
Clown deck to farm Pegasus Lvl 40

update 06/02/2017
Note: This deck does not guarantee 100% win. If you have a good idea to farm Pegasus, kindly share with us. Thanks!


If you do not have a copy of Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and Summoner of Illusions, use Cú Chulainn deck.

Obtainable score5000-6000
Essential skillNone
Essential cards

Example deck

Over 5,000 damage

In case you do not have Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and Summoner of Illusions (since those are UR cards from the Ultimate Rising pack), just use Blue-Eyes White Dragon them aim to get over 3,000 Damage assessment.

Fortress WhaleSummoner of IllusionsBlade RabbitBlade RabbitBlade RabbitDream Clown
Dream ClownDream ClownCrass ClownCrass ClownRiryokuPolymerization
Fortress Whale's OathDesert SunlightDesert SunlightCurse of AnubisWindstorm of EtaquaLabyrinth of Nightmare
Labyrinth of NightmareLabyrinth of Nightmare----BickuriboxBlue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Over 10,000 damage

Guardian StatueGuardian StatueGuardian StatueCrass ClownDream ClownDream Clown
Dream ClownBlade RabbitPiranha ArmyBlue-Eyes White DragonRiryokuPolymerization
Gift of the MartyrSecret Pass to the TreasuresDesert SunlightDesert SunlightCurse of AnubisWindstorm of Etaqua
Labyrinth of NightmareLabyrinth of Nightmare------Bickuribox

Set skill

None. This deck is built to get high score against Pegasus Lvl 40 using any character, then you can aim to get dropped skills.

How to use this deck

How does this deck work?

Using the clown monsters and rabbits, their effects will allow you to either destroy their monsters or return them to their hand. This works quite well against Pegasus since Toon monsters can't attack the turn they are summoned.

Managing your monster field

Since the aim of this deck is to get a high score, you will perform a fusion summon, Ritual Summon and also use Summoner of Illusions to get Blue Eyes Ultimate to reach over 5,000 damage.

  • It's recommended to do this gradually as you progress in your turns since you will most likely not be able to do them all in the same turn. Start by summoning Dream Clown and/or Blade Rabbit and have them in a different position each turn while also turning them every turn manually if you don't have Labyrinth up. Slowly start to either fuse or ritual summon in a way where you still have monsters on your field that can take care of enemy's monster, but try to leave 1 monster slot open for the last turn so that you can set a Summoner of Illusions and then use Desert Sunlight.

Don't turn off the notification

If you happen to be using "Toggle Button" for the Activation Confirmation, make sure to not turn the notification to off after you set your traps like Curse of Anubis, Windstorm or Desert Sunlight. This is because Pegasus's Copycat and Big-Tusked Mammoth can attack the turn they are summoned. If you only have a copy of Blade Rabbit or any of the clown monsters and it gets destroyed, then it will be difficult to manage the earlier turns.

Obtaining a high score

There are a few things to keep in mind when trying to get a high score:

  • Perform ritual, special and fusion summon for the bonuses.
  • Try not to get hit for the no damage taken bonus which is 500.
  • If you get hit, that is still fine. Avoid inflicting battle damage to Pegasus's LP until you finish a duel, then you can get "Comeback Victory" assessment.

Other notable stuff

  • While skills aren't necessary, it can help you handle the earlier turns if you use skills like Bandit Keith's Switcheroo, Tea's Duel Stanby!, or Restart.

  • Blue Eyes Ultimate's purpose is to easily deal over 5,000 damage with 1 Riryoku, but you can use other high attack monsters and use 2 Riryoku if you don't have it.

  • You can put in a high level monster to get a tribute summon bonus.

Other useful cards

Guardian Statue
Guardian Statue
Also effective against Toon deck as well as Blade Rabbit and Crass Clown.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Used to get over 3,000 damage in case you don't have BEUD and Summoner of Illusions.
Any ritual monsterFortress Whale can be replaced with any ritual monster.
Sphere Kuriboh
Sphere Kuriboh
Cards to prevents Toon monsters from attacking, such as Sphere Kuriboh and Enemy Controller, can be substitute for Curse of Anubis
Spell Purification
Spell Purification
Destroys Pegasus's Toon World igonoring a counterattack of Judgment of Anubis.
Malice Dispersion
Malice Dispersion
Alternative to spell purification if you don't have it.
Wild Tornado
Wild Tornado
Can be used defensively to destroy Toon World and destroy his monsters.
Works similarly to Wild Tornado but lowers your LP, making you lose no damage taken bonus.
Cyber Dinosaur
Cyber Dinosaur
Not all of Pegasus' monsters are special summon, but this can work if you are lacking some monsters in your deck.


Hot New Top
7000-8000 with this deck.
<< Anonymous(hernan947)
Anonymous Reply
What's the skill that you use?
<< Anonymous(hernan947)
hernan947 Reply
LOL , pegasus ..used wiLd tornado pLus mimicat.
Man, I had a good run going with a Clown deck I scrounged up, then pissed away 160 star chips due to 🔥ty luck (Stage 21, farming them isn't very efficient); one game, Pegasus opened with TGAF, and double Mermaid. How the hell am I supposed to deal with that!?

Should I be throwing in De-Spell and Twister to just flat out destroy Toon World early? Only one Sphere Kuriboh, didn't realize I'd need more Blade Rabbit so I only managed to snag one and haven't seen another in DAYS. Things fall apart so quickly if LoN gets hit by Wild Tornado, or Pegasus starts spamming Toon summons and I can't deal with them all. Haven't bought Neo-Impact for Desert Sunlight, at all, 0 packs bought. Been trying to empty UR then focus on AoD.

I'll be happy to simply unlock Toon BEWD; sitting at 889,400 right now.
<< Anonymous(CyberDragon10K)
Codetimer Reply
I got sucess with Pegasus with this deck
What if I don't have any of the traps?
I don't have those 3 rabbits because my card trader is being a 🔥, what else can I use?
<< Anonymous
play007 Reply
Hey you can tech in chain destruction to see his hand and use it on copycat so tribute summon blue eyes after than and he just sets all his monesters after that
it maybe better to bring two Summoner of Illusions(if you have), since the whole battle will fail if the only Summoner is the last card drawn
<< Anonymous
javarc Reply
Not necessarily. If the situation arises that Summoner of Illusions is your last card, make sure to set up Desert Sunlight the turn before :)
This deck isn't running for me. I don't have summoner so I splashed cu chulain and bewd to makes it work. And it doesn't. Pegasus keeps pulling some busted card out of his 🔥 and beating me. This time he mimicat-ed a dead dream clown, attacked my blade rabbit, then with labyrinth triggered, his dream clown destroyed mine.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
ouch, sounds like some unfortunate set of events lol. You definitely need to protect your earlier monsters with some of the trap cards or you can bring a sphere kuriboh or something.
Thanks for the deck, i already got all the event rewards now. Yay :D
I don't have Summoners, so I replaced it with a BEWD. I'm using Chulainn instead of Fortress Whale so I can use Ritual Weapon (replaced 1 Blade Rabbit for it).

With this change I still get a consistent 6000-6500 points.

-1 Fortress Whale
-1 Fortress Whale's Oath
-1 Summoner of Illusions
-1 Blade Rabbit

+1 Chulainn
+1 Emblem of the Awakening
+1 Blue Eyes White Dragon
+1 Ritual Weapon

The finisher combo goes like this:
- Tribute 2 Monsters for Blue Eyes
- Poly 2 (1 clown from hand, or you might need to set down Poly the turn before)
- Ritual (Sacrifice Blue Eyes)
- Riryoku (on Bickuribox)
- Activate Chulainn Effect with Blue Eyes in the graveyard
- Equip Ritual Weapon

If done properly, Chulainn will now have 6150 attack. It's important to use Labyrinth of Nightmares to bait out Pegasus' only Wild Tornado. Else he will be a d*ck and Wild Tornado your Ritual Weapon and you won't get the 5k+ bonus.

Of course the swap with a Rabbit for a Ritual weapon means you have 1 more dead draw. So the original deck is still better. Mine is just a "budget" version for if you don't have Summoner.
actually if you use BEWD instead of ultimate, you can get the tribute summon bonus instead of the over 5000
i dont understand how this deck works. I place a monster and they just destroy it.
<< Anonymous(???)
Anonymous Reply
basically keep changing the position of the clowns to destroy the toon monsters.
though you may need a bit of luck to survive if you go second, so i put a few earthquake for an instant clown effect.
I managed to get 7200 Duel Assessment points with this deck
<< Anonymous(FinalPhase)
Anonymous Reply
How do you use this deck

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