaia and activate Draw Sense: Light to search out Gaia the Magical Knight.
  • Counter Gate is used for preventing Direct Attack at the early time and lets you draw those core cards faster.
  • On your final turn, Normal Summon Gravekeeper's Vassal and use Union Attack and Secret Pass to the Treasures on him and attack directly with him for victory.

Subterror Farm

Example Deck

Subterror Behemoth UmastryxSubterror Behemoth UmastryxSubterror Behemoth UmastryxMahjong Munia MaidensMahjong Munia MaidensMahjong Munia Maidens
Subterror Behemoth UltramafusSubterror Behemoth UltramafusGravekeepers VassalSubterror Nemesis WarriorSubterror Nemesis WarriorSubterror Nemesis Warrior
Union AttackUnion AttackStatue of Anguish PatternStatue of Anguish PatternStatue of Anguish PatternSubterror Final Battle
Subterror Final BattleSubterror Final Battle----


  • Statue of Anguish Pattern that special summoned as a monster on your field can be used to remove any monster while you have other copies of Anguish Pattern. Also, you can pair with Nemesis Warrior to special summon Subterror Behemoth Umastryx.
  • From there you can remove Rio's monsters with Umastryx' effects. This will also preventing Rio summon Ice Beast Zerofyne.
  • Summon Subterror Behemoth monsters by flipping Mahjong Munia Maidens face-down or by the effect of Subterror Nemesis Warrior.
  • Subterror Final Battle can speed up the effects of your Subterror Behemoths by changing their position.
  • Thin your deck with Mahjong Munia Maidens.
  • Keep a monster zone empty for Gravekeeper's Vassal.
  • On your final turn, Flip your monsters face-up and boost their attack with Subterror Final Battle.
  • Normal Summon Gravekeeper's Vassal and use 2 Union Attack and Secret Pass to the Treasures on him.



<< Anonymous(HELP)
Anonymous Reply
This is just a roaming event. Not her unlock event.
I'm using the Gaia deck and it works.

Unfortunately thus far, she refuses to give me a 2nd Penguin Soldier and a 3rd Blizzard Falcon...
<< Anonymous(LeodredAQW)
deck list? Reply
deck list?
Use secret pass to the treasures? How can I when you didn't put one in the deck list!?
The Penguins Borke Duell links :)
she got a number 94 Crystalzero shark will give to her she mean it.
The fact that she doesn’t have any voice lines for her cards as Marin/Merag is super suspicious and suggests we might be getting another Yuma situation with a transformation since I really don’t see them splitting Shark and Rio from their Barian forms (in playable format anyways).
<< Anonymous
LeodredAQW Reply
It'll most likely be a Skill transformation.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Could be a transformation like Yuma's.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It could be like a transformation Skill like Yuma's.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, if we get the Barians as separate characters from their human selves, there would be way too many characters, so I can see the Barian forms being part of a Skill instead.
I was wondering who the new character was.

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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