
Cyber Light Ruler: deck recipe

update 28/03/2019


“Arcana Force” is an archetype that has recently been introduced in Duel Links via the Sartorius Kumar Unlock Event. “Arcana Force” monsters are characterized by the fact that, upon being Summoned, they can gain one of two different effects, based on the result of a coin toss.

This deck focuses on Summoning Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler, a monster with 4000 ATK and DEF and the potential ability to negate any Spell/Trap Card that targets it. Cyber Style can provide three monsters to send to the Graveyard to Summon this Level 10 monster and Cyber End Dragon is simply used as an alternative winning condition.

Example Deck

Version 1

Arcana Force EX - The Light RulerArcana Force EX - The Light RulerArcana Force EX - The Light RulerKing of the SwampWinged KuribohWinged Kuriboh
Winged KuribohCosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneThe Flute of Summoning KuribohThe Flute of Summoning Kuriboh
The Flute of Summoning KuribohHey, Trunade!Hey, Trunade!PolymerizationPolymerizationSolemn Scolding
Solemn ScoldingSolemn Scolding-Millennium-Eyes RestrictChimeratech OverdragonCyber End Dragon

Budget Version

Arcana Force EX - The Light RulerArcana Force EX - The Light RulerArcana Force EX - The Light RulerKuribohKuribohKuriboh
Winged KuribohWinged KuribohWinged KuribohThe Flute of Summoning KuribohThe Flute of Summoning KuribohThe Flute of Summoning Kuriboh
PolymerizationPolymerizationHey, Trunade!Enemy ControllerWindstorm of EtaquaSolemn Scolding
Solemn ScoldingSolemn Scolding--Chimeratech OverdragonCyber End Dragon

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Cyber Style
Can be used each time your Life Points are at 3000 or below. Play 1 "Proto-Cyber Dragon" on from outside of your Deck for every 1000 Life Points below 4000. "Proto-Cyber Dragon" played with this Skill cannot be Tributed or used as a material except when for Fusion Summoning. This skill can nly be used once per Duel.
Zane Truesdale
Zane Truesdale

How to Use

Winged Kuriboh & Flute of Summoning Kuriboh

If Winged Kuriboh is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, it prevents you from taking battle damage for the rest of the turn. Use Flute of Summoning Kuriboh to Special Summon Winged Kuriboh directly from your Deck in Defense Position and stall until you have Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler or Polymerization available.

Solemn Scolding

By paying 3000 Life Points, Solemn Scolding allows you to prevent your opponent from Summoning a monster or from activating a Spell Card, Trap Card or monster effect. If you Set Solemn Scolding on Turn 1 and use it on your opponent’s turn, you will be able to activate Cyberstyle and Special Summon Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler or Cyber End Dragon for a massive direct attack.

Cosmic Cyclone & Hey, Trunade!

Use Cosmic Cyclone and Hey, Trunade! to get rid of your opponent’s back row and Summon Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler safely. You can also use Cosmic Cyclone to banish Geartown and Ancient Gear Fortress to prevent your opponent from Summoning Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon.

Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler

Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler is a 4000 ATK monster that can only be Special Summoned by sending 3 monsters you control to the Graveyard. When The Light Ruler is Special Summoned, you toss a coin and, depending on the result, it gains a different effect.

  • If the result is “heads”, whenever Arcana Force EX
    The Light Ruler destroys an opponent’s monster by battle, it allows you to target a card in your Graveyard and add it to your hand;
  • If the result is “tails”, Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler will negate and destroy any Spell/Trap Card that targets it, but, every time that happens, it will also lose 1000 ATK.

You have a 50% chance to get a 4000 ATK monster that your opponent can’t take control of with Enemy Controller or destroy via Treacherous Trap Hole. Although Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler will lose 1000 ATK each time it’s targeted, its DEF will stay the same, making it still pretty difficult to deal with.

The Extra Deck

There is no way to add Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler from your Deck to your hand, you have to draw it naturally, which makes it quite unreliable. Cyber End Dragon is your alternative winning condition. Use King of the Swamp to search Polymerization, activate Cyberstyle and then Fusion Summon this 4000 ATK monster using 3 Proto-Cyber Dragons.

If your opponent has any monsters on the field, it will be impossible to OTK them with Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler or Cyber End Dragon. Fusion Summon Chimeratech Overdragon to destroy all of your opponent’s monsters.

You are rarely going to Summon Millennium-Eyes Restrict, but it’s still a nice card to have in your Extra Deck. You can Summon Millennium-Eyes Restrict using King of the Swamp and any of your Effect Monsters.

Additional Notes


[Skill] descriptionUser
Cyber Style
Can be used each time your Life Points are at 3000 or below. Play 1 "Proto-Cyber Dragon" on from outside of your Deck for every 1000 Life Points below 4000. "Proto-Cyber Dragon" played with this Skill cannot be Tributed or used as a material except when for Fusion Summoning. This skill can nly be used once per Duel.
Zane Truesdale
Zane Truesdale

Since Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler requires you to “send” 3 monsters you control to the Graveyard in order to be Summoned and not Tribute them, you can use this Skill to get this Level 10 monster on the field with relative ease. Use Solemn Scolding and Cosmic Cyclone to lower your Life Points and activate Cyber Style.



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Really do not understand the point of having 3 solemn scolding
<< Anonymous
ValleCula Reply
Consistency. You really want to open with Solemn Scolding.
So, right now, at the KC Cup it`s totally useless cause EVERY FRIKING DECK COUNTER IT.I mean i: Yubel deck, 6 Sams, Ancient Gear(well, actually that all, but that's all decks that ppl use right now).
So, if you're not lucky enough I recommend you to use Destiny Hero deck.
And if you are, well... lame kid you may use Yubel, or Samurai deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lmao. Ancient Gear can’t do anything vs this card. All they do is vomiting 3K beaters. Yubel is an issue though.
but you cant cyber style for the special summon because the proto cyber dragons can only be used as materials in a fusion summon
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
they cannot be tributed or be used as synchro material, but it seems Konami forgot a summoning condition that says "send to the graveyard" exist.
Cyber Style?! <3
You can also run this with "Fur Hire", similar to how you can splash Obelisk and Plasma into a Fur Hire deck.
Fun but becareful
Where the hell are the obligatory 3 junk syncrons, 3 canadias and 2 econs??? Without them it's not a gamea deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I agree this needs to be taken down immediately.

They aren't fooling anybody with the 3 Cosmics either.

I'm onto you faker.
For those who are curious, if you want to run the deck with Sartorius, you can toss in Agent of Creation Venus and her MSBs.

On a semi-similar note, can we get a regular Arcana Force deck list for Sartorius? One that focuses on the other cards in his Tarot?
<< Anonymous
ValleCula Reply
I made one around The Chariot and The Emperor, which are arguably the only viable ones available. Should be uploaded in the next few days.
Looks like a really powerful monster, maybe Obelisk will be jelaous.

On the other hand, Light Ruler is pretty much a metal version of Relinquished, isn't it?
Evil Rick
You wanna make a Light Ruler Deck? Just put him on your usual Fur-Hire deck and you're free to go.
<< Anonymous(Evil Rick)
ValleCula Reply
You might as well run Obelisk.
<< Anonymous(ValleCula)
Anonymous Reply
no you cant use the protos to tribute summon
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Light Ruler doesn't tribute, the SS requirement is "send"
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The guy who replied to ValleCula meaned: You can not use Protos to tribute summon Obelisk
There's nothing I hate more than decks that stalls with Kuribohs just to get that one boss monster on the field, no matter how good it is. I would rather use Venus + Shine Ball, and use something like Junk Synchron to re-use them in the graveyard just to get another wincon, in case something happens to Light Ruler.

I tried to make a pure Arcana Force deck with no luck xD
<< Anonymous(Alex)
Anonymous Reply
Don't give up, just throw in some more empresses and light rulers. My Arcana Force deck is wild!
<< Anonymous(Alex)
Anonymous Reply
I have fairly good luck with pure arcana and light ruler popping out at just the right time.

However I am in my brick period currently, from the hours of 6-9pm it's nothing but wall.
Shine Ball + Venus seems fine to summon it asap. I think this card can be better than Obelisk

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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