
Statue Control: deck recipe

update 07/04/2017


Example deck

Lava GolemCard GuardCard GuardSphere KuribohSergeant ElectroSergeant Electro
Sergeant ElectroGuardian StatueGuardian StatueGuardian StatueEnemy ControllerEnemy Controller
Enemy ControllerFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleMirror WallMirror WallWall of Disruption
Wall of DisruptionCurse of Anubis--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUsers
Guardian Call
Can be used when your Life Points decrease by 1800. Randomly add 1 "Guardian" card from your Deck to your hand. This skill can only be used once per Duel.

Paradox Brothers

How to use this deck

Board control

The main aspect of this deck is field control, all cards in this deck are either used to remove cards form the field, to prevent attacks or to pin down cards.

  • Guardian Statue can activate and flip summon, returning your opponent's monster back to their hand, enabling an easy direct attack.
  • Sergeant Electro is used to lock the opponent's spell/traps, which might be better than destruction since it clogs their backrow.
  • Special summon Lava Golem when you want to get rid of your opponent's monster. It's effective when used as a surprise, after your opponent has used up their resources to summon their monsters.

Using the skill

Use Paradox Brother's skill "Guardian Call" to get Guardian Statue from your deck. It can only be used once your LP is decreased by at least 1800. Useful if you don't get to draw any monster, but it can only be used once per duel. You can also reduce your own LP by using Mirror Wall. Activate it during your opponent's end phase, and pay the 2000 LP cost during your standby phase, allowing you to use the skill on main phase.

Card Guard

Safety Walls

Wall of Disruption and Mirror Wall can be used to protect your monster, and destroy your opponent's monster as well.

  • Activate Mirror Wall to halve the attack of your opponent's monster during battle. This would almost always destroy your opponent's monster if they attack into your Sergeant Electro, or any other monster with at least 1500 attack.
  • Wall of Disruption is very effective when your opponent has multiple monsters on the field. This will permanently reduce their attack, allowing you to deal almost direct damage if their attack goes down to 0. If you think your opponent has no higher level monster to tribute summon, you can also stall the duel by not destroying them so they can't summon new monsters.

Protecting your Monsters

Use spell/trap cards to protect your monsters and maintain control of the field.

  • Curse of Anubis can be used if your opponent activates Wall of Disruption when you attack. This will stop your attack, preventing you from taking damage and getting your monster destroyed.
  • Floodgate Trap Hole to flip your opponent's monster to face down. They won't be able to attack and activate their effect. Helps against powerful high level cards, or even Kaibaman, or Silent Magician LV4 so that they can't be used to special summon stronger monsters.

Other useful cards

For cards that can be used in any deck, check the link below.

Half Shut
Half Shut
This will ensure your Guardian Statue will survive any attack.
Attack the Moon!
Attack the Moon!
Good synergy with Guardian Statue allows it's effect to be used every turn.
Interdimensional Matter Transporter
Interdimensional Matter Transporter
A really good defensive card to make sure Guardian Statue doesn't get targeted by anything, but it requires the card to be face-up.
Adhesion Trap Hole
Adhesion Trap Hole
This is effective if you put Guardian Statue face-down often. Only monster with 2800+ attack can get over Guardian Statue's defense.
A Feint Plan
A Feint Plan
Since this deck revolves around Guardian Statue this card can be considered the best support card for this deck.

Other useful skills

[Skill] descriptionUser
Destiny Draw
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 2000. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw the card of your choice.


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Thanks for running this deck constantly everyone in plat. You helped me get to legend for the first time :)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol this is the comment of someone crying
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i dont think u comprehend what the word "crying" actually means sir
IMO this deck is the worst. I hated to use it because it's really slow... And I hate to play against it for the same reason... ZzzzZzZzZzzZzz
<< Anonymous(Guigeek)
Anonymous Reply
Yeah. Zero fun at all
Total Decay
Got KoG with this deck
<< Anonymous(james)
Anonymous Reply
tfw someone says divine wrath is good
<< Anonymous(Total Decay )
Justin Reply
Ultimate Providence is a pretty good alternative in this deck as well. Dude if they add skill drain to this game GG LMAO.
<< Anonymous(Total Decay )
Anonymous Reply
I only have 1 srh, any good replacements? Also, I only have 2 mirror walls
<< Anonymous
Total Decay Reply
unfortunately SRH has no replacements. it is a game changing card. 2 mirror walls are just fine. You can add 1 magical arm shield or 1 curse of anubis
I use similar deck. but headlong and moneywall replaced with sunlight desert and Dream clown. Its fun deck to use. but not good against phoenix, naturia, ice barrier deck.
I use this deck but it gets owned by AMA and phoenix decks. Decent deck regardless. I would say about 60-70% win rate.
I like how statue decks are constantly in the tier 1 list and I never have any trouble beating them ever. I don't get it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i don't use it, but I think tier 1 is correct. may I ask what deck did u use to counter it?
<< Anonymous
F Reply
Maybe they are bad playing the game. I use a funnier version of this deck and I win very easy vs everything except for phoenix (worst match up). If they start with one statue and mirror wall/magical arm shield/S-Kuriboh/windstorm/ they can stall you. Even vs Z-red eyes you can made crash each other with magical arm tilt. Feint plan, Red eyes back to your hand.
Go after the mirror walls or buy more vampire packs for the red eyes.
which deck is better, this one or the red eyes?
<< Anonymous
- Reply
Gotta say Red-Eyes
Uhh any good replacements for 2x mirror wallet?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol, you ppl always came up with best name possible.. From Sphere Ebola to Mirror Wallet
This deck is kinda expensive. Any deck with that kind of back row and a 1700 atk monsters would usually win with ease. I still manage to climb up using Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke version cuz I only have 1 SRH and 1 Mirror Wall and the rest are like econ and security orb.
how to counter statue deck
ugh i hate this deck, everytime i see Pegasus face i wanna smash my wall , its sooo damn annoying to face 3 sergent electros and the whole back row , they rarely brick either , always happen to have the damn perfect hand every freaking time
<< Anonymous(James)
Anonymous Reply
That's why balance is so good. Good starting hands.
<< Anonymous(James)
Anonymous Reply
someone help james, he can't beat pegasus

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