
KC Cup: 1st Stage [Nov 2018]

Duel Links KC CUP Nov decks, the top meta of Duel Links in Nov 2018.
update 26/11/2018
KC CUP Nov 2018 pages
KC Cup Nov 2018 1st Stage
1st Stage
KC Cup Nov 2018 2nd Stage
2nd Stage


Stage 1 of the KC Cup will start on November 14th. You'll start the event with the Duelist Level based on your final rank of the Ranked Duels season 33 (1 Oct 2018 09:00 - 1 Nov 2018 09:00).

1st Stage Duration14 Nov 13:00 - 26 Nov 12:59

Rank & Duel Level

RankDuel Level
Rookie & BronzeDLV1
Legend & King of GamesDLV10


Total Rewards

Here are the rewards you'll get by going through DLv. 1 - 20 (Max).

  • R Jewel x50
  • SR Jewel x4
  • UR Jewel x2
  • Gems x1400
  • R Ticket x1
  • R Ticket (Glossy) x1
  • SR Ticket (Glossy) x1

Note: : The UR & SR rewards are almost same with previous KC Cup rewards, but there are some new cards updated. Here is the list:

1st Stage Shared Decks

Email to GameA
Subject (Title)KOG deck (KC Cup)
Body (Text)
  • Your IGN
  • A small note to show how to use your deck or how you reach KOG (if necessary)
Attach Files
  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach KOGM
  • a screenshot of KOG proof

Want to share your deck to help other playes? Send us an e-mail at with the image of your deck and proof of reaching KoG along with how it works! The title of your email must be KOG deck.

Required Info/screenshot

Send us screenshots of your deck which is used to get thrugh the 1st stage of the KC Cup and the proof.

Number of users per deck

Buster Blader DNA Surgery7
Flying Fish1
Fur Hire6
Gladiator Beast1
Hazy Flame1
Ko'aki Meiru1
Magnet Warrior1
Masked HERO6
Noble Knight2
Sea Stealth Attack2
Silent Hybrid1
XYZ Ojama1



IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
[SEM]蹦吉的婕翎Sealed TombNov 14


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
AndalSealed TombNov 15

A comment from Andal:
I used a slightly modified alien deck by [SEM]蹦吉的婕翎 :D


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
koyublueReinforcementsNov 23

A comment from koyublue:
This deck works for almost any meta deck. Masked hero can’t go through onslaught thus fails for most part, Yubel is quite easy since his monsters will be banished and you almost take no damage.

You have to summon princess for this to work though and if you don’t then you can just go with your swords woman and half shuts. some duels i just won with this monster alone, none others. attack with princess summon queen keep them both alive. Nobleman works since the meta is about traps and if none of the above work just summon your witch raider and get them. have fun.



IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
TrevihnoParasite InfectionNov 20

A comment from Trevihno:
Lava Golem is the real winner. Began with three in deck but realized was too bricky. Added additional FGTH in place. Be aggressive with amazoness. Traps are all about timing.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
SethBanditNov 21

A comment from Seth:
The purpose of Draining Shield and Defense Draw here is to control HP in order to trigger the Bandit skill, then finish enemy off on your turn. No chance versus Yubel, good in other matchups.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
sjonnieh--Nov 23



IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
immeHoly GuardNov 21

A comment from imme:
A bit of luck combo with Holy Guard skill you'll be able to complete your set up without doing any harm not mention it can counter Bujin Atk combo and some atk increases/decrease trap cards. I know many duelist is using Masked HERO and Blue Eyes deck is super op but its costly. I'm a F2P duelist so this deck is easy to farm just need some effort.


i n f a m y

IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
i n f a m yPrescienceNov 23



IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
MacMillanA Trick Up a SleevesNov 18

A comment from MacMillan:
MVP is Enemy Controller and Sphere when going first as they allow you to delay starting the Cosmo combination by one turn.

Rampant abuse of Dragon Spirit of White and Psychic Ace help gain control of the board.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
OlegodA Trick Up a SleevesNov 18

A comment from Olegod:
This deck may brick sometime and it hardly wins against Cipher Soldier and Buster Blader DNA Surgery decks.:

  • Summon S.B. Magician of Profecy and make the usual spellbook play so you can use S.B. of Fate.
  • Summon Cosmo Brain if you can and then use its effect to tribute S.B. Magician and bring a BEWD to your field. If you can't, use S.B. Organization to draw the right card on your next turn.
  • Use S.B. of Fate, Dragon Spirit of White and TTH to clean your opponents backrow to attack or to prevent any effect activation. You can also use S.B. of Power to strenght Cosmo Brain and OTK your opponent.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
VklasbBeatdownNov 20

A comment from Vklasb:
Deck Notes: This is my blue-eyes grass deck I made that got to king of games(KOG) and now dlv max. This deck relies on using the graveyard effects of arkbrave, kidmodo, dragon of ice, and dragon knight of creation to constantly ss your big dragons.

Combined with the excellent evasion effects of spirit of white, and blue-eyes solid with their backrow removal and monster negation, one can overcome the common tier 1 decks with high sucess rate. As long as you start with either grass, needlebug nest, merchant, or kidmodo your in good shape and usually won't brick while dumping your deck. The only deck that hard counters this one is silent magician spellbooks.

While not impossible to beat, silent magician can negate grass and silent magician lvl 8 is stronger then all your dragons. This is why beatdown and skill successor are so important. In most cases though you will win against any other deck, even spellbooks and yubel(thanks to blue-eyes solid dragon). Just hope you do not face another grass deck as that messes with your ability to use grass.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
kikealucardA Trick Up a SleevesNov 20


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
EdwardA Trick Up a SleevesNov 22

A comment from Edward:
This is a Free-To-Play deck, so that's why it only has only so many Dragon Spirit of White and Cosmo Brain. When you want to get rid of back row cards, summon Cosmo Brain and set Psychic Ace, then use Cosmo Brain's effect using Psychic Ace.

If you have a Dragon Spirit of White in your hand, this will allow you to clear two back row cards. (One from Psychic Ace tribute and one from DSoW summon) Having BEWD in hand will allow DSoW to attack then trigger effect to summon BEWD and do another attack.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
LanaA Trick Up a SleevesNov 25

A comment from Lana:
Not perfect but worth it. Just be patient, timing is everything. Not always try to win in the begining.



Hot New Top
So great! Fastest ever duel.. Just setting up my field, and then my opponent put three 3K monsters on their field in one turn.. I ended up, sent "nice" xD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Cosmo Brain through discard BEWD, Silver's Cry to revive, Normal Summon Protector and drop him for another BEWD in hand? (A perfect 5-card hand in that deck...)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wait a minute did he just summoned a bunch of monsters in 1 turn?
That against the rules isn't it?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
screw the rules, I have a screwdriver!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
A high grade screw driver I hope
gameA was so popular in this time many decks shared, actually gameA look like a dead website, nobody wish share decks anymore here. RIP GameA 2017-2020 feelsbadman
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If this place is dead then why are you here? :p

There's no point commenting on a dead site.

Only reason you still do it, is because this site is pretty much alive and you're in denial :p
Anybody received rewards like tickets yet?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes u can get it from raise your dlv at 1st stage and prismatic SR ticket at stage 2 if you reach dlv max at stage 1
Recorded some pretty cool fights at last KC CUP !

Built my deck with Gems !
(and I actually show you my purchase history in the video!).

- Hope you enjoy.

【 LINK 】
Makrov krauz
This kc cup was actually fun and more competitive than the previous one,I faced many good players this time around, I literally played like 5 hours only, that's why my duels count is relatively low, I wish if I have time to play more today, I reached top 10 reginal group C (my goal) on the First day then I stopped playing for good.

Decks used:
0-10k: Geargia
10k-16k: koaki Meiru/ furhire
16k-24k: banish control.

winrate : 67%

longest consecutive Victories: 10 with Georgia

<< Anonymous(Makrov krauz)
Anonymous Reply
See you in the regionals !
<< Anonymous(Makrov krauz)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Congratz Makrov !
<< Anonymous
Makrov krauz Reply
Thanks man, much appreciated
Had an intense 20+ turn match with Glad Beasts as the rank up match but came out on top. Thanks Gemini!
<< Anonymous(HarpieHaneboki)
Lovely Aster Reply
Congratulations! That sounds like it would have been awesome to see!
<< Anonymous(HarpieHaneboki)
Anonymous Reply
Congratulations! I struggled last time with S19. This time I pulled it off too with Morphtronics. KC Cup is one wild event!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Morphtronics are really cool, hope they receive more support !
did konami finally cut down on the cheating? usually this comment section is all about cheating, this time around I didn't notice it that much.
Woops missed my free 25 gems
I'm F2P Casual Gamer and I reach DLV MAX very fast with my Alien Deck.
I just played 3 games per day and just 2h of tryhard this day.

The deck is very consistant and very powerfull, try it.
<< Anonymous(Xarcan)
Xarcan Reply
The deck list.
<< Anonymous(Xarcan)
Airmanitelan Reply
Good job
Just made it (after getting tilted for a while at lvl 19 with Yubel and Heroes) with Mermails.

<< Anonymous(Bakr3ni)
Anonymous Reply
Damn, 4 wins in a row with Gem Knight in DLV 19 and then losing because I don‘t get Fusion... :(
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Still have time.. Good Luck!
i havent seen someone using "Bear witness to this" this KC cup . lmfao
<< Anonymous(SnowVelvet)
Anonymous Reply
I'm a bear witness to this player with 25k points LoL

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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