
Geargia deck (Before 2019 Jan)

Duel Links Geargia deck, Geargia in the meta,
update 21/01/2019


A new machine type archetype has been added with the latest box with the addition of Geargia monsters. Although this archteype works best in the OCG/TCG by summoning xyz monsters, which aren’t added yet availabe in Duel Links , they still could see some competitive play right now because they have ways of dealing with both monsters and backrow.

Note: :To see the latest update of Geargia Decklist, please click the link below:

SkillBalance / Restart
Essential cards
(Box reset)

New Limit Impletation Version

GeargiarsenalGeargiarsenalTies of the BrethrenTies of the BrethrenTies of the BrethrenSuper Rush Headlong
Super Rush HeadlongSuper Rush HeadlongPulse MinesPulse MinesDesert SunlightCurse of Anubis
The Spell Absorbing LifeThe Spell Absorbing Life----

Example Deck (budget friendly)

GeargianchorGeargianchorGeargiano Mk-IIGeargiano Mk-IIEnemy ControllerEnemy Controller
Pulse MinesPulse MinesPulse MinesPowerful RebirthPaleozoic CanadiaFloodgate Trap Hole
Curse of AnubisWindstorm of Etaqua----

Example Deck (Expensive Ver)

GeargiarsenalGeargiarsenalGeargiacceleratorGeargiacceleratorTies of the BrethrenTies of the Brethren
Ties of the BrethrenEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerPulse MinesPulse MinesPulse Mines
The Spell Absorbing LifeThe Spell Absorbing Life----

How to Use

The playstyle of a geargia deck will be similar to that of a control deck like Golden Flying Fish or Gladiator Beast, you’ll use your strong backrow to defend your Geargia monsters and then use their effects to pick of your opponent’s spells/traps and monsters.


This monster gains 200 attack for each geargia monster you control, meaning even though this monster’s attack on the card is 1500 attack, it will always have at least 1700 attack because it gains an attack boost from being a geargia monster itself, its attack can go up to 2100 when you have a full field. However the most important effect of this card is that you can tribute it to summon any geargia monster you want from your deck (except Geargiarsenal) in defense position.

A great play to start of the duel is to summon Geargiarsenal, tribute it and special summon Geargiattacker/Geargianchor in defense position, then on your opponent’s turn protect it with a card like Pulse Mines. On your next turn you summon Geargiano MK-II and special summon Geargiarsenal from your graveyard, then you use Geargiattacker/Geargianchor’s effect to flip it face-down then flip it face-up to destroy either 2 spells/traps or 2 monsters. Next you can tribute the Geargiarsenal you brought back from the graveyard to special summon another Geargiattacker/Geargianchor from your deck.

Geargiattacker & Geargianchor

These two are key to a Geargia deck because they are your way to deal with monsters, spells&traps. The fact that you can decide whichever one to summon with Geargiarsenal gives the deck quite some versatility because when facing a deck like Sylvans you can deal with their monsters by summoning Geargianchor, but if you face a deck that relies more on spells/traps like Aliens you can use Geargiattacker.

The attack of Geargiattacker, Geargianchor and Geargiarsenal are actually pretty good, meaning if you are able to clear either your opponent’s monsters or spells&traps you could potentially OTK your opponent.

Powerful Rebirth

The way you want to use Powerful Rebirth, is by bringing back a Geargiattacker/Geargianchor back from the graveyard during your opponent’s end phase, this is very important because this will allow you to use its effect on your turn. If you would bring your monster back on your turn you could flip it face-down but because it was summoned this that turn, you wouldn’t be able to flip it face-up again during the same turn.

This card can add a lot of value to your plays because not only do you get an extra monster and possibly extra geargia effect, it also make the effect of your other geargia monsters that you control better.

If you start with Geargiarsenal and tribute it for either Geargiattacker or Geargianchor, you can bring back Geargiarsenal on your next turn (if you bring back Geargiarsenal it doesn’t matter much if you do it during their end phase or your main phase, unless you want to play around a Floodgate Trap Hole they just set face-down) with Powerful Rebirth and use your normal summon for another Geargia monster, which will allow your Geargiattacker / Geargianchor to destroy 2 spells/traps or 2 monsters.

Pulse Mines, Windstorm of Etaqua & Curse of Anubis

Pulse Mines was unlockable during the Crowler event, if you do not have it do not fear because Crowler will become the next permanent addition to the gate so you’ll be able to obtain them later this month.

This is a great card overall to defend machine type monsters because you can activate it early on , if it would be destroyed, but its effect will carry on for the rest of the turn.

Windstorm and Curse of Anubis have similar effects but are less good if you have to activate them preemptively.

Floodgate Trap Hole & Paleozoic Canadia

Both these cards have similar effects in that they put monsters face-down, however with Paleozoic Canadia your opponent can flip them back face-up, but you have the added effect of being able to summon a small monster from the graveyard (1200/1200) which can be used as tribute fodder for Enemy Controller but it’s mainly included because you will more than likely pick it up when you search for two geargiattackers, making this deck more budget friendly.

Additional Notes

  • Something important to note about the effect of Geargiattacker and Geargianchor is that their effects don’t target, which means just like with the spell card Storm, your opponent will have to decide if/what cards they want to activate before you decide what to send to the graveyard. So if your opponent has 3 spells/traps and you can destroy 2 with Geargiattacker your opponent either has to flip over the ones he really wants to use OR take the risk of their best card being destroyed.

  • You don’t need to flip your Geargia monsters up yourself to activate their effects. If your opponent attacks into them their effects will also activate (if you control another geargia monster).

  • The perfect ratio of monsters/spells/traps can possibly change after more testing with this deck, as will the optimal spells/traps for this deck. For now we kept it budget friendly because in reality there is a lot of backrow that could work well with this deck.

Other Useful Cards

Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
All Geargia monsters are Earth so all of them can be sent to the graveyard by Scrap Recycler, however Giargiano MK-II is a level 3 monster so you can’t choose him to shuffle back into the deck to draw 1 card.
Forbidden Chalice
Forbidden Chalice
A great tech card in this meta to counter decks like Sylvans who heavily rely on their monster effects.
Spikeshield with Chain
Spikeshield with Chain
This card can be very effective to defend your geargia monster because it adds their high attack to their low defense. However this card can be less optimal because if you flip your monsters face-down you will be destroying this card.

KOG Apr 2018


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Hot New Top
with 2 ties of b. this deck became much more consistent for me with restart, now I can't wait to get the 3rd copy.
This deck was so expensive, but for me it was worth :)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yup, with ties of breathen this deck is very strong
I just found out how broken is this deck, I don't see how we are supposed to deal with it.
In the 1st turn your oponent pays 2k life points and gets 2 flip monsters face down: one will destroy monsters and the other one spells/traps, aswell as another one face up. Then he has lots of cards he could protect his monsters with, even pulse mines, and no matter what you do, you can't possibly destroy both monsters without flipping them in your 1st turn, meaning you'll have all your cards destroyed in the next turn
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The new spellbook deck is pretty good against this
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The new spellbook deck is pretty good against this
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You're kidding right??? I make spellbook users my slaves.
<< Anonymous
coolibri Reply
i mostly rek any spellbook player with this. especially opening with ties.
Is this deck still tier1 because I heard ppl saying it is tier2 now
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Its tier 1 actually
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
with 2 or more ties of breathen
Why running 2-3 ties of brethren? You pay 2000 LP and with your 4000LP you can only use it once
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I know now but can I just run with one copy of the card+?
<< Anonymous
DrillDude Reply
You can,

But as you have noticed, running 3 gives you better chance having it in your starting hand. Thus, any lesser will make the deck less consistent.
Pulse Mines is from Espa Roba event, not Crowler
IMO, the most consistent and effective deck to deal with the current meta. Though a bit pricy to put together, it is capable of dealing with every other tier 1 deck, even sylvans if you play your cards right. It’s main strategy is to get all the Geargias on the field ASAP, while utilizing your tech cards for protection. From there you nuke your opponents board.
What i do to stop this deck is use my ojama go stall deck and summon lava golem on their field to get rid of their geargiarsenal and anchor so then they summon another geargiarsenal or use anchor's effect to destroy lava golem so i can slowly, but surely burn them down. Though ojama go isnt intended for burning. But it works great though.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
* Cant summon
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Any decent Geargia player will have chalice to negate golems effect and smack you with it. Also anchor can destroy LG of needed and attacker can still deal with your back row.
helpppppp !!!
Hello everyone, something terrible happened to me and I would be happy if someone could help me.
I did not have a space on my phone so I deleted a few things (I have galaxy s6) and mistakenly I deleted one of Google's apps and now I can not log in to YUGIOH and I have my duelist ID and my google play remembers all my data. But for some reason the YUGIOH app does not let me in the game and I'm really afraid I will not be able to play agin.
So if anyone has any idea what Supposed to do plesa send me an email (my email thank
<< Anonymous(SGA)
Anonymous Reply
you have konami id our buy in credit card ?
helpppppp !!!
Hello everyone, something terrible happened to me and I would be happy if someone could help me.
I did not have a space on my phone so I deleted a few things (I have galaxy s6) and mistakenly I deleted one of Google's apps and now I can not log in to YUGIOH and I have my duelist ID and my google play remembers all my data. But for some reason the YUGIOH app does not let me in the game and I'm really afraid I will not be able to play agin.
So if anyone has any idea what Supposed to do plesa send me an email (my email thank
helpppppp !!!
Hello everyone, something terrible happened to me and I would be happy if someone could help me.
I did not have a space on my phone so I deleted a few things (I have galaxy s6) and mistakenly deleted one of Google's apps and now I can not log in to YUGIOH and I have my duelist ID so if anyone has any idea I would be happy to help
If you know anything please contact me at my email ( thank

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