
Paradox Brothers unlock event: Guardians of the Gate

update 26/05/2017

Event overview

PeriodAug 14 ~ 22
RewardsParadox Brothers and event exclusive rewards
RequirementStage 4 or above

Paradox Brothers: Guardian of the Gate is an event in Duel Links to unlock the Paradox Brothers. It is similar to the other unlockable character events, collect Maze Keys by dueling the duelists that appear in your duel world to duel Paradox Brothers at the gate and get event points to get exclusive rewards.

What makes this event different than the others is the choosing of a door. The Paradox Brothers will sometimes appear in your duel world, asking you which door you want to choose from 2 different doors. One leads to a high level of 50/40 with an added bonus to score, but also comes with a decrease if you lose the duel.

Event flow

1Collect Maze Keys by winning duels against Standard Duelists, Legendary Duelists, and the Vagabond.
2Challenge the Paradox Brothers at the Gate once you obtain required amount of Maze Keys.
3Earn "Points" after duels against Paradox Brothers based on Duel Assessment to unlock them and get exclusive event rewards.

Required Maze Keys and acquired Points

The amount of event points that you get is not the Duel Assessment from dueling against the Paradox Brothers, it is instead a multiplication of that DA score depending on what level you are dueling.

Paradox Brother's
Required Maze Keys (QTY)Acquired Points
105DA x1
2010DA x2.5
3020DA x7
4040DA x18
50-DA x20
Note: DA = Duel Assessment

Door Challenge

Paradox Brothers may spawn outside the gate, duelists may challenge them as they bring new challenges not just by having a LVL 50, but also challenges like "Smaller Monster Zone", "Smaller Trap/Spell Zone" "No Monster Effect Activation", etc, offering a higher score or duel assessment upon winning, but it can also decrease your score if you lose.

Event exclusive skill

Paradox Brothers in this event uses exclusive skills, which are different from what players can obtain when using them as playable characters.

At level 20, he will start the duel with Shadow Ghoul on the field.

At level 30, he will start the duel with Labyrinth Tank on the field.

At level 40, he will start the duel with Labyrinth Wall on the field.

At level 50, he will start the duel with Gate Guardian on the field.

Event point rewards

100,000Oni Tank T-34Oni Tank T-34
180,000Paradox Brothers unlocked!
250,000Event sleeves
350,000Neo Aqua MadoorNeo Aqua Madoor
570,000Event Game Mat
1,000,000Archfiend PalabyrinthArchfiend Palabyrinth
1,800,000Event Icon
2,400,000Destruct PotionDestruct Potion

Total obtainable items

JewelUR x4-6, SR 7-9, R x8

Drop cards

Labyrinth WallLabyrinth Wall [SR]4.5/10
Extra GateExtra Gate [SR]4.0/10
DNA CheckupDNA Checkup [SR]4.5/10
Damage GateDamage Gate [SR]6.0/10
Dimension GateDimension Gate [SR]7.0/10
Destruct PotionDestruct Potion [SR]4.0/10
Labyrinth TankLabyrinth Tank [R]2.0 /10
Dungeon WormDungeon Worm [R]1.0 /10
Monster TamerMonster Tamer [R]1.0 /10
Beastking of the SwampsBeastking of the Swamps [R]1.0 /10
Giga-Tech WolfGiga-Tech Wolf [R]1.0 /10
Summon GateSummon Gate [R]1.0 /10
Heroic GiftHeroic Gift [R]1.0 /10

EX Jewels

Missions & rewards

Win 1 Duel(s) against Paradox Brothers at Level 10 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x10
Win 1 Duel(s) against Paradox Brothers at Level 20 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x15
Win 1 Duel(s) against Paradox Brothers at Level 30 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x20
Win 1 Duel(s) against Paradox Brothers at Level 40 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x30
Win 15 Duel(s) against Paradox Brothers in Duel World.
EX Jewel x25
Win 30 Duel(s) against Paradox Brothers in Duel World.
EX Jewel x25
Play 20 Duel(s) against Paradox Brothers in Duel World.
EX Jewel x50
Play 40 Duel(s) against Paradox Brothers in Duel World.
EX Jewel x25

Tradable Cards/Items

Card/ItemReq. Jewels
Obnoxious Celtic GuardObnoxious Celtic Guard [SR]
EX Jewel x100
Damage GateDamage Gate [SR]
EX Jewel x100
Dimension GateDimension Gate [SR]
EX Jewel x100
Destruct PotionDestruct Potion [SR]
EX Jewel x100
Dash WarriorDash Warrior [SR]
EX Jewel x100
Beastking of the SwampsBeastking of the Swamps [R]
EX Jewel x30
Heroic GiftHeroic Gift [R]
EX Jewel x30
SkelgonSkelgon [N]
EX Jewel x10
Centrifugal FieldCentrifugal Field [N]
EX Jewel x10
1000 Gold
EX Jewel x10
100 Gold
EX Jewel x1

Paradox Brothers' decks

Paradox Brothers Lvl 40 & 50

Farm Lvl 40

Farm Lvl 50

Lvl 30: Labyrinth of Nightmare

Note: Level 30 Paradox Brothers starts the duel with Jirai Gumo on the field.

Giga-Tech WolfGiga-Tech WolfGiga-Tech WolfCannon SoldierCannon SoldierCannon Soldier
Beastking of the SwampsBeastking of the SwampsBeastking of the SwampsFusion SageFusion SageFusion Sage
PolymerizationPolymerizationPolymerizationFairy Meteor CrushFairy Meteor CrushJudgment of Anubis
Labyrinth of NightmareLabyrinth of Nightmare-Labyrinth TankLabyrinth TankLabyrinth Tank

Lvl 20: Dagerous Maze

Note: Level 20 Paradox Brothers starts the duel with Shadow Ghoul on the field.

Giga-Tech WolfGiga-Tech WolfGiga-Tech WolfDjinn the Watcher of the WindDjinn the Watcher of the WindDjinn the Watcher of the Wind
Blizzed, Defender of the Ice BarrierBlizzed, Defender of the Ice BarrierBlizzed, Defender of the Ice BarrierMaster & ExpertMaster & ExpertMaster & Expert
Guardian of the LabyrinthGuardian of the LabyrinthGuardian of the LabyrinthMonster TamerDungeon WormGatekeeper
Monster GateMonster Gate----

Lvl 10: Wandering Road

Tripwire BeastTripwire BeastTripwire BeastDjinn the Watcher of the WindDjinn the Watcher of the WindDjinn the Watcher of the Wind
Blizzed, Defender of the Ice BarrierBlizzed, Defender of the Ice BarrierBlizzed, Defender of the Ice BarrierMaster & ExpertMaster & ExpertMaster & Expert
Gate DeegGate DeegGate DeegKumootokoKumootokoKumootoko
Zone EaterZone Eater----

Gate Guardian animation

If Paradox Brothers summons the Gate Guardian, an animation will play, similar to other characters with their special monster cards.


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Is it weird that I want Zigfried or Leon as playable characters?
<< Anonymous(Tariq Malik)
Another Guy Reply
you can call me too, I can give her back to you after I played with her enough,the spell cast thing is fake, i sent her back to you temporary so she could grab some money off you to buy her some pregnant pills.
<< Anonymous(Another Guy)
Tariq Malik Reply
<< Anonymous(Tariq Malik)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(SHERRY WALJER)
Anonymous Reply
Zigfried might be playable in the future actually.
A question about gate guardian: when you have sanga , kazejin , suijin on the field why should you tribute them to summon gate guardian !!!?i know that has a high power but no effect ...
<< Anonymous(ali.v)
Blump Reply
One reason you might want guardian is because the opponent has the chance to win off deck drain. For example they play a blue eyes but keep it in attack mode and dont attack. The kazejin,suijin and sanga effect is now useless creating a potential stalemate. FIrst one to run out of cards wins.
<< Anonymous(ali.v)
Anonymous Reply
The skill makes them trash they cant atk
So gategardian is better tham those 3 as I know
<< Anonymous
polaris Reply
no, level 57 std duelists such as equip and destroy or Insect fortress etc can easily wipe your 500LP in 1 turn .. especially Equip and Destroy deck..Gearfried + Black Pendant
<< Anonymous(ali.v)
Turvaak Reply
Because once they become gateguardian they are no longer separate
I like the Paradox Bros ^^
Testimony On How My Ex Come Back.
My life is back!!! After 2 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids . I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed 🔥, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr Zuma Zuk, which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet,I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure 🔥,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony,it was about a woman called Sonia,she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 2 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr Zuma Zuk's e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give it a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 48hours, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before Dr Zuma Zuk, is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man... If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try High anytime, he might be the answer to your problems. Here's his contact: anytime or call him :+2349055637784
<< Anonymous(Lizzy)
Anonymous Reply
I think that i'm fine...
Me: paradox Bro are back ? Finally I will manage to get 3 dimen.gate that I didnt get last time
KONAMI: so you want 3 DG, or at least 2 so you can get the last obe with EX gems ? How about 7 copies of this new SR trap and 5 of this other one ?
Duel Novice
Since i got all cards from previous event my target is new R card and potion. However, the drop rate is really weird. Platinum rate drop better than new R card. I even need trader for 3rd copy of heroic gift. And only yesterday i manage to get 2nd and 3rd copy of summon gate and complete my collection. Goodluck to all of you too!
First time event, hard work payed off! Wish you guys luck whoever still not getting 3 dimension gate yet!
How do I unlock the Level 40 version of them at the gate?
<< Anonymous
Duel Novice Reply
Defeat level 30 of them at the gate
When you got 5 "Extra Gate", then they REALLY become extra gates.

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Comments (updated every hour)

Skill doesn't work. I have the requirements it asks for. Does not add scales like it says
Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
Gem 117
Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
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