
Masked Swordsman: deck recipe

Duel Links Masked Swordsman deck, Masked Swordsman in the meta, how to use Masked Swordsman cards.
update 23/09/2019


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Example Deck

Standard Version

Silent Swordsman LV7Destiny HERO - DeciderDestiny HERO - DeciderDestiny HERO - DeciderDestiny HERO - DrilldarkDestiny HERO - Drilldark
Destiny HERO - DrilldarkSilent SwordsmanSilent SwordsmanSilent SwordsmanDestiny HERO - Doom LordDestiny HERO - Doom Lord
Mask ChangeMask ChangeMask ChangeSilent Sword SlashSilent Sword SlashWall of Disruption
Wall of DisruptionWall of Disruption-Masked HERO AnkiMasked HERO AnkiMasked HERO Anki

Alternative Version

Silent Swordsman LV7Destiny HERO - DeciderDestiny HERO - DeciderDestiny HERO - DeciderDestiny HERO - DrilldarkDestiny HERO - Drilldark
Silent SwordsmanSilent SwordsmanSilent SwordsmanDestiny HERO - Doom LordDestiny HERO - Doom LordVision HERO - Vyon
Silent Swordsman LV3Silent Swordsman LV3Vision HERO PoisonerMask ChangeMask ChangeMask Change
Silent Sword SlashSilent Sword Slash-Masked HERO AnkiMasked HERO AnkiMasked HERO Anki
[Skill] descriptionUser
Light and Dark
Choose 1 of the following: -Return 1 DARK monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 LIGHT monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. -Return 1 LIGHT monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 DARK monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. This Skill can only be used once per turn, and twice per Duel.
Umbra & Lumis
Umbra & Lumis

How to Use

Silent Swordsman

You can Special Summon Silent Swordsman by Tributing a Warrior-Type monster. Each Standby Phase Silent Swordsman gains 500 ATK, so, while its original ATK is pretty low, thanks to this effect and Silent Swords Slash, this monster can quickly become more of a threat.

In addition to the ability to, once per turn, negate the activation of a Spell Card, which is particularly relevant now that Banishment of the Darklords is in the game, when it’s destroyed by battle or by an opponent’s card effect, Silent Swordsman, similarly to its Spellcaster counterpart, allows you to Special Summon from your Deck or hand another “Silent Swordsman” monster.

The “Silent Swordsman” monster you more than likely want to Special Summon via Silent Swordsman’s effect is Silent Swordsman LV7, a 2800 ATK Warrior-Type monster that negates the effects of all Spell Cards on the field.
Since Silence Sword Slash’s effect can’t be negated, you will still be able to target Silent Swordsman LV7 with it and, since its activation can’t be negated either, an opponent’s Silent Magician or Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En will not be able to prevent you from activating it.

Silent Sword Slash

This is the “Silent Swordsman” version of Silent Burning: it’s much easier to activate compared to its counterpart and it has arguably a better effect. This Quick-Play Spell permanently increases the ATK and DEF of a “Silent Swordsman” monster you control by 1500 and, until the end of the turn, it makes that monster immune to your opponent’s card effects. Sphere Kuriboh, Enemy Controller and Drowning Mirror Force will not be able to stop your Silent Swordsman and you can even activate the effect of this card in response to them for protection.

Destiny HERO - Decider

Destiny HERO - Decider prevents Level 6 or higher monsters your opponent controls from targeting it for attacks, which means that by itself it’s capable of stopping an entire board full of “Darklord” monsters, as long as your opponent does not have The Sanctified Darklord available on the field or in the Graveyard.

Destiny HERO - Drilldark

If Destiny HERO - Drilldark is Normal or Special Summoned, you can Special Summon a “Destiny HERO” monster with ATK less than or equal to Drilldark from your hand. Use Drilldark’s effect in order to gain a presence on the board.

Destiny HERO - Doom Lord

Once per turn, Destiny HERO - Doom Lord allows you to banish a monster on the opponent’s side of the field. It’s true that you cannot declare an attack during the turn you activate this effect and the monster is returned to the field during your 2nd Standby Phase after it was banished, but you still get to temporarily remove something from the board.

Mask Change & Masked HERO Anki

By sending a DARK “HERO” monster you control to the Graveyard, Mask Change allows you to Special Summon Masked HERO Anki from your Extra Deck. Masked HERO Anki is a 2800 ATK monster that is able to attack your opponent directly, but, just like Cyberdark Edge, when it does, it deals half the damage.

Once per turn, if Anki destroys an opponent’s monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, you can add a Mask Change from your Deck to your hand. Anki is still able to generate early OTKs, but it’s not nearly as consistent as it used to be.

Vision HERO Vyon & Vision HERO Poisoner

If Vision HERO Vyon is Normal or Special Summoned, it allows you to send a “HERO” monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. Use Light and Dark to search Vyon, Normal Summon it and send Vision HERO Poisoner from your Deck to the GY. If you take battle or effect damage while Poisoner is in your Graveyard, you can place it in your Spell & Trap Zone.

You can then, during your Main Phase, Tribute a HERO monster to Special Summon Vision HERO Poisoner from your Spell & Trap Zone and halve the ATK of a face-up monster on the field. Activate Mask Change, Special Summon Masked HERO Anki and use it to destroy the now weakened opponent’s monster. If you end up drawing Vision HERO Poisoner, you can always shuffle it back into your Deck and add a Silent Swordsman LV3 to your hand.

Additional Notes


[Skill] descriptionUser
Light and Dark
Choose 1 of the following: -Return 1 DARK monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 LIGHT monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. -Return 1 LIGHT monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 DARK monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. This Skill can only be used once per turn, and twice per Duel.
Umbra & Lumis
Umbra & Lumis

This Skill is what holds this deck together, allowing you to search Silent Swordsman or a monster to send to the GY to Summon it.


  • The Sanctified Darklord can be used to negate Silent Swordsman’s or Silent Swordsman LV7’s effect, allowing your opponent to activate Banishment of the Darklords, Darklord Contact, Hey, Trunade! and Cosmic Cyclone. If you have Silent Sword Slash available, that’s not going to be a problem, but you can only have two copies of the Quick-Play Spell in your Deck and it only protects your monster during the turn you activate it.
  • Powerful Battle Traps like Drowning Mirror Force and Wall of Disruption can be particularly problematic to deal with for both Silent Swordsman and Masked HERO Anki.
  • Silent Swordsman LV7 will negate the effect of Mask Change, preventing you from Summoning Anki. This can lead to a lot of unpleasant situations in which you are not able to close the game.
  • Darklord Desire and many other cards can bypass Silent Swordsman’s floating effect.
  • Silent Swordsman LV7 naturally has 2800 ATK, which is not enough to get over a Blue-Eyes White Dragon, an Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon or even a Darklord Ixchel in Defense Position


I really hope we can get light and dark from the new skill trader that is supposed to be coming with dsod world. I want to use the skill with this deck without Lumis and Umbra.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I could see certain characters getting character-exclusive skills this way (for example, Kaiba getting Kaibacorp Bling or Mai getting Peak Performance), but some skills like Light and Dark don't seem like good candidates for this.

It's probably mostly basic skills like others have said, though, maybe with a few of the other more widespread ones (Beatdown, Tie that Binds, Grit, etc.) thrown in.
<< Anonymous
Yami Aster Reply
I want Master of Destiny and Destiny Draw for Aster Phoenix and Beatdown! for Hell Kaiser (and Aster Phoenix) and everything for Aster Phoenix.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Anonymous Reply
I might be wrong but it seems like the skill lottery will be used to unlock skills that your character has not unlocked i.e., if you have Lumis and Umbra but dont have Light and Dark, you can use the skill chips to unlock this skill and any others that haven't dropped for each character from PvP or legendary duelists.
<< Anonymous
Yami Aster Reply
Ohhh I hope not! That would be so boring. I think it might only be the lp skills and restart and balance. Maybe the less common like beatdown. But probably not things unique to one character for all the others to have.
Adding Doom Lord is a bad idea. The rest silent swordsman is ok.
<< Anonymous(Bapakkauanjing)
Anonymous Reply
What would you replace it with then?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Mot the op but been thinking about it. Maybe 1 more drilldark and dreamer?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Depends on which version you use.
If only we have the LIGHT Masked Hero already.....I'm sure it would be added to this deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I doubt it'd run Neos Alius just for that.
masked swordsman lol, anki never dies

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