
No Mortal Can Resist (Skill)

update 11/05/2020

Skill Details

Can be used when your Life points are at least 2000 less than the opponent's. All monsters in the opponent's Graveyard changes to Skull Servants (Zombie / DARK / Level 1 / ATK: 300 / DEF: 200).
This skill can only be used once per turn.

CharacterHow to Get
Ishizu IshtarLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward

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Description (Until 2020 May 20)

Can be used when your Life points are at least 1000 less than the opponent's. All monsters in the opponent's Graveyard changes to Skull Servants (Zombie / DARK / Level 1 / ATK: 300 / DEF: 200). This skill can only be used once per turn.

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...the Evil of the Thriller!
I really loved using this skill in my Gravekeeper deck. To bad those meta sheep abused it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Tsunomaki Watame Reply
being sheep is better than keep losing, I guess
This needs to be nerf, like just the fact alone that they can use this ability at no cost as many times as they want and the only need to lose 1000 LP which Cosmic Cyclone can easily take care of. You would have no chance if you play using your graveyard and not to mention that is every monster that becomes useless every time that ability activates. This ability is too broken, i hope they nerf this ASAP.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Still waiting for Gamea staff to fix the article XD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Article still not fixed yet~
<< Anonymous(ZaneLover)
Jyhace Reply
I just got bullied by this skill, I mean I can accept being outplayed and locked out of my graveyard but this skill is straight up "bing bong your playstyle is wrong."
<< Anonymous(Jyhace)
Anonymous Reply
It has been nerfed by increasing the LP requirement, and most people aren't even using this skill anymore since then.
Btw, OTK is quite often both in legend and KoG so this skill is barely useful
after all.
Since no mortal is getting a nerf, someone in global chat asked “what skill will dark magician decks be using now?” My friend replied “don’t worry dm decks will still use 0 skill” that shït had me cracking up XD, she roasted the shït out dm users.
<< Anonymous(Bigd)
Anonymous Reply
Ok then
<< Anonymous(Bigd)
Anonymous Reply
lol XD
KI blast
no need to limit this one.
not even winning tournaments.
<< Anonymous
Ren Reply
People are tired of cheap skills. That's all

I can't stand ignorant people who use cheap skills,instead of using good cards. Nmcr is a cheap skill. Anytime I have to play around your skill instead of your deck, then that's a problem. If you zombie deck can hold up then add cards to it. But if you use a cheap skill for victory then your deck was trash from the start. Period!
<< Anonymous(Ren)
Anonymous Reply
No, the purpose of this skill is to balance the game between the haves and have-nots. Building a good deck requires too much money.

One skill to balance them all.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You do realize that you need 3 copies of a UR to use this skill efficiently, don't you?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
3 URs cost a little less than a hundred. That's quite cheap compared to most other games for the value you are getting.

I have to agree with the other guy's previous comment.
I play D/D/D deck and all the dm players use this and it kills the whole deck because they banish my monsters and make reusing the materials impossible, it’s needs to be nerfed, you shouldn’t be able to disrupt graveyard plays every turn like that with no repercussions
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Your deck isn't consistent enough if you don't have x3 of each UR/SR.

Before saying things like that go get more cards using gems or your real life resource.

You waste people's time.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I have three of every ur except flame king which is worthless when you can turn every graveyard monster into hot garbage at will
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
xD repercussions
awful players want to limit everything in this game.

If they touch this skill, tomorrow they will be asking for more changes. Exactly the same people. Anti-players.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This skill isn't that broken. It only performs it's magic at your turn. Your opponent can still synchro summon just fine during their own turn.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
synchro summon with skull servant? instead of dark verger
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This skill should turn all monsters in both graveyards to skull servants and should be only activated in the start of the main phase. It is ridiculus that 90% of decks, beside cydra decks, use this skill
Great skill, ez wins against players without CC.
Killer Queen
Just hope your opponent doesn't run King Of The Skull Servants.
<< Anonymous(Killer Queen)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Killer Queen)
Anonymous Reply
This a bad skill that shouldn't be in the game. Someone said "awful players want to limit everything in this game." I disagree "Bad players" want balance in the game. They nerfed Duel stand by down. Just because going second gave you a 1+. Despite the other player also get a 1+ at the start. Which to me is fair. But this flat out gives a unfair advantage to you. It's stop cards that float in the gy. But no let's nerf duel stand by!, because someone got more cards then me going second. Whatever!
Not sure why people want it nerfed so much. It’s not like the cards disappear, they are still in the graveyard, just play a zombie deck or a skull servant deck and ur good uwu
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol you can’t be serious, I’m gonna go ahead and take the bait for your troll. You go into games not knowing who you’ll face, why do I have to prepare to go against nmcr every game by running a zombie or skull servant deck. Then if I don’t run into ishizu then my deck is pointless. It’s a broken skill. Not sure why it hasn’t been limited yet.
What so good about this skill that some people want it to be nerf so badly
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Most decks make plays off there graveyard and this skill completely stops that. There for auto winning just for activing it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It can be used every 🔥ing turn, I’d be fine if it was once or twice or turn, but every single turn they can use it, and what are you supposed to do, if you play aroma you’re screwed, if you don’t damage yourself you’re screwed. Unless your deck Doesn’t play off graveyard too much, but lightswarm, blue eye’s, part of dark mag, part of Luna light. All these can use graveyard cards
<< Anonymous
Cöćkslayer69 Reply
It’s not so much good as it can be used every single turn, all you have to do is be 1000 less than your opponent. For decks like blue eyes and lightswarm that sort of play of grave yard it hurts, I can take it once or twice but every single turn is ridiculous, the skill itself doesn’t need to be nerfed it needs to be limited like all the other skills are

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