
Shiranui: deck recipe [Mar 18]

Duel Links Shiranui deck, Shiranui in the current meta, how to use.
update 18/03/2023

Required Card Boxes

Main Deck

Generation Next Galactic Origin Soul of Resurrection Chaotic Soldiers Link Revolution Selection Box Vol.04 Mini

Extra Deck

Curse of Dread Aerial Assault Soul of Resurrection Chronicle of Glory Phantom of Rebellion


Standard Version

GozukiGozukiGozukiShiranui SolitaireShiranui SolitaireShiranui Squire
Shiranui SquireShiranui SquireShiranui SamuraiShiranui SpiritmasterShiranui SpiritmasterShiranui Spiritmaster
Shiranui Spectralsword ShadeShiranui SpectralswordShiranui SpectralswordGold SarcophagusGold SarcophagusGhost Meets Girl - A Shiranuis Story
Ghost Meets Girl - A Shiranuis StoryGhost Meets Girl - A Shiranuis StoryNeedle CeilingNeedle CeilingNeedle CeilingPaleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaSealing Ceremony of KatonSealing Ceremony of KatonNeedlebug Nest
Shiranui SquiresagaShiranui SunsagaShiranui ShogunsagaShiranui ShogunsagaRevived King Ha DesShiranui Samuraisaga
Archfiend Zombie-SkullAvendread Savior---

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
LP Boost α
Increases starting Life Points by 1000.

How to Play


DARK Zombie ★4
ATK 1700 / DEF 800
Crimson Kingdom [UR]
During your Main Phase: You can send 1 Zombie-Type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can banish 1 Zombie-Type monster from your Graveyard, except "Gozuki"; Special Summon 1 Zombie-Type monster from your hand. You can only use each effect of "Gozuki" once per turn.

Gozuki can get you a ton of graveyard setup if you keep it alive long enough, this is fairly easy to accomplish with the amount of backrow in the deck. Mill Spectralsword first, then mill Solitaire on your next turn.

Shiranui Monsters

Shiranui Squire
Shiranui Squire
FIRE Zombie ★4
ATK 1500 / DEF 0
Soul of Resurrection [SR]
When this card is Normal Summoned, you can: Special Summon 1 “Shiranui Spectralsword” monster from your hand or Deck, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except Zombie monsters. If this card is banished: You can draw 1 card, then discard 1 card. You can only use each effect of “Shiranui Squire” once per turn.

On your first turn, you can Normal Summon Shiranui Squire and Special Summon Spectralsword from your deck. Use Level Augmentation to increase either one of their levels by 4, then make Shiranui Sunsaga. This puts a powerful beater with self protection on your field. You can also do this combo later in the duel to make use of Sunsaga's removal effect.

When banished, use Squire's effect to cycle your deck. discard Solitaire or Spiritmaster to later banish and trigger their effects. You can also discard Spectralsword to prepare making a Synchro monster.

Shiranui Solitaire
Shiranui Solitaire
FIRE Zombie ★4
ATK 500 / DEF 0
Soul of Resurrection [SR]
You can Tribute 1 Zombie-Type monster; Special Summon 1 Zombie-Type Tuner with 0 DEF from your Deck. If this card is banished: You can target 1 of your banished "Shiranui" monsters, except "Shiranui Solitaire", or up to 2 instead if "Shiranui Style Synthesis" is on the field; Special Summon them. You can only use each effect of "Shiranui Solitaire" once per turn.

Summon Solitaire and tribute him to Special Summon any of your Tuners from the deck. This can let you make a Synchro monster, but more importantly gets Solitaire in the graveyard where he can easily be banished to use his effect.

Banish Solitaire in your graveyard alongside Spectralsword to make Samuraisaga. Solitaire's effect will then revive the banished Spectralsword, which you can pair with Samuraisaga to make Shiranui Shogunsaga. Shogunsaga can then banish Samuraisaga to greatly boost his ATK and debuff an opponent's monster by 500. If your opponent has no backrow this can result in an OTK.

Another way to banish Solitaire and trigger his effect is to banish him as cost for Sunsaga's protection. Because of Solitaire's importance in the graveyard, you should mill him with Gozuki or Samurai Skull if you already have Spectralsword in the graveyard and don't intend to use Spiritmaster's removal effect.

Shiranui Samurai
Shiranui Samurai
FIRE Zombie ★4
ATK 1800 / DEF 0
Soul of Resurrection [R]
During either player's turn: You can banish 1 Zombie-Type monster from your Graveyard; this card gains 600 ATK, and if it does, banish any monster that battled this card, after damage calculation. These effects last until the end of this turn. If this card is banished: You can target 1 "Shiranui" monster in your Graveyard, except "Shiranui Samurai"; add it to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Shiranui Samurai" once per turn.

Its monster removal effect sounds risky to use since it involves battling, but it can be used when you set the monster down and the opponent attacks into it.

The ATK boost is pretty sizeable for a level 4, but the graveyard banish also synergizes with the other Shiranui cards to make follow-up plays.

Shiranui Spiritmaster
Shiranui Spiritmaster
FIRE Zombie ★4
ATK 1500 / DEF 0
Soul of Resurrection [R]
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Shiranui" monster from your hand or Graveyard, except "Shiranui Spiritmaster", but banish it when it leaves the field. If this card is banished: You can target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; destroy it. You can only use this effect of "Shiranui Spiritmaster" once per turn.

If you don't open with Squire, Spiritmaster is the next best thing assuming you also have Spectralsword on hand. Normal Summon Spiritmaster and Special Summon Spectralsword from your hand. Use Level Augmentation to increase either monster's level by 4 and make Sunsaga. However, this combo will banish your Spectralsword without letting you use its graveyard effect. But you do get Spiritmaster in the graveyard, so when you use Sunsaga's protection effect you also get to destroy a card.

Another way to do this combo is to Normal Summon Spiritmaster and Special Summon Solitaire from your hand or graveyard. Tribute Solitaire to Special Summon a Tuner and, since the Solitaire Special Summoned by Spiritmaster will be banished upon leaving the field, Solitaire will let you revive a banished monster.

The problem with this combo it usually won't work on your first turn. Having Spiritmaster, Spectralsword/Solitaire, and another level-4 monster in your opening to make Sunsaga is fairly uncommon so you will only be making Samuraisaga or Squiresaga most of the time.

Like Solitaire, Spiritmaster is a great monster to put in your graveyard with Gozuki or Samurai Skull. But while Solitaire is put to the graveyard as a combo extender, Spiritmaster is used for his removal effect. Banish Spiritmaster as cost of Sunsaga's protection or Spectralsword's graveyard effect.

Shiranui Spectralsword Shade
Shiranui Spectralsword Shade
FIRE Zombie ★3
ATK 800 / DEF 0
Soul of Resurrection [R]
You can Tribute this card, then target 2 of your banished Zombie monsters, except "Shiranui Spectralsword Shade", including a "Shiranui" monster; Special Summon them in Defense Position, but negate their effects, also, you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except Zombie monsters. You can only use this effect of "Shiranui Spectralsword Shade" once per turn.

There are two ways to use Spectralsword Shade. Firstly, you can Special Summon it with Squire or Spiritmaster to make Squiresaga. Second, you can use it to revive two banished monsters usually including a Spectralsword to make a Synchro monster.

Use Spectralsword's graveyard effect to make Archfiend Zombie Skull. Normal Summon Spectralsword Shade and tribute it to revive the banished Spectralsword and its pair to make Samuraisaga. This puts Spectralsword back in your graveyard, ready for later use.

Shiranui Spectralsword
Shiranui Spectralsword
FIRE Zombie ★2
ATK 800 / DEF 0
Soul of Resurrection [R]
If this card is in your Graveyard, except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard: You can target 1 non-Tuner Zombie-Type monster in your Graveyard; banish both it and this card, and if you do, Special Summon 1 Zombie-Type Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck whose Level equals the total Levels those 2 monsters had. You can only use this effect of "Shiranui Spectralsword" once per turn.

Spectralsword is an essential piece in practically all your combos. Your first turn should always involve getting Spectralsword on the field or in the graveyard.

A workable opening hand would have Gozuki, Samurai Skull, or Solitaire. Normal Summon Gozuki or Samurai Skull to mill Spectralsword, or Normal Summon and tribute Solitaire to Special Summon Spectralsword. Let your opponent destroy your monster and use your backrow to prevent an OTK. On your next turn make a comeback by using Spectralsword's graveyard effect.

Shiranui Squiresaga
Shiranui Squiresaga
FIRE Zombie ★7
ATK 2100 / DEF 0
Soul of Resurrection [UR]
1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters
You can only Special Summon "Shiranui Squiresaga(s)" once per turn. Once per turn: You can banish 1 face-up monster you control or in your GY, then apply these effects, in sequence, depending on what the monster was before it was banished, if it was any of these.
● Zombie: You can have all monsters you control gain 300 ATK.
● FIRE: You can destroy 1 Spell/Trap on the field.
● Synchro: You can destroy 1 monster on the field.

When summoning Squire or Spiritmaster, you would usually want to make Sunsaga first because of its high ATK stat and inherent protection effect. But making Squiresaga is also a valid play if you suspect your opponent has battle traps Sunsaga can't defend against, like Drowning Mirror Force or Wall of Disruption. To make Squiresaga, Special Summon Spectralsword Shade with Squire or Spiritmaster's effect.

Squiresaga's Spell/Trap removal is good for removing problem cards like Necrovalley Temple and Dark Magical Circle, it also helps you get rid of Fiendish Chain attached to another one of your monsters. The permanent ATK boost is nice because it affects all your monsters, making them formidable beaters over time. Lastly, Squiresaga's cost lets you banish Shiranuis and get their effects off, which is especially good with Spiritmaster for on-demand removal.

Occasionally, you get the chance to banish a Zombie Synchro with Squiresaga's effect letting you destroy a monster. This might not be the best choice since you want to pair the Synchro monsters in your graveyard with Spectralsword and synchro climb. Instead, stick to banishing Spiritmaster for monster removal.

Shiranui Sunsaga
Shiranui Sunsaga
FIRE Zombie ★10
ATK 3500 / DEF 0
Soul of Resurrection [R]
1 Zombie Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner Zombie monsters
If this card is Special Summoned: You can return any number of your Zombie Synchro Monsters, that are banished or are in your GY, to the Extra Deck, then you can destroy cards your opponent controls, equal to the number of cards returned. If a Zombie monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or card effect, you can banish 1 "Shiranui" monster from your GY instead. You can only Special Summon "Shiranui Sunsaga(s)" once per turn.

A powerful boss monster that the deck can summon since it has its own protection effect, lets you destroy multiple cards without targeting, and also recovers banished synchro monsters back to the extra deck.

It works best if you have multiple synchro monsters in the grave/banish pile so that you get multiple card removals, but this can be somewhat slow since it usually relies on setting up Spectralsword for your next turn.

If you use Spectralsword in the grave with Solitaire, you can end up with Shogunsaga on your field, then you can normal summon another Spectralsword to reach Sunsaga.

If you use Spectralsword in the grave with another monster to make Samuraisaga, you can normal summon Solitaire to tribute itself to special summon another Spectralsword from your deck. Synchro into Shogunsaga and banish the Solitaire to special summon a banished Spectralsword to make Sunsaga.

Synchroing into Sunsaga directly with 2 level 4 monsters on your field can work too, but it won't come with any card removal effect if you don't have any other synchro monsters. It can still be a decent play since Sunsaga has a protection effect.

Shiranui Shogunsaga
Shiranui Shogunsaga
FIRE Zombie ★8
ATK 3000 / DEF 0
Soul of Resurrection [R]
1 Zombie-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Zombie-Type monsters
If this card is Special Summoned: You can banish 1 Zombie-Type monster from your Graveyard; this card gains ATK equal to the banished monster's original ATK, until the end of this turn. If this card on the field is destroyed by battle or card effect and sent to the Graveyard: You can target 1 of your banished Zombie-Type monsters with 0 DEF; return it to the Graveyard. You can only Special Summon "Shiranui Shogunsaga(s)" once per turn.

The slowing down of this deck's Synchro ability means that Shogunsaga will replace Sunsaga as your beater. The first effect temporarily boosts his ATK by a lot, especially if you banish Samuraisaga. The floating effect lets you return a banished Samuraisaga to the graveyard in preparation for a second Shogunsaga.

Shiranui Samuraisaga
Shiranui Samuraisaga
FIRE Zombie ★6
ATK 2500 / DEF 0
Soul of Resurrection [N]
1 Zombie-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Zombie-Type monsters
Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can target 1 of your banished Zombie-Type monsters; shuffle it into the Deck, and if you do, change to Defense Position all monsters your opponent controls with ATK less than or equal to that monster's. If this card is banished: You can target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; it loses 500 ATK. You can only Special Summon "Shiranui Samuraisaga(s)" once per turn.

Only make Samuraisaga when Synchro climbing. It's onfield effect is barely usable unless your oppponent controls really weak monsters or you have a Shogunsaga banished.

However, the effect when banished synergizes well with Shogunsaga especially since you'll be using Samuraisaga as material for it.

Ghost Meets Girl - A Shiranuis Story

Ghost Meets Girl - A Shiranuis Story
Ghost Meets Girl - A Shiranuis Story
Quick Spell
Flames of the Heart [SR]
If your opponent controls a monster: Discard 1 Zombie monster; Special Summon 1 "Shiranui" monster with a different name from your Deck or GY, also you cannot Special Summon monsters, except Zombie monsters, for the rest of this turn after this card resolves. You can only activate 1 "Ghost Meets Girl - A Shiranui's Story" per turn.

Useful as an opener but can be bricky in the later turns, especially if you play a lot of disruption traps to protect your monsters. The special summon restriction after using it matters if you use non-Zombie extra deck monsters too.

Use this to special summon Solitaire so you can use its effect to special summon Spectralsword from the deck. With another level 4 monster, you can already synchro and sets up Spectralsword's graveyard effect for the next turn.


Shiranui decks are very reliant on their backrow, now more than ever due to the limiting of most of their archetype. Powerful control backrow are used to compensate their slow-paced Synchro Summoning.

Needle Ceiling
Needle Ceiling
Normal Trap
Valiant Souls [UR]
Selection Box Vol.04 [UR]
When there are 4 or more monsters on the field: Destroy all face-up monsters.

Needle Ceiling can clear the field of multiple opposing monsters, setting up an opportunity for you to go on the offensive. Since you want cards like Solitaire and Spectralsword in the grave anyway, using a card like this that can destroy even your monsters works quite well since it also sets you up for your next turn.

However, it's important to note that Needle Ceiling can also destroy your own monsters, so you should be careful when using it and try to use it when you have a clear advantage on the field. Alternatively, you can avoid getting destroyed by using Book of Moon on your own monsters.

Paleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic Canadia
Normal Trap
Valiant Souls [UR]
Special Set Bundle Sale [UR]
Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; change it to face-down Defense Position. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your Graveyard: Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua-Type/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap Card.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

Similar to Floodgate Trap Hole but less permanent. It has the advantage of not requiring you to activate it upon a monster's summoning. Because of this, you can also use Canadia to protect your monsters during battle.

Getting a free body onboard when a Trap is activated and Canadia is in your graveyard is good. Unfortunately, you won't be using it for anything except catching attacks and occasionally deal extra damage.

Sealing Ceremony of Katon
Sealing Ceremony of Katon
Continuous Trap
Dawn of Destiny [R]
Once per turn: You can banish 1 FIRE monster from your Graveyard to target 1 card in your opponent's Graveyard; banish that target.
Needlebug Nest
Needlebug Nest
Normal Trap
Land of the Titans [R]
Selection Box Vol. 01 [R]
Send the top 5 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard.

Extra Deck

Revived King Ha Des
Revived King Ha Des
DARK Zombie ★6
ATK 2450 / DEF 0
Curse of Dread [R]
"Plaguespreader Zombie" + 1 or more non-Tuner Zombie-Type monsters
Negate the effects of Effect Monsters destroyed by battle with Zombie-Type monsters you control.

Similar to Archfiend Zombie-Skull, Revived King Ha Des can only be summoned with Spectralsword's effect. Its effect essentially prevents your opponent from activating any floating effects.

Archfiend Zombie-Skull
Archfiend Zombie-Skull
DARK Zombie ★6
ATK 2500 / DEF 1200
Curse of Dread [N]
"Plaguespreader Zombie" + 2 or more non-Tuner Zombie-Type monsters
Face-up Zombie-Type monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects.

Archfiend Zombie Skull in this deck can only be summoned with Spectralsword's graveyard effect. The mass protection from destruction effects is nice especially since all your Shiranui Synchros, except Sunsaga, have zero forms of protection. Having Archfiend Zombie-Skull alongside Sunsaga, means that Sunsaga won't have to use his own protection that often in case you are running out of Shiranuis in the grave.

When Archfiend Zombie-Skull is in the graveyard, use him to make Shogunsaga. And then revive him and Spectralsword from the banish zone with Spectralsword Shade. You can then use Spectralsword with Shogunsaga to make Sunsaga.

Avendread Savior
Avendread Savior
DARK Zombie
ATK 1600 / DEF 2
Lord of Borrel [SR]
2 Zombie monsters
This card's name becomes "Revendread Slayer" while on the field. You can only use each of the following effects of "Avendread Savior" once per turn.
● You can target 1 "Vendread" card in your GY; add it to your hand.
● During damage calculation, if this card battles an opponent's monster (Quick Effect): You can send 1 Zombie monster from your Deck to the GY; that opponent's monster loses ATK equal to the Level of the monster sent to the GY x 200, until the end of this turn.

Avendread Savior is a strong addition to a Shiranui Deck as it provides additional offensive and defensive options. Its ability to send Zombie monsters from the Deck to the Graveyard during damage calculation allows for efficient removal of opponent's monsters and damage reduction. This can help set up your graveyard for Synchro Summoning and other effects that require monsters in the GY.

Additionally, its Link Summoning requirement of two Zombie monsters fits well with the theme of a Shiranui Deck, and its overall stats of 2100 ATK and 0 DEF make it a formidable presence on the field.


  • The Skill Sealed Tombs and the Field Spell Necrovalley can shut down your entire strategy.
  • If you Normal Summon Shiranui Squire or Shiranui Spiritmaster to make a Synchro play and their effects are negated (i.e. Forbidden Chalice ), you are pretty much done with your turn. This also applies if they are removed from the field (i.e. Raigeki Break) or put in a position where you can't use them as synchro material. (i.e. Paleozoic Canadia)
  • All of your monsters have 0 DEF. A single Sphere Kuriboh or an Enemy Controller and your best monster is gone.

Other useful cards

Samurai Skull

Samurai Skull
Samurai Skull
DARK Zombie ★4
ATK 1700 / DEF 0
Generation Next [R]
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can send 1 Zombie monster from your Deck to the GY. If this face-up card in its owner's control leaves the field because of an opponent's card effect: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Zombie monster from your Deck, except "Samurai Skull".

As opposed to Gozuki, Samurai Skull only lets you mill once upon Normal Summon.

However, one aspect where this card is better than Gozuki is its floating effect. This means your field won't be left defenseless after Samurai Skull is removed via card effect. But the monster you Special Summon would most likely be destroyed by battle. Therefore, the best targets for Samurai Skull's floating are Solitaire or Spectralsword; in other words, something you want in the graveyard.

Other Shiranui Monsters

Shiranui Smith
Shiranui Smith
FIRE Zombie ★4
ATK 1000 / DEF 0
Soul of Resurrection [N]
If this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard as a Synchro Material: You can add 1 "Shiranui" card from your Deck to your hand, except "Shiranui Smith". You can only use this effect of "Shiranui Smith" once per turn. If this card is banished: You can activate this effect; this turn, Zombie-Type monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle.

Not a reliable searcher since it only works when it's used as a synchro, but it works well with only 1 copy and Ghost Meets Girl so you can special summon this from the deck.

Block Attack

Sphere Kuriboh
Sphere Kuriboh
DARK Fiend ★1
ATK 300 / DEF 200
The Ultimate Rising [UR]
Selection Box Vol. 01 [UR]
When an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; change the attacking monster to Defense Position. When you Ritual Summon a monster, you can banish this card from your Graveyard as 1 of the monsters required for the Ritual Summon.

Post-nerf Shiranui Decks suffer from slow first turns making them very vulnerable early game. Having defensive options like Sphere Kuriboh on hand can help you survive until your plays are setup.

Other Techs

Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Quick Spell
Chaotic Soldiers [UR]
Selection Box Vol.04 [UR]
Target 1 face-up monster on the field; change that target to face-down Defense Position.

Useful as a disruption tool to stop enemy combos or to dodge certain cards by targeting your own monster.

Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Quick Spell
Galactic Origin [UR]
Selection Box Vol. 01 Mini [UR]
Special Set Bundle Sale [UR]
Pay 1000 LP, then target 1 Spell/Trap Card on the field; banish it.

Cosmic Cyclone can help remove any pesky backrow cards that may hinder their plays. Additionally, banishing the targeted card can be useful against decks that have graveyard-related effects or effects that trigger when a card is sent to the graveyard.

Monster Reborn
Monster Reborn
Normal Spell
5th Anniversary Campaign [UR]
Target 1 monster in either player's Graveyard; Special Summon it.

Works well with Gozuki since you'll essentially be able to special summon any monster from your deck.

You can use Gozuki to send Solitaire to the grave and revive with Monster Reborn. Use Solitaire's effect to send itself to special summon Spectralsword. Synchroing with Gozuki will let you use Gozuki's second effect to special summon another monster from your hand by banishing the Solitaire from the grave. Useful as a follow-up if you have another Spectralsword, but it's not always worth it to banish Solitaire early like this.

Forbidden Lance
Forbidden Lance
Quick Spell
Valhalla Calling [UR]
Selection Box Vol. 02 Mini [UR]
Target 1 face-up monster on the field; until the end of this turn, that target loses 800 ATK, but is unaffected by the effects of other Spell/Trap Cards.

Losing 800 ATK in exchange for backrow protection isn't a problem for Shogunsaga and Sunsaga; especially a boosted Shogunsaga. This lets you attack safely through a full field of Spell/Traps.

Alternatively this can be used to debuff your opponent's monster during battle.

Warning Point
Warning Point
Normal Trap
Link Revolution [UR]
When a monster(s) is Summoned: This turn, that face-up monster(s) cannot attack, its effects are negated, also it cannot be used as material for a Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link Summon.

Great Discruptive Trap by negating 1 face-up monster's effect with block attack while it is Summoned, also prevent it from being using as Extra Deck Summon material.

Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Normal Trap
Selection Box Vol.04 Mini [UR]
Target 1 monster on the field; return that target to the hand.

Very powerful monster removal card that can disrupt your opponent's combo easily.

Ballista Squad
Ballista Squad
Normal Trap
Fortress of Gears [UR]
Tribute 1 monster, then target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy it.


Hot New Top
No way a shiranui decks that isn't set 4 pass? :0
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
set-a-nui lol
Garbage deck if the cowards were unable to hide behind 500 traps...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Gonna ©ry?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Deck of 🔥s
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
"gonna cry" Provavelmente um br imbecil
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Now this will become the best cost/competitiveness ratio deck. Cheap af and strong. You should be getting the staples with dream tickets anyways even the ol 3 karma, 3 floodgate works
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Konami knows and is gonna rig the box so you get squire in the last 10 packs
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
doesn't matter with only 2500 gems you go full. On average with 5000 gems you have all 3x
Andy Bogard
I love Shiranui
<< Anonymous(Andy Bogard)
Shirogane Noel Reply
Me too
<< Anonymous(Andy Bogard)
Mai Shiranui Reply
Sorry but I'm in the middle of getting gangbanged by black guys. Bye cuck. XD!
*Stall: deck recipe
Still slaps most of the meta decks. Easiest KoG climbs in my life also best Gem spent ever ingame. Also cool looking cards and zombies are badass. What can i say more? If you didn't bought the box yet what the hell are you waiting for?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*dies to a single disruption*
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*proceeds to synchro again from gy
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can easily you disrupt a samurai skull plus 3 set by surrendering.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You never set three. That's a third rate move.
Yet another KoG in under 80 wins

This is a true Zombie deck. It just doesn't stay dead.
<< Anonymous
Rana Linchen Aoi Reply
Whoever said that Shiranui is the best investment in Duel Links, they are correct.
<< Anonymous(Rana Linchen Aoi)
Rana Linchen Aoi Reply
Ummm... yeah no never mind.
Guys this deck has more traps than shiranui monsters is this even considered a shiranui deck anymore??
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Its always has been this way, even with multiple nerfs. Truly unbalanced 🔥. Best decision when i was spent gems in the shiranui box.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Really, how many months has it been? And I still get to KoG consistently and fast, this season it was 73 wins
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It has been a little over 1 year since Shiranuis were introduced.
Still reaching kog in under 90 wins, best investment ever
<< Anonymous
Not KoG Reply
That is swell. Can you share your experience in legends 1 to 5? I do not need the deck list because legends use almost one deck.
Shiranui Appreciator
Invoked and Shiranui were the best investments I ever made. These powerful decks were worth the time and tickets grinding for. They have never knelt before the banlists in 2 years.
<< Anonymous(Shiranui Appreciator)
Kazuya Aoi♥Rana Aoi Reply
Shiranui I can understand, it's still strong today although not top tier.
But Invoked, in which kind of deck can we even play Invoked today?
<< Anonymous(Kazuya Aoi♥Rana Aoi)
Anonymous Reply
yang zing
<< Anonymous(Kazuya Aoi♥Rana Aoi)
Not KoG Reply
1 Purgatrio is enough for Yang Zing Invoked.
Not KoG
Yang Zing Invoked is a KoG deck.

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How to beat/farm Legendary Duelists Lvl 40

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How to beat/farm Legendary Duelists Lvl 40

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How to beat/farm Legendary Duelists Lvl 40

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How to beat/farm Legendary Duelists Lvl 40

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How to beat/farm Legendary Duelists Lvl 40

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Comments (updated every hour)

My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
Well I eventually joined the dark side, and put this in my deck. :P
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