
Set Card List: Flame of the Tyrant

update 28/02/2017
Available card boxes
The Ultimate RisingAge of DiscoveryNeo-ImpactFlame of the TyrantValkyries Rage
Wonders of the SkyChaotic ComplianceLand of the TitansCrimson KingdomDawn of Destiny
Electric OverloadEchoes of SilenceServants of KingsGalactic Origin
Blades of Spirit Primal BurstSelection Box Vol. 01Resonance of ContrastAbyss Encounter
Rampage of the ForestValiant SoulsVisions of IceSelection Box Vol. 01 MiniCrusaders Battleground
Clash of WingsBurning NovaEmpire of ScarletGaia GenesisStardust Acceleration
Power of BraveryBlackstorm RisingSecrets of the AncientsSelection Box Vol. 02Revolution Beginning
Tornado of PhantomsAbsolute InfernoDimension of the WizardsWarriors UniteLords of Shining
Blazing RoseGuardians of RockCybernetic RebellionCurse of DreadValhalla Calling
Dark DimensionSpirit of the BeastAerial AssaultSoul of ResurrectionFuture Horizon


Flame of The Tyrant is the fourth pack rumored to be released in the game soon. This pack is filled with new monsters than there are spell/trap cards, putting some diversity into the game by adding more FIRE type cards that are quite strong and versatile, also more insect type monsters with high attack that can be summoned easily.

While this pack has good combinations with cards from the pack itself, it also further enhances the usability of older cards making it really good for the old experienced players.

UR/SR cards

Note: Master Craftsman Gamil was replaced with The Shallow Grave when this pack was released.

R cards

N cards

New Playstyles!

Fire combos

With the new The Thing in the Crater and Flame Ruler, you can easily create some combos through special summoning and tribute summoning, most notably, to summon the Infernal Flame Emperor. With just those cards, you can summon a high attack monster that can immediately destroy 2 spell/trap cards in their field.

Faster Summons

With cards like Legion the Fiend Jester, The Agent of Creation - Venus and Pinch Hopper, you can special summon or tribute summon much faster creating more possibilities using stronger high level cards. Not to mention the addition of two more level 4 monsters that can be counted as 2 tributes for FIRE and DARK type monsters.

Putting more thought into your plan of attack

There are some new cards that will make you want to think twice before wanting to attack with your monsters. Cards like The Golden Apples can turn the tide around very quickly by using your monster against you.

Strengthen of Guardian Monster

From the early pack, that contains fraction of guardian monster. Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu can search the equipment spell card from the deck, can be said that this is Spell card search version of “Arsenal Summoner”, and this card’s effect should be handy in the Guardian Monster theme-deck.

Introducing Deck Milling Strategy

Although currently there is not much cards that supports deck destruction strategy, it is recommend for player to combo Warm Worm with resurrection trap card such as “Regretful Rebirth” to maximizing the effect of deck destruction.

New Counter Measure against AI deck

Possessed Dark Soul”, against Standard Duelists Level 27, Brutality Lvl 3. The effect of this card makes the player take control of all the monster on the opponent’s field.


There are some other newer ways that might catch you off guard when you go against them. Cards like Warm Worm will make your opponent run out of cards while Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective can one shot you with either it's pure strength or with Riryoku to deal as good as a direct damage. This can lose you the game pretty quickly without you even knowing it.

Card Lists

Booster Packs

Available card boxes
The Ultimate RisingAge of DiscoveryNeo-ImpactFlame of the TyrantValkyries Rage
Wonders of the SkyChaotic ComplianceLand of the TitansCrimson KingdomDawn of Destiny
Electric OverloadEchoes of SilenceServants of KingsGalactic Origin
Blades of Spirit Primal BurstResonance of ContrastAbyss EncounterRampage of the Forest
Valiant SoulsVisions of IceCrusaders BattlegroundClash of WingsBurning Nova
Empire of ScarletGaia GenesisStardust AccelerationPower of BraveryBlackstorm Rising
Secrets of the AncientsRevolution BeginningTornado of PhantomsAbsolute InfernoDimension of the Wizards
Warriors UniteLords of ShiningBlazing RoseGuardians of RockCybernetic Rebellion
Curse of DreadValhalla CallingDark DimensionSpirit of the BeastAerial Assault
Soul of ResurrectionFuture HorizonMasters of ShadowJudgement ForceFortress of Gears
Truth UniverseFlames of the HeartWitchs SorceryChronicle of GloryInfernity Destruction
Arena of SanctuaryShining HopeVoltage of the MetalShark FangRage of Volcano
Infinite RayPhotons of GalaxyAntinomic TheorySign of HarpiesEternal Stream
The King of VermillionDarkness GimmickArts of AtlantisPendulum GenesisIdea of Armageddon
Chaotic SoldiersForce of InfinityFantastic ArcPhantom of RebellionMaximum Gustav
Heart of XyzShining SunriseStars of SynchroLink RevolutionStage of Trickstar
Braver VictoryArms of GiantFuture CircuitLord of Borrel

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Selection Box Vol.06

Special Packs

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Structure Decks

Structure decks
Sorcerers AllianceDragonic ForceHero RisingLegendary WarriorsDestiny Rulers
Dragonic KnightsSpellbound SilenceSynchro ConnectionThe White Dragon of LegendSwordbound Silence
Ancient Gear AwakeningNeos FusionReturn of the Red-EyesFull Metal DesperadoMaster of Chaos
Kings ResonanceDragunity OverdriveGladiators StormHERO GenerationReturn of the Fire Kings
Gagaga XyzTales of the Noble KnightsBlue-Eyes EvolutionStardust NexusRise of Gaia
Evil DominationMagicians ArcD/D/D ApocalypseCyber Style ExtremeSword of Paladin
Tellarknight AdventBrave HopeRuddy Rose BurningCyberse CodeThousand Illusion
Imperial Joker


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I know these ratings are old but you keep doing the same mistake - rating a card purely by itself. Yes, Warm Worm alone is terrible but in the right deck(which is meta) it's very good. Rigorous Reaver seems better and flashier but doesn't really have synergy and personally haven't seen him played at all. Individually a lot of cards in Yu-Gi-Oh, not just Duel Links, seem terrible but it's all about synergy. So the ratings you put does not correspond to the potential of a card at all.
I hope the new mini box will be so nice as this one.
Can possessed dark soul be used as a relinquished counter?
<< Anonymous(User)
anonymoose Reply
It will let you take control of Relinquished for a turn. Not strong enough to base a deck around, use as a one-of if Relinquished is really a problem for you.
<< Anonymous(anonymoose)
thehaxfactory Reply
I'm curious why you think it's only for one turn. There is nothing in the card text about it being until the End Phase or until the opponent's next End Phase. You take it forever.
Best minibox ever
Is this box going soon? As in limited time only sort of thing?
Rest in pepperoni never forgetti my sweet child axe raider
Summoned skull would be way too OP. 2500 for a level 6 is stronger than many current level 7
<< Anonymous
Bryce Reply
*Looks at Wonders of the Sky,* You were saying?
Tribute decks will never be meta, and even if they were, they are extremely vulnerable to any form of removal.
Add this summoned skull card please
<< Anonymous(Player)
Anonymous Reply
add black skull dragon too xD
I hope there will be a trading card with friends..

And can u add this new edition of dark magician card. Thank you :)
I hope there will be a trading card with friends..

And can u add this new edition of dark magician card. Thank you :)
Why I can't use warrior Dai grep her +with a substitute card to fusion?
<< Anonymous(Why)
Anonymous Reply
on the fusion card it states u need exactly those 2 materials cant use sub.

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