
Lava Golem Burn: deck recipe

update 08/11/2018


The main objective of this deck is to use your card effects to reduce your opponent's Life Points to 0. With the introduction of Lava Golem, burn out your opponent faster by special summoning it to your opponent's field by using his/her monsters as a tribute.

Example deck

Updated Version

This Deck's original Idea credits to [SEM]橫山博一

Lava GolemLava GolemAmazoness PrincessAmazoness PrincessSphere KuribohSphere Kuriboh
Amazoness QueenAmazoness Swords WomanAmazoness Swords WomanAmazoness Swords WomanMirror WallMirror Wall
Wall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionAmazoness OnslaughtCurse of AnubisCurse of the CircleCurse of the Circle
Stardust Re-SparkStardust Re-Spark

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Ojama Go!
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. Special Summon "Ojama Token" on your opponent's side of the field in Defense Position. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Chazz Princeton
Chazz Princeton

Previous Version

Grarl Lockdown

Lava GolemSphere KuribohSphere KuribohSphere KuribohTour Bus To Forbidden RealmsTour Bus To Forbidden Realms
Cobra JarDoomdog OcthrosDoomdog OcthrosDoomdog OcthrosGravity Axe - GrarlGravity Axe - Grarl
Gravity Axe - GrarlEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerBurning LandBurning Land
Mask of the AccursedCurse of Anubis
[Skill] descriptionUsers
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck.
Check here!

How to use

Get Lava Golem from your Deck

Since we can only obtain 1 copy of Lava Golem, we're going to have a hard time of drawing it from the deck. By having multiple copies of these cards, it greatly increases the chance of getting it. Set these cards and let your opponent's monster destroy it, these two cards have the ability to search Lava Golem from the deck and add it to your hand. They will also serve as your front line defense against attacks in this deck.

Lock Lava Golem

When your opponent has 2 or more monsters on their side of the field, tribute them to special summon Lava Golem to their field in face-up defense position. Then either use Gravity Axe - Grarl to lock him in defense position, or use Mask of the Accursed to prevent him form attacking and add burn.

Prevent Lava Golem's attack

Lava Golem has a very high attack which is dangerous when you get hit by it. Use these cards to prevent your opponent's monsters attack while you have no cards to lock Lava Golem. While Sphere Kuriboh, Enemy Controller and Curse of Anubis is mainly used to switch the position of your opponent's monster to stop their attacks. Additionally if you're lucky and managed to draw Gravity Axe - Grarl you can lock them in defense position.

Burn your opponent more

Deal more effect damage to your opponent by using these cards. A player will receive 500 effect damage during his/her Standby Phase when Burning Land is on the field. It also destroys the field spell of your opponent during the activation.

Other sample decks

Parasite Infestation

Lava GolemSphere KuribohTour Bus To Forbidden RealmsTour Bus To Forbidden RealmsTour Bus To Forbidden RealmsCobra Jar
Doomdog OcthrosDoomdog OcthrosDoomdog OcthrosIron Blacksmith KotetsuBurning LandBurning Land
Mask of the AccursedMask of the AccursedJade Insect WhistleJade Insect WhistleWindstorm of EtaquaAttack and Receive
Attack and ReceiveAttack and Receive

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Parasite Infestation
After starting hands are dealt, 1 or 2 "Parasite Paracide" cards are added to your opponent's deck face up.
Weevil Underwood


Your opponent will see Lava Golem once you search it from your deck. They might delay their summons to prevent you from special summoning it from their field. Jade Insect Whistle gets rid of that problem since it puts Parasite Paracide from the top of their decks. When Parasite Paracide is drawn, its effect forces them to summon it to their field while inflicting 1000 effect damage. Once your opponent has 2 monsters in the field, you can then tribute those monsters to special summon Lava Golem. The controller of this card will receive 1000 effect damage on each of his/her Standby Phase.

Other useful cards

For versatile cards that can be used in any deck, click the blue box below.

Nimble Musasabi
Nimble Musasabi
Inflicts 500 effect damage to your opponent when destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard. Can also be used to add monsters to your opponent's field which can be used as a tribute to special summon Lava Golem.
Gyaku-Gire Panda
Gyaku-Gire Panda
Does piercing damage and increases its own attack depending on the number of monsters of your opponent in the field.
Inaba White Rabbit
Inaba White Rabbit
Can provide additional damage by attacking your opponent directly. Can't be destroyed in battle unless you set it since it returns to your hand at the End Phase when you summoned it.
Similar to Inaba White Rabbit that can be used to attack directly every turn but it's banished instead when it successfully attacks your opponent directly.
Big Shield Gardna
Big Shield Gardna
Could be a good addition to this deck since it doesn't have monsters that can survive against attacks.
Cocoon of Evolution
Cocoon of Evolution
Also a monster that can survive to attacks. Similar to Big Shield Gardna but with lesser defense.
Goblin Thief
Goblin Thief
Provides more effect damage and life points recovery.
Attack and Receive
Attack and Receive
You can combo Attack and Receive to Burning Land once you get hit by its effect damage. It deals 700 effect damage to your opponent when activated and it gives additional effect damage depending on the number of Attack and Receive from your Graveyard.


Hot New Top
Only noobs lose against this one tbh, I've been winning against this deck since 2017, yeah it can surprise you but it's not really that difficult to beat
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Autistic meter is still going up
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thanks for broadcasting- you’re the only one it’s point at
<< Anonymous
Richard tingler Reply
Now my autistic meeter is buzzing and I'm about to shoot clue goo all over
<< Anonymous
Richard tingler Reply
Your not difficult to beat
If you play this deck, just uninstall the game.
<< Anonymous
Protagonist Reply
Nah bro. Kiss them Life Points goodbye XD.
<< Anonymous(Protagonist)
Antagonist Reply
I'll be kissing YOU goodbye in a seco-

W-wait! that came out wrong! Let me try that again!
<< Anonymous(Antagonist)
Anonymous Reply
For everyone who 🔥es about there being no good F2P decks, come pull your heads out of your asses and join us
good againts the meta, BE Cosmo and HERO
50:50 againts vampire. easy win againts swarming deck and minim tribute

thx me later
<< Anonymous
2 - 1 vs Yubel Fire King, so its 66%
<< Anonymous(BURN UR META MONEY)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(BURN UR META MONEY)
Anonymous Reply
did you seriously based your winning rate on just 3 duels
<< Anonymous(BURN UR META MONEY)
Anonymous Reply
Against an actual optimal meta deck, this pile of garbage has no chance, even against the meta when this was posted
Most brainded card in the game like its users Tributing 2 of your opponents monsters without any cost. 1K DMG EVERY TURN IN 4K LP MATCH LOLOLOLOL
No need to limit guys completely balanced
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It is free card

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I said without any cost like paying life points or discard.
Are you sure u know englis?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well I live and work in a country where nobody uses English every day why should I speak it perfectly? How many languages do you know?
Suck my google translate Pay to win noob

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well i think so 1k damage is way too much for duel links. Maybe reducing the damage to 600-700 from 1000 is good idea
People started playing this 🔥 again?
<< Anonymous
Lovely Aster Reply
Yes. I run into this often now.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
We need more people play Lava Golem. Make it meta so that Konami will finally hit it properly.
brainless trash
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
every deck in this game is brainless. this game is brainless
Konami must do something about this decks, BAN Lava Golem! Too powerful for a 3 slot field! No difference to Bambu Swords, You just sit and watch your LP decrease in no time.
<< Anonymous
.... Reply
you can tribute the lava golem or use enemy contoller second effect, using lava golem can backfire hard
<< Anonymous(....)
Anonymous Reply
in the current meta right not there is not much decks that uses ether tributes or econ. so ya hit lava golem and swordwoman
I played 7 games in a row against this 🔥 today are u kidding me konami? I dont wanna see weevil face anymore.Just give a good f2p deck and maybe players will stop playing this 🔥.
<< Anonymous(mvpdr0se)
Anonymous Reply
My UA has 100 percent win rate against them. But when I play UA they dont appear much :(
Lovely Aster
It says, "Burn your opponent more." lol Man, they really got into this.
Whoever made the updated version, their miserable life has no value at all.
Some suggestions for my lava golem deck?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Remove spirit and astral barriers. Just right 20 cards.

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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