
Ishizu Ishtar

This page notes Ishizu Ishtar's skill, cards, and decks in Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links.
update 04/04/2022
Ishizu Ishtar pages


Farm Lvl 40


Skill updates!

Ishizu's Prescience skill will be changed on May 23. The new skill description is below.

[Skill]Notable Changes
PrescienceYou can view the top card of both players' Decks until the end of the 5th turn.


Summon LIGHT monsters 200 times!

Once you summon a specific LIGHT-attribute monsters 200 times, she appears at the Gate and Ishizu unlock missions are available. For more details, check the link below.
→ Tips for unlocking Ishizu Ishtar

Leveling up Ishizu is not a priority

Many of Ishizu level up reward are Gravekeeper’s card set. Although currently, the field spell “Necrovalley” are not yet available in the card pool. This makes the Gravekeeper’s theme-deck become quite weak when compared to beatdown deck in general.

Defeat her if you want to use Gravekeeper's

Most of Ishizu’s duel reward cards are Gravekeeper’s card set. However, without “Necrovalley” field spell in the card pool, it is quite difficult to construct a powerful deck based on Gravekeeper’s theme. Other monster cards that player can receive from her such as “Agido” and “Keldo” is just cards that were used in her deck in anime/manga, and useless.

Ishizu's skills

Note: More skills are expected! Report Skill name and details by submitting comments or screenshot at the bottom of the page.

Exclusive skills

[Skill] descriptionHow to get
Draw Pass
In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, restores Life Points by 300. The skill can be used only three times per Duel.
Fairy's Smile
If you normal draw a Fairy-Type monster card during the Draw Phase, the card is shown to the opponent and you recover 1000 Life Points.
Can be used when your opponent's Life Points are more than twice your Life Points. You can see cards at the top of decks of both players.
Gravekeeper's lot
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random "Gravekeeper's" card.
No Mortal Can Resist
Can be used when your Life points are at least 1000 less than the opponent's. All monsters in the opponent's Graveyard changes to Skull Servants (Zombie / DARK / Level 1 / ATK: 300 / DEF: 200). This skill can only be used once per turn.
Sealed Tombs
Until the end of the opponent's next turn, neither player can banish cards from the Graveyard or Special Summon monsters from the Graveyard. This skill can only be used once per Duel.

Common skills

Level-up reward

What is level rewards?

Level reward is what you can obtain by leveling up characters, including gems, cards, skills, extra deck slots.

Rewards for leveling up Ishizu

2Gem x10
3Gravekeeper's VassalGravekeeper's Vassal
4Skill: Draw Pass
5Deck Slot (Ishizu)
6Gem x15
7The Eye of TruthThe Eye of Truth
8Deck Slot (Ishizu)
9Gem x25
10An Owl of LuckAn Owl of Luck
11Gravekeeper's CurseGravekeeper's Curse
12Gem x35
13Skill: Fairy's Smile
14Sebek's BlessingSebek's Blessing
15Gem x50
16The Eye of TruthThe Eye of Truth
17Gem x60
18A Cat of Ill OmenA Cat of Ill Omen
19Gem x75
20Skill: Prescience
21Gravekeeper's AssailantGravekeeper's Assailant
22Gem x100
23Gravekeeper's PriestessGravekeeper's Priestess
24Gem x120
25Gravekeeper's SteleGravekeeper's Stele
26Gem x150
27Deck Slot (Ishizu)
28Gem x200
29Gem x250
30Gem x300
31Gold x100,000
32Gem x200
33An Owl of LuckAn Owl of Luck
34Gem x250
35A Cat of Ill OmenA Cat of Ill Omen
36UR Jewel x1
37Gem x200
38Dragged Down into the GraveDragged Down into the Grave
39Gem x250
41Deck Slot (Ishizu)
42gems x100
43gems x200
44gems x250
45Gravekeeper's VisionaryGravekeeper's Visionary

Reward cards

What are reward cards?

Reward cards are card that You can get as reward for gaining a victory over legend duelists.

Level 40 Ishizu

The list of cards that you can obtain by winning a duel against level 40 Ishizu is below.

Card / [Rarity]Ishizu's level
ZolgaZolga [SR]30 or above
Blast Held by a TributeBlast Held by a Tribute [UR]30 or above
Gravekeeper's ChiefGravekeeper's Chief [SR]30 or above
Gravekeeper's SteleGravekeeper's Stele [SR]30 or above
Gravekeeper's PriestessGravekeeper's Priestess [SR]30 or above
Forbidden GraveyardForbidden Graveyard [SR]30 or above
Dark-Piercing LightDark-Piercing Light [R]All levels
Doma The Angel of SilenceDoma The Angel of Silence [N]All levels
Maiden of the MoonlightMaiden of the Moonlight [N]All levels
KeldoKeldo [R]All levels
AgidoAgido [R]All levels
Gravekeeper's CannonholderGravekeeper's Cannonholder [R]All levels
Hieroglyph LithographHieroglyph Lithograph [N]All levels
Hidden Temples of NecrovalleyHidden Temples of Necrovalley [R]All levels

Ishizu's starter deck

Blast Held by a TributeDryadDryadDryadSpirit of the BooksSpirit of the Books
Spirit of the BooksNemurikoNemurikoNemurikoArchfiend MirrorArchfiend Mirror
Archfiend MirrorHaniwaHaniwaMystical Capture ChainMystical Capture ChainMystical Capture Chain
Wings of Wicked FlameWings of Wicked Flame----


Description in the game

Ishizu Ishtar is a descendant of the Gravekeeper family who have safeguarded the Millennium Items. She is determined to rescue her younger brother Marik fromthe darkness that has overtaken him. The power of her Millennium Necklace allows her to see the future.


Hot New Top
Guys, is field spell necrovalley even available in duel links??? How do I activate the effects of the monsters?
<< Anonymous(AllhailVishnu)
Anonymous Reply
Necrovalley is not available to players atm
<< Anonymous(AllhailVishnu)
Anonymous Reply
There's gravekeeper priestess to act as Necrovalley substitute.
What decks do u use and against which legendary do u duel to farm skills for ishizu?
<< Anonymous(v4d3r)
Ulle Reply
I used a "Quick Fusion" Deck with Thunder Dragons and Meteor Black Dragon to summon a strong monster to the field asap. You could also use a Kaibaman deck.

These decks are usefull Yugi, Mako, Rex, Weevil, Tea and Odion.
probably faced her a little over 30 times at lv10 and i havent been able to get a single Agido to drop, let alone any of her specific lv10 cards. Im getting 8000 every duel, too. what is the ridiculous drop rate that these things have?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
why arent you smart enough to duel her at a higher difficulty?
<< Anonymous
Optional Reply
The dude said he specifically wanted Agido, cant u read?
<< Anonymous(Optional)
Option Reply
but its at all levels. might as well have a better chance of getting it along with even better cards. farm level 40, its just the smarter move.
Took a bit of farming and stone expensive card trades but havent come close to losing with it.
<< Anonymous(Heno)
Optional Reply
You need court of justice
I've been farming Lv40 LD using Ishizu for last week, but no sign of "tomb guardian" skill. Also i have intensively doing pvp for some sign of people using "tomb guardian" but to no avail. I hope someone out there will kind enough to show us solid proof of the existence of this skill.
<< Anonymous(X;D)
Sal Reply
Dude, Can you show me the deck you use on Ishizu for farming "Considering i dont have any of the common skills on her" ?
<< Anonymous(Sal)
Optional Reply
Any duelist who uses Unhappy Girl against Rex Raptor has good odds of succeeding.
How hard is it to get GraveKeeper's Cards?
Odds found now!:
someone have tomb guard skill? pls photo
<< Anonymous
Trez Reply
I have it. Can't find a single use for it.
<< Anonymous(Trez)
Anonymous Reply
Please screenshot (starting duel whit necrovalley? )
<< Anonymous
N Reply
He's lying dude.. Tomb guardian skill isn't even real. Just check the skill database
Lol,, bad reward card
<< Anonymous
Ali Reply
<< Anonymous
Sarcasm Reply
Nice brag post... this pg is on ishizu not joey rewards thou.
<< Anonymous
Knoxx Reply
You lost? This is Ishizu's Page. Joey's on another page.
<< Anonymous
weird? Reply
whats special victories?
She unlocked herself without me knowing haha. Didn't aimed on unlocking her.
Guys plz respond is tomb guardian real?!!??!
<< Anonymous(Bolt)
Anonymous Reply
Yes, it's real, and can be obtainable, just like the "creator" skill or "harpie last will".
anyone here already get "tomb guardian" skil? Is it really obtainable?
For all of those confused, in order for Ishizu to spawn, you must do the trigger event. That event is summon the SAME light monster 200 times. (I learned this from the subreddit)

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Comments (updated every hour)

My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
Well I eventually joined the dark side, and put this in my deck. :P
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