
Parasite Infestation (Skill)

update 11/07/2019

Skill Details

After starting hands are dealt, 1 or 2 "Parasite Paracide" cards are added to your opponent's deck face up. This Skill can only activate if you begin the Duel with a Deck that has 4 or more Insect-Type monsters with different names.

CharacterHow to Get
Weevil UnderwoodLvl 20

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Description (Since 2019 Jul 26)

After starting hands are dealt, 1 or 2 "Parasite Paracide" cards are added to your opponent's deck face up. This Skill can only activate if you begin the Duel with a Deck that has 4 or more Insect-Type monsters with different names.

Description (Until 2019 Jul 25)

After starting hands are dealt, 1 or 2 "Parasite Paracide" cards are added to your opponent's deck face up.

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Digital Bug Deck: I know I don't belong, but I'm just going to make my self right at home here
One possibility - as this & another website says - is that this skill is another one of 3 skills to be usuefull for a Bad Reaction to Simochi OTK-Deck.
This 🔥 deck still lives as I saw some failed abortions using it with 🔥 insects like Man Eating Bug. They're using the 2 Amazoness they can, and the typical backrow 🔥. One of them even had the nerve to grind for Mask of Restrict... more banlist hits are needed.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
at what rank did you see it lol?
it is only Six sams, Neos and Desperado in Legend
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Platinum... thankfully they're getting otk'd by those 🔥 metas there before legend.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
if you can, stay in platinum till end of the season
It's definitely a big hit to 🔥 burn decks. But since it still allows for a deck with this skill to have Lava Golem, it's sadly not the end. They can fill the 4 insect requirement with Man-Eating Bug, Krawler Spine, 4-Star Ladybug and Naturia Dragonfly for that 🔥 style of play.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
In addition to semi-limiting Lava Golem, they would need to semi limit a few of the other stall cards as well, if they truly want to 🔥 Lava Golem decks.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Realistically, Lava Golem + Swords Woman along with the Parasite Infestation nerf would be all that's necessary to make burn kinda not worth it anymore. The backrow and other monsters typically aren't the win conditions of the deck, it's usually the damage from Golem and Swords Woman.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That's right, it's still a big hit... all that backrow 🔥 isn't a guaranteed win without Swordswoman... I hope those horrid decks become less common now. Desperado screws them hard as well.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
"They haven't stopped to think that"... true of most of them. I've seen a parasite burn player Floodgate that monarch frog... those guys are complete idiots.
Weevil didn't play burn to be honest, his deck was always insect type-based
It has become totally useless now. It was a good average skill for PvP duels. The goal to restrict your opponent by taking away a draw phase has been good. And the 1000 dmg come on, that is the same as giving me a 1000 LP at the start of a battle. I can argue that having 1000LP more than enemy at start of duel can immediately give me upper hand (Aromage for example). I have seen many methods to avoid parasite skill: shuffling decks, full fields, chaining rainbow life..
Konami ruining the fun of PvP by limiting this skill.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
man-eater bug, howling insect, gokipon, skullmark ladybug for requiment
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Krawler Spine have same effect with better stats than Man-Eater Bug
<< Anonymous
CDNM Reply
And warm worm , golden ladybug
<< Anonymous(CDNM)
Anonymous Reply
Warm Worm isn't that good of a choice now that the meta likes having cards being sent to the Graveyard.

Gold Ladybug doesn't really benefit Lava Golem Parasite decks. You'll only run 1 since you need different names, and 500 LP per turn isn't that much. Not to mention its 0/0 stats.
<< Anonymous
Vexed Vapor Reply
Well, it's not always the stats that matter.
My favorite thing to happen is when you find out there was only one parasite in your deck when they use the whistle after you got one and nothing happens. XD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
IMO they need to add card destruction and stop catering to burn decks
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
IMO, people need to stop bi*ching about burn decks or just stop playing yugioh lol..
My luck against this skill is having it drop on my first draw phase. Every. Time.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not sure if that's a glitch cuz I get that as well whenever I duel weevil player I ALWAYS go SECOND AND THE TOP CARD IS ALWAYS THE PARASITE.
Neos summon
I used Neosphere summon for fusion fodder to summon my elemental hero monster bahaha

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
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